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Saturday, March 19. 2016Going medieval on warmth
I suspect that Dr. Ball is correct, but really who cares about this topic anymore? Other than bureaucrats, moonbats, and government-funded researchers?
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Hating on Donald Trump
There is too much hate. Why can't we all just get along?
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Saturday morning links Go-Getters, Gone? How many jobs will the robots take? This Is the Year Shale Gas Knocks Out US Coal SANITY: Tennessee Law Would Outlaw Punishing Students For Speaking Freely, ‘Microagressions.’
"Thanks to progressive identity and victimization politics, some " the all-powerful central state worshipped by Reich and all the Say, where is the African-American revolt against Democrats? When the citizens reject your socialist, big government world view - get new citizens. How can anyone ever again be prosecuted for mishandling classified information? National Review…the Trump Recruiting Office The Gloves Are Off: Trump Accuses Hillary Of Being "Involved In Corruption For Most Of Her Professional Life" Kluge: An Open Letter to the Conservative Media Explaining Why I Have Left the Movement Wow Political correctness implosion in Sweden Gates: Obama Went Against ‘Entire National Security Team’ on Egypt Coup Repairing the Special Relationship We can´t stop the migrants: EU says Britain has ´moral duty´ to Turkey to accept refugees
Friday, March 18. 2016The Trump phenomenon I think Trump could conceivably win a general election, although current polls indicate a bloodbath. It's been an interesting 6 months, and the next 6 could be equally interesting. I doubt that he would have done so well with a more compact set of primary candidates, though. I do not think the Trump phenomenon is about anger, ignorance, or toothless white men. Exit polls I saw indicated that he drew votes from all social classes, ethnicities, and from women. They are not Know-Nothings; they are reluctantly-politicized people. So what is it about? I feel it's a spirit of rebellion and defiance. That is quite American. I think many feel that Washington with its condescending, bien pensant elites and vast, intrusive bureaucracies are diminishing life in America. (But they want their benefits too.) I can relate.
No, nor do they realize how bubble-wrapped their lives are. David Brooks beclowned himself again this week on the topic: Gee, I Guess Me and My Fellow Well-Heeled Establisment Swells Kind of Didn't Listen to the Voters for Years, Huh? Well, it's not that simple but I think many enjoy his anti-effete spirit and his plain talk. He is right about some things, wrong about other things. So is everybody. On a personal level, I think Trump is a jerk and Hillary! is a revolting human. Given the choice, I'd hire Trump to work for me.
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Why immigration mattersSums it all up: Immigration: the mother of all issue:
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Friday morning links
Patients in Pain, and a Doctor Who Must Limit Drugs Murray: An open letter to the Virginia Tech community.
Colleges Are All For Diversity — Except When It Comes To Ideas Impaled On Its Own Petard——The Fed’s Folly Festers Further The EU and climate: "Watching the increasingly farcical antics of Europe’s ruling class, I The Donald’s Big Tent - Into it come blue-collar Dems, out of it go neocons. Stamina - Trump’s Lingistic Kill Shot for Clinton Krauthammer: "The immediate conventional wisdom was to blame the disturbance on the Krauthammer: I Was Wrong for Laughing at Trump… Democrats Are Worried Trumpophobia: Around world, doubts whether Trump could 'make America great again' The Obama Doctrine Thursday, March 17. 2016Happy St. Patrick's DayYoung O'Donnell rushed into a church, placed his rifle under a pew and entered the confessional. "Father," he said breathlessly, "I've just shot down two British lieutenants!" Hearing no response he went on: "I also knocked off a British captain!" When there was still no response from the priest, O'Donnell said, "Father, have ye fainted?" "Of course I haven't fainted," replied the confessor. "I'm waitin' for you to stop talkin' politics and commence confessin' your sins!" Thursday morning links
How the American hamburger came to rule the world 11 Of The World's Coolest Offices Teachers’ Union Attempts to Strangle Charters 25% Dumped Their ObamaCare Plans Last Year, White House Admits The Path Forward for Republicans Is Both Conservative and Populist GOP Elites Spit On Their Largest Voting Block – Middle Class Voters – for Supporting Trump Brownshirts & Republican Wimps Trump Voters And The Magical Belief In Government Action The Story of Marco Rubio’s Epic Underachievement Flemming Rose: The Reluctant Fundamentalist - How the man behind the Danish cartoons crisis thinks about free speech, 10 years on
Hungary's Orban "Rings Alarm Bells" On Brussels Plot To Create "United States Of Europe" Foolish to vacation in North Korea You can thank Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton for North Korea’s nukes US Army Officials Paint Dire Picture of the State of the Force Skunk Works Chief: How To Keep America’s Airborne Advantage Time to Question Presidential Candidates on Missile Defense How the Military Will Be Revolutionized By Laser Weaponry Wednesday, March 16. 2016Can add these to yesterday's Krazy Kontest Could anybody have predicted these things? Encouraging People to Stand Up for Themselves Is ‘Rape Culture’ The Yale Administration recently piously removed three portraits of the former Vice President for whom one of Yale’s twelve residential colleges had been named for most of a century. UC Davis students ‘heavily traumatized’ by 'anti-Asian,' 'fat-shaming' sumo wrestler game 'BlackOut' student protesters demand end to 'oppressive' standardized testing New Orleans student gov. leader says 'right-handed people' need to check their privilege
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On The Subway
However, as he passes one fellow, he collects a business card. In handing the card, the charitable soul says "This is a soup kitchen nearby, you can bring your children here and get hot meals." The fellow looks up and replies, "Free food? Here, in Manhattan?" "Yes." "So I can bring my kids?" "Yes." "So you're saying I have to travel up to the Bronx to get my daughter, then travel down to Brooklyn to get my son, then bring them both with me to Manhattan to get free food? Is that what you're telling me I have to do?" "Sir, you don't have to do anything. It's free food. It's your choice, but it's a place to go." "Right." He didn't get angry, didn't cause a scene. But it occurred to me if he was really destitute, this wouldn't be an issue. I realize some panhandlers are professional. There is one who sits by my office with a dog and a sign that "the dog comes first, I come second." I'd say he's been there for 3 years, except it's not a he. It's a them. There are 3 or 4 different people who switch out on any given day. I don't mind giving money to people in need. There's a limit, though. When the ability to get a free meal prompts the kind of response I heard on the train, alarm bells go off. If you're in need, you don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Yes, everything requires work, even 'free stuff'. It's not as if his tromping through train cars isn't work. If he has real money issues, I'm sure he's not covering his costs by panhandling all day. But he must be doing well enough to keep doing it, and he should realize that it requires significant effort. If this sounds like someone who has what he needs criticizing someone who is without, I'm sorry. That's not my intent. I'm not judging these people, I'm simply saying work is work. A 'free' lunch of any kind requires effort. It's a shame we don't have a political class that understands this when they make promises to people with money that isn't theirs.
Wednesday morning links
Social Work Needs Heterodoxy MA: Battle rages over Lyme disease bill "Chronic Lyme" infection exists only in the imagination College students demand safe spaces from border patrol agents Add it to the list Effort to derail vote over mandatory Western Civ classes at Stanford underway If they seek ignorance, why are they in kollege? After Cash: All Fun and Games Until Somebody Loses a Bank Account It's anti-freedom. Also, then how do you buy anything when the power is out? Ameericans would never give up this much privacy and freedom As U.S. Passports For Domestic Flights Loom, IRS Can Now Revoke Passports Sheriff Clarke: 'Everything Is A**-Backwards in the Country Right Now' - Rioting = protesting, cops = bad, crooks = victims. THE MARRIAGE OF BLACK LIVES MATTER &JEW HATRED - How BLM and anti-Israel activists found common cause. Exit Polls: Republican Voters Feel 'Betrayed' by GOP Republicans Are Addicted to Increasing Federal Spending ESPN Assigns Mike Ditka to Doghouse for Thought Crime Measuring Donald Trump’s Mammoth Advantage in Free Media Why Does Hillary Clinton Have A Problem With Americans Having Jobs? Well, she needs a job. She's broke and unemployed now Obama to Energy Producers: Drop Dead Don’t Blame Trump for Divisiveness When the Left Says Stuff Like This Repub primaries: Let the chaos continue US Navy eases body fat standards in effort to retain sailors Latest Survey Finds 25% of French Teenagers Are Muslims A look inside China's first finishing school Ain't that "cultural appropriation"? European Union Caving to Turkey's Blackmail? Iran says it recovers information from US sailors' devices Duh Tuesday, March 15. 2016Tuesday morning linksSippican's sewage mystery Students: ‘Orient Express’ Party Racist, ‘Toxic,’ Perpetuates Tourist Privilege Tourist privilege? I am all for more of that Trans-forming Public Spaces - The Left reaps the whirlwind with its transgender bathroom fixation. Cargo Cult Economics And Why We Should Stop Fetishizing Home Ownership America's Gestapo: The FBI's Reign Of Terror VDH: The Weirdness of Illegal Immigration John Kasich Goes All In For Amnesty: Illegals ‘Made In The Image Of The Lord’ 124 illegal immigrants released from jail later charged in 138 murder cases Will Failed Obamacare Co-Ops Repay Taxpayers’ Money? Senate Panel Seeks Answers The “Cadillac Tax” on Health Benefits in the United States Will Hit the Middle Class Hardest How Democrats abandoned the working class and spurred rise of Donald Trump Donald Trump: Elevating Public Discourse Finally an Honest Reporter! TAMMY BRUCE Puts Blame on Violent Leftist Mob at Trump Rally Divisive Rhetoric? Trump Didn’t Start This Fire The GOP is fretting about Trump, but the Democrats’ likely standard-bearer could do just as much damage to her own party. How Long Until Arabs and Muslims Rule, Britannia? Those in England who deplore its Islamization are afraid to express their thoughts out loud. Nearly 60% of Palestinians support the current so-called wave of terror attacks against Israelis Obama Is Not a Realist - He’s an isolationist with drones and special-operations forces. The search for elusive Iranian moderates The U.N. Sinks Further into the Anti-Israeli Muck The Slipperiest Slope of Them All - An American president who rejected the notion of a “global war on terror” has now launched one. Uber Increases Productivity
Monday, March 14. 2016Monday morning links
Duh What Happens When Walmart Dumps You That's a Country song The hacking of Ashley Madison and the fantasy of infidelity Episcopal church celebrates 40 years of women in the priesthood Quit Your Job - A midlife career shift can be good for cognition, well-being, and even longevity. A Lenten confession: What he did to mess up Thailand Renaissance regions that didn't expel Jews reap the benefit today Is it racist to say that Jews are often smart people? An Ironic 10th Anniversary for the Duke Lacrosse Case SUNY Albany Latest Campus to Fall for Fake Hate Hoax Georgetown Pro-Life Students: University’s Invitation to Planned Parenthood CEO a ‘Slap in the Face’ Ha. They are learning crybully tactics from the moonbats A Message For Higher Ed From Mizzou’s 1,500 Missing Students ‘Marginalized’ Students Make Wild Demands, Threaten To ‘Mobilize’ If Ignored "Marginalized" kids at taxpayer-funded schools. Expulsion, or criminal charges, for threats makes sense to me.
Six Percent of Americans Have Accepted Payment for Sex "So…you get a grant to claim that the world is going to end, and then when it doesn’t, you get a grant to explain why…." How the $15 wage is already killing Seattle jobs The facts are in: NYC’s charter schools are a smashing success More Bureaucracy Pitched as Solution to Minnesota’s Racial, Income Inequality Always the solution to everything Coping with Somalis in Minneapolis Moveon.Org raising funds from Trump protests, warns more disruptions to come The evil shadow of Soros The Entire Criminal Enterprise Known as the Clinton Foundation Laid Bare Hillary Boasts to Liberal Audience: “We’re Going to Put a Lot of Coal Miners and Coal Companies Out of Work” From a commenter at Powerline:
Because government is a force multiplier for evil, a vote for the small government candidate is a vote for good National Review writer wants to deport Trump's wife, who is a U.S. citizen Here Are The Radical Leftist Anti-Tump Groups Behind The Chicago Protest To the Sandernistas: #FeeltheBreadLine Obama’s CIA Director Is Opposed to Spying The UK: Elizabeth’s Finest Hour To Maintain Supply of Sex Slaves, ISIS Pushes Birth Control Is Planned Parenthood working there? I see an opportunity. Climate Fund Struggling to Spend Money Obama Wants To Use Indigenous Science To Govern The Arctic Witch doctors? "Never Seen Anything Like This Before" - Sweden Stunned At "Unreal" Surge In Refugee Sex Attacks I blame those sexy blondes Learning to Fight Like an Israeli - Feature: 17 hours of training with the Israeli Tactical School Saturday, March 12. 2016Saturday morning links
There's an olive oil shortage Sippican's Sewer Saga continues 21 Reasons To Never Ever Step Inside A Whole Foods Again We Need to Stop Calling Breast-Feeding Natural. Victimhood culture makes for worse citizens — people who are less helpful, more entitled, and more selfish The new rich guy culture of Silicon Valley Victor Davis Hanson on College Today "Hanauer blamed existing wage laws for the failure of the Pacific Coast US shale industry’s best days are still ahead Stop Encouraging Homeownership Destructive Government Activity Just Keeps Advancing White House Diaper Gap: Obama Wants More Pampering of Needy Clinton Against American Energy - Blue States already paying the price Why Donald Trump's Defense of Social Security Is Brilliant Clinton Plays the Wrong Outrage Card and Sanders Makes Her Pay DEBATE: Ted Cruz Is Absolutely Correct On Common Core How I Went from Trump Curious to Anti-Trump For Once, I Am On Trump’s Side Rubio Slams Climate Hysteria: Can't Pass Law to Change the Weather Garry Kasparov: Hey, Bernie, Don’t Lecture Me About Socialism. I Lived Through It. How big is opposition to women in combat units among Marines? Friday, March 11. 2016Diagnosis?
See this: 1988: The Year Donald Lost His Mind Some have speculated that Teddy Roosevelt had some of that too. Friday morning links Descendants of Rollo, Viking founder of Normandy, exhumed Rollo is a cool name Luxurious College Apartments, Built on Debt Thought Crime: Diversity bill passes at CSU after student senators threatened with impeachment Victims and Victimologists - Every modern revolutionary movement has sought to change the language. Campus liberals are hardly the first. FBI Instructs High Schools to Inform On “Anti-government” Students Like East Germany. This is a sickness Mario Draghi sparks currency turmoil after stepping up ECB stimulus plan These guys think they can engineer economies On Trade, Trump and Sanders are Two Peas in a Rotten Pod Boob bait for the bubbas Is Ted Cruz oleaginous? Is Trump a con man or a huckster? Trump says it: ‘I think Islam hates us’ Truth in that. He did not say "All Muslims" Related, Trump moving the Overton Window again How Rich Guy Donald Trump Speaks Working-Class Language Why Would Anyone Trust This Swindler With The Presidency? Documents Reveal US Army Indoctrinated Soldiers on Dangers of ‘White Privilege’ Europeans are poor, and don't know it France: Riots over proposed increase to 35-hour work week Time for Germany to re-arm I agree The Obama Doctrine - The U.S. president talks through his hardest decisions about America’s role in the world. There is no doctrine, but I agree with much of what he says - but I think much of what has been done is stupid shit, eg Iran and Libya Call it Christian Genocide in the middle east A book: The Lost Mandate of Heaven: The American Betrayal of Ngo Dinh Diem, President of Vietnam ISIS Follows Palestinian Children’s Jihadi Indoctrination The Ukrainian Blackout and the Future of War In Yet Another Secret Side Deal, Iran’s Nuclear Violations Won’t Be Publicly Disclosed Chinese Militarization in S. China Sea Aimed at Rapid Power Projection Obviously How Israel Navigated Through the Hurricane of the Syrian Civil War Thursday, March 10. 2016What's Missing
Thank you, America, for playing 'Celebrity Apprentice' GOP edition
Amusing. Or not?
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Thursday morning links
Looking for Satan in All the Wrong Places - Some think the Devil can be found in the Hebrew Bible. Are they right? Via Drudge: AG Lynch Testifies: Justice Dept. Has ‘Discussed’ Civil Legal Action Against Climate Change Deniers Why Are Liberal-Run Institutions Such Hotbeds of Racism and Sexism? ‘Sensitivity’ fascists are turning colleges into day-care centers Here is the test scientists use to see if you might be a conspiracy theorist NPR AND HARVARD SAY: OBAMACARE IS A COMPLETE FAILURE Record Number of Children Being Smuggled Into Country Over Southern Border How Progressive Policies Increase Income Inequality Will the Joint Employer Rule Hurt Franchises? Trump Is Too Poor To Stage A Third-Party Run NBC/WSJ poll: Clinton, Sanders demolish Trump in general election The Queen wants out of European Union Official Palestinian TV calls Jaffa terrorist a ‘martyr,’ victims ‘settlers’ Socialism Has Created a Humanitarian Disaster in Venezuela Wednesday, March 9. 2016The revolt of the little peopleThe bigger, wealthier, more powerful and more intrusive government becomes, the more citizens tend to feel like little people, rolled over by a distant, indifferent steam roller. Proud, patriotic, tax-paying citizens of a free republic do not like to feel that way. Beneficiaries of the machine don't care. Donald Trump and the Twenty-Four-Year Itch
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Wednesday morning links
The problem with tariffs I Love My White Male Privilege! (video) The Hidden Hunger Problem on Campus - Why it’s time to expand the National School Lunch Program to college. Don't college kids have p/t jobs anymore? All of my kids did Microaggressions Now Considered Harassment at the State Department? Evangelical university caves to student activists’ demand for microaggression reporting system Western Washington University’s Assembly for Power and Liberation Demands More Moonbattery Young Americans for Freedom Chapter in California Called ‘Hate Group’ Melissa Click: One Bad Professor Fired, Thousands More To Go New York City Set To Stop Enforcing Law Against Peeing On Sidewalks Because…RACISM! Mongolia: Deadly Cold, Heavy Snow blamed on Global Warming Record 61 million immigrants in U.S., 15.7 million illegally Not enough jobs for all these people Social welfare is killing refugees Interracial White Privilege is the Left's Hot New Hate - White privilege, it’s not just for white people anymore. Our major media are not up to this election Bernie Sanders: Whites Are Never Poor Bernie Sanders: White People Don’t Know What It’s Like to be Poor Sanders Is Wrong: America’s Poorest Counties Are 95 Percent White Most Americans agree Trump is a 'fraud' and a 'phony' Hillary Wants More of Your Money Hillary Blames Gun Manufacturers For Deaths Of People Shot By Guns, Promises To ‘Go After Them’ Norquist: Clinton lost the election during the last debate Five Reasons Trump May Be A Better President Than You Think Trump is Everything You Raised Your Kids Not to Be 3 problems Trump must fix to beat Hillary Palestinians: Have The Donors Finally Woken Up? Why the Nuclear Deal Hasn’t Softened Iran’s Hard-Line Policies Tuesday, March 8. 2016Tuesday morning linksInside Bob Dylan's Historic New Tulsa Archive: 'It's an Endless Ocean' Scientists who found gluten sensitivity evidence have now shown it doesn't exist I DUNNO, I THINK PROTEIN IS GOOD for growing boys Video: Americans Don’t Know Who Washington D.C. Was Named After The College That Wants to Ban ‘History’ The State of American Retirement - How 401(k)s have failed most American workers Why blame the 401ks? They are just one additional way to save. Defined Benefit pensions are never coming back. Bubba bashes Obama's 'pretty picture' economy, says millions left behind Note to GOP establishment: The voter is always right VDH: The Origins of Trump Nihilism Sympathy for the Donaldites
All sorts of people like Donald besides the victims of globalization Why I support Trump — and resent the elites trying to destroy him Ex-ADL chief: Trump’s ‘raise your hand’ gambit was deliberate, Nazi-style ‘fascist gesture’ That is crazy The real lesson of Ted Cruz's Super Saturday? Marco Rubio is a horrible failure. That is going too far GERMANY BANS SAUSAGES: Pork banned in cafes and schools to 'not offend refugees' Now I've seen everything China's 'leftover women', unmarried at 27 Obama’s Cuban fiasco Monday, March 7. 2016Monday morning links
14,000 Abandoned Wind Turbines Litter the United States What the haters miss about the joys of New York living Student Claims Sorority Rush Counts as Hazing Because it’s Stressful Life is one long hazing Z-Man visits Yale: The Hothouse Flowers Academic Gibberish Watch: We Have Another Winner Gender and glaciers? Religious Liberty In America: The Next Chapter. Legalizing Weed Has Done What 1 Trillion Dollars And A 40 Year War Couldn't Sweden Begins 5 Year Countdown Until It Eliminates Cash It's totalitarian with the feeblest of excuses Global Warming Today: Meat Is Murder Or Something Biden’s One-Night Visit to Mexico City Cost $538,528 for Hotels Alone The executive branch is living too regally. Not right Hillary Clinton: ‘I’ve Been The Most Transparent Public Official In Modern Times’ Is There a Cure for Trumpophrenia? Civil Rights Activist Endorses Donald Trump for President Giving Trump the Business - Many CEOs see someone they can relate to. Sultan: Everyone Except Hillary is Racist and Sexist The Horrific Destruction Of Libya——-It’s On You, Hillary! ISIS force 12-year-old girl to execute 5 women including doctor who refused to treat terrorists Sunday, March 6. 2016Judge Pirro rips Mitt Romney
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Does Europe's Immigration Mean The End Of Western Civilization?In 1973, French novelist Jean Raspail wrote a prophetic book predicting
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