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Wednesday, November 30. 2016Wednesday morning links
99,726 Somali Refugees Settled in U.S. Since 9/11 Abdul Razak Ali Artan was oppressed by Islamophobic stereotypes of violent Muslims CNN Anchor: Americans Should Wear Hijabs To Show Solidarity With Fearful Muslims Department of Homeland Security Overwhelmed by Green Card Catastrophe Hillary Reportedly Eyeing Another Presidential Run Hillary 2024! That moment when the MSM realizes Trump just took a position advocated by Hillary Clinton in 2005 Why Trump’s Education Pick Scares Unions Trump's CMS pick is viewed as both patient advocate and foe Trump taps Obamacare critic Tom Price as health secretary Stand down, #NeverRomney conservatives: Trump’s pick isn’t a betrayal — and you might thank him in 2020 I agree with Salon! How Trump can win re-election Assuming he will want it Dems in the wilderness:
Tuesday, November 29. 2016What's the beef?
Only the Democrats Could Have Lost to TrumpAmusing piece about the class component of the recent election. I think Fred overstates it though, because Trump did collect the bulk of the Republican base everywhere. Admittedly, many country club Repubs held their noses and voted Trump. Holding one's nose is a normal part of voting.
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Tuesday morning linksJulius Caesar was not delivered via Caesarian Question the Conventional Wisdom about College Degrees Althouse is retiring from her day job Economic Localism Is No Better than Economic Nationalism Record Drop In Global Temperatures As El Nino Warming Ends Zuckerberg and China Cuban-Americans Humiliated By Obama’s Comments On Castro’s Death Bad Government Policy Begets More Bad Government Policy Tim Kaine Tweets About Gun Violence at OSU After Islamist Knife Attack Democrats, Not Trump, Racialize Our Politics - A party obsessed with race won’t have much luck reaching out to non-elite whites. My Freedom Trumps Your Fake Mandate If Trump Were A Democrat, He’d Be A Hero Scott Adams: The Trump talent stack A concept of interest beyond politics The FT is sad and scared: Goodbye to Barack Obama’s world - It is the failing of liberal technocrats to think reason governs how people act "The New York Times story alludes to "potential conflicts of interest." Hillary posed real conflicts of interest. Immigration: Trump vs. Silicon Valley The Real Legacy in Jeopardy Under the New Congress? LBJ’s. Team Trump Offers Evidence For Millions Voting Illegally Merkel Says She Will Deport 100,000 Migrants Abbas orders Palestinian flags be flown at half-staff for Fidel Castro Balfour Declaration, November 2016 : Richard Kemp Monday, November 28. 2016Trump and Enforcement of the Immigration Laws
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Monday morning links Castro's regime, saturated with sadism, should never have existed. Journalists Hail Castro’s Achievements, ‘George Washington,’ ‘Folk Hero to Most of Us’ Hmmmm. "Us"? Trudeau: “It is with deep sorrow that I learned today of the death of Cuba’s longest serving President." Justin Trudeau Mocked After Praising Oppressive Dictator Fidel Castro Pope Francis Grieves Death of Fellow Socialist Castro Jeremy Corbyn hails Fidel Castro as a ‘champion of social justice’ Trump Slams "Brutal Dictator" Castro's "Legacy Of Firing Squads, Theft, Suffering And Poverty" Cuba: A museum of socialism Places like Cuba and Venezuela are good reminders Why Fidel Castro's Death Won't Lead To Immediate Changes In Cuba Man Gets Credit for Being Top Female Finisher in Bike Race Greedy Green Energy Corporatists are Clear Felling Protected Forests for Biomass You’re not alone, almost everyone feels like a fraud at work Shoreline Gentry Are Fake Climate Victims - A reduction in federal subsidies is behind lower coastal home values. More young people contracting 'old-age' conditions including varicose veins due to sedentary lifestyles Gravity Light: Our Renewable Energy Future BLACK FRIDAY ZOMBIES 2016 Columbia students demand punishment of ‘hate speech’ as faculty waffle on free speech How the FAA is Killing Drone Innovation The Real Reason We Have Ethanol in Our Gas Student at Harvard fights liberal bias by launching conservative women’s group Progressives without Power After Trump University, Why Not Sue All Colleges? How teachers unions drive Jersey’s pension crisis San Francisco middle school withholds student election results due to winners’ insufficient diversity Are there any adults left in the Democratic Party? The Democrats’ real strategy in launching recounts Exactly right Obama's agencies push flurry of 'midnight' actions - But in Congress, Republicans are warning them to The Bureaucracy Is Now More Powerful Than Congress Guess which federal agency gave 100% of their political contributions to Democrats? François Fillon on course for Thatcherite victory in French Right presidential primary battle Sunday, November 27. 2016Fidel Castro Finally Dies, But His Apologists Live On
Cubans everywhere are celebrating Fidel's long-awaited death. In Cuba itself, quietly for sure.
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Not discussedAmong other things, one thing this past election year or two seems to have shown is a rejection of family political dynasties. I haven't seen that discussed much. Insofar as it may have played a subliminal role, it was a good thing. Clintons, Bushes, Bayhs - good bye. Time for fresh blood. Saturday, November 26. 2016Saturday morning links
Re Trump, I am not a big fan but I am amused by it all. A Pres does not need to be your best pal. He has made some good appts. Yes, he should give Mittens a job. Romney needs a job. Take one more guy off unemployment in this economy. Viking Ship Stopped by Gov Regulations Hot Tubs and Luxury Dorms and Climbing Walls, Oh, My! Who Raised the Snowflake Generation? Who’s to blame? How Scientists Are Using Poop to Study New York City's Coyote Population Soft Drinks Number One Purchase By Food Stamp Recipients… Free Coke! Why not? Toronto is a hotbed of racial intolerance. Teachers' unions are unhappy Teachers have unions? WTF? Why? Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say Colin Kaepernick Castro T-shirt is ignorant of facts, insulting SURVIVING CASTRO'S TORTURES FORTY THREE YEAR STRUGGLE AGAINST CASTRO Repeal and Revise - Life after Obamacare won’t be as dire as some on the left are predicting The outrage over fake news is based on fake news about fake news. Fake rates: CalPERS Staff Nudges Board To Consider Lower Return Rates
I haven't slept in my own room since the election Bookends to a Disastrous Presidency Nov. 8 represented an explosion of anger on the right at years of smugness and disdain by liberals. Trump’s media feud enters new era Isn't it the media's Trump feud? Network CNN Vows To Oppose Trump Administration The Real Legacy in Jeopardy Under the New Congress? LBJ’s - The GOP has plans to take apart many of Johnson’s Great Society reforms. Will Trump let them succeed? President Trump’s Pentagon To Do List Unlearned Lessons in Haiti Sick governance, sick culture. They have to fix it themselves. Not in my lifetime, though. Friday, November 25. 2016What about legal immigration?
Beyond Trump’s Wall
- The president-elect should reform our legal immigration system, to Friday morning links
Florida Woman Accused of Shooting at House Guests Who Stayed Too Long Makes sense to me Here's why batteries have started catching fire so often 'Atlas of the Underworld' reveals oceans and mountains lost to Earth's history A Shocking Find In a Neanderthal Cave In France How AirBNB Awakens Dormant Capital Rush Limbaugh Children’s Books Banned at Wisconsin School: They’re “Inappropriate” Yes, it's the Gulag, Western Style Across 33 rich countries, only 5% of the population has high Students Need Much Better Counseling Before Going Into Debt for College Black Lives Matter Activists Plan to Disrupt Black Friday Shopping in Major Cities Spoil sports Forest Service trying to seize private land from Montana ranchers Evil The GOP's Track Record on Illegal Immigration Central Americans surge north, hoping to reach U.S. before Trump inauguration Freakout at Vassar College Why People Lost Their Minds When A Brooklyn Store Played ‘Sweet Home Alabama’ WaPo Releases Report on Russian Propaganda Sites- List Includes: Drudge Report, Wikileaks, Zerohedge, Infowars… Not Maggie's Farm? The Russians are always emailing me hot info Stop faking hate crimes. You're hurting your own cause There aren't enough real ones The snarling contempt behind the media's fake news hysteria Flashback: Trump-Trashing Journalists Oozed Over Obama’s ’08 Transition AVI: Jews and the Left Jared Kushner’s first interview reveals what the media completely missed in the Trump campaign Thornton: "If the delicate millennial Eloi were really interested in reforming 15 Things Trump and Reagan Have in Common Robert Reich: How to resist Donald Trump’s first 100 days Slate: Democratic Politics Have to Be “Identity Politics” Democrats Lose the Future by Trusting Their Demographic Doomsday Clock LGBT Advocates Debate Future of Movement Post-Election Bob Herbert: The War on the Poor Is Already Underway Sheesh. I thought LBJ solved poverty decades ago DONALD TRUMP Addresses Nazi Conspiracies at NY Times: “Boy, You’re Really Into This Stuff” GOP: Get with the Permanent Campaign Trump’s GOP: The end of ‘checklist conservatism’ Yes, Trump will keep on changing his mind: here’s why Trump is seriously committed to the destruction of planet Earth Of course he is. He hates the Earth UCLA Professor Has Had An Especially Tough Time Dealing With Trump’s Victory Supermarkets are packed with aggressive white supremacists, Esp. Whole Foods. They hassle me all the time cuz of my Hillary button. Hey, she could still win. Wednesday, November 23. 2016How to Talk to Your Pansy Marxist Nephew at ThanksgivingWednesday morning links
Giving thanks for the invisible hand of strangers, spontaneous order, kaleidoscopic market energy & no turkey czars Renewed Circus Maximus reopens after 6 years The Factory of Fakes - How a workshop uses digital technology to craft perfect copies of imperilled art. Obama Education Secretary John B. King Calls for End to Paddling in Schools Paddling in schools? Bring it back. William & Mary Offers ‘Thanksgiving Toolkit’ for Sensitive Students How come Trump voters do not get toolkits for dealing with their moonbat relatives? Watching the Snowflakes Melt But Don’t Call Them Hysterical Possibly scariest interview with college Social Justice Warrior I’ve ever seen University Bullied Students to Change 'America' Theme Party Because Trump Won - America party 'provides an opportunity for students to dress or behave in a way that offends or oppresses others.' How about a Cuba-themed party? There is great irony in the sheer hate from those who whine about Trump being hateful. Manhattan doesn't love The Donald anymore After 30 years of love and admiration, a sudden divorce Green Incoherence: Reaching Out to the Deplorables The trouble with Keith Ellison Liberals Are Freaking Out Over The Possibility Of Questioning “High Risk” Immigrants Every immigrant to the US should make legal application, and be vetted, interrogated, and given probationary status. That's normal everywhere. Basically, a would-be immigrant is applying for membership. Trump is right: Let’s finally move on from the Clintons
Dem Lawmaker: We Are a Permanent Minority – Not a National Party, We Are a Coastal Party Jeff Sessions May "Prosecute" Sanctuary Cities That Don't Obey Federal Law Illegal immigrants pose as families, tell tales of woe to gain entry to U.S. Illegal Immigrants Set Record By Using Children As Deportation Shields THE HIDDEN COSTS OF IMMIGRATION Academics are dangerously racist Do red state Americans and blue state Americans live in the same country anymore? America has many more than two subcultures Democrats’ Answer Is Always the Same: Move More Left - Nearly Delusional Belmont Club on elections:
I have never met a lib who could tell me when the Progressive Project of government expansion could be considered completed Trump needs to stop denouncing nutcases every time the media heads to the fainting couches Time for him to rise above. But can he? He's a street-fighting man like Obama wanted to be MEDIA MOGULS COMPLAIN ABOUT MEETING WITH TRUMP, GET SPANKED BY . . . GLENN GREENWALD? A Third of Germans Report Feeling ‘Like A Stranger In My Own Country’ A Tiny Minority of a Million Muslims in America Muslim Refugees: "We Must Have More Children than the Christians Because it’s the Only Way We Can Destroy Them Here.’” The UK has to accept not being special to the US World Leaders Gather to Worry About Trump Migrants Burn Down German Refugee Center After Camp Runs Out of Nutella and Gummy Bears Tuesday, November 22. 2016Trump's legacyI did vote for him, but not a big fan. Yes, he is a player, he is a big-shot New Yorker and he wasn't born yesterday. However things go, when he is old he'll be able to sing this. Sheesh, what a song. Everybody might wish to own this tune, including me:
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The "arc of history"
As I see it, the "Left" tends authoritarian in its impulses. The part of the "Right" that I identify with as an American tends towards individual freedom from power, but few talk about that anymore except at the margins (eg pot smoking and job licensing). Really, now it's all about what government power can do for/to me or can do for/to you. Leviathan won as if so often does. Gravity. Not just in the US, but all over. Is there a Right Side of History?
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Science Wars
The Real War on Science - The Left has done far more than the Right to set back progress.
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Tuesday morning links Mike Rowe on politics New York Times Flooded With Complaints About Election Coverage In Insty's words, "Democratic operatives with bylines" The New York Times, other outlets crying 'wolf' over Trump Donald Trump’s media summit was a ‘f—ing firing squad’ Rightly so Bloomington, Indiana Renames Columbus Day and Good Friday "Insensitive"? To whom? ATTORNEY GENERAL SESSIONS: CIVIL RIGHTS HERO Stop Calling Crony Corporatism "Public Private Partnerships" Health Coverage The Same As Ten Years Ago The Hypocrisy of the Anti-War Left DHS may leave known smuggling route into U.S. unprotected - Agent told 'by end of month we're not covering it anymore' The Truth About Black Lives Matter - The movement paints a false and disturbing portrait of America in order to justify its even more disturbing aims Donald Trump’s presidency will be a besieged presidency
Obama’s transition from ‘man of the people’ to ‘Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous’ A Horatio Alger story “Hamilton” star tweeted about blacks and drunk women on St. Patrick’s Day College kids are proving Trump’s point Kissinger: Trump has no baggage The Joy of Quiet, Busy, Out-of-the-Spotlight Trump He is meeting with tons of people, all sorts Washington Post: If Democrats Don’t Oppose Trump, Their Abdicating Democracy Or Something Europe: Let's End Free Speech! Are European Countries Now Police States? They have a tendency for that The Return of European Anti-Americanism 12 members of nuclear negotiating team arrested by Iran for espionage Trump could gut the Iran deal—but it was vulnerable all along Monday, November 21. 2016Trump snubs DC
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Brace Yourself for Four Years of Nonstop Freakoutrage
Intimidation tactics will not work. Still, they should attack the Trump voters instead of Trump himself. Blame the people - roughly half the voters - not The Donald. Blame me. Donald just offered people a choice. Not his fault. Choice is good.
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Monday morning links
Not tame: Officials Move Closer To Delisting Yellowstone Grizzlies Iceland does not want tourists SNL Fake Ad Offers Liberals Their Very Own ‘Bubble’ to Live In UK Researchers: Tax Food to Reduce Climate Change Largest oil discovery in US history What Is With This Infrastructure Fetish? What Happens When You Give Basic Income to the Poor? Canada Is About to Find Out I'd consider the unintended consequences Thanks to pension funds, Los Angeles is close to becoming a microcosm of Greece Thanks to Wikileaks we know at least 65 MSM Reporters Were Meeting with and/or Coordinating Offline with Top Hillary Advisors America Called Bullshit on the Cult of Clinton:
President Obama Blames the Internet for the Rise of Trump – Technology Needs “More Control” Sheesh. "Obama and Angela Merkel Blame Internet and Social Media for Disrupting Globalism." I guess our moral and intellectual superiors don't like us having too much information. The Age of the Honey Badger Dawns Donations to Clinton Foundation fell by 37 percent Big surprise. They have nothing to sell. AAUP: Trump 'greatest threat to academic freedom' since McCarthy Maher: Trump is Stalin Outrage as reporter is sacked for praising Donald Trump and criticising Obama Ingraham Decimates Juan Williams on Trump 'Team of Radicals' Charge The “American Conservative Movement” Has Ended. the American Right Goes On. Sign Language Interpreter Licenses and Wisconsin's Other Costly, Pointless Permission Slips BLACK POLICE OFFICERS MORE LIKELY THAN WHITE OFFICERS TO SHOOT BLACKS Stemming the Rot in American Manufacturing May Defeat Even Trump Colorado Voters Send Message: Universal Healthcare Too Expensive According to the school district, the girl violated the county’s weapon Everyone needs to stop talking about ‘white people’ - How the elitist fear of the underclass was given a PC makeover. Calling everybody you don't like bad names loses its effect Pat Caddell: CNN ‘Smearing’ Trump Supporters — ‘They Just Call Everybody a Racist’ Town and Country becomes Town v. Country Hinderaker: I could go on for a long time; this AP story is a target-rich environment. Whoopi Said Trump Nominee Wants to Bring Back Slavery Post-Election, Why Don't We All Just Skip Thanksgiving This Year? Via Insty:
THE FORGOTTEN MAN: No Longer Forgotten? That Time Steve Bannon Tried to Arrange a Trump Visit to the Golan Heights To All the Peter Pan Republicans: Trump Bests Captain Crook Clinton - The businessman succeeds where the GOP has failed
The Economist is worried: The new nationalism - With his call to put “America First”, Donald Trump is the latest recruit to a dangerous nationalism Isn't the job description to attend to America's needs? Donna Brazile Calls For Senate To Reject Sessions’ Confirmation As AG Why the Dems Are Hysterical About Jeff Sessions, and Why They Don’t Mean It:
It's just an all-purpose smear, same as "He's a poopy-face." NYT: The End of Identity Liberalism The Clintons burrowed into the brain stem of the Democratic party, like one of those ear-tunneling scorpion things in Star Trek II. Trump will have vast powers. He can thank Democrats for them. Democrats suddenly thinking that states' rights might be good UK Passes the Most Extreme Surveillance Law in the History of Western Democracy What's the excuse for that? Tony Blair is back? Sunday, November 20. 2016Facebook FraudThink you have tons of "Likes"? We Still Have A Word For It
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Saturday, November 19. 2016Tucker finds his groove
There will be no honeymoon this time around. Smears and attacks on anyone or anything in the new administration will be incoming daily.
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Saturday morning links
Review of ‘Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812’ Weakening polar vortex may yield longer, harsher winters in North America District Court Judge Discovers Constitutional Right to Publicly Financed Sex Change Operations Really? For cosmetic surgery? Privileged college kids don't understand real social injustice Harvard Law commemorates one-year anniversary of (likely hoax) ‘black tape’ incident Race hoaxes are what keep the race baiters in business NYC scores big by hanging on to charter-school visionary Eva Moskowitz What American law professors forgot and what Trump knew TV reporter fired after writing Facebook post praising Trump Hillary "Attack Dog" David Brock Plotting With Soros, Steyer, Sussman To "Kick Trump's Ass" Regardless of what he does, I assume. There will be no honeymoon this time. Pitt students offered extra credit to attend anti-Trump march Students Target Columbia Wrestlers Over Leaked Chat Room Messages Memo To Millennials: That Awful Feeling You've Got Is Called Losing How Affirmative Action Really Works The truth of the matter is that the Obama administration saw the high-water mark of progressivism.
Think federal policy matters? Here’s why conservatives have a once-in-a-lifetime legislative opportunity at the state level Think federal policy matters? Here’s why conservatives have a once-in-a-lifetime legislative opportunity at the state level - See more at: https://www.conservativereview.com/commentary/2016/11/think-federal-policy-matters-conservatives-have-a-once-in-a-lifetime-legislative-opportunity#sthash.WffBKmgm.dpuf Shoes.com Bans Ivanka Trump Products Because of Politics – THEN BRAGS ABOUT IT ONLINE Thanksgivingmanship: Your Guide to Surviving the SJW Imbeciles Who Have Spent a Week Reading Vox Articles About How to Survive You The Term "Fake News" Joins "Hate Speech" As A New Tool for Ideological Speech Suppresion Liberals who claim history’s on their side got a cold wake-up call Steve Bannon Vows ‘Economic Nationalist Movement’ from White House — ‘As Exciting as the 1930s, Greater than the Hmmm. How? Does America have too much trade protectionism? " I’m trying to imagine a similar story in, say, 2008: high school students and their teacher enact the assassination of Barack Obama."
Friday, November 18. 2016Another Hitler!
Matt Yglesias may be too young to relax about the latest American Hitler. Reading this, definitely. I am certain about two things only: There is no new Hitler, and the Federal government will expand.
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Friday morning links
Homeopathy is big business Guy who beat Vegas and Wall St. New technology aims to make photovoltaic cells 70% more efficient Help for the Shy Guy: The Complete Guide to Overcoming Your Shyness How to Pull Off Vegan Thanksgiving Well, the sides and the desserts are the best part anyway. But no gravy? Titanpointe - The NSA’s Spy Hub in New York, Hidden in Plain Sight White police officers don't unfairly target black suspects, study says ‘Feminist’ Snow-Plowing System Brings Stockholm to a Standstill College Faculties Are Mostly Leftist and Becoming More So University of Colorado Professors Take Anti-American Revisionist History Into Overdrive Bill De Blasio calls for more 'disruption' to protest Donald Trump Can't imagine a conservative mayor talking like that ESPN’s Public Editor Agrees With Viewers That Network ‘Has Moved Leftward’ Why are they doing politics? USA Today editors call for an end to “sanctuary cities” News flash to protesters: Obama has deported 2.5 million illegals Mexico lists plans to 'protect Mexican community' in U.S. California Teachers Offered "Anti-Hate, Trump Teaching Plan" To "Empower Students" Students and faculty and George Mason: get a grip. Good election summaries at Betsy President Trump is Going to Hit Some Very Nasty Greenies Where it Really Hurts Harry Reid: I Wondered After the Election ‘Is the World Gonna Be Destroyed?’ Howard Dean Compares Trump Election to Kent State Shootings, Selma AL’s ‘Bloody Sunday’ Democrats know why they lost, but won’t fix their problems Can America Survive the Mass Panic of the Adult Babies? The Left’s descent into childishness and irrationality following Trump’s election is as frightening as it is amusing. One of the biggest themes to emerge so far from the 2016 U.S. presidential election is a widening rural vs. urban divide. So what? How Trump’s Plan to Deport Criminal Illegal Aliens Would Work Krauthammer’s Take: Press Itching to Attack Trump and ‘Can’t Take a Month or Two Off’ Always collecting Repub scalps "Racist," Sexist", etc. You Are Still Crying Wolf (h/t Am. Digest)
No they don't. False accusations are just an Alinsky tactic David Axelrod tweets defense of Trump The Bottomless Ignorance of Donald Trump - His poor grasp of policy makes past leaders look brilliant by comparison. The coming Trump administration’s yuuuge transformational opportunity Obama sets new record for regulations, 527 pages in just one day Wilbur Ross: Need to Change 'Culture of All of the Government Departments' Good luck with that French PM: "Europe Is In Danger Of Falling Apart" Britain’s new surveillance law will have privacy advocates wincing Orwell as how-to manual Foreign tour: Obama’s Never-Ending Lecture Tour Latest Atomic Energy Report on Iranian Compliance With Nuclear Deal ‘Borders on Deception by Omission’ The Continuing Decline of America's Military
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