The War on the Way We Were:
When I first heard that the newest mayor of New York’s first action in office was to denude the city of horse-drawn carriages, I thought it was probably a joke. I figured some card over at Fox News or The Wall Street Journal had taken an obscure quote out of context in order to start His Honor out on the wrong hoof.
Abraham Lincoln's speech to 14 Indian chiefs: "We pale-faced people think that this world is a great, round ball"
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office: “Redskins” is derogatory and offensive
Is the War on Cancer Hopeless?
Where is this Gwilym Morgan? Where is the man who can say, they are men as we are, not savages?
I do not own a coal mine. I am a professor of literature at an American college. We professors, like the mine owners, do not do hard manual labor for a living. Unlike those mine owners, if I may speak generally, we spend none of our time around such men. We do not break bread with them, we do not live near them, we do not worship at the same church, our children do not see one another on the streets. We are almost entirely insulated from the exigencies of bodily life. We do not grow our own fruit and vegetables, we do not build our own homes, we do not raise our own livestock, we do not dig our own wells, we do not repair our own vehicles, we do not clear our own fields, we do not pave our own driveways and roads, we do not lay the bricks for our own schools, we do not fight our own fights.
College sports: The Elementary School of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Who’d a-thunk it? Taxi cartels don’t like competition?
Does Paying People Not to Work Create Jobs?
There’s a Scandal Brewing in Colorado, But It Involves a Democrat, So It’ll Die Quickly
Sarah Palin: I Went to Fox to 'Piss Off the People' Who Wanted Me Dead
24 Underreported Democrat Scandals That Make News Media's 'Bridgegate Mania' Look Like a Joke
Obama’s war on discpline standards coming to a school near you
Remember this, via neoneo?
"I argue that autonomy, or the freedom to act in accordance with your own decisions, is overrated—that the common high evaluation of the importance of autonomy is based on a belief that we are much more rational than we actually are. We now have lots of evidence from psychology and behavioral economics that we are often very bad at choosing effective means to our ends. In such cases, we need the help of others—and in particular, of government regulation—to keep us from going wrong."
Global Warming: The Unfalsifiable Hypothesis
BBC editor: BBC blackballed immigration debate
End Result of Germany’s Green Energy Policy: More Coal
Maine EBT Cards Used in All 50 States
’Nam comes to Iraq: Losing to al Qaeda, after winning