Wednesday, November 13. 2019
Man Wears Sweatshirt Just In Case Wife Gets Cold
And she will
More about WD-40
A house without duct tape and WD-40 is not a home
Unearthing the Atrocities of Nazi Death Camps - Forensic archaeologists are finally exploring what lies beneath the dirt—but not without resistance
"A Generation of Ignoramuses"
Politically Incorrect Paper of the Day: The United Fruit Company was Good!
Illustrating the Corruption in Climate Science
Environmentalists Ban Cooking w/Fire in California
But lots of fires in CA
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker re-named the state capitol "holiday tree" the "Christmas tree," and the new governor, Tony Evers, renamed it back to "holiday tree"... and declared that it would "celebrate... science."
Why DACA Is Legal
SARA CARTER: Horowitz Report on FISA Abuse Will be Damning, Expected to Contain Several Criminal Referrals
Democrats putting Trump through a modern Twilight Zone
That's the point
Trump: ‘Everything We Have Achieved Is Under Threat From Left-Wing Ideology’
“But everything that we’ve achieved is under threat from the left-wing ideology that demands absolute conformity, relentless regulation, and a top-down control of the entire U.S. economy. Far left politicians in our nation’s capital want a massive government takeover of health care. They want to give government bureaucrats domination over every aspect of your business and your life. They want to eliminate American oil and natural gas. They want to enlist us in global projects designed to redistribute American wealth and kill American jobs all over our nation.”
Erdogan Wants to Redraw the Middle East’s Ethnic Map
The Myth of a Progressive Palestine
Tuesday, November 12. 2019
"If Don Jr. were taking millions from Russia, would people want to know?"
Scott Adams, re Hunter Biden
Legal Insurrection's Prof. Jacobson discusses
Monday, November 11. 2019
Sunday, November 10. 2019
Craziness and stunning ingratitude. Don't dare tell them that they aren't victims as university students in the USA. (h/t SDA)
Saturday, November 9. 2019
Friday, November 8. 2019
The Many Benefits Of A Four-Day Work Week
Not for most people I know.
Williams College students boycott English Department, claim it’s ‘whitewashed,’ ‘racist’
Lesbian Priest Tapped To Head Major Abortion Group, Calls Abortionists ‘Modern-Day Saints’
Arizona’s Success with Charter Schools Is a Model Other States Would Be Wise to Follow
Why $4.5 Billion From Big Tech Won’t End California Housing Crisis - Efforts by Apple, Facebook and Google to address the California housing crunch must contend with the forces that created it.
Most illegals in Mississippi ICE raids stole Americans' identities
Calif. Taxpayers on Hook for Six-Figure Government Pensions - Retired law enforcement exec collected $1.5 million in 2018
California Killing Its Gig Economy - A last-ditch effort by Uber, Lyft, and DoorDash could rein in a new labor law, but entrepreneurs need to recognize that new ideas will have to start elsewhere.
Many people do not enjoy being employees. Me, for example.
Obama administration tried to partner with Hunter Biden’s Ukrainian gas firm but was blocked over corruption concerns
Johnson, Grassley Call for State Department to Release Documents on Hunter Biden and Burisma
Michael Bloomberg poised for possible 2020 campaign - Former New York mayor fears current Democratic candidates are not equipped to defeat Trump, adviser says
I think he'd be a strong candidate. Imagine two NYC biz moguls, amateur pols, running against eachother!
Trump Derangement Is Destroying Political Analysis
Trump Reads Whistleblower’s Lawyer’s Tweets At Rally, Crowd Goes Nuts
A Military Camera Said ‘Made in U.S.A.’ The Screen Was in Chinese.
Iran's network of influence in Mid-East 'growing'
What Democrats Need To Learn From Obama About Aid To Israel
Thursday, November 7. 2019
What 3,000-Year-Old Egyptian Wheat Tells Us About the Genetics of Bread
Yes, you can make bread from antique wheat. Heritage wheat.
Remembering LBJ's phone call ordering new pants
The Scientists Are Muttering About Population Control Again
Environmentalists: If You Want To Save The World, Skip Thanksgiving
I do not want to save the world that much
22 Year Old Instagram Star Says Learning About WWII Harms Millennials’ Mental Health…
No brain, no pain
Censored: YouTube Silences Doctor Warning Against Transgender Mutilation
Running Out Of Other People's Money, New York And Federal Versions
Biden describes Elizabeth Warren’s elitism: “If you were only as smart as I am you would agree with me”
Eric Ciaramella Attorney, January 2017: “Coup Has Started” – July 2017: “We Will Remove Him”…
More: Fake Whistleblower's Lawyer in 2017: "The coup has started," Brags That Deep State Will Impeach Trump and His Friends at CNN Will Play a Key Role
Donald Trump Jr. Tweets Name Of Whistleblower
Heck, we posted it last week
Testimony Transcript Shows William Taylor Never Talked To Trump, Wasn’t Even On July 25 Phone Call - A top anti-Trump witness for House Democrats admitted he wasn't on the July 25 phone call and had never even spoken with Trump about Ukraine military aid.
Don Jr. on If Trump were a Democrat
U.S.-Israel Security Cooperation Is A Win-Win
Iran Is Doing Just Fine - Tehran Has Survived U.S. Sanctions. Its Nuclear Program and Regional Activities Will, Too.
Wednesday, November 6. 2019
You can't dispute that he has big cojones, makes the Bushies and Obama look like wimps. His style reminds me of Teddy Roosevelt. If you are a Never-Trumper, do not watch this thing because you will become depressed and we want happy readers who enjoy life regardless of politics.
Trump Thunderstruck from Mr Smith on Vimeo .
On the topic of internet monopolies and other topics. First time I've seen him interviewed. Check out those whiskeys behind him. Funny.
21 of our favorite gag gifts
Dating Deception: When Sex Is On Our Minds, Lying Comes Naturally
Why should the rest of the country continue paying for California’s bad decisions on forest management and urban development?
11,000 Experts Propose Final Solution To Global Warming: Just Kill Billions Of People
A Racially “Woke” Agenda Is Now Hardwired in Public Schools
Jeffrey Epstein’s social contacts with Katie Couric, George Stephanopoulos, other celebs scrutinized
How did he accumulate so many friends? It wasn't just the girls. Sociopathic charm?
ABC News Says Epstein Bombshell Didn’t Satisfy Its ‘Standards,’ Ran Unfounded Allegations on Kavanaugh
Easy to understand. Their standards are political
Sanctuary County Rolls Back Its Anti-ICE Policy Following String Of Illegal Aliens Charged With Rape
Mugged by reality
Vote Harvesting: A Recipe for Intimidation, Coercion, and Election Fraud
Donald Trump, Jr. on ‘Woke Culture’: ‘It’s Never Enough,’ Left Always Pushes For More
CIA staff complained about Obama White House's political correctness, new book claims
A Farewell to Paris Accord: The opposite of reckless.
US Jewish umbrella group slams Democratic hopefuls’ calls to leverage Israel aid
Powerline: RATE THE HATE
Hate for those with an R is routine. Media gins it up
The Democrat Party has veered far left very fast, without any pushback from within the party.
Elizabeth Warren’s Meme Team Gets Dysentery
Sheesh. So dumb it's embarassing.
Retired Army Officer Remembers Lt. Col. Vindman as Partisan Democrat Who Ridiculed America
Tuesday, November 5. 2019
Taking some questions yesterday after getting off his chopper. He is a bulldog. "I get along, but nobody is gonna mess with me."
Monday, November 4. 2019
A Scott Adams tweet via Althouse:
" How would it be possible for a Ukraine investigation into Biden to be good for Trump politically unless it was also the kind of thing that voters in the United States would care about?"
"There were two potential outcomes of the requested Ukraine investigation on Biden. Either they would find nothing, or they would find behavior that voters in the United States need to know. Which of those two outcomes is the impeachable one?"
Traversing the Landscape of Transgender Politics
New York's Place as America's Fine-Dining Mecca in Jeopardy As City Bans Foie Gras
Ban everything except pot
OLD WHITE GODS, NOT YET DEAD: Why Architectural Elites Love Ugly Buildings.
Nearly 40% of 2019 farm income will come from federal aid and insurance
"California," argues Victor Davis Hanson, is "becoming pre-modern"
California Governor Threatens To Take Over Energy Company As Wildfires Rage
Are You A Moral Grandstander?
Andrew Cuomo: ‘We Didn’t Have Hurricanes’ Before Climate Change
Warren's Wealth Tax
Elizabeth Warren Promises IRS Will Have “Super Duper Enforcement” Powers If She Wins
Is she for real?
Democrat Front-Runner Crazy Uncle Joe Biden Turns His Back on Audience – Starts Talking to Screens During Major Iowa Event
That was fake news
Soros Advocacy Group Spent $72M On Lobbying Since Trump Elected
Democrats are stealing old ideas from Europe just as Europe abandons them
The AMERICAN Party: I Am Not “Republican.” I Am Not “Conservative.” I Am Not “Alt Right.” None of These. “I am an AMERICAN.
Reclaiming Common Sense in the USA
Birth coach is 'hounded out' of industry charity Doula UK after transgender activists branded her Facebook message claiming only women can have babies 'offensive'
Where’s the Mysterious Maltese Mifsud and Where Did He and His Associate and Lawyer Stephan Roh Obtain Their Millions?
Doug Wead: I interviewed the Trump family for two years and THIS is what I found
Why Obama Got A Nobel Peace Prize For Nothing — And Trump Never Will For Anything
Saturday, November 2. 2019
Image is Currier and Ives' Autumn
Kimball: A genuinely transgressive act - On the dedication of Christ Chapel at Hillsdale College.
Stunningly beautiful
Left-Wing Racial Grievance Merchants Want to Ban Honors Classes in Schools, Claiming They Only Promote "White Supremacy"
America's religion of anti-racism reaches peak absurdity
Clinical insanity isn’t just a fashionable option anymore. It is becoming mandatory.
The Electric Car Fantasy - Senator Chuck Schumer’s ambitious proposal bucks basic economics—and science.
Huge October Payrolls Beat: 128K Jobs Added As Black Unemployment Rate Hits All Time Low
New York Times: Airing National Anthem On TV Could Trigger Viewers Who Hear ‘Political Overtones’
Tomi Lahren responds to left-wing backlash over her AOC Halloween costume: 'Calm down'
California's Prop 47 leads to rise in shoplifting, thefts, criminal activity across state
WAKE UP, IDIOTS! 453,000 New Yorkers Fled the State Last Year — And Now Trump!… And Cuomo and De Blasio CRACK JOKES?
Aaron Sorkin, Who Built His Career on Making Up Stuff About Politics, Claims Free Speech "Assaults Truth"
Former CIA Director On Trump Impeachment: ‘Thank God For The Deep State’
A stunning confession from a Deep State member subverting the constitutional republic
Suspected ‘Whistleblower’ Ciaramella May Be CIA Spy Planted in Trump White House Identified as “Charlie” in Strzok and Page Texts
Military Official Who Worked with Top Schiff Witness Alex Vindman Reprimanded Him for Inappropriate and Partisan Behavior in Military
Andrew McCarthy: Trump impeachment inquiry's sneaky next chapter – Get ready for THIS
Finland Has a Sports Screw Loose - Swamp soccer. Wife carrying. Phone throwing. The country used to be formidable in traditional sports, but has pivoted hard to the bizarre side of competition.
2020 Dems Stand With J Street, Hamas and ISIS Against Israel - Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders declare war on the Jewish State.
Trump Admin Considers Adding More Nations To So-Called Travel Ban
Friday, November 1. 2019
Vladimir Bukovsky, hero of freedom
In-law issues are normal: Prince Harry, Meghan reportedly have confrontation with Queen
The Weird Psychological Theory behind Gym Class
CNN: Asthma Sufferers Need To Change Their Medicine To Stop ‘Climate Change’
The Female Sexual Predator
It’s Not Climate Change To Blame For California’s Fires And Blackouts. It’s Democrats - Thanks to Democrats, California’s large and heavily regulated public utilities prioritize wind and solar power, leaving little for powerline maintenance and upgrades.
The ‘Farm Workforce Modernization Act’
How 'mattress girl' changed her mind
End the Failed Renewable Fuel Standard Experiment - Why Congress should abolish the ethanol mandate.
UMich nixes 'Bias Response Teams' amid free speech lawsuit
Results Are In: Common Core Is Making American Kids Dumber
California is nearing the logical limits of progressive adventurism in policy and politics.
The Chicago Teacher Union vs. Charter Schools
Trump Judicial Pick Breaks Down in Tears Over Horrible Far Left Smears During Hearing
Former Time Editor Wants Hate-Speech Laws, Thinks Trump ‘Might’ Violate Them, and Misses the Irony
Trump Tweets Meme About Hero Dog, Journos Lose Minds.
Trump is a master troller. Funny, too
The Adam Schiff Empowerment Act
House Impeachment Resolution Authorizes Fishing Expedition Probes that Go Far Beyond Ukraine
Impeachment Has Been Their Plan All Along
Anti-Trump Media Is Waging Psychological Warfare Against the American People
The Deep State Isn’t a Conspiracy, It’s a Revolution
NSC Official Tim Morrison To Schiff: ‘I Was Not Concerned That Anything Illegal Was Discussed’ In Trump-Ukraine Phone Call
Adam Schiff Coached Alexander Vindman Throughout Impeachment Testimony
Who could be in Durham’s investigative crosshairs? Obama-era figures have reason to sweat
Whistleblower Eric Ciaramella: Is this the best they've got?
Marxism Never Dies in Chile - Ongoing demonstrations have good cause, but the South American country needs more “neoliberalism”—not less.
Thursday, October 31. 2019
About an influential book nobody reads anymore: The Columbian Orator
Motorcyclist Who Identifies As Bicyclist Sets Cycling World Record
Dave Chappelle Blows Raspberry at Political Correctness - "And I'm sorry if I hurt anybody. Etc., etc. Yada, yada, yada. Everything I'm supposed to say."
Eddie Murphy, Dave Chappelle and more comedians weigh in, bluntly, on 'cancel culture'
Obama: ‘Cancel Culture’ Is Canceled
Pro-Palestinian college group is 'main driver of Jew-hatred on campus,' study suggests
Title IX Has Spawned a Dangerous, Totalitarian Bureaucracy
Can The Government Really Limit Marriage To Two People?
California Burning
I blame it on fire suppression
So do the experts
But Jerry Brown blames Trump for the fires
California Has the Nation's Worst Poverty Rate, New Census Data Shows
Border apprehensions increase by 500,000 from 2018 to 2019
Elizabeth Warren Pledges To Crack Down On School Choice, Despite Sending Her Own Son To Elite Private School
Hillary Clinton Paid to Have Her Personal Conspiracy Theory Made Into Official US National Security Policy, and The Entire Nation Has Been Forced to Live Inside the Sick Imaginings of a Paranoiac for Three Years
Nikki Haley Goes After The Deep State During AEI Event In DC
Speaking of which, Anti-Trump Whistleblower’s Identity Revealed – Worked for Susan Rice, Obama, Also Helped Initiate the Russia Collusion Hoax Investigation!
Brokaw To Mitchell: House Dems Don’t Really Have “The Goods” On Trump, Do They?
Trump’s praise for the dog that helped capture al Baghdadi was a psy-ops classic
Would Baghdadi be alive if Biden was president? As VP, he opposed raid that killed bin Laden
Prof: Trump ‘mentally impaired,’ experiencing ‘early onset dementia' as 'obese male’
Wednesday, October 30. 2019
Photo from NYC : Behold, The Soul-Stirring Peregrine Falcon Who Watches Over Us All
He's not dead, just resting
Your Halloween Decorations Are Bad For ‘Climate Change’ Or Something
'Cultural appropriation is cultural genocide,’ says Mo. school’s costume workshop
So my ravioli destroys Italian culture?
Vladimir Bukovsky (1942 - 2019)
1776, not 1619 - America’s Founding was not defined by slavery and white supremacy—quite the contrary.
'Your Past Is Terrible, and Your Future Is Terrible': What the Left Tells Young Americans
Bankers Fleeing New York
"The most knowledgable conservationists I’ve known were all hunters, quite unlike know-it-all urban hipster “environmentalists.”
The first guy I hunted ducks with was the founder of our local Audubon Society
Elderly Vet Has Guns Seized After Criticizing School Resource Officer For Allegedly Leaving His Post
The Export-Import Bank Shuffles Forward — Like a Zombie
Get rid of it. Crony capitalism
US detains record 76,000 minors traveling alone in 2019
It's incomprehensible. Parents send them?
Kanye West Claims Democrats Have ‘Brainwashed’ Blacks
Kanye West’s Conversion Could Be a Cultural Wrecking Ball
U.S. Recovered Valuable Intelligence In Baghdadi Raid
The left stumbles all over itself to praise al-Baghdadi
Sick and getting sicker. But I don't care about ISIS any more. Let the Syrians, Turks, and Russians grapple with them. Not my problem.
Adam Schiff Accused of Witness Tampering in 'Soviet-Style' Impeachment Inquiry
Dan Crenshaw challenges entire premise of Ukraine impeachment efforts
He is right. Crenshaw is a good one, also, Matt Gaetz. Both potential presidential material.
The Bell Is About to Toll - The real malefactors of election interference are soon to be exposed.
“I’ll agree to let you outlaw hate speech if you agree to let me define hate speech.”
NYT Writer Finally Admits It Feels Good To Hate Trump
Hate is fun, especially when it's self-righteous
Why the 'Woke' Corporations Back China
Tuesday, October 29. 2019
The Enduring Value of Herman Melville
Academia and the Spirit of Fear - Suffering from want of courage.
Oxford Nixes Clapping Lest It Trigger Snowflakes
I don't even understand this
Training for Title IX investigators lacks tested, effective techniques
Accomplished Charter-School Leader Fired for Publicly Worrying about Academic Excellence
Excellence is "problematic"
VDH: Our Bankrupt Nomenklatura - Take all the signature brand names that the Baby Boomers inherited from prior generations—Harvard, Yale, the New York Times, NPR, CNN, the Oscars, the NFL, the NBA, the FBI, the CIA, the Rockefeller and Ford foundations, and a host of others. And then ask whether they enhanced or diminished such inheritances?
Teachers union instructs members how to push identity politics on students
You are either a victim or an oppressor. Did you know that? Hang the sign around your neck.
The Real Climate Crisis Is Not Global Warming, It Is Cooling, And It May Have Already Started
NYC secretly exports homeless to Hawaii and other states without telling receiving pols
Brother of Sandy Hook victim blasts Joe Biden for 'lie', reveals family barred from Air Force One flight for opposing gun control
The Bidens: "Stone Cold Crooked" (3)
John Kelly to Democrats critical of ICE: ‘Go to hell!’
Kelly is needed back in the WH
IMF chief applauds "bravery" of Trump tax cuts
The Real Reasons Why Legacy Media Are Freaking Out Over Trump’s Successful Baghdadi Mission
NY Times thinks it found the real enemy in al-Baghdadi raid: TRUMP
Trump is Satan
James Foley’s Mother Thanks Trump and Brave Troops for Death of ISIS Leader
Mother of Kayla Mueller: My Daughter Might Still Be Alive “If Obama Had Been as Decisive as Trump”
Impeachment pursuits began on the day Trump was inaugurated
No kidding
Italy: Mass Legalization Of Migrants Is Suicidal
Media Frantically Reminding You That Trump Hasn’t “Defeated ISIS”