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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, May 14. 2016Saturday morning links
CONGRATS MINIMUM WAGE STRIKERS! Wendy’s Now Moving To SELF-SERVICE KIOSKS Tech stocks may be suffering from consumer gadget fatigue An interesting approach to cancers Many of Today’s Factory Workers Rely on Public Assistance ‘I’ll Never Retire’: Americans Break Record for Working Past 65 Suburbia Gets No Respect, But It Could Become a Very Different Place "For reasons that Claire can barely understand all of the Chicago Students Now Required To Adopt Transgender Newspeak Obama transgender edict incites the right Sex and State Power — What’s Behind Obama’s Transgender Push The Ferguson Effect Strikes the Chicago PD Sheriff Paul Babeu: 'Complete Lawlessness' on Immigration Hillary’s Latest Scandal: She And Bill Siphoned $100 Mil From Mideast Leaders Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known Pro-Hillary PAC Spending $1 Million to Hire Online Trolls On Clinton Cash, Or, It’s Always Worse Than You Think "Peggy Noonan is drunk and should go home, and so should the rest of the people supporting Donald Trump." Sheesh. TRUMP Blasts Stephanopoulos: I Know Clinton Is a ‘Good Friend’ of Yours… You Don’t Reveal It Sweden: Migrant Child Rapist Gets 10 Hours Therapy, Allowed to Stay Hey, it's not Muslim terrorism, it's mental illness Canadians have always visited Cuba Comments
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Interesting approach to cancer?
Hardly new, and interesting only in the fact that a scientist is resurrecting the dangerous age-old polio virus to stimulate the body's immune system. These cancer research whizbangs should have been focusing all along on the body's immune system instead of wasting valuable research time and money on super poisons used in chemotherapy, where the "cure" is truly worse than the disease. But then, if the body can fight off cancer on its own, how would Big Pharma rake in billions from dangerous chit that doesn't cure anything? After all, if you're in Big Pharma (or bought by them) what's better: A one-time immuno-boost costing a $100 that actually cures something? Or a course of chemo-therapy costing $2,000 a month for a year that doesn't cure anything and may have to be repeated, just to extend life for a couple of miserable-in-actuality years??? Gee, what to do? What to do? Yeah, we need more vague, oversimplified solutions that make alt-medicine practitioners rich, rather than the upper-middle-class jobs for people with years of training at those so-called "research" centers.
Focus on the immune system (faceslap). Gee, why didn't anyone else think of that? Hoooeee! Someone woke up on the wrong side of the gallows this AM!
Care to add anything useful or just burnish your reputation as you've done thus far !? Where did anyone mention alt-medicine? As for "credentialed medical research", how's all that Ivy League dietary research, now proven blatantly false and responsible for the plague of obesity and diabetes, stand as an sterling example of "upper-middle-class jobs for people with years of training"? What's that? I can't hear you! Well, dietary research isn't quite the same as medical research, but I'll give that a pass. Why you think that would invalidate all other medical research is puzzling.
First, anyone who even comes close to the idea that "Big Pharma" isn't interested in real solutions because they make so much money off other ones is essentially paranoid. To accuse people who devote their lives to understanding a problem that they might help other human beings of base motives is a serious charge. They might be wrong or misguided about many things, but "evil" requires some evidence. Also, they don't make all that much, those folks. Not nearly as much as the Personalities With Great Hair who preach that we should just focus on the natural immune system and "Shazam! Health!" 1A: In general, anyone who uses the phrase "Big Pharma" should be ignored. Second, if your body can fight off cancer on it's own, why doesn't it do that? Oh, I get it, we should focus on the Immune System, which of course no one at Big Pharma has ever considered. Third, we have increased life expectancies for many forms of cancer now, and it's getting better. But I'm sure if you had just said "immune system" at a board meeting a Pfizer 20 years ago it would have been EVEN BETTER. Because Reasons. Fourth, how many oncologists and cancer researchers do you know, and what do they say about the topic? I actually happen to know a few. I am hazarding a guess that they would actual like their patients to get better, and are not particularly interested in lining the pockets of others for any reason. But of course you Motive-o-meter knows better. Fifth, my complaint was that your "solutions" were vague and oversimplified. Which they were and you haven't addressed. Sixth, your exit line "I can't hear you," which by definition I could not have seen until you hit "submit," shows that you are not only a dangerous fool, but an ass as well. I have agreed with you on other matters, and might still in the future. But on this issue you should probably ask yourself, at least once before you die "Hey, what if I'm a little bit wrong on this?" QUOTE: 1A: In general, anyone who uses the phrase "Big Pharma" should be ignored. Big Pharma is the single largest lobby in the world. The notion that it has no influence expressly invalidates its very purpose. Which do you think is more reasonable a premise, its or yours? QUOTE: Second, if your body can fight off cancer on it's own, why doesn't it do that? Oh, I get it, we should focus on the Immune System, which of course no one at Big Pharma has ever considered. Two ironies for the price of one. And you can't see how both of those fallacies are just that? I mean, if we had the cure for corruption and politics, why don't we deploy it, for heaven's sake?! QUOTE: Third, we have increased life expectancies for many forms of cancer now, and it's getting better. But I'm sure if you had just said "immune system" at a board meeting a Pfizer 20 years ago it would have been EVEN BETTER. Because Reasons. Yes, we have given cancers an impressive lifespan, if that's what you'd intended to sputter. Anyway, life expectancy - the 'Farm fall-back when there's no valid reasoning on health outside rightist lifestyle posturing to be had - is as complex a set of causes and correlations as health itself, and you did imply that cancer was just too darn hard to cure, didn't you? Incidentally, cellular immune disorder factors prominently in cancer. That's pretty much what cancer is. QUOTE: Fourth, how many oncologists and cancer researchers do you know, and what do they say about the topic? I actually happen to know a few. I am hazarding a guess that they would actual like their patients to get better, and are not particularly interested in lining the pockets of others for any reason. But of course you Motive-o-meter knows better. As does yours. Here again you're appealing to the presumption of a projected motive by authority, a whole extra generation of conjecture beyond the one you think you're taking aim at. The world is full of Science! adherents and The Science! Faithful who regularly fail proof all the time, even as the 'Farm is pleased to note when it suits its own purposes. Science!, even when it's not corrupted by money, is more conventional wisdom than it is real science. What you're looking for and missing is the real, underlying science, which as with many things, isn't the mainstream popularization of what's just really a behavioral status quo. And why does that phenomenon exist? Because that's how people operate. QUOTE: Fifth, my complaint was that your "solutions" were vague and oversimplified. Which they were and you haven't addressed. I don't know, I read them both and would say that about yours. Again, irony. QUOTE: Sixth, your exit line "I can't hear you," which by definition I could not have seen until you hit "submit," shows that you are not only a dangerous fool, but an ass as well. Whoop; now we're deep into hard proof by the rigorous, unassailable nature of reality. And to think you were doubted, Village.
2016-05-17 13:27
The transgender bathroom issue is a puzzler. The transgender population is maybe 0.03% and we are going to turn the world upside down to make sure they can use whatever bathroom they decide on any given day. Why? I think there is a hunger for the old civil rights era when the left took off their sheets and embraced the movement and attained power. Since then there is a constant search for some new aggrieved group to protect and award special status and free stuff. But opening up grade school bathrooms to anyone and everyone??? It defies common sense. Arguably all of the transgenders are in fact mentally ill and should be treated for their illness and not enabled to act out their sickness. Providing gender change operations for children should be considered 1st degree child abuse and the parents/adults sent to jail. I'm thinking the world has gone mad or at least that part of the world that is behind the transgender movement.
See if this combination of theories works for you.
They don't care in the least about transgendered kids, who are usually deeply unhappy children whose problems go deeper than sex-assignment. What they need is 1) a new way to kick traditional values now that gay marriage has become a fact and 2) a virtue-signalling cause to distract attention from the economy, lying about Iran, emails, ACA failure etc. When you are a news outlet, you can't just not cover something and leave the space blank. You have to cover something else. Shiny, shiny, baby. Unfortunately, the current trend is going to result is a fair few "ruined" children who are falsely told that gender is a construct and that belief can overcome biology. These children are being set up to have deeply sad and unfulfilled lives because the adults who should be providing common sense and stability are fruitcakes and/or emotionally weirdos.
re Hillary’s Latest Scandal: She And Bill Siphoned $100 Mil From Mideast Leaders
QUOTE: Her open e-mail system likely was hacked by Chinese, Russian and perhaps other spy agencies, say cyberespionage experts. In all likelihood, the email scandal is a result of HRC's arrogance and ineptitude. However, I do wonder if she was paid by foreign powers to put her communications on an un protected server just so they could be accessed by foreign governments? And why wouldn't she? The Clintons will sell anything Government has to provide. re Haidt: The amazing 1969 prophecy that racial preferences would cause the exact grievances of protesters today
Fleming had quite the crystal ball. Or perhaps he understood human nature all too well? re On Clinton Cash, Or, It’s Always Worse Than You Think
Indeed. The Clintons always look out for the Clintons. Nothing else matters. Their lust for money and power is insatiable. One would think they would have quit while they were ahead years ago. They have more money than they could ever spend on creature comforts. I can only speculate that they continue because of gargantuan egos. They must always feel the need to be told how good and wonderful they are. They must always desire the best tables at restaurants and preferential treatment everywhere to affirm their superiority over everyone else. Much of that would go away were they ever to go off quietly into retirement. This is interesting as it is from the HuffPo:
Hillary Clinton Should Concede to Bernie Sanders Before The FBI Reveals Its Findings http://www.huffingtonpost.com/h-a-goodman/clinton-should-concede-to-sanders-before-fbi-reveals-findings_b_9836720.html%29 QUOTE: Sweden: Migrant Child Rapist Gets 10 Hours Therapy, Allowed to Stay The child wasn't raped. Using scare-quotes around "child refugee" is not warranted unless there is evidence the perpetrator is not a child or a refugee. I'm a little stumped Zach, help me out here. You are indeed correct the immigrant man/child/whatever didn't "rape" the 10 year old girl he "merely" sexually abused her. But why would you jump to defend him over this minor inaccuracy? What is it that clicks in a liberals mind that causes them to bend over backwards to excuse the action by someone in a protected group or group that the left wants to protect but the very same action by some white male would elicit demands for serious punishment. Is it simple racism on your part or hate of white males, or love of rapists of color (oops, I meant sexual abusers of color), what? Why defend the perp at all?
GoneWithTheWind: You are indeed correct the immigrant man/child/whatever didn't "rape" the 10 year old girl he "merely" sexually abused her. But why would you jump to defend him over this minor inaccuracy?
The crime wasn't rape, but a much lesser assault. If the perpetrator was also underage, then the offense is lesser still. The behavior shouldn't be excused, but it shouldn't be exaggerated leaving the impression that an adult child rapist was not held accountable — a blatant mistruth being propagated by the right wing echo chamber for partisan purposes. "a blatant mistruth being propagated by the right wing echo chamber for partisan purposes"
So my first guess is correct, your motive is simple prejudice. If the left wing had uncovered or reported on this crime then that would be OK with you but the horror that a right wing source provided us with this is unacceptable. You are aware that in Sweden the left is actively covering up crimes by these immigrants for partisan purposes and I'm sure that is OK with you. But how dare the right wing echo chamber tell the truth? How dare they??? GoneWithTheWind: But how dare the right wing echo chamber tell the truth?
Except the story wasn't true. Truthiness prevails.
2016-05-14 13:37
Ahhhh Grasshopper. That is because you think "young" muhammad was a student of anatomy working on his Masters in breasts. But I think he was a victim of rape interruptus and only technically innocent of rape.
2016-05-14 21:02
GoneWithTheWind: But I think he was a victim of rape interruptus and only technically innocent of rape.
He quit when she woke up. It was a molestation, not a rape. Changing the definitions of words does not make something which it is not.
2016-05-15 09:12
There are dozens of these rape/molestation stories by the immigrants/refugees in the news every week. For months the European media and leftist politicians enforced a moratorium on reporting them and insistence that these "events" weren't "that bad". I have concluded two things from all of this:
1. Rush is right that liberalism is a mental illness. 2. We are so lucky to have the 2nd amendment. My heart breaks for these women (and men) in Europe who must endure their leaders failure to put their citizens first and they do not even have the means and right to defend themselves. If the women in Sweden and Europe had the right to conceal carry and if they put a 9mm into the chest of these rapists it would change the religion of peace in to the religion of "no mas". IMHO there is only one "cure" for a rapist/child molester; 115 gr FMJ @ 1300 ft/s, repeat as needed.
2016-05-15 10:15
GoneWithTheWind: There are dozens of these rape/molestation stories by the immigrants/refugees in the news every week.
Yet the link points to one which was characterized as a rape, but is not, in fact, a rape. GoneWithTheWind: IMHO there is only one "cure" for a rapist/child molester; 115 gr FMJ @ 1300 ft/s, repeat as needed. You may need to work for a change in law, then. At this point, in most countries, there are substantially different penalties, depending on the degree of assault, and the age of the perpetrator.
2016-05-15 12:22
I believe that we will indeed see many citizens of European countries seek changes in laws and changes in leadership in the next months and years. I fully expect the politicians to resist this change and it may well require something a little more powerful than a ballot to oust them. I think it is too late for England, they allowed this invasion to continue too long and their country will most likely be lost. I think Germany and perhaps France will require a civil war to allow them to regain their country. Italy may well be lost too, Spain and Greece are on the brink.
I would guess that as we sit watching this unfold that the Catholic church is looking for an alternative place to move the Vatican to and most of the rich and politicians in Europe are buying "vacation" homes in South and North America, just in case. But no worries, these stories are simply "characterized" inaccurately, nothing to see here, move along...
2016-05-15 12:56
GoneWithTheWind: I believe that we will indeed see many citizens of European countries seek changes in laws and changes in leadership in the next months and years.
Sure, but it's doubtful that they will enact the death penalty for all sexual assaults, as was suggested above. GoneWithTheWind: But no worries, these stories are simply "characterized" inaccurately, nothing to see here, move along... It was characterized incorrectly, indeed, was flat wrong.
2016-05-15 17:17
"It was characterized incorrectly, indeed, was flat wrong."
Maybe. The problem is the liberal politicians and media in Europe have covered up the truth for years and we no longer know what is true and what is being kept from us. That is the problem when the government lies to us you can no longer believe them ever again. It would not surprise me in the slightest to find out later that indeed a rape happened but the government propaganda machine sanitized it. From a recent story: "...that between 1997 and 2013, at least 1,400 girls, as young as eleven years old, in just one relatively small English city (Rotherham, population 275,000), had been repeatedly and systematically raped by gangs of men over the past decade." This story was covered up by the government for years. So the simple truth is we don't know what happened in the story we are discussing because the government have a history of minimizing the degree of the crimes.
2016-05-15 19:12
Zachriel (a number of proggy trolls, trying to act as a single individual---see paid Clinton trolls) and "truth should not be mentioned in the same p book, let alone same sentence or post!
The Zachs are well-known for trying to make poseur JF Kerry look like a war hero, when in fact he was likely a war criminal: “ The details of the event for which he was given the Silver Star make no sense at all. Supposedly, a B-40 (rocket propelled grenade) was fired at the boat and missed. Charlie jumps up with the launcher in his hand, the bow gunner knocks him down with the twin .50 (caliber machine guns), Kerry beaches the boat, jumps off, shoots Charlie, and retrieves the launcher. If true, he did everything wrong. (a) Standard procedure when you took rocket fire was to put your stern to the action and go (away) balls to the wall. A B-40 has the ballistic integrity of a Frisbee after about 25 yards, so you put 50 yards or so between you and the beach and begin raking it with your .50′s. ( Did you ever see anybody get knocked down with a .50 caliber round and get up? The guy was dead or dying. The rocket launcher was empty. There was no reason to go after him (except if you knew he was no danger to you–just flopping around in the dust during his last few seconds on earth, and you wanted some derring-do in your after-action report). And we didn’t shoot wounded people. We had rules against that, too." So, who wrote the after-action report that resulted in JF Kerry receiving a Silver Star for killing a dying man? JF Kerry!!!!
2016-05-15 00:48
B48: The Zachs are well-known for trying to make poseur JF Kerry look like a war hero
Changing the subject doesn't make for an effective argument either. The fact is that the headline mischaracterized the report. That people argue what is obviously not true is a characteristics of the right wing echo chamber.
2016-05-15 09:14
That Islamic trash is a rapist and I'd have Louisville Sluggered his Mohammed loving ass if I caught him molesting a daughter of mine.
How can people like you defend this criminal? What kind of twisted psychological kick do you get from excusing him or minimizing his crimes? QUOTE: How can people like you defend this criminal? I see you missed this item from the links: QUOTE: Pro-Hillary PAC Spending $1 Million to Hire Online Trolls von Funkenberg: That Islamic trash is a rapist
That is not correct. How about this: that Islamic rapist is trash.
You liberals have a relaxed idea of what rape is, not surprising, you'll excuse any criminal activity if the perp is one of your favorites and the victim is not. von Funkenberg: You liberals have a relaxed idea of what rape is
We use the dictionary or legal definition, depending on the context.
2016-05-15 12:25
regardless of other factors in the story, the reason for the quotes is that Sweden will recognize ANYONE claiming o be under age as a child refugee, no requirements for documentation.
The upshot of this is that in addition to actual child refugees, there are lots of people who are anything BUT children abusing that law. jay: The upshot of this is that in addition to actual child refugees, there are lots of people who are anything BUT children abusing that law.
The article said "posing as a 'child refugee'," though no evidence supporting this was provided. We don't know the actual age of the perpetrator, and it still wasn't a rape, even according to the article itself. Not directly on point to one of the links, except perhaps the Noonan link, but....
#NeverTrump exclaims that Trump is not a "real" Republican. Charles Murrray in a rationalization for Clinton points out that historically, there has been little difference between Republican and Democratic presidents, with the exception of Reagan in regulation and Reagan and Clinton (under influence of the Gingrich congress) on spending. He contends, that therefore Hillary is an acceptable candidate for #NeverTrump. Of course, Hillary is an existential threat to Enumerated rights as well as civil liberties and privacy. Remember Trump is not a "principled" Conservative like the Bushes and others. But Newt Gingrich, who engineered the atmosphere for the reduction in spending in the Clinton years, supports Trump. Hmmm? |
Tracked: May 15, 09:10