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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, May 10. 2017Wednesday morning links
A New Addition to the Human Family Tree Is Surprisingly Young - Homo naledi was alive between 236,000 and 335,000 years ago, which complicates the story of human evolution ‘Settled science’ on salt may be completely wrong, says New York Times What the F*ck Is Up With Different Types of Salt? Here's a Breakdown The rise of obesity in the U.S. tracks closely with the expansion of America's primary food assistance program. Apparently, ‘Activist Appropriation’ Is a Thing Now Gallery Cancels Art Show after Accusations of ‘Cultural Genocide’ Choosing to Live in a Tiny House Deemed ‘Poverty Appropriation’ Too cold: ‘Climate Change’ Clobbers French Wine Crop The Icecaps are [still] melting Fake Statistics Created 'Rape Anxiety' Among Female Students There Is No Easy Way to Clean Up Obama's Title IX Mess When The Democrats Do It, That Means That It's Not Illegal
Fake News War Comes to Kentucky Obamacare Premiums Rise as Insurers Fret Over Law’s Shaky Future A grossly disproportionate number of the people making decisions about Europe’s future have no children Trackbacks
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There are a number of other salt varieties not mentioned in the article. Ala DJT Bad! article.
NaCl Salt. Schmalt. Here it is 1984 and you are worried about salt?
QUOTE: Fake News War Comes to Kentucky The essay conflates poor or biased reporting with fake news, which consists of deliberate misinformation. The example provided, of an article about Kentucky coal miners actually misrepresents the article in question, saying "The piece left readers with the unmistakable impression that McConnell, the senior senator from a coal state, was ignoring constituents on the verge of losing their health coverage. There is no way to read the article and conclude anything else." Instead, actually reading the article reveals the following: QUOTE: McConnell told reporters Tuesday that he supported a permanent fix ... The miners group that met with McConnell’s staff expressed confidence that lawmakers could reach a deal... But the miners were disappointed that the Kentucky senators wouldn’t meet with them. [/quote]But the miners were disappointed that the Kentucky senators wouldn’t meet with them.[/quote]
Probably even more disappointed than the time some shithead ex-President promised to bankrupt the coal industry! Bill Carson: Probably even more disappointed than the time some shithead ex-President promised to bankrupt the coal industry!
Not relevant to the point concerning "fake news". Most economists know that workers in coal have to transition to other industries. Automation and changes to the U.S. energy mix are making most of those jobs obsolete. Obama supported retraining along with healthcare support for retired workers. " A grossly disproportionate number of the people making decisions about Europe’s future have no children."
The future belongs to those who show up for it. And it's funny - I didn't really think all that much about the future until my son was born. Once he was around, all of a sudden school ratings became more important, where we lived was important... there was a feeling that the future was really important that wasn't there before. I'm no politician, but suddenly the long term was important. But if you don't have kids, maybe you're not really concerned with the long term effects of the things you're proposing. Merkel got all sorts of praise for allowing 'refugees' in massive numbers to enter Germany. A lot of EU leaders seemed to be competing for the 'We're SO Compassionate' trophy in the Refugee Olympics - ignoring any possibility of long term problems with assimilation or just undesirable people taking advantage of their generosity. It really looks like it's a matter of long-term priorities. If you feel like you've got a duty to make sure things are okay 40 years from now, are your decisions and policies going to be different than if you're trying to win a 'Compassionate' trophy next month? Who votes against school funding initiatives time and time again in my part of the world? Retirees. They couldn't care less about our middle school falling apart. They think a $40,000 roof replacement on the high school can be avoided with 'maintenance.' Sadly, we have a LOT of retirees. LOL.
They claim they are living on a 'fixed income' and cannot afford an additional $40/year (or less) in property taxes. Everyone lives on a 'fixed income.' We have a salary we make and debts to pay. Working people can't easily make extra money appear either. So what does that have to do with the future of Europe?
Or do you see them as the 'retirees' in your story? Oh, and $40 a year for school taxes? Where do you live -rural Wyoming in a shack?
We're paying about $8k. It's the biggest breakout on our property taxes, which run about $10k/year. Pretty close. Overall, we pay very little property taxes. So much percentage. Can't remember what it is exactly for the schools, but I think with our normal-sized house on 5 acres, we pay less than $200/year out of our property taxes for schools.
My point about retirees was in Europe the childless are making the decisions for future generations. For us, it's the retirees who wanted THEIR kids to receive an education in a decent school, but now they want to be left alone and kids stink and the teachers are horrible and no one is learning anything. (this comes up EVERY time we vote on this stuff). Do some research. Your schools are probably not falling apart but the endless lust for money by the teachers unions and administrators is real. I don't know what part of the country you live in but go to the schools and determine for yourself that most likely a third of the students in grade school are illegal aliens or anchor babies of illegal aliens. I am one of those retirees with lots of time on my hands. When my local city government sent notifications to every household that five local schools would be open to serve the children lunches in the Summer I decided to go watch the parade. Indeed parents drove the children to lunch. Cadillac Escalades, and other expensive cars. And, yes, the parents stood outside speaking Spanish while the children ate free lunches (who says there's no free lunch). Most likely they get food stamps too but as we all know the food stamps are sold to get cash for alcohol, cigarettes and drugs. So, YES, those of us who are retired and aren't fools and have the time and inclination to look into this realize we are getting screwed!! I realize someone has to pay for all the poor people we import but why me? Why not the congressmen/women who allow them to come here so they can get their votes?
There is a theory of allergy formation that if the immune system is not primed with actual antagonists, it develops a tendency to overreact to any foreign material with a massive response.
I wonder if the same thing is happening on a moral level with today's leftists. Being denied any overt incidences of egregious examples of racism, colonialism, sexism, or the like, they respond anaphylacticly to things like "micro-aggressions" and "systemic biases" that are too small to be perceived by the unenlightened host. That's a very interesting theory. As a corollary: They have so much freedom, that they begin to even despise that? So they turn totalitarian. All at the same time telling themselves and everyone within shouting distance, that they are the most compassionate, tolerant people ever in the history of humanity! Believe like us, of face the consequences.
I don't think it's an accepted theory, as there is too much evidence to the contrary.
QUOTE: Obamacare Premiums Rise as Insurers Fret Over Law’s Shaky Future Of course they are. • The Republicans undercut the risk corridor stabilization fund. • Republicans sued to prevent the government from funding ObamaCare subsidies, and have not otherwise provided the funding. • Trump Administration cut advertising for the exchanges just before the signup deadline. • Trump Administration announced they will avoid enforcing the mandate. • Trump threatened to allow ObamaCare to explode. • Trump threatened to withhold ObamaCare subsidies. From the article: "Health insurers are asking for sharp increases in the cost of their Obamacare plans next year, thanks to instability in the law’s coverage markets that’s been compounded by the Trump administration." Yes and Trump sabotaged the Obamacare web site rollout.
Amazing that guy ! Mike-K: [i]Yes and Trump sabotaged the Obamacare web site rollout.[/i
No, but that's not atypical for such a complex undertaking. When the Bush Administration's Medicare Part D was rolled out, there were all sorts of issues, and the government moved to address those issues in order to stabilize the system. To paraphrase the incomparable Iowahawk, "I wasn't dressed better when I drove my pickup truck into a liquor store because my wife wouldn't let me wear my tuxedo."
Replace "Obamacare" with "Communism" in the above. Damn Republican wreckers!
Bill Carson: Replace "Obamacare" with "Communism" in the above. Damn Republican wreckers!
ObamaCare is hardly "communism", being a market-based system devised by conservatives, and originally implemented by a Republican governor. A market based system does NOT rely on subsidies...that is a communist based system.
You're engaging in black-and-white thinking. Just because the U.S. has food stamps doesn't make it a communist country.
2017-05-10 16:58
It isn't even close to the free market capitalist system that all the socialist/communists blame for not meeting their needs. Obamacare has nothing to do with free markets or being market driven. It has been the socialist/communist wet dream since they created the social security system during FDR's reign.
2017-05-10 19:16
indyjonesouthere: It isn't even close to the free market capitalist system that all the socialist/communists blame for not meeting their needs.
Nor is the U.S. a communist system. Rather, as with all developed economies, the U.S. entails a mix of robust markets along with social welfare programs.
2017-05-11 06:19
There are no robust markets...there are only robust career corporatists and career politicians that are as interchangeable as they are in Russia, China, Cuba, or Venezuela. Socialists/Communists are blind to the death and misery they bring their own people.
2017-05-11 15:15
indyjonesouthere: There are no robust markets...
While there is no perfect freedom, economic or otherwise, the U.S. is among the countries with the most open markets.
2017-05-12 06:56
You didn't even read your own reference material or at least you don't understand it. This Heritage Foundation material defines open markets as 1. trade freedom 2. investment freedom and 3. financial freedom. Using your reference how did I have any of these freedoms as defined by Social Security & disability, Obamacare, foodstamps, subsidized housing with cable TV, Obamaphones, and a myriad of other welfare state programs? Everyone of these programs requires a forced contribution by taxpayers (which is only 1/2 of income earners) or you go to jail. Your concept of freedom is rather Stalinesque. The preamble to the Constitution does state, "to provide for the national defense and to promote the general welfare". I am not sure of your world but in mine the definition of provide and promote are not the same.
2017-05-12 15:00
indyjonesouthere: This Heritage Foundation material defines open markets as 1. trade freedom 2. investment freedom and 3. financial freedom.
That's right. However, they don't define freedom in binary terms, as exemplified in this statement: indyjonesouthere: Your concept of freedom is rather Stalinesque. So the U.S. Constitution, which gives an elected legislature the power to tax (i.e. "requires a forced contribution by taxpayers or you go to jail"), is the same as Stalinism. In the actual world, there is no perfect freedom, however, the U.S. is among the countries with the most open markets.
2017-05-13 08:49
Aside from being wealth redistribution to aid in securing political power, no, Obamacare is not communism.
But like communism, Obamacare was doomed to fail before it started, and thus needed verbose boot-lickers to explain away its failure, so by all means carry on! "from each according to ability, to each according to need". Socialists/Communists are very needy...if they aren't needy at the start they surely are toward the end. Think Venezuela for the current needy...along with the Soros snowflake brigade.
2017-05-10 15:52
Why subsidies??? Obamacare includes about $1 trillion in taxes and penalties so that millions can get very expensive subsidized health care. Why??? Why should working productive people have to subsidize those who chose not to work and are by their nature unproductive in their lives? Why not allow them to sink or swim? The well has dried up. We are $20 trillion in debt which not coincidently is about how much we have paid into welfare over the last 50 years or so. The free ride is coming to an end. It would be wise for the free loaders to find some way to support themselves because those of us paying the bills are fed up with those who refuse to take care of themselves.
Ugh. I must remember to check the links before clicking them. RCP is a horrible site filled with low quality ad networks that clog up your browser as it constantly reloads the page.
The story about the tiny drones are reminding me more and more of this book by Michael Crichton that I read maybe 10 years ago:
[url](https://www.amazon.com/Prey-Michael-Crichton-ebook/dp/B000FC13E0/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8)[/url] "Gallery Cancels Art Show after Accusations of ‘Cultural Genocide’"
Actually I agree with the accusers. This will sever the connection of the art w/ its original content and culture. Look what Disney did by re-working Grimm's Fairy Tales. Disney ownership is causing the same thing w/ Marvel Comics. "Icecaps still melting" - Yes, the current panic is fake science turned to 11. "New Addition to the Human Family Tree " - Darwinian evolution, the original fake science. As an armored cavalry scout, what I wouldn't have given for a way to see over the next hill. I was lucky to be around for the introduction of things like laser range finders, thermal sights, frequency hopping secure radios and digital fire support. All those tools were fairly easily integrated because they were essentially bigger better hammers. And fortunately I missed out on the Powerpoint Ranger revolution. I was a staff puke in the butcher paper chart era.
Being out of the game for quite a long time, I wonder how the average platoon leader or company commander copes with what appears to me to be a barrage of information. |