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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, June 27. 2017QQQ"...All the nice cutesy little ethics that used to get talked about in journalism school you're just like, that's adorable. That's adorable. This is a business." CNN producer John Bonifield. If anybody doubted Trump's accusations of fake news...
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Tuesday morning links The Secret Cold War History of a Ruined Long Island Estate For a daily testosterone fix I get my kicks on Sociopathic Boys 66 Cool hot rod video Kling: I say that academic economics is on the road to sociology. The War on Work—and How to End It - An agenda to address joblessness, the great American domestic crisis of the twenty-first century Buffett’s Vice Chair – Al Gore Is ‘An Idiot’ Who Just Got Lucky Obsessing About ‘Climate Change’ Affirmative action in med school admissions Mansfield speaks: Venerable Harvard professor laments the ruination of higher education UC San Diego Students Actually Protested Dalai Lama Over His Lack of Tolerance Dallas city councilcritter:
Feminist Mag Calls on White Women to Fight Supremacy by Aborting All of Their White Babies Seattle's Painful Lesson on the Road to a $15 Minimum Wage - The experiment has hurt low-wage workers, cutting their earnings by $172 a month. Amazon Robots Poised to Revamp How Whole Foods Runs Warehouses A Truck Stop Teaches Mark Zuckerberg That Politics Is Hard CNN producer says Russia story is bullshit Did the FBI retaliate against Michael Flynn by launching Russia probe? Byron York: On Russia, a senator's deception and a timeline of Trump frustration Three CNN Employees Resign Over Botched Trump-Russia Story Fired by CNN for fake news? Really? Sketchy Media Now Retreating From Sketchy Russian Conspiracy Reports… Central European Nations Unite Against EU on Migrants Sold their sovereignty for a bowl of lentils Monday, June 26. 2017"Can You Hear Yourself?" Tucker Carlson vs Anti Free Speech Activist
Monday morning links
Pronghorn were almost perfectly fitted to the West Texas landscape. And then people started building fences. Pronghorns don't jump Life Before the Internet Administrators at diversity conference: Require implicit bias training on campus White women are the worst People Are Starting To Catch On To The "100% Renewable Energy" Scam Aussie Government Broadcaster Gives Climate Skeptics Airtime Is This Uber's "Theranos Moment"? Detroit Council Dunks on Taxpayers, Will Use School Funds for Basketball Arena - This is why Detroit can't have nice things. Bread and circuses for the masses Without illegals, who will clean our toilets? Faith Leader Urges Trump to ‘Guarantee’ Rights of Refugees to Enter U.S. Woman Totally Loses Her Mind Over Confederate Flag-Adorned Dukes Of Hazzard Car Tactics of Cultural Marxism’s Brownshirts A Cultural Revolution in Slow Motion
Sultan: Not all anger is created equal. Some anger is privileged rage. Black Trump Supporter Goes Nuclear on Maxine Waters ‘You Have Destroyed the Black Community With Illegal Immigration!’ The Unbearable Smugness Of Being…A Democrat It's the presumption of moral superiority For The NYT, only one party "seizes control" Blinded by bias Similarly, WaPo: The terrifying and terrible prospect of Justice Kennedy retiring neoneo: Trump, Julius Caesar, and killing tyrants TDS: NY Times Decides To Take Iran’s Side Against Trump The Republican Health-Care Mistake Goldberg: In a weird way, Washington is actually starting to work President Trump Calls For Enforcement Of Immigration Laws Restricting Welfare For Immigrants Same as Australia Simon: Trump Derangement Syndrome Has Become the New Plague Goodwin: Obama’s liberalism paved the way for Donald Trump President Trump Has Now Signed 40 Pieces Of Legislation As He Moves To Enact His Agenda Obama knew about Russian tricks, did nothing But meanwhile, MSNBC goes OCD: mentions ‘Russia’ 56 times in one hour program Shadowy Firm Behind the 'Trump Dossier' Refuses to Cooperate With Congress FBI appears to have been trying to damage Trump, so he got pissed Biggest news today: DEMOCRATS, FBI COLLABORATED ON TRUMP SMEARS EUROPE IS STILL AILING - A glimpse into the dark malaise behind the EU project. Saturday, June 24. 2017Saturday morning links
Why We Love The Color Green: It's The Color Of New Life KIDS TODAY: THEY DON'T WORK SUMMER JOBS THE WAY THEY USED TO (h.t Insty) Want to Feel Like a Man? Then Start Acting Like One Not easy I love my factory job, but I don't want my kid to do it Good, Thick, Strong Arctic Ice Is Totally In-line With ‘Climate Change’ Or Something IEA Official Says Green Goals Doomed Without Nuclear Why people prefer unequal societies It's called freedom Canadian elite special forces sniper makes record-breaking kill shot in Iraq An un-equal sniper Robert Franks makes the case that you're rich because of luck, so they should tax the heck out of you for equality I thought "equality" was about clearing the way for people to move up economically. As if money were everybody's life goal... “Man who jumped from ambulance says it’s New York City’s fault” He'll get a settlement The Rise and Fall of Uber's Travis Kalanick We love Uber. Uber is evil Drivers do it voluntarily, we use them voluntarily. What's bad about that? CALIFORNIA PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC BANS TRAVEL TO 8 STATES THAT HAVE FREEDOM What happened to the traditional role of skepticism in climate science? McDonald’s Hits All-Time High As Wall Street Cheers Replacement Of Cashiers With Kiosks Church of Sweden's First Lesbian Bishop Wants to Remove Crosses, Add Muslim Prayer Spaces To Church Sounds like the UCC So, You Want a Swiss Health-Care System? OBAMACARE: WHAT WOULD REAGAN DO? Republican Health Care Plans Don’t ‘Steal’ From the Poor Meet the Jones Act: A 97-year-old regulatory relic that’s costing you money Government rules have no expiration dates Shouts and Protests on Campus Are Signs of a More Pernicious Problem Supreme Court Deals Blow to Property Rights - Chief Justice Roberts: “Today’s decision knocks the definition of ‘private property’ loose from its foundation.” President Trump is now in a death struggle with Robert Mueller and James Comey. Steyn: Fifteen Lawyers in Search of a Crime Mueller legal team approaching size of entire US Attorney’s Office for Rhode Island Diversity is strength: Paris police attempt to patrol Muslim neighborhood The FBI’s Briefing On The GOP Baseball Shooting Couldn’t Have Been More Bizarre - The FBI tried to claim that the shooting at the baseball field was spontaneous and had no target, despite all evidence to the contrary. RNC chief: Time for Democrats to admit ObamaCare fails Americans Senate to Probe Loretta Lynch Efforts to Shape FBI Investigation of Hillary Clinton Trump Aides Respond to His Latest Conspiracy Tweets: ‘FML.’ As in, ‘f*ck my life.’ Friday, June 23. 2017Friday morning links
The Sikhs who saved Parmesan Taiko drummers in NYC this week (video) Kodo, the preeminent taiko drumming ensemble from Japan, is currently playing at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. Why Wonder Woman Gal Gadot Actually Gained Weight for Her Role Amazon's lessons for Whole Foods' John Mackey:
Four Reasons Why College Degrees Are Becoming Useless - College dropouts are doing just fine, bucking the stereotype. Feminists scared to critique Muslim misogyny Hasbro CEO: ‘We Eliminated Gender’ for Our Toys iPhone Manufacturer Foxconn Plans to Invest $10 Billion on U.S. Plant Ann Arbor Teacher Making $77k Complains His Salary Is 'Embarrassing' Why The Liberal Elite Will Never Check Its Privilege Students launch libertarian club at small Oregon college and get harassed, investigated, condemned FREE SPEECH? NOT IN MINNEAPOLIS! Los Angeles Times Provides Comical Yet Disturbing Pretexts for Censoring Speech Baltimore Businesses Sue The City Over Damage Done In Freddie Gray Riots Just like in the 1850s and 1860s, the Democratic Party Embraces Political Violence in Response to the Election of a Republican President FBI: DC shooting was not about politics Senate Republicans Offer a Bill to Preserve & Expand ObamaCare Senate Healthcare Bill Seems Less Repeal And More Tinker Most Americans (On All Sides) Now Agree Bias Infects The Media Congressional Black Caucus expected to decline Trump meeting Planned Parenthood spent $734,000 in failed Georgia race Good riddance to the Russia myth — and blame Team Obama for promoting it Mika: “Hard not to think” Trump might be in on a Russia “scheme” Thursday, June 22. 2017Return of the Wayfaring Wanderer
Dr. Mercury, checking in. For you Maggie's newcomers, I blogged on this site about every other day for five wonderful, tumultuous years. This was through the heady election days of 2008 and 2012, so there was obviously a lot to talk about. Then a bunch of things happened. I: - Helped with the construction of four 2-bedroom cottages — built from kits, no less — in a Colorado forest, as well as installing a large wind & solar installation to power them all. I was there for over two years. - Helped birth a baby and whelped four litters of puppies. - Lost my beloved to a brain aneurysm. - Had a heart operation. - Bought an extremely cool sports car that I didn't even know existed until an hour before I handed over the bread. - Have lived in four states since the last time I blogged here, surrounded by champion show dogs. Busy, busy, busy. I'll relate the whole story below the fold, but for now I wanted to give a shout-out to a number of old friends who I see are still here. Texan99 - My wonderful Texas belle. GoneWithTheWind - Always one of the great voices of reason on this site. Zach - Dude, you're the very definition of fortitude. Dr.Torch, mudbug, Gringo, jma, bob sykes, Assistant Village Idiot, Sam L, JTW, rhhardin, JC, IdahoBob, Apple Pie, Clovis, Agent Cooper, Old Codger, BillH, Dorf, The Distributist, Claritas, Ben David, SgtBob, NJSoldier, faculty wife, Ken in NH, JLawson, BillH - Hey, doods and doodettes! It's nice to be back. Side note: Boy, imagine how ol' Zach's going to feel when I pull out my (hold on a sec: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...) 213 anti-AGW links. It won't be pretty! And, of course, my best bud, feeblemind - By the way, guy, I noticed that some of your recent comments have actually made lots of sense. We'll have to work on that. Bird Dog, Barrister, News Junkie, Gwynnie, Dr. Bliss, Bulldog - I'm honored to be back among such distinguished peers. If you're curious, my main web site is here. The whole mess is comprised of 1,204 posts, 1.1 million words, 2,856 pics and 640 vids. Busy, busy, busy. So, on with the story... Continue reading "Return of the Wayfaring Wanderer" Thursday morning links
The guy didn't need to mention that he was a pretty good writer too. I Was Bullied As A Kid. It Almost Ruined My Adult Life. Nobody told him to man-up When A Pet Owner Is Rich, It's No Dog's Life Government Can't Mandate Family Life Government one-size-fits-all never works Married Teacher Traumatized Male Teen With Sex Romps How will that lucky SOB ever recover? Why ‘Better Call Saul’ Is the Best – and Most Morally Sound—Show on Television A Harvard study examining income, work, and marital stability suggests that male 'bread-winning' remains a central component of marital contracts Trinity College: Professor Calls Whites 'Inhuman A**holes,' Tells Blacks to 'Let Them F*cking Die' Must be fun to have him as a teacher. I'd bet he doesn't teach Chemistry. It's Now A "Human Right" To Not Be Offended Still ok to mock Newfies tho. But let's all try to offend those Canadian government morons. Basically, utopians hate people The Important Work Of International Agencies: Keeping The Poor Poor Great News. The United Nations Will Try To Outlaw Cultural Appropriation Saying ‘Gender Plays No Part in Whom We Hire’ Is a ‘Microaggression Students Hold Free Speech Events, Get Denounced as 'White Supremacists' "Indigenous Dentistry" in Canadian universities University Pres: All students do is just read stuff The new Dark Age of European medical care Politics and medical care do not mix Related: The age cut-off of the Dutch guideline for prostate cancer is 65. Yes, you heard right – 65! Overpopulation Scaremongering Never Gets Old - Neo-Malthusianism in the Sunday New York Times I have no doubt that the earth would be better with fewer humans. I just don't feel like being removed at the present time. Let's Stop Treating the Young As If They're Political Sages Who does? Funniest Fallout From Georgia Special Election: Democrats Live With Their Parents How minimum wage hurts the poor (and the youth) Ossoff's campaign spent $22.5 million, compared to Handel's $3.2 million, according to reports CNN Cuts Away from Karen Handel’s Victory Speech Conway Thanks Those Who ‘Snarkily’ Called Georgia Race a ‘Referendum’ on Trump Gowdy: Maybe DNC Did Not Cooperate With DHS Because There Was Something Else On That Server Dems refused help with their hacking issue while it was happening Mueller’s Empire: Legions of Lawyers, Bottomless Budget, Limitless Jurisdiction Beria: Show me the man and I'll find you the crime Study Supports President Trump: 5.7 Million Noncitizens May Have Cast Illegal Votes NYT’s Patrick S. Tomlinson, ‘There Is Not A Single Good Person Who Voted For Trump’ We all know people who feel that way Real Scandals The Trump-Obsessed Media Are Ignoring Trashing Trump and the 'I'm a Genius' Press 0-4 and an About-Face: Democrats Suddenly Believe Ossoff No Longer Matters Father Henri Boulad Calls a Spade a Spade on Islam TERROR IN MICHIGAN: Muslims SHOUTED ALLAHU AKBAR while stabbing cop in the neck at Flint airport Motive remains a mystery In Europe, the press edits out the Allah Akbar parts Wednesday, June 21. 2017Wednesday morning links Black bears can be aggressive, but usually not. Lots of Black Bears in the Northeastern woods nowadays. Patagonia Clothing Does Not Want Conservative Business=> CEO Pledges Resistance to President Trump There goes half their customer base Tesla car battery production releases as much CO2 as 8 years of gasoline driving Stephen Hawking: The solution to climate change is to get the hell off planet Earth The New ‘Consensus’ On Global Warming – a shocking admission by “Team Climate” Sanders to Supporter: Act in ‘Unprecedented’ Ways, Fight Back in Every Way That You Can Antifa Website Encourages ‘All Manner of Physical Violence’ Against Trump Supporters and Capitalists Prof Who Made Belligerent Appearance On Tucker Carlson Tonight Suspended Indefinitely Sen. Feinstein Is Ready To Accept The ‘Heckler’s Veto’ Of Free Speech On College Campuses But would she accept mine? UPenn Students Study 'Denial and Unconscious Bias' in Summer Course For $4000 they will explain to you why you are going to hell The idea that the Court "should have more carefully balanced the interests of free speech with the strong public policy against prejudice and discrimination." WashPost Buries Illegal Status on Salvadoran Killer of Teenage Muslim Girl in Virginia Critics rip University of California for favoring illegal immigrants over out-of-state Americans Washington Post: Hey, Maybe Single Payer Isn’t Such A Great Idea Blue State Blues: Illinois Comptroller: "The State Can No Longer Function, We Have Reached A New Phase Of Crisis" Minimum Wage Madness Begins to Kill Off California’s Restaurant Industry Scott Johnson: Don't subpoena me, Bro David Brooks: Let's not get carried away with scandal mongering Even when I agree with him, his sanctimony puts me off Greg Gutfeld Finds Perfect Medication For Delusional 2-Time Election Loser Hillary Clinton: Lingerex Pundit hates Trump intensely, but has no argument with policies Roger Simon: Hollywood YUUUGE Loser in Georgia Sixth Tuesday, June 20. 2017Krauthammer on immigration
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Tuesday morning links
WaPo: When it comes to saying grace, Americans are still united Tears — and questions — on the ramming of USS Fitzgerald Men have trouble resisting the temptation of hot females. Women want more attention. Charles Murray: Violent Middlebury Protesters Should Be Suspended or Expelled A no-brainer As Vaping Exploded Among Teenagers, Smoking Fell by Half - Defying its own data, the CDC continues to obscure the enormous harm-reducing potential of e-cigarettes. McArdle: Beware of Blaming Government for London Tower Fire Airbrushing Stalin and Mao’s Horrific Crimes Everyone Can Fight ‘Climate Change’ After Paris Exit Or Something Just recycle. It will change the weather Brits on vacation: Spanish Party Town Publishes 64 Rules to Stop Hedonism of Drunk Tourists In Baltimore, nobody wants to fix the problems Nobody knows how, other than eliminating welfare - which will never happen. Perhaps, in a welfare state, people just have to accept a permanent dysfunctional and dependent underclass. In Major Free Speech Victory, SCOTUS Rules for 'The Slants' and Strikes Down Federal Trademark Restriction - "Speech may not be banned on the ground that it expresses ideas that offend." The Sexual Ambiguity of James Comey Republican health reform: First, do no harm Donald Trump Is Spending His First Weekend at Camp David Not his kind of place, but it's my kind of place. Link has a video tour MSNBC's Joy Reid: Yeah He Just Got Shot, But Lets Not Forget Steve Scalise Is a Racist Of course. All Republicans are racists Uncle Joe Biden Launches PAC to Focus on Fooling Middle Class That Democrats Care …*Wink-Wink* McInnes: They want us dead
CNN Tries To Conduct Online Trump-Hater Poll, But Turns Out To Be Landslide Of Support For President VDH: Trump might be our Claudius VDH again: Trump’s Way Out of the Progressive Labyrinth
Wins for President Trump underreported by American Press The real answer to the democracy-killing ‘administrative state’:
From Goldman:
Cuba Says It Will Not Send Fugitives Back To the U.S. Trump Revives Failed U.S. Theory That Cubans Will Be Best Helped by Harming Americans (and Cubans) Cuba is about Florida politics, nothing more. Same way Iowa is about Ethanol fuel. ELLIOTT ABRAMS: LEAKS AGAINST TRUMP ARE HURTING ISRAEL Monday, June 19. 2017Monday morning links11 Foods That People Think Are Way Healthier Than They Really Are Fruit juices top the list WSJ: The Teenage Spiritual Crisis An Unsettling Climate - Global-warming proponents betray science by shutting down debate. Portland’s “Green Energy” Bailout Continues Too much ice: No matter what happens, it is “climate change driven.” What do economists know about school vouchers? St. Louis Cardinals Resist LGBTQ Outcry Over ‘Christian Day’ The Michelle Carter Verdict Was A Total Miscarriage Of Justice Law-Abiding Armed Citizens Capture Skinhead Fugitives Accused of Murder As They Attempt to Steal a Truck; Hold Them Until Authorities Arrive The Cult of the Non-Politician Why electing inexperienced politicians like Trump is backfiring To increase the number of Democratic voters in his state, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe gave the right to vote to 206,000 convicted felons. Could Illinois be the first state to file for bankruptcy? For New York City’s Municipal Workers, a Supplementary Welfare State Steve Scalise Can’t Defend Himself But MSNBC Is Back To Attacking Him Anyway Gingrich on Russia Probe: ‘Somebody, Somewhere is Going to be Convicted of Something’ Liberals have no problem defending al-Qaeda -- but draw the line at Ivanka Trump. Carr: Trump-bashing turning virulent TWO CHEERS FOR TRUMP’S NEW CUBA POLICY Germany: Police Powerless Against Middle Eastern Crime Gangs On Trump Letting Mattis Set Troop Levels, Washington Post Savages Barack Obama Saturday, June 17. 2017If BMWs exploded...
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Saturday morning links
Education Failure Is the New Success Professor reported for question critical of biological men competing against women in sports Schools: “More Youthful, More Urban, and More Inclusive of Women” - with Evelyn Waugh “Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try.” Parenting advice from Homer Simpson - more Simpson quotes here Teenager Who Urged Friend to Kill Himself Is Guilty of Manslaughter Amazon To Acquire Whole Foods Report: $12.7 Trillion Needed To Meet Paris Climate Accord’s Goal… Why Are So Many Young Voters Falling for Old Socialists? Envy and greed? How Marx Got on the Wrong Side of History DHS rescinds Obama-era DAPA policy that would have protected illegal immigrant parents Gallup Poll: 25 Percent See Government as their Biggest Problem "This is a case of Trump doing something that policy-wise is what the NYT wants. But Trump did it, so why is it bad? Trump broke a promise!" Yay! It's over. The Russian conspiracy nonsense is finally debunked. Whew! ERRORS IN TRUMP TWEET SYMBOLIZE MORE COSTLY MISTAKES How many boneheaded impulsive things can the guy do? In A Panicky Tweet, President Trump Lies About Rod Rosenstein I would quit if I were his lawyer “This Jackass Is Really Ticking Me Off”: Is Coulter The Only Major Right-Wing Media Figure Criticizing Trump? Trump Was in a Fever to Defend the Legitimacy of His Election That's right. Emotional, not clever. Jihadist Arrests in EU Doubled Last Year, Rising for Third Year in a Row Europeans Are Paying to Subsidize Jihadists Brilliant explanation of the Trump election from Tucker: Friday, June 16. 2017Obstruction By Any Other Name
What's really crazy, though, is how one Progressive friend mentioned to me that polarization has reached "fever pitch" and the basis of her comment was the recent Congressional shooting. I shrugged and said it had been at that level for 24 years, really, and she'd simply chosen not to notice. Now that she's energized politically, it matters to her. No, no, no, she replied, that can't be it. It most certainly is. All my Progressive friends are members of the #Resist movement. I am not a Trump supporter, but I'm not suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, either. He's had mixed results so far. Nothing outlandish, nothing crazy. I think he's accomplished quite a bit (both better and worse) for not passing a single piece of major legislation. His bluster and hyperbole bug me, but that's just talk and Tweets. I've seen and heard worse from regular politicians. Yet it's these words that set off the #Resist people. They go bonkers over every little thing! It's fascinating. Continue reading "Obstruction By Any Other Name"
Posted by Bulldog
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Friday morning links
In praise of pachyderms - Conserve elephants. My Relationship With My Husband Is the Bedrock of Our Family, Not My Relationship with My Kids My Trip to a Marijuana Dispensary, the Happiest Place in Boulder Imagine no possessions... Except copyrights... Cook County businesses warn customers about upcoming sugar beverage tax Why not include fruit drinks? They are pure sugar too THE MAD OPULENCE OF DUBAI, FROM WATER VILLAS TO FAKE FORESTS Besieged by the tolerance bullies: If we’re ever to roll back this insanity we’re going to have to show some solidarity with the victims of homofascism and transfascism 'The cold biological truth is that sex changes are impossible,' says Camille Paglia Duh. But fantasy is powerful stuff. Humans are all about fantasy. First transgender woman runs for office in Virginia Experts warned government against cladding material used on Grenfell They did it to save the planet The Disappearing Valedictorian: Another Victim of the Participation Trophy Generation? It can be true that some people take gut courses to win that race A Second Evergreen Professor Speaks Out American Prospect wonders whether people are responsible for their debts Fred On Everything is fed up with ghetto culture Is he allowed to say that? Prometheus Bound: How Regulations Stifle a U.S. Manufacturing Renaissance ESPN Host Says NFL Injects Politics ‘By Playing The National Anthem’ Fernandez on political antiquities:
One of the many perils of too much government: the belief government is necessary for happiness Exactly THE NEW YORK TIMES’ KNACK FOR MISIDENTIFYING COLLUDERS WITH RUSSIA - A sordid story of hypocrisy and double standards. Clinton Crew Dripping In Russian Entanglements While Deep State Rolls Snake Eyes On Trump Hinderaker: The “far right”? I guess they mean people like me. The stunning truth is that the American political and media establishment allowed a phony story – that they knew was phony — to dominate our political discourse for months.... For Democrats, it's come down to 'Just Get Someone' MUELLER PURSUES OBSTRUCTION CASE AGAINST TRUMP - The collusion claim didn’t work, so the special prosecutor shifts gears. Special counsel is investigating Jared Kushner’s business dealings Can The President Be Criminally Prosecuted For Exercising His Constitutional Duties? Further Thoughts Presidential Historian: Deep State Operatives Are Attempting Coup d’état of US President EU Reaches Bailout Agreement with Greece . . . Again Thursday, June 15. 2017Political spins on violenceHayward: NEW YORK TIMES HITS A NEW LOW French on the NYT: Its editorial about yesterday’s shooting doesn’t just twist the truth; it may be libelous. Sarah Palin Blasts ‘Sickening’ NYT Editorial Blaming Her For Giffords Shooting Williamson: The Left Embraces Political Violence WaPo: The Baseball Shooting Wasn’t An Attack On The GOP. It Was An Attack On All Of Us.
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Thursday morning links
We Tested 13 Grocery Store Coffees and Here’s the Best One Key criterion: drinkable if reheated in microwave. I can relate Why you might want to disinherit your kids Optometrists Feel Threatened By Technology, So Guess What Do They Do Walter Williams: Rewriting American History You’re Hired: Trump Plans to Build U.S. Workforce With Apprenticeships - The president, who hosted NBC’s reality television show ‘The Apprentice,’ will announce an expansion of apprenticeship programs Excellent, but what does government have to do with that? Woodpile on occupied territories Here Are Five Fake Stories CNN Pushed Russia Hacked our Election! (So what?) Charlie Daniels: What Would Happen If Liberals Got the World They Wanted Here on Earth? HuffPo Pulls Article Calling For Trump execution When losing an election makes you lose your mind As we always say, it's evidence that government is too important in our lives Coulter: THE ‘RESISTANCE' GOES LIVE-FIRE Virginia Shooting Suspect Was Distraught Over Trump’s Election, Brother Says Baseball Shooter a Big Wake-Up Call for the Left No doubt Ruddy: Mueller Appears 'Out to Get the President' Tom Cotton destroys case for collusion during questioning of Sessions He's good Democrats Trot Out Plan C In Their Never-Ending Trump Impeachment Crusade Having Solved All The World’s Problems, United Nations Takes On Cultural Appropriation Let's see them take spaghetti away from the Neapolitans Meanwhile In Venezuela, Protesters Set Fire To The Supreme Court Building Wednesday, June 14. 2017Wednesday morning links
Brown skin looks healthier for everybody. Let's face it: Caucasian skin is not beautiful - but gingers do look cool with their special skin color Artificial Cartilage Under Tension as Strong as Natural As Insty would say, Faster, please. But stronger than natural might be better Moonbats Bark That We Should Give Up AC Wind power fails in Canada – a 23 year life span not likely to be replaced Visualizing Baltimore's Opiate Experience Against American imperialism Who´s afraid of George Soros? Governments across the globe turn on Hillary Clinton supporter accused of pushing his neoliberalagenda worldwide Obama’s Meddling in Foreign Elections: Six Examples White House Makes It Official: It Wants to Keep Snooping on Americans - Trump and group of GOP senators don’t want us to have greater privacy protections from unwarranted domestic surveillance. Bad news “Steely Silence”: Comey Reportedly Confronted Loretta Lynch With Document Claiming She Was Protecting Hillary On Emailgate FAKE NEWS=> MSNBC Caught Trying to Pass Off Top Obama Campaign Director as Random Passerby Via NY Post:
Dem demolition strategy shifts from Collusion To Obstruction The Ugly Question: What If The Russia Russia Russia Story Was Nothing? Chavista celebrities refuse to say they were wrong about socialism Radical chic Hamas tried to stop humanitarian aid distribution in Gaza Britain’s Election Disaster - Theresa May’s political incompetence carries a high price.:
Tuesday, June 13. 2017Tuesday morning links
Why Is the Speed of Light So Slow? Why Derek Jeter doesn’t feel prepared for fatherhood Euthanasia for existential anguish? GuideStar Marks Family Research Council as a 'Hate Group' 'Horrendous storm' to hit stocks, Wall Street not rational: David Stockman NYT: Stop pretending you're not rich Militant Homosexuality: Leftist Politics by Other Means Rolling Stone settles rape hoax case Puerto Rico votes in favor of statehood But the US doesn't want them. Why would we? Give it back to Spain. WaPo Writes Islamic Terrorism Out Of The Pulse Nightclub Shooting Robert Mueller should step aside: Friends shouldn’t be investigating friends Best pals, gunning for the rebel Trump. The empire strikes back. Steyn: Comey is a 6'8" gummy worm Best comment I've seen: Comey said that, as he was leaving the room with Trump, Trump grabbed his pussy Comey Suspected of Other Leaks to the New York Times Dating Back to at Least March Trump Is Beating the Media at Its Own Game Kimball: Trumping the narrative
Senator Graham: Trump may 'go down' because of inappropriate statements Monday, June 12. 2017Monday morning links
I blame global warming Sex Scandal: When colleges treat men and women the same — women get hurt, author says The Latest: L.A. pride parade renamed 'ResistMarch' What are they pissed about? Opioid dealers embrace the internet Delta, Bank of America End Sponsorship of New York's Public Theater Over Trump-Like 'Julius Caesar' Wow, so edgy! Don't they see how juvenile they are?
An Open Letter to President Donald J. Trump… Basically, stop falling into traps The Fourth Turning: A Summer Of Rage And The Total Eclipse Of The Deep State WaPo: It would be wrong to be balanced about Trump Loretta Lynch, Swamp Thing At Least 9 of 38 Deep State ‘Leaks’ to Media Outlets Are Linked or Related to James Comey A DELUSIONAL LOSER NAMED REALITY WINNER Mueller adds muscle for Russia investigation Witch hunts always find witches Former AG Mukasey: Lynch Made DOJ ‘An Arm Of The Clinton Campaign’ Pathetic endings to prosecutorial careers of James Comey and Loretta Lynch - Their reputations were taken down not by Donald Trump, but by their attempts to take down Trump. Bill and Hillary received $2.85M selling U.S. uranium to the Russians Trump’s Election Is Turning The Left Into A Breeding Ground For Conspiracy Theorists Scott Johnson gets tangled in the web That seems incredible I think they just want to cripple him, same as with Bush-Hitler New Leftist Fantasy: Decision On Paris Climate Agreement Is Impeachable Offense Van Jones laughs at Hillary Germany Wrestles With Migrant ‘Fake Father’ Scam - Immigrants paying German men to claim paternity. "It's Madness" - Massive Anti-Government Protests In Venezuela Worsen, Patterns Emerge Per usual, socialism has done a good job of spreading the poverty and hopelessness Facts about Qatar Saturday, June 10. 2017Saturday morning links
THE ROCKING DEAD - The Grateful Dead’s Cornell 1977 concert release Berserkers In Mesopotamia, Europe And India: Old Tradition Of Mad Fighting Dates Back At Least 3000 BC Oldest Homo sapiens fossils discovered in Morocco Lonely in suburbia Evergreen State Officials Ask Student Vigilantes To Stop Patrolling Campus With Baseball Bats Professor At Evergreen College Backs Bret Weinstein, Expects To Be Called A Racist Lunatics running asylum Harvard History Prof doesn't know her history MUGGING MR. MURRAY: MURRAY SPEAKS The 4 Gods of the Public Education System Great Legislative Ideas To Fight Hotcoldwetdry We Can All Agree On Dumping Dodd-Frank: How we get our economy back Why Not Try 'Medicare for All'? Glad You Asked Biology Professor: Trauma Of Trump Presidency Will Mutate Human Genome For All Eternity Krauthammer: You can’t govern by id Schlicter: From Russia With Stupidity BBC Reporter’s False Trump Tweet Reveals a Sad Truth - James Landale of the BBC posted two tweets about Donald Trump. One was true, one was false. Guess which one went viral? sultan on DC today:
Comey’s Weak Case 7 Unexpected Takeaways From James Comey’s Testimony Theresa May’s Call for Internet Censorship Isn't Limited to Fighting Terrorism - Using fear of terrorists to try to control what you can see online The Astonishing Israeli Concession of 1967 - In a triumphant moment, Israel’s flag was hoisted over the newly conquered Temple Mount—then quickly taken down. COMMUNISM VICTIMS REMEMBER - Powerful testimony of personal experiences with communism’s horrors. QATAR, TRUMP AND DOUBLE GAMES - Qatar’s role in undermining the stability of the Islamic world has been second only to Iran’s. How Israel spots lone-wolf attackers - Algorithms monitor social-media posts of Palestinians Friday, June 9. 2017Friday morning links Selling Stuff Is No Longer the Point of Retail Stores Number of Job Openings Hits Record-High at 6 Million Is College Worth It? Increasing Numbers Say No Captain Capitalism: Life's too short for politics Questioning Government Is What Makes You An American How Conservatives Were Tricked Into Opposing The Over-The-Counter Hearing Aid Act " The truly sad part is that they THINK they’re smart and intellectual. " #FakeNews CNN Tries to Railroad Weather Channel Founder, Gets Schooled on Climate Change Instead Report On Russian Contacts With Trump Campaign Was Mostly Wrong (Update: Times Responds) Sen. McCain Blames Late-Night Baseball Game For Strange Questioning Dershowitz: Trump did not obstruct justice These Photos of Sad Brooklyn Hipsters in a Bar Watching the Comey Hearing Are Hilarious Don't they have jobs? CNN’s King Admits Media Will Bury Comey’s ‘Damning Account’ of Lynch’s Behavior on Hillary Chris Matthews: Trump-Russia collusion theory 'came apart' with Comey testimony Trump’s in trouble after that Jim Comey hearing Trump doesn't understand that there is no such thing as casual chat when president NATO: Canada takes a step in the right direction Will Theresa May resign? PM scrambles to stay in power by doing deal with DUP after disastrous gamble ended in hung Parliament French-German TV network shelves documentary that revealed European funding for antisemitic groups Thursday, June 8. 2017TrumpInsofar as that might be true, I think it is part of why he was elected.
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Thursday morning links
Invisible dots from printers The Man Who Fought Back Against All Three Of The London Terrorists ‘Diversity of Opinion’ Is ‘White Supremacist Bullsh*t’ Rust Belt Connecticut Mandatory spending deprives your vote of power Fast and Furious hearing rips Holder, DOJ for deception in gun-running scandal The sad spectacle of Hillary Clinton’s slow-motion breakdown CNN Forced to Issue Correction After Comey's Written Testimony Refutes Report In quest for a Trump crime, Dems refuse to take ‘no’ for an answer Puerto Rico's bankruptcy leaves US island facing hard times
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