Thursday, May 24. 2018
Giant Flatworms Invade France
USGS's daily Hawaii lava reports outdo the reports from the press
Underwater Robot Discovers ‘Holy Grail’ Shipwreck Containing $17 Billion in Treasure
The Boy Scouts Are Being Told To “Be Prepared” With… Condoms?
The long-awaited Outdoor Sex Skills merit badge. Very useful in life, especially in youth. It's great!
He grew up in a Progressive Utopia
Rich College Endowments May Get Tax Break If They Spend Enough
Many Big Nonprofits Rapidly Stockpiling Endowment Cash, Chronicle Data Shows
Dirty Jobs, Good Pay - Reality TV star Mike Rowe and others seek to revive the American work ethic.
Mueller Rejects Speedy Trial Law To Delay Russian Collusion Trial
So why did he indict those jerks? For theater?
Sweden's Far-Right Party Is Poised For Major Gains In Country's Elections - Voters want deeper controls on immigration, crime.
Wednesday, May 23. 2018
Does anybody really care about all the spying and intrigue anymore?
The Hunter Becomes the Hunted
8 signs pointing to a counterintelligence operation deployed against Trump's campaign
Coming attractions: FBI agents speaking out about the abuses of Comey and McCabe
Clinton and Trump: In Politicized Justice, Desperate Times Call for Disparate Measures
Tuesday, May 22. 2018
The Invention of the Baby Carrot
Dog 'adopts' nine orphaned ducklings at Essex castle
College administrative staff ranked among top 7 ‘biggest BS jobs in America’
There Is No Substitute for Work - Anti-poverty programs should foster autonomy, not perpetual dependence.
After Texas school shooting, how can we inoculate ourselves against the next one?
Affirmative action policies punish minorities, too. I’m one of them.
People of Indian or east Asian heritage are not considered people of color
Hot Take: The Founding Fathers Wouldn’t Want Us To Follow The Document They Wrote, Because Guns
Leftists Slowly Turning Off the Faucet of Free Speech
Trump resists
88% of Pomona Students Think the Campus Climate Silences Them - "'Very liberal' students are nearly four times more likely than moderate and conservative students to favor prohibiting some types of speech."
So "liberal" means "fascist"?
Strange that the faculty and students haven’t demanded that Lee’s name be dropped from the university. And just wait until they learn that George Washington owned slaves, and shot people dead during the Revolutionary War.
"Socialism and the looting of capitalism are not the same thing." Commenter at Althouse
Donald Trump’s Socratic method
FBI Informant Stefan Halper Paid Over $1 Million By Obama Admin; Spied On Trump Aide After Election
Former Clinton Pollster Calls for End to the Mueller 'Partisan Inquisition'
Alan Dershowitz Asks The Key Question: What If This Had Happened To Hillary?
SPIES LIKE OBAMA? The treachery of “Crossfire Hurricane” comes into the light.
Now the government admits spying on Trump
OUT: Trump's a Liar and Lunatic For Saying Obama and Brennan Spied on Him
IN: Of Course Obama and Brennan Spied on Trump; It Would Have Been Dangerous NOT To!
Clapper Defends Spying On Trump Campaign As ‘A Legitimate Activity’
Monday, May 21. 2018
Under Trump, Job Market Optimism at Highest Point Ever Recorded
Anybody who wants to work, can work. Jobs are going begging in this economy.

Cougar kills 1 mountain biker, injures 2nd in Washington state
Uber Drivers Just Killed All the Parts of the Job They Supposedly Liked the Most
This whole case just goes to support my frequent contention that the only labor model the US government will fully accept is an hourly worker working 9-5 punching a time clock. Every new labor model that comes along eventually runs head-on into the government that tries to pound that square peg into the round hole of a time-punching factory worker. The Obama administration even did its best to force a large number of salaried workers into punching a time clock.
Dumb dumb dumb
The character imperfections of journalists
Michigan Governor's Race: 'I Love Muslims,' Says Republican; 'Muslims Hate You,' Says Dem
NYT: Liberals, You’re Not as Smart as You Think
The Hill: Stopping Robert Mueller to protect us all
Ted Olsen: Mueller v. Trump
Strzok Text on FBI Investigation of Trump/Russia: “The White House Is Running This”
PRESIDENT TRUMP TAKES CHARGE [UPDATED] - An hour or two ago, President Trump announced that he is ordering the Department of Justice to investigate the FBI/CIA cabal against him:
PANIC time? John Brennan demands GOP leadership STOP TRUMP before his admin looks into this
So ex-CIA threatens Congress? Nice move
Europe May Be Realizing America Isn’t Their Sugar Daddy Or Punching Bag
Nothing against Europe, but it's time for them to stand on their own feet. WW2 is history.
Saturday, May 19. 2018
It is Shavuot. Shavuot has a historical relationship to Pentacost.
Related, Why the giving of the document that would permanently change the world could only be done in desolation
Trans fats: At Pravda, Touching Faith In The Perfection Of Government Bureaucrats
There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about Abraham Maslow and self-actualisation – a new paper puts the record straight
Surprise! NY Times Publishes A Jordan Peterson Hit Piece
The gal was determined not to understand Peterson. Of course there are dragons and witches in the world. Fairy princesses too, as in England today.
This professor is beloved for making his students intellectually uncomfortable. Duke just dumped him.
Senator Murphy Demonstrates Why Gun-Control Advocates Are Mistrusted
Liberals Blame AR-15 For Santa Fe School Shooting, But Shooter Had Shotgun And Revolver
US Senate confirms Gina Haspel to be first woman CIA director
California Lurches Left As Jerry Brown Heads Into the Sunset
How Labor Unions Finance Their Political Agenda: 2010-2017
Massachusetts Judge Has Novel Excuse for Letting Off Dominican Heroin Dealer
Am I Tuning in at the Wrong Times, or Does CNN Really Have Trump Derangement Syndrome?
The hate is palpable
"Obama’s Legacy Has Already Been Destroyed."
Trump Is Going Full Alinsky – and His Opponents Are Flummoxed
Listening skills: How a simple reporter beat the experts in 2016
Grassley Sends Letter to DOJ Demanding Unredacted Rosenstein Memo Detailing Mueller’s Scope
EU wants to criminalize fake news
China ‘Dream’ Is Global Hegemony - U.S. urged to counter Beijing's military, economic expansion
Minister: ‘UN aid agency is part of the problem in the Middle East’
Friday, May 18. 2018
Beyond “Sissy” Resilience: On Becoming Antifragile
Marginalizing Much-Maligned Melania
Jordan Peterson is anti-semitic?
The United States just hit a 40-year low in its fertility rate, according to numbers just released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Declining U.S. Labor Force Participation Rates Stand Out
Push back against the culture war bullies
Gallup: This Good Polling News Could Be Bad News For Democrats
The Hate Agenda of the Left
Spinning a Crossfire Hurricane: The Times on the FBI’s Trump Investigation
Ace, yesterday:
The big story today, and it's a biggie yet it really comes as no surprise (which is both big and tragic) is the report that leakers to Slim's Slimes (the NY Times for you rookie morons [new readers]) are confirming that the FBI essentially ran a completely illegal spy operation against the Trump presidential campaign. There were no warrants, there was no judge. The FBI at its highest levels went out and spied on a US presidential candidate for the purposes of gathering information that could be used to either sabotage his campaign or to take him out, politically or by prosecution in court. I suppose the question is did Obama and Clinton know of, authorize, approve of or even plan and initiate this or did we (and still do) have a group of "little Eichmanns" committing crimes all on their own merely because they were fellow travelers? And all things considered, is that even an important question to ask anymore considering the nature of these revelations which, frankly, we all have suspected for quite a long time now? Fact: We have a bureaucracy that lords over us no matter who we elect. Fact: we have a rogue judiciary that mostly exists to violate the Constitution in order to move the country ever leftwards. Fact: we have one political party that is hell bent on overthrowing the nation as founded and another whom elect to oppose it, yet do the exact opposite of what they promise and what we elect them for.
John Kerry: Reporting for Duty… From Vietnam to Iran
On Another Willful Lie from the Press
Thursday, May 17. 2018
Trump Slams Obama FBI 'Spying' Report As "Bigger Than Watergate"
It certainly seems so. In retrospect, Watergate was not a big deal because political spying and oppo research is always done. The cover-up was the thing that got them. It wasn't worth covering up, really. In this case, it was the government itself, not a campaign.
NYT Report Confirms Obama Administration’s FBI Spied on Trump Campaign
If this isn't criminal, it should be. Not to mention the cover-up.
10 Key Takeaways From The New York Times’ Error-Ridden Defense Of FBI Spying On Trump Campaign
Yes, makes Watergate look like child's play.
Related, IG Horowitz Found “Reasonable Grounds” FBI Violated FEDERAL CRIMINAL LAW in Bureau’s Handling of Hillary Investigation
Bees: The Neonic Ban: A Scientific Fraud Becomes Enshrined In EU Regulatory Law
Stephen Hawking's Memorial Might Have Time Travelers in Attendance
LA: Why Factor’s Famous Deli's 70th Anniversary Means So Much
More parents smoking pot around kids, study finds
Atlanta’s Building Boom Is Destroying Its Famous Forests - After the recession, Georgia’s capital bounced back with a population surge and a housing boom—at the risk of the unique trees of the area.
Crazy Democrat Promises 100% Clean Energy By 2035 By Government Law
If Solar And Wind Are So Cheap, Why Are They Making Electricity So Expensive?
Don´t Tell Anyone, But We Just Had Two Years Of Record-Breaking Global Cooling
The Sea Is Rising, but Not Because of Climate Change
Students At Taxpayer-Funded College Hold No-Whites Allowed “Day of Absence” Event…
University of Michigan pours almost $7 million per year into diversity payroll, benefits
Number of emotional support animals at Yale increased by 1400% in last year
Do Millennials Really Love Socialism?
No. They just want free stuff
Devin Nunes Is a Badass
Government Informant Spied On Two Trump Campaign Aides
Joe Digenova: Former CIA Chief John Brennan Was Leading the Counter Intelligence Operation Against Trump
The Unfixable Tragedy of Gaza
Attacking Israel for $100, Defending it for $13
Hamas official: 50 of the 62 Gazans killed in border violence were our members
Questions the Press Hasn’t Asked about Violence in Gaza - A conspicuous lack of curiosity.
Machine gun fire from Gaza hits nearby Israeli homes in Sderot, no injuries
Monday, May 14. 2018
At Quillette: Why can’t progressives admit that we’ve made progress?
Good discussion. The racism theme seems mainly to be applied to native black Americans, but not to other races and not to the Africa-born either. Is it mostly just politics at this point?
Sunday, May 13. 2018
Because Dick's is boycotting you. Good luck with that.
I love my old Mossberg pump. It ain't fancy but it is reliable and easy to maintain.
Saturday, May 12. 2018
This is a big deal: Brennan, Strzok And Kerry Allegedly Set "Spy Traps" For Trump Team
It's one thing for political campaigns to spy on each other. That's normal because politics is an ugly business. When government does it, it's criminal. I hope all of this evil deep state conspiracy comes to light, and that the people are held to account. Jail time.
I suspect the mole was Carter Page, but who knows? He had done odd jobs for the FBI in the past. This feels like CIA business, done on American soil.
This is supposed to be America, not East Germany.
Liberals are perpetually offended by just about everything. Why? Because liberals have decided that being offended trumps logic, fact and every other argument that anyone can make. If it were up to liberals, we would not have free speech because too many people say things that contradict liberal ideas. So, they may not be able to put you in jail for believing that you can’t change genders or that it’s not smart to send gay men who may be sexually interested in teenagers out into the woods with them overnight as scout masters, but they can use a variety of different tactics to silence you. Outrage is one of those tactics because again, according to liberals, the second someone is outraged, the debate is over and they’ve won (Of course that only applies to liberals. If conservatives are offended by something, that doesn’t count.)
George Mason Univ: Cue the outrage
Friday, May 11. 2018
WSJ: The FBI Hid A Mole In The Trump Campaign
FBI Advised Comey to Consult with Mueller’s Office Prior to June 2017 Senate Testimony, Emails Show
Now paranoia strikes deep...
And also, Grassley Demands 302’s from Wray and Rosenstein on Flynn Testimony — Proving Possible Deceit by Deep State
Everything will come out, in time. Too slowly.

I listened to about 20 minutes of Trump's rally last night. He is an amusing talker, quite informal, and constantly going off-script. He called Gov. Brown "Governor Moonbeam." Since he had been up all night, I was impressed. He is bold. Honey Badger doesn't give a shit about the pearl-clutchers.
Google Duplex: An AI System for Accomplishing Real-World Tasks Over the Phone
Media Feeding Frenzy as Goodall Commits Assisted Suicide
He knew he was done.
Bungee Dating in New York City
Madame Pele's Grip on Hawaii - The Big Island’s residents are reacting to Kilauea’s latest eruption with a combination of grief and reverence.
Check Out Mike Rowe’s Brutal Takedown of a Critic Of Blue-Collar Workers
Half of all Americans now live in ‘sanctuaries’ protecting immigrants - Study finds surge in those jurisdictions
NAACP Goes Big Brother: What We Need Is Mandatory Implicit Bias Testing
Constantly playing the victim card creates bias, but they need bias for their existence. White Americans do not give a damn about skin color any more.
Who's afraid of Bari Weiss?
The ‘Russian Collusion’ Trial Is On, And Mueller May Be The First Casualty
Avenatti Exposed: Stormy's Lawyer May Face Disbarrment, Legal Action As Past Catches Up
The Obama Legacy Deserves To Be Destroyed
Donald Trump vs. Barack Obama: Veni, vidi, vici
Despite the Media, Trump Pulling Down Wins for We the People
Trump is actually following through on his campaign promises
Here's a List of Major U.S. Allies Celebrating an End to the Iran Nuclear Deal
"Old Europe" can learn from Trump
Merkel: "Trump's Decision Damages Trust In The International Order"
What the novice president understands, in a way that none of his predecessors since Ronald Reagan has, is that (as the Declaration puts it) “a decent respect to the opinions of mankind” does not mean to sacrifice control of America’s self-interest on the altar of cultural-Marxist shibboleths like political correctness, “fairness,” “tolerance,” “diversity,” or “white privilege.”
CNN Analyst Praises Trump For Bringing North Korea Hostages Home
Pigs fly!
TRUMP AND THE TWO AMERICAS - Why the anti-Trumpers just can't give credit to the president for his successes.
Five "Most Wanted" ISIS Leaders Captured, Trapped Using Smartphone App
Nikki Haley Calls for Regime Change in Venezuela: 'It's Time for Maduro to Go!'