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Monday, May 9. 2016Monday morning links
Great-granny, 80, got a gun, kills a home intruder who attacked husband A good wife Toxic relationship habits most people think are normal 25 Vintage Recipes That Are So Bad, They're Funny NC Gov Responds To ‘Bully’ DOJ Threat Over Bathrooms Why Big Tobacco Loves the New FDA E-Cig Regulations Nicotine without smoke: Tobacco harm reduction Federal Government Defines the Word “Menu” It's about time. I had been wondering for years. It Takes 300 Hours to Become a Shampooer in Tennessee Is it legal to wash your own hair? Oregon Tells Schools To Let Boys Play Girls Sports Connecticut Outlaws College Sex Good idea Theme of ‘Sex Positive’ Event at U. Maryland is ‘We’re Asking For It’ Fort McMurray Wildfire – Climate or Incompetence? Fire suppression magnifies fires. This is well-known. An Inconvenient Review: After 10 Years Al Gore’s Film Is Still Alarmingly Inaccurate FLASHBACK TO 2009: What’s Bad for America is Good for the Obama Gang Rapper Azealia Banks Endorses Trump – Says Hillary Talks to Black People “Like We’re Pets” Conrad Black: Donald Trump, the centrist, has attracted an army of disaffected patriots Trump Says Taxes for the Wealthy Should Go Up Trump Has Not Changed Anything, Politics Is Still The Same Republican Party Unravels Over Donald Trump’s Takeover "Takeover"? Guest Post from the Future by Thomas L. Friedman Celebrity Obama Tells Trump The Presidency Isn’t A REALITY SHOW Trump names the enemy Trump is the Nominee, What Now? Legal Insurrection Authors Debate Hillary Clinton lying for 13 minutes straight.(video) John Kerry to College Grads: “Prepare for Borderless World” Why? 'Brexit' could trigger World War Three, warns David Cameron Germany and Japan will invade the UK? Sheesh. Trackbacks
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In both world wars, a German dominated coalition attempted to control all of Europe and made war upon Britain in order to bring it into the fold.
Ultimately, Britain surrendered to a new such coalition when it joined the EU. If it tries to leave... Republican Party Unravels Over Donald Trump’s Takeover
Perhaps the parties, at least the Republicans, should strive not to be parliamentary parties and instead American Constitutional government parties? More ideological affiliations rather then stongman dominated? John Kerry to College Grads: “Prepare for Borderless World”
We can have a borderless world as soon as we abolish socialist welfare states. Not to mention, while we have strangling regulation that inhibits/prohibits the creation of new enterprises and markets through personal innovation. I'm with you JK, but the response would probably be that the welfare states don't need to go away, but rather normalized so they are all the same. In other words - they would all match the most generous one.
Re: Trump names the enemy
I like the way Eric Allen Bell describes it: Islam is radical but thankfully not all Muslims are radical. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5Lyn5c-h_8 "Islam is radical but thankfully not all Muslims are radical."
where Islam = rabies All Mohammedans are rabid, thankfully, not all Mo's are dangerous (because of age, distance, laziness, ineptness, etc). "Prepare for borderless worlds"
Not really. The smarter countries will keep their borders and the countries run by stupid people may well not keep their borders. The people in those smarter countries will keep their economies and wealth and the people in those stupid borderless countries will be stripped of their economy and wealth. Imagine that Bangladesh opened it's borders would people from the West rush in to enjoy the 'free stuff"? Probably not. But imagine that a Western country like the U.S. were to open it's borders would the 7 billion people from the 3rd world rush in for the 'free stuff'??? Please watch Maria Baritomo's interview with Donald Trump this morning. Big lie that Trump wants to raise taxes on wealthy. He explains it very well in the interview.
No, he is not going to raise taxes to a higher level than where they are now. That's about the sum of it all. This is beyond irritating. Misquotes from all sides (especially the Never Trumpers...which makes it extra pathetic). He also explains very well how he will work with the debt. He understands this stuff, despite what Trump haters think. Don't fall for misquotes and sound bites. I'm not worried about what Trump will do...I worry more about what the conservatives will do as they haven't conserved a damn thing over the last 4 presidencies. We are belly deep in debt, illegals, and perverts.
Oddly enough, I think the key to Trump's success will be his ability to negotiate with Democrats. Yes, Democrats. There are a number of issues on which we agree to a certain level. Work with that.
Trump is a tough negotiator, if he gets 80% of what he wants and the Dems get 20%, I will be happy. Biggest stuff I worry about: trade deals, immigration/wall, taxes, business regs, Obamacare. On Trump's website, he explains how he will get some of this stuff done without any need to get Congress on board. Regulations are under his control w/o Congress. Rules and Regulations can be easily gotten rid of. Trump also has laid out how he will get $$ for the wall through pre-existing laws. The hardest stuff will be taxes and Obamacare, especially if the Republicans are not in the majority in 2017. But that is where Trump's negotiating skills will come in. Why George Washington Would Have Agreed With Donald Trump
QUOTE: “We will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of globalism,” Trump said. “The nation-state remains the true foundation for happiness and harmony. I am skeptical of international unions that tie us up and bring America down.” snip Think about that: the Father of Our Country —with the imprimatur of Madison and Hamilton (he of the expansive view of federal power)—declared America’s “true policy” to be avoiding “permanent alliances” abroad. And yet that’s exactly what we’ve got 220 years after Washington’s declaration, tons of them—not to mention permanent membership in global organizations such as the United Nations and the World Trade Organization that we Americans had the largest hand in creating. http://davidstockmanscontracorner.com/why-george-washington-would-have-agreed-with-donald-trump/ Re "Prepare for borderless world"
"Good fences make good neighbors" -- Robert Frost Fire suppression magnifies fires. This is well-known.
Beware of the things we don't know that we don't know (with apologies to Donald Rumsfeld) Suppression CAN magnify fires depending on the circumstances and management plans for the subsequent forest conditions. Nature typically works in ways and at scales that are incompatible with human societies, and forest fires are a good example. In the period from about 1910 to about 1935, the Northern Rockies experienced some huge forest fires as a result of large expanses of decadent forests and a long term drought. There was no fire suppression prior to those fires (in fact many of the current methods of fighting large fires and fighting small ones to prevent the large ones were developed by the end of and after that period). You can picture the problem of large fires if you understand that, as forests age, they go through stages of susceptibility to large scale disturbance, gradually becoming more and more prone to fire age they achieve old age and through wind, senescence, insects and disease fuels build. At the same time, both weather and climate fluctuate at varying scales and intensities (picture waves of occurrences through time), periods of high rainfall and cooler temperatures alternating with warmer, drier stages. Weather varies at smaller timeframes than climate. Now imagine that all three conditions, an old forest with heavy buildup of fuels occurring during a long term drought is hit with a series of dry violent thunderstorms. That’s what happened in Fort McMurray and has happened throughout North America since the last glacier. The process doesn’t need human influence. Suppression along with fuel management (light controlled burning, logging, etc.) can keep fires at a manageable level and at more human scales and these are necessary near large concentrations of human habitation. Suppression alone is not the answer, but under conditions like those at Fort McMurray suppression has to be part of the mix, at least until manageable conditions are met. I note that the forests around Fort McMurray are described as old growth boreal forests. One wonders if misguided environmentalist activity has kept them that way. Forest management is more complex than what can fit on a bumper sticker. Thank you for this fuller explanation.
Read The Big Burn by Timothy Egan for the US version of Fort McMurray.