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Thursday, March 30. 2017ImagineFrom The Free Beacon:
Fear and Loathing of Donald Trump
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Thursday morning links
Principal Bans 'Bad' Books That Kids Actually Want to Read As a kid, I read indiscriminately. I still read almost anything. If you want kids to read and play outside, shoot your TV and throw out their iPads. Retirement Is Nobody’s Business but Your Own Loyalty oaths return to campi New DOD Report: Junior Female Officers Believe Gender Integration Is About Advancing A ‘Social Agenda’ School Has Its Budget Cut for Having Too Many White Students Emanuel Defends Chicago's Sanctuary Status After Sessions Warns of Funding Cuts Why do cities want so many illegals? DHS list of sanctuary cities leaps to 150; Baltimore now appears on the list Illegal Aliens Are Cancelling Their Food Stamps California’s Chief Justice: Enforcing Immigration Laws Goes Against The Rule Of Law CBS: ‘No Credible Source’ Backs Up Claim Clintons Got Paid for Uranium Your Flat Screen TV Is Causing The Somalia Drought California Shamelessly Persecutes Pro-Life Journalists Stop Calling the 'Freedom Caucus' the 'Rebellious Far Right Wing' Is Obamacare a lifesaver? IS OBAMACARE AN ENTITLEMENT PROGRAM? The Sad Cancer Of Third Party Pay Medical Care More wailing over Trump’s killing Obama’s overreaching climate regs – this time the doctors weigh in If warm weather is bad, why do so many old people go to Florida and Arizona? Leftists Attack V.P. Mike Pence For Being Loyal to His Wife! Trump signs “energy independence” executive order today, killing Obama climate regs North Korea threatens WAR with the US after Senator John McCain called despot Kim Jong-un a ‘crazy fat kid’ Britain officially files to leave the EU, as Scotland seeks its own exit Wednesday, March 29. 2017Oppressed?Peterson is a harsh speaker of truth
Wednesday morning links
When children came together when I was a child it was usually to argue about the rules of games and beat the crap out of each other. Seven Ways You’re Ruining Your Steak Dinner CONSUMER ALERT: 'CAN YOU HEAR ME' SCAMS An Army of Straw Men Keeps Campus Intolerance Alive Gotta protect the students from the KKK Wellesley too These people are evil ‘Free’ Camille Paglia! Evidence of employers paying women 20% less than men for the exact same work is as elusive as Bigfoot sightings Computer lab for indigenous only 'Originalism' — another word for the rule of law Investors not worried about the Maldives The Overton Window: How the Left turns the unthinkable into the uncontroversial Money for nothing: Cuomo’s $25 billion upstate-jobs failure What If the Health-Care Collapse Saves Trump's Presidency? President Trump And Making America Great Again — Swiss-Style Did Obamacare Create the Expectation of Universal Health Coverage? And did Obamacare solidify the belief that the federal government should provide it? UPDATE: President Obama’s Own Defense Deputy Admits Obama White House Spied on Candidate/President-Elect Trump… Tuesday, March 28. 2017Men will soon dominate women's sportsSo much for Title IX in the US. SDA. One wonders why we segregate sports by sex anyway. Why not let the best people rise to the top? As I understand it, psychosis is treatable but not curable.
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How the anti-semitism fad is due to TrumpMedia trying to create a Jew-scaring narrative. MSM is trying to scare the heck out of everybody now with freshly-minted narratives and, yes, fake news. It used to be called Yellow Journalism.
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Die, you selfish parasites!
Their medical care costs too much? And their Social Security? 25% of Medicare costs are during the final year of life, so please, people, find a way to die before your last year for the greater good of society and the federal debt. It's very European too. Not intending to go full Godwin, but the Nazis had lots of bioethicists, didn't they? And Margaret Sanger too. When ethicists, or people in the medical fields in general, begin thinking about "the greater good" instead of individuals, our culture is in trouble. From the utilitarian, practical standpoint of the State, the economically-unproductive or parastic should go away. Maybe we should ban bioethicists due to their lack of souls.
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FeelingsCA Sen. Kamala Harris: No on Gorsuch, because he rules on law & not feelings I always thought this song cried out for parody renditions, but maybe it just parodies itself:
Tuesday morning links
World’s largest dinosaur footprint discovered Down Under Sex may be key to a happy marriage, study finds Where would we be without such studies? Boston: It’s the end of urban planning as we know it (and we feel fine) Robots are Taking Our Jobs, and That is a Good Thing Students Confess Their Sins At ‘Masculinity Confession Booth’ Hmmm. That could take a while... As Trans Tide Rises, Women Athletes, Moms, Prisoners and Playwrights Beware:
The problem with medical care (and everything else) is scarcity NY TIMES PUBLISHES, THEN RETRACTS, FAKE NEWS MORE FAKE NEWS FROM THE NEW YORK TIMES Fox’s Cavuto Slams ‘Over-the-Top Negative Media Response’ to Everything Trump Does A Republican Fiasco Years in the Making Reynolds: Why aren't bills on infrastructure, tax reform and free speech lined up like planes on a runway? The growing nuclear threat from North Korea Islam: It’s not non-Western. It’s anti-Western. The contradiction in multiculturalism is that it is a uniquely Western concept London Mayor's Ties To Extremism Call Commitment To Fighting Terror Into Question Monday, March 27. 2017Monday morning links I Happen to Like New York - New York City Diarist I like it too - endlessly interesting and stimulating Unavoidable, random DNA replication errors are the most common cancer drivers People like to believe that they have control, but if cardiovascular disease doesn't get ya, cancer probably will. It's just a matter of time. Cosmo Worries That Men Are Deriving Too Much Pleasure from Giving an Orgasm to a Woman Sheesh Student Discovers Previously Unknown Form of Oppression Another college creates (and reports) their own fake racist propaganda Associated Press issues new guidance on sex, gender: ‘avoid’ referring to ‘both’ or ‘either’ sexes College requests 'grammatically incorrect' gender-neutral language Is insanity contagious? "Even gender-neutral pronouns don’t feel as if they fit me. I feel no identity or closeness with any pronouns I’ve come across. What describes me is my name." NC Group Forces Charlotte School System To Pull Crossdressing Book WGA “Broke Off Negotiations,” Producers Claim As Strike Vote Looms Hollywood exploits their employees Climate Change Caused Brexit Explains Al Gore… It explains everything - The Universal Explanation Poll: Majority Do Not Want To Live In A Sanctuary City CHARLES MURRAY EDITS THE SPLC The SPLC is a hate group "They're Like The Praetorian Guard" - Whistleblower Confirms NSA Targeted Congress, The Supreme Court, & Trump Because "terrorism"? This is evil. Liberal Media Narratives from JFK to Obama and Trump Constructing saints and devils THE FANTASY WORLDS OF POLITICS - On the false Utopias of leftists and libertarians Clinton collaborator John Harwood: Republicans “radically opposed to government itself” And Harwood is radically in favor of Big Statism in charge of everything Greenfield: THE CIVIL WAR IS HERE, The left doesn’t want to secede. It wants to rule. On Heath Care, Most Republicans Are Nowhere on the Ideological Spectrum GOP cave on Obamacare repeal is the biggest broken promise in political history Islamic immigration: Is it finally “fish or cut bait” time in the West? She's had enough This Past Week Islamic Terrorism Committed in France, Italy, UK and Belgium The fact is, the EU's falling apart.
Europe’s Soulless Liberalism - A dour, self-righteous and conformist version has come to define the liberal idea across much of the Continent. UK Challenges UN’s Anti-Israel Bias, Threatens to Vote Against all Motions Involving the Jewish State Jing-Jin-Ji: China Planning Megalopolis the Size of New England Saturday, March 25. 2017People that vote, #2
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Investors Wanted for my tech start-upIt's "Kwik-Trip - A Revolution in Travel." Who would not like to push a button on your phone and be transported near your favorite restaurant in Epernay for luncheon or dinner, and, after dinner, stroll around town until ready to be transported back to your home? Our killer, but not entirely original, idea is a high-tech travel app which will only require an in-home transporter dome and transporter domes located in desirable travel and dining locations, but this could eventually be scaled to travel anywhere we can build the domes. We haven't worked out all of the bio-engineering details yet because of the molecule issues, which is why we need investors. If possible, we'd like to avoid that Cinderella pressure to get back home. Molecular transport talents do not come cheap and one of the challenges is the time frame. Molecular patterns change over hours, and transport reassembly accuracy is important to most people. Right now, we feel three hours (including a nice dinner) is about all our models can handle. We have good computer models. What's the elevator pitch? It's Time and Hassle. It is not very expensive to fly to Paris and take the train to Epernay, and then hike through the charming area to your restaurant, but who has time for that if all you want is a nice lunch with a pal, your spouse, or business associates? And do you really want to mess with the Paris airports? They suck big time. We are looking for visionary investors to get in on the ground floor who have deep pockets, a sense of adventure, and tolerance for risk and the opportunity for long-term profitability. We are also considering government Green grants to support our early development, and have received some verbal interest from many Western governments as our app could eventually eliminate the need for carbon air travel. On request, we can provide our provisional business plan to credible investors.
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Saturday morning links
Scientists Warn That The Coming California Megaquake Could Plunge Large Portions Of The State Into The Ocean Sheesh. I blame climate change. We have good friends there but I guess they can all swim. Higher CO2 made agriculture possible Dalrymple: Worms have rights too:
Forget Immigrants. Technology is Killing Jobs Imagine it’s 2020 and Trump is spying on Democratic candidate Kamala Harris. Documentary on Yale Reveals How Scary U.S. Campuses Have Become Wellesley College Insulates Students From Ideologically Noncompliant Speakers Fragile girls? Charles Murray speaks at Columbia, with support of nearly 150 faculty members Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore Lead Nation in Population Loss; Maricopa County Has Biggest Gain Black Man Arrested In Charleston, SC For Writing Racist, Misogynistic And Anti-Gay Graffiti… "Israeli police on Thursday arrested a 19-year-old hacker who they said was the main suspect in a wave of bomb threats against Jewish community centers in the United States..." Ayaan Hirsi Ali to Liberals: Terrorists “don’t say thank you for being PC” She sees apologetic attitude about Western Civ Canada Passes 'Blasphemy' Bill To Silence Critics Of Islam To a man and woman, nearly every one of the 237 Republicans elected to the House last November made the same promise to voters: Give us control of Congress and the White House, and we will repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. Paul Ryan Is Solely To Blame For RyanCare's Demise Bad plan, bad bill. The Stupid Party. The Conservatives Made a Mistake New Analysis: Obamacare Regulations Drove Up Premium Costs by Up to 68% Texas signs first-ever trade agreement with Samaria region Friday, March 24. 2017Do not disparage Muslims in CanadaWe linked to a possible Canadian law this morning against disparaging Islam. This afternoon, Imam calling for Jews to be killed in sermon at Montreal mosque Apparently Jews and Christians are fair game in the West, but not scary Muslims. Why is that? I will disparage such monsters as much as I want. In fact, as polite a person as I try to be, I will disparage anybody any time I want to. That is part of being a free person. Sad that Canadians might be too nice to be free. Can they see that enforced "nice" might not be a good plan?
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Friday morning links
WHY DRIVE-INS WERE MORE THAN MOVIE THEATERS Yes. they were for beer and sex too. Try the Wellfleet Drive-In - still going strong during the summer. CIVIL WAR ON THE LEFT, PART 38: THE BECLOWNING OF SCIENCE Defund the National Endowment for the Arts — for Art’s Sake Can President Trump rescue the Rust Belt? He would like to. It's probably more about getting government out of the way than anything else K-12: No Joy In Reading. That's the Plan. I was reading pretty well at 5 with phonics. Mom taught me to read. Expecting school to teach a kid to read is like expecting government to be your doctor. Even 'Healthy' Overweight Face Higher Heart Risk Why Charles Murray will speak at Notre Dame HIGHER EDUCATION: NO SAFE SPACES FOR CONSERVATIVES - Conservative students threatened with violence. Vanderbilt U. Students Demand School Cut Ties With Wendy’s Hotcoldwetdry Will Cause More Snake Bites Understanding the Climate Debate: The Lost Middle Ground Author: It’s Not College Kids Creating Chaos To Resist Trump, ‘They’re Professionals’ Nebraska Democrat Party Includes VOTER REGISTRATION FORMS in Refugee Welcome Baskets Potential 'smoking gun' showing Obama administration spied on Trump team, source says Bob Woodward: Obama officials possibly facing criminal charges for unmasking scheme Here’s Why Nunes’ Obama Spying Revelations Are Such A Big Deal
What does Congress' Black Caucus want? Canadian Parliament Passes “Anti Islamophobia” Measure, Which Could Make Criticism Of Islam Off-Limits… As long as people are still free to criticize Christianity, I'm cool. Christianity is used to it. Christian guy or gal might feel hurt or insulted, but all they will actually do is to throw in a prayer for your soul. They won't scare the crap out of you the way the Canadians are askeered of their Muslims. ‘No European…can walk safely on the streets,’ Turkey’s Islamist President Erdogan Warns Europe Does Europe suddenly treasure NATO? WHY OPEC IS FINISHED—AND RUSSIA TOO Rex Tillerson: North Korea Threat Is Imminent, Strategic Patience Is Over The Korean War never ended How Paris has become one of the most dangerous capitals in the world Arrest of JCC bomb hoaxer challenges the narrative on anti-Semitism How the media treated those Jewish community center bomb threats Thursday, March 23. 2017Claremont and TrumpThursday morning links
Yoga pants: Accusations of research fraud roil a tight-knit community of ecologists A President’s Credibility - Trump’s falsehoods are eroding public trust, at home and abroad. DNC Mega Donors Meet At Mandarin Oriental Hotel To Plot "The Resistance" A Dem Resistance led by the mega-rich and big corporations Gorsuch’s Collision Course With the Administrative State Trump’s Budget Is An Attack On The Bureaucratic State TOM COTTON NAILS IT ON THE AHCA McArdle: Better Health Care for Less Money? It's Not Easy:
Black Oberlin students demand fried chicken on menu
Good quote via SDA:
Europe has woman trouble View from the left at The Week: Netanyahu: Israel ‘Perfect Partner’ for China Wednesday, March 22. 2017LondonistanEurope: Another day, another Muslim atrocity in Europe. Can those people ever learn from experience? Can they learn the real meaning of multiculturalism, which is that cultures are deeply different and often conflicting? Have you been to London lately? It has changed.
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Wednesday morning links Why 19th-Century Design Makes People Happy Transgender Wins International Women’s Weightlifting Title Yoga Pants, ‘Active Wear’ Are Destroying the Oceans College makes it easier to graduate by requiring students to learn less How we got to $1 trillion in debt: An illustrated history of student loans in America Connecticut Company Offers ‘Snowflake’ Test to Vet Potential Employees Lots of good stuff at Woodpile Chelsea Clinton Gets Lifetime Achievement Award for Doing Nothing Repealing The ObamaCare Train Wreck Has Become A Train Wreck FRENCH COPS LOOKING FOR MOTIVE OF "I'M HERE TO DIE IN THE NAME OF ALLAH" TERRORIST ARE THE SAUDIS ABOUT TO LOSE CONTROL OF AMERICA? EU OFFICIAL: WE CAN MAKE MEMBERS ACCEPT REFUGEES Last week, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan declared Baby War on Europe MERKEL'S SECRET MIGRANT DEAL WITH TURKEY Tuesday, March 21. 2017Tuesday morning links
A Look at David Rockefeller’s Real Estate Gifts - The philanthropist died on Monday at 101 A Pope's chef wrote the first cookbook Historic restoration of Jesus’s burial shrine in Jerusalem completed The Backlash Against Starbucks Is Real, And It Isn't Going Away FULL METAL RACKET, UNDRESSING THE MARINE CORPS NUDE FACEBOOK SCANDAL Best part about owning solar panels is the satisfaction of knowing those who could never afford them are helping to subsidize yours. Monty Python’s Eric Idle Says Global Warming Skeptics Should Be Executed “Gently” For “Crimes Against Humanity” Humorless. Eric, we want it warmer Don't treat the presidential family as royals Man, do I agree with that but there is something in human nature or in tabloid journalism that wants or needs royals Sesame Street Says Trump Has Laid Elmo Off – Except Sesame Street Is On HBO Now, Not PBS… Stossel: Our ignorant media NY Times: There Needs To Be A Crackdown On Illegal Alien Employers Malibu wants to keep their illegals for their landscaping HILLARY AND HUMA STILL JOINED AT THE HIP All important people need a body boy or girl Alan Dershowitz Exposes the Liberal Bias That Helped Block Trump Travel Ban Commentary: Be skeptical about coverage numbers in health-care debate Trump committed Dresden "Shut up and bake me a cake"? I like that. Pocahontas: Neil Gorsuch does not belong on the Supreme Court Climate Scientist: Having a Baby is an “ethical entanglement” The suicide of expertise: Glenn Reynolds Hinderaker: MY CONSERVATIVE VISION FOR ALL AMERICANS Twitter turns Trump into his own worst enemy It’s hard for a new administration to avoid controversy, but must Trump create it out of thin air? Salon: Now it's a Russia scandal The narrative marches on Chuck Schumer calls for chaos Monday, March 20. 2017Trump Now Knows the Dems Want to Take Him DownIt's no mystery to anybody, at this point. As we have said, this is war but I am still not sure what this war is about. Bathrooms? Or just to hamstring a player who is not on your team? Even Megan McArdle can't really see what the fuss is about. She says the administration is asking these simple questions which any federal government should ask: Maybe the war is to nullify the election with an endless stream of feces-throwing. The feces will permit the media to refer to the "controversy- and scandal-ridden" Trump administration: NY Attorney General Hires Public-Corruption Prosecutor To Target Trump Administration; WSJ Reports
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Monday morning links
Sanity returns. Very few things are as happy and sane as a cupcake. Irish-Americans Still Do Irish-American Jobs A Degree From This South Dakota Technical College All But Guarantees You A Job… Lake Tahoe expected to fill up with largest physical rise in recorded history Death of the Shoe Salesman 'We Dine Together' Wants to Make Sure No High Schooler Ever Has to Eat Lunch Alone Good. In my high school, we had randomly-assigned tables rotating every 6 weeks, with a teacher at each table. That was good, civilized, and over time everybody met a lot of people that they might have never spoken with. Freedom Is Eating Steak Well Done with Ketchup CRIME BUT NO PUNISHMENT AT MIDDLEBURY? American Spring Breakers Chant “Build That Wall” In Cancun – Mexican Locals Freak! Sheesh, those crazy college kids California’s Bullet Train may have received final, fatal fiscal hit Media hysteria over supposed Meals On Wheels cuts debunked from Left and Right I always thought Meals on Wheels was a local volunteer deal Five Ninth Circuit Judges Issue Rare Dissent Rebuking The Panel In Immigration Ruling Trump's Immigration Proposals Aren't Mean — They're Reasonable, Legal And Entirely Doable The president’s budget is very much alive on arrival. Donald Trump's sharp budget ax: Now the swamp fights back Turkey's Made-to-Order Migrant Plan to Retake Europe UK: Take off for police drones air force: Remote-controlled 'flying squad' to chase criminals and hunt for missing people They read 1984 Is Denmark On The Brink? Yes, Indeed, Israel IS an Apartheid State 30 Countries Are Refusing To Take Back Illegal Immigrants Convicted Of Serious Crimes WITH MERKEL’S VISIT, TRUMP WINS AGAIN Sunday, March 19. 2017Why does climate alarmism look like a scam?
Good stuff. I would add that DiCaprio, like Al Gore, could convince me, at least, of his seriousness if he got rid of his many giant houses, giant boats, and constant private jet travel. My view: conspicuous, fashionable virtue-signaling by people who would not recognize a virtue if they stubbed their toe on one.
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Another excellent talker: D'Souza Unchained
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