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Tuesday, July 3. 2018Tuesday morning links
How Central Park was saved An Abandoned Mansion In NYC Raises Questions The Economics of Renaissance Art Those artists wanted to get rich Open Relationships Just as Satisfying as Monogamous Ones, U of G Study Reveals Dirtbags Steal Life Savings Of America’s Oldest Veteran, 112-Year-Old Richard Overton Vaping Can Help Smokers Quit, If Lawmakers Allow It Harvey Weinstein now facing LIFE in prison after Manhattan DA files new charges related to the 'rape and sexual abused' of a third woman in 2006 Big Trouble Banning plastic straws is more scam than science Jordan Peterson Rallies Portlandia’s Dissidents Powerline: ACADEMIC ABSURDITY OF . . . MAYBE ALL TIME Tim Scott: The Republican Party’s Joyful Warrior Bill Gates Praises GOP-Led Congress, Says World ‘Far Better Place’ Than Ever Before Everything free in America A Dem fight over Amy Barrett’s Catholicism may be just what Trump wants She is a serious Catholic, with small group team and spiritual advisors. I thought only Protestants did that. Mass immigration has destroyed hopes of a borderless society - Those who denounced as crazy Trump’s campaign promise to build a wall did not appreciate how popular such a policy would be, nor how common. Donald Trump's mainstream immigration policy Black Support For Trump Is Rising Into The Danger Zone For Democrats Democrats can kiss swing voters goodbye with progressive ballot CHRIS MATTHEWS URGES COMMUNIST REVOLUTION TO STOP SUPREME COURT Maxine Waters And Democrats’ Angry Mobs Will Hurt At The Polls #WalkAway Movement Gains Momentum as People Leave the Democrat Party in Droves Trump is Winning Over Blacks, Hispanics, Millennials, and Even Gays Schlichter: Never Trumpers Suffer Yet Another Utter Humiliation Western Civilization Is Drowning in Guilt Not me Angela Merkel on brink as interior minister Seehofer says he will resign over migrant deal Why Turkey Will Not Be Another Iran How a victorious Bashar al-Assad is changing Syria - Sunnis have been pushed out by the war. The new Syria is smaller, in ruins and more sectarian Trackbacks
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"Culture war? That would be liberal Democrats’ war against Barrett’s Catholicism."
This seems almost patently counter-intuitive: a party so eager to support Latin American migrants positions itself against Catholicism? Progressives can deal with a Catholic as long as they get the comforting signal that she doesn't take it too seriously. Otherwise she might as well be the Opus Dei guy in The Da Vinci Code.
QUOTE: Black Support For Trump Is Rising Into The Danger Zone For Democrats ... The latest YouGov/Economist poll (May 6-8), one of a few that comprehensively breaks down support by ethnicity The sample size for blacks was only 177, so the margin of error is large, especially for a result that is a small percentage of blacks. The poll was from an opt-in Internet panel, which has its own problems. The article notes that black support is about the same as it was a year ago, even while arguing there is a trend. The latest Economist/YouGov Daily Survey puts black support at 9%. QUOTE: CHRIS MATTHEWS URGES COMMUNIST REVOLUTION TO STOP SUPREME COURT Um, the left fought for the Republican government. The fascists were the rebels, who used the opportunity to test out their modern war machine. The left (totalitarians) vote for democracy and not for a republic. The fascists/nazis/communists and even islamists are socialists to the core and the non believers among them are headed to the gulag, extermination camps, re education camps, or the sword. The best of all worlds is letting them feed on each other...that was Spain and could have been WWII if not for the incompetence of Roosevelt and the treason of Harry Hopkins.
indyjonesouthere: The left (totalitarians) vote for democracy and not for a republic.
Democracy and republicanism are not mutually exclusive. In any case, our comment referred to the specifics of the Spanish Civil War, which was rebel fascists against the elected republican government. The left are exclusively totalitarian...and it doesn't matter if they refer to themselves as a democracy or republic. They are heaven on earth true believers that will always provide you with their appropriate candidates for election.
Here is what Chris Matthews said:
QUOTE: “I think the Democrats have to say no way,” he added, “no one passes this line.I think it’s gonna be almost like Spanish Civil War stuff – you watch!” "No one passes this line." How does THIS relate to the Spanish Civil War? Easy peasy. Who is famous for uttering ¡No Pasarán! (They shall not pass)? Type "La Pasionara" into the Wikipedia internal search engine, and you get the info. Dolores IbárruriQUOTE: Isidora Dolores Ibárruri Gómez (9 December 1895 – 12 November 1989) – known as "La Pasionaria" (English: "the Passionflower") – was a Spanish Republican heroine of the Spanish Civil War and communist politician of Basque origin, known for her famous slogan ¡No Pasarán! ("They shall not pass") during the Battle for Madrid in November 1936. From the article, we learn that La Pasionara lived in Moscow from 1939 to 1977. She She joined the Spanish Communist Party (PCE) when it was founded in 1921.... In January 1940 La Pasionaria wrote the following praise of Joseph Stalin. To speak about the triumph of socialism over one-sixth of the earth, to write about the lush development of agriculture in the Soviet Union, a development unequalled by any other country, to admire the astonishing growth of socialist industry and the impetuous gains of the workers, to marvel at the unprecedented accomplishments of the mighty Soviet air force, at the mighty beefing up of the Soviet navy, to describe the glorious exploits of the Red Army liberator of peoples, to study the wonderful framework of the huge socialist state with its multiple nationalities united by unbreakable bonds of fraternal friendship, to observe the progress of science, art and of the culture of all Soviet peoples, the joyous life of their children, women, workers, peasants and intellectuals, the abiding security of everyone and their faith in the future, to know the daily life of socialism and the heroic actions of the Soviet people means to see Stalin, to cite Stalin, to encounter Stalin.[42] La Pasionara was "present at the founding" of the Spanish Communist Party. Of all the countries she could have fled to in the wake of Franco's victory, she chose the Soviet Union- and lived there nearly 40 years. She praised Uncle Joe. La Pasionara was about as hard core Commie as you could get. What Chris Matthews uttered -"no one passes this line" was a paraphrase of "¡No Pasarán! ("They shall not pass")," whose author was about as hard-core Commie as you could get. Chris Matthews quoted/referenced a hard core Commie- someone who very much wanted a Communist revolution for Spain. As such, "CHRIS MATTHEWS URGES COMMUNIST REVOLUTION TO STOP SUPREME COURT" was not out of line. Not at all. Gringo: “I think the Democrats have to say no way,” he added, “no one passes this line.I think it’s gonna be almost like Spanish Civil War stuff – you watch!”
Quoting a communist who is opposing fascism in support of the republican cause doesn't mean you support everything that person does, anymore than quoting Thomas Jefferson on July 4th means you support enslaving black people. Except that La Pasionara was ALL ABOUT COMMUNISM. Communism was the core of her life. Her support for the Republicans was incidental to her support for Communism, as was her opposition to Fascism.
No one could say that Thomas Jefferson was all about slavery. He was a slaveholder who did much more than just own slaves. Take Communism away from La Pasionara, and what do you get? An empty shell responsible for a famous- if actually futile- phrase. What did ¡"No Pasarán!" mean to La Pasionara, the person who coined the phrase? It meant not only that the Fascists would not take over Madrid in 1936, it also meant to La Pasionara that her vision of a Communist Spain would prevail. La Pasionara was not supporting the Republicans in the hope that democracy would prevail, but in the hope that her vision of a Communist Spain would prevail. BTW, as a hard-core Communist and supporter of Stalin, La Pasionara had no problem with the Communists slaughtering Anarchists in Barcelona, as recounted in Orwell's Homage to Catalonia. Chris Matthews, in referencing the ¡No Pasarán! phrase, played himself for a fool. No, Chris Matthews isn't praying for a Communist takeover, but he repeated a phrase whose originator prayed for a Communist takeover. He also forgot that it was also a futile phrase. After all, where did La Pasionara end up for 4 decades? They did pass. There was a good song written about that. Gringo: Take Communism away from La Pasionara, and what do you get?
Defiance against fascism, which is how posterity mostly remembers her. Gringo: No, Chris Matthews isn't praying for a Communist takeover Then we are in agreement concerning the Frontpage article then. Matthews was not calling for a communist revolution, but invoking a famous phrase of defiance.
2018-07-04 11:08
The Trey Gowdy video and the Death of Krauthammer videos turn on every time I go to MF. The other videos before and since do not do that--only those two. Would you please remove them, or find some way to fix them so they don't go on automatically when MF is opened. Thank you! That abandoned NYC mansion article is just click bait. On my Ipad, it opens on a single page. On my desktop I have to click a "Next" button every 2nd paragraph to see new ads.
As I have adblocker, I didn't see a single ad.
Obviously they are trying to maximize page views due to all the 'next' buttons, but a lot of sites do that, PJ media being the most notorious of the sites I visit. As to the mansion itself, the author repeatedly says that the original owner is unknown. I would think a trip down to the assessor's office would solve the mystery of the original and present owner by examining the old property tax records. They are public record. The only thing I wondered about was if the mansion in question was really legit, since an address was never given. If it is it was a pretty cool photo tour. I'm picking up audio bla bla every time I come to Maggie's. Fix please.
re Black Support For Trump Is Rising Into The Danger Zone For Democrats
American thinker had a similar piece: Trump is Winning Over Blacks, Hispanics, Millennials, and Even Gays https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2018/07/trump_is_winning_over_blacks_hispanics_millennials_and_even_gays.html The author wrote: A redpill video by a young black woman named Candace Owens, praised by Kanye West, is credited with creating a fateful first chink in the black voting bloc. Following Kanye’s tweet, President Trump’s approval among black men doubled, to 22 percent, and among all blacks, to over 16 percent. I have always read that 20% of the black vote turning republican would kill Democratic Party chances in many states. It will be interesting to see what happens. feeblemind: President Trump’s approval among black men doubled, to 22 percent, and among all blacks, to over 16 percent.
Same problem as noted above. The poll sample was 118 and 171 respectively, too small to determine such a trend. Actual approval may vary by 9% in either direction. "Banning plastic straws is more scam than science" Even if the cited figure of 500 million plastic straws a year in the US is correct, that's only 1 straw per citizen or visitor to the country per year.
That's nothing. Amy Barrett may be fine and dandy, but I would like to see some religious diversity on the Supreme Court, which currently has only Jewish and Catholic members. Couldn't we find a Protestant jurist somewhere in this fair land, or even a Mormon? Better still would be a Protestant not educated at the Ivories.
Re: black and hispanic voter independence. Who would truthfully answer a "pollster"? Many people refuse, others mock and mislead. We will see if improved black and hispanic employment changes voting patterns at the next election.
Ignore the polls, which are funded to influence voting. Except in chicago, NYC and other machine cities, voting is private and secret. RE: The ACE picture. A young woman, like an increasing number of them, who needs long sleeves to cover her disfiguring tattoos. I do not understand the increasing drive for large surface-area tattoos. Is it to virtue or tribe signal? Does it say "I'm hot and adventurous"? Is it just fashion? Is it a sign of anomie?" I have always considered it my patriotic duty to mislead pollsters. It is great fun even though I hated the phone calls interrupting my life. Now I have a cell phone and get no calls I don't want. But it was fun.
GWTW, you must be the person responsible for the "pollsters" predicting 99% probability of a clinton 2016 election.
Before the US jump started the Syrian civil war (over an oil pipeline), Assad’s Baathist party was a secular, nonsectarian, sorta socialist, sorta modernizing dictatorship. Even under his father, a true monster, the regime tolerated and protected all kinds of Muslims, Jews and Christian. We put a stop to that. Our allies are virulently intolerant Sunni extremists of the Saudi ilk. Syria will be lucky if Assad does win.