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Friday, June 29. 2018Friday morning links
Why the Nobel Peace Prize brings little peace Scrubbing Laura Ingalls Wilder Is A Dangerous Step Toward Ignorance California's Costly Global Warming Campaign Turns Out To Be Worse Than Useless 2018 Has Been Very Good to Trump WINNING: Atlanta Fed Announces 4.5% GDP Growth Estimate For Q2 Krugman wrong yet again US GDP growth could hit 15 year high and US dollar is surging Judge protects us from 'protection' bureau The Western World's most depressing chart After Its Hard Left Turn, Will Democratic Party Officially Admit It's Socialist? The Left is Bordering on Insanity DEMOCRATIC ESTABLISHMENT FRETS ABOUT THE UNHINGED LEFT Why Trump Won: Liberal Hatred Of Non-City Folks THE RUN-DOWN: Here's What You Need To Know About Trump's Top 5 Possible Nominees Britain’s Exploding Population Driven Above 66 Million by Mass Migration Comments
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Making Dallas a nice place to live in... maybe so, but when I see "...progressive urbanist direction..." I quit reading. First of all what does that even mean. Secondly the word 'progressive' has become as antithetical as 'diversity' when attempting a sane world.
As i always say, the word "progressive" ALWAYS reminds me of cancer.
WINNING: Atlanta Fed Announces 4.5% GDP Growth Estimate For Q2
Krugman wrong yet again NEVER FORGET that Krugman was a paid consultant to that hot corporate mess, known as ENRON! His Nobel prize equals Obama's Peace prize as a total JOKE; both are a couple of third rate minds, posing with their Ivy League "credentials.... not educations mind you, just pieces of paper as credentials for participation! RE: Dallas
Never heard of the guy. But then again, I'm not a D Magazine reader. D Magazine is for those that believe Public/Private partnerships are something other than cronyism. Cronyism, every once in a while, produces something I enjoy and use, but it certainly shouldn't be the normal course of business. He mentions tearing down I-345. There is no doubt that will make the transition from Downtown to Deep Ellum a lot more attractive. But there is no way tearing down that piece of elevated freeway will improve traffic in the surrounding area. I can't imagine how much more difficult it will become for me (and it's all about me, right?) to get to certain parts of the city once that is torn out. Over 160,000 vehicles use that stretch of freeway every day. But man... There will be some RE developers that will make a lot of coin if that stretch of freeway disappears. Yup. Never heard of him. And after living here for 29 years and traveling on that road many times, it’s the first time I’ve ever heard it was called I345. There are plenty of problems in Dallas begging for solutions. But he misses two important points. First, Dallas ain’t Portland and second, Dallas city is a lot more spread out and suburban than people realize.
"Britain’s Exploding Population"
Britain is over, it is being transformed into a 3rd world shithole. Once the percentage of the immigrant population becomes too great to ever possibly consider stopping immigration it is over. Between laws, courts and the immigrant vote Britain could not stop or reverse their current trend. At the same time if they do not stop and reverse their current trend they are done as a 1st world nation. for decades now intelligent productive Britain's have been leaving, they saw the handwriting on the wall. QUOTE: WINNING: Atlanta Fed Announces 4.5% GDP Growth Estimate For Q2 Gee. When was the last time the quarterly YoY GDP growth rate was 4.5% or higher? When Republicans took control of both houses of Congress.
Will Democratic Party Officially Admit It's Socialist? Why don't they rebrand it the National Socialist American Workers' Party and get it over with? Gets rid of the democratic, progressive and liberal stigma in one fell swoop.
QUOTE: Will Democratic Party Officially Admit It's Socialist? It's not. A minority of Democrats are socialists. Only a very few elected Democrats are socialists. By the way, socialism is a spectrum of beliefs. BillH: Why don't they rebrand it the National Socialist American Workers' Party and get it over with? Because it wouldn't be accurate. Sure. You keep telling your selves that. America is slowly waking up to the lie.
B. Hammer: Sure.
Saying "Is not!" is not much of an argument. Nearly all elected officials support a mixed economy, though differ on what is the appropriate mixture. There are some on the right who would do away with all social security programs, but they are a minority with limited political influence. There are some on the left who would expand social security programs to be a much larger share of the country's GDP, but they are a minority with limited political influence. "A minority of Democrats are socialists."
I think a majority are. A minority advertise it to the world. A minority of Democrats are communist, more every year. Most socialist embrace communist views. How is this good for a Democracy. Socialism is the antithesis of Democracy. "Socialism is a spectrum of beliefs." Yes it begins at taking your wealth and liberties right on through taking your life. There is no socialism (on the spectrum) that could exist under our constitution. It always requires "taking" and never requires "allowing" or recognizing individual rights. The worst part for Democrats and the rest of the left who don't necessarily identify as "Democrat" is that all leftism (The entire spectrum) is socialistic/communistic. GoneWithTheWind: Yes it begins at taking your wealth and liberties right on through taking your life. There is no socialism (on the spectrum) that could exist under our constitution.
All taxation means taking wealth. Taxation is specifically allowed under the 1787 U.S. Constitution. The devil (oppression) is in the details. Obviously taxes are required to support a government, even a minimal government. But taxes should be universal and also not punitive. Everyone should pay taxes (or no one should). End all property taxes and tax income and sales. No exemptions, if you have income 10% goes to the taxman. If you purchase anything, food, drugs, clothing, cars, anything 5% goes to the taxman. Everyone pays no one pays too much. THEN the tax would be reasonable AND everyone would have skin in the game on election day. I would also change the income tax due date AND the budget deadline to one week before election.
Give the congress and state legislators the requirement to make a balanced budget but they could not change the tax rates. They would get income and sales taxes at the set rate and their job would be to spend it properly. The voters would have one week to decide if they like what their representatives did and if not vote them out.
2018-06-29 16:57
GoneWithTheWind: Obviously taxes are required to support a government, even a minimal government.
Meaning that the government can take your wealth 'at the point of a gun'. A famous example making the point is the Whiskey Rebellion.
2018-06-29 17:11
"Meaning that the government can take your wealth 'at the point of a gun'."
True but what is your point? Are you really suggesting that the Democrats go full Venezuela on us? In theory "WE" give the government authority to tax and "WE" can revoke or modify that authority. "WE" did not cede all power to the government. In order for the government to go full Venezuela on us they must first confiscate our guns. In order for the government to confiscate our guns they must register them first. Americans will never allow gun registration and confiscation. The Democrats would be far wiser to sell our uranium to Russia for $200 million than try to take our guns and our constitutional rights. My fear is that the Democrats are not "wise" enough to heed that advice and they will bring us to the brink of civil war.
2018-06-29 19:00
GoneWithTheWind: True but what is your point? Are you really suggesting that the Democrats go full Venezuela on us?
It was a response to your statement, "Yes it begins at taking your wealth and liberties right on through taking your life. There is no socialism (on the spectrum) that could exist under our constitution. It always requires "taking" and never requires "allowing" or recognizing individual rights." It is correct to argue that private property is a bulwark of liberty, and therefore, eliminating most private property can lead to tyranny. However, it's not reasonable to argue that limited forms of socialism, such as providing a social safety net while still allowing for capital and markets, means never recognizing individual rights, or that it is inconsistent with the U.S. Constitution.
2018-06-30 07:34
Dem establishment frets about unhinged left: Too late, folks, that ship has SAILED, and you are on board WITH them.
Why Trump Won: Urban jerks pissed us off. re Scrubbing Laura Ingalls Wilder Is A Dangerous Step Toward Ignorance
The Left scrubs Ingalls because she didn't have 21st century views in the 19th century. OTOH, I believe there is still a Margaret Sanger award. That would be the Margaret Sanger of Planned Parenthood who believed in eugenics and wanted her mental and racial inferiors eliminated. It's an interesting look inside leftist thinking. I wonder what happens when they get hold of James Fennimore Cooper.
"Scrubbing Laura Ingalls Wilder Is A Dangerous Step Toward Ignorance"
Which is the entirety of why they did it, the left wants to keep/make the population ignorant little drones for themselves. Someone needs to shake Chris up and get some up-vote buttons on the page. Down-vote too I suppose. Just that some comments need drawing attention to.
Tracked: Jul 01, 09:13