Friday, June 22. 2018
People are taught to cross the border and claim asylum. Then there are endless hearings to which nobody shows up.
What is American citizenship worth? The Immorality of Immigration
The Pope discusses Hell
Cute story
Gaming Addiction Classified as Mental Health Disorder by WHO
Oh, come on. Sounds like The Onion. They are just bored escapists.
High Court: Online shoppers can be forced to pay sales tax
Penn Law’s Amy Wax on Being Ousted from Her First-Year Class Over Comments on Race, Performance and Bourgeois Values, Attacks on Free Speech, Criticism of Affirmative Action and Diversity, Hard Truths, Anti-Western Colleges
The Op-Ed on Diversity that Got a Best-Selling American Author Sacked by Penguin
If you critique the cult of diversity, you can be fired. Luckily for me, I can't be fired. It's good to be king - a free man.
Princeton Takes a Stand for Free Speech on Campus
In the footsteps of the great Univ of Chicago. Can't let the lunatics run the asylum
Althouse on women politicians' clothing
The ACLU Tip-Toes Away From An Absolute Defense Of Free Speech
Open Letter to School Boards Everywhere: Stop Renaming Your Schools After Obama
You're Fired: Mick Mulvaney Fires Entire CFPB Advisory Board
'Christmas Comes Early' For Mulvaney? Federal Judge Rules CFPB's Structure Is Unconstitutional
White House releases sweeping proposal to reorganize government
Good ideas, but will never happen
The comic masterpiece of Donald J. Trump - Conrad Black explains how the President consistently and hilariously outplays his enemies, provoking and then exploiting the friction between him and them to raise himself to ever greater heights
Dems’ true goal is to end all border enforcement
Democrats Have Zero Tolerance For Illegal Immigration Solutions - Family separation is callous, but it doesn't excuse the Democrats' refusal to do anything about the border
Credibility Crisis: Media Trumpets Allegation of Child Migrant Abuse, Fails to Mention it Happened Under Obama
Trump lets DC have it with both barrels
Anti-Trump FBI Agent Strzok joined Mueller probe to 'fix' 'unfinished business' from 2016 election
A bad cop
'Extraordinary' Strzok removal shows FBI agents in crosshairs from IG probe
IG Report Highlights FBI Counterspy Failings - Counterintelligence division under fire for mishandling Clinton email probe
Venezuelan economy heading to complete collapse in months and probably a military coup
Hamas Paid Family to Falsely Claim Gaza Baby Died of Inhaling Israeli Tear Gas
Never ever believe those people
Father says little Honduran girl on Time cover was not taken from mother
For the eurozone, auf Wiedersehen would be better than ciao
Thursday, June 21. 2018
Why the sudden outrage attack about Obama's longstanding immigration policy? Don’t Get Played; Get Woke to the Outrage Scam
The 2016 presidential voting in the District of Columbia was 92% Clinton, 4% Trump, 4% other.
Wednesday, June 20. 2018
Why do parents put their kids through this? The guy is right - same thing would happen to an American with kids crossing the river from Mexico.
Tuesday, June 19. 2018
Using their powers to effect an election? Gowdy rips into Horowitz. This is deeply disturbing, at the top of the FBI.
Strategy of the Left: Keep everybody else constantly on the defensive. And Trump is Hitler, of course. As Tucker says, nobody seems to care about the American kids whose parents are in jail.
From reading all about the topic, I learned that every border-crosser is now an asylum applicant. Who knew?
Where the 'No Ending a Sentence With a Preposition' Rule Comes From
Ageing parents: This Is The Biggest Life Event That Millennials Don't See Coming
As Nashville Rapidly Expands, Residents Worry the Metropolis Is Growing Too Fast
Food stamp enrollment falls to 8-year low as Trump clamps down on fraud, economy improves
How Dodd-Frank Stole The Recovery By Killing Small-Business Growth
Democrats know their 'blue wave' is no sure thing
Illegal Aliens Increasingly Using Other People’s Children To Claim Asylum
10,000 of 12,000 Kids in US DHS Custody Were Sent Here Alone
Compassion and the rule of law at the border
Thousands of DACA recipients with arrest records, including 10 accused murderers, allowed to stay in US
Hillary Calls Trump A Liar, Unchristian Over Family Separation In Immigration Policy
If there are no parents, or parents are in jail, what to do with those kids?
Byron York: What do Republicans suspect really happened in the FBI Trump-Russia investigation?
For Trump supporters, DOJ IG report amounts to "Told ya so"
GOP Lawmakers Demand Horowitz Identify Names of Anti-Trump FBI Employees in IG Report
Spain's new government to remove Franco's remains from mausoleum
Monday, June 18. 2018
Has the Justice Dept and the FBI been a rogue system? Dem advisor Penn says they have been a state unto themselves. It is true that they hold frightening power, but when they go political, can't be fired, and refuse to respond to congress, what is that?
This from last week:
I am not sure how the illegal situation works, but it you arrest illegals (good idea) and they have kids with them, do what?
This has been going on for over a decade, but Obama kept it quiet. Suddenly, it's a big emotional issue. In fact, a political issue.
Separating Children From Parents At The Border — But 55% Of GOP Supports
Trump and the truth about the kids at the border
Actually, it's been going on since Clinton. Funny about that.
Nobody wants to separate children from parents, but nobody should get to jump the immigration line just because they show up on the beach with a kid in tow.
Unless the laws are changed, I'd just ship every border-crosser back to Mexico with a little lunch money. Clearly the issue is deterrence. Suggestions?
Saturday, June 16. 2018
Lots of good links at Lucianne this morning
A good week of toons at Powerline
Supermarket Scotch Named Best in the World
Georgia woman strangles, kills rabid bobcat after it attacks her: 'It came for my face'
These men didn’t want a cake, they wanted to find a Christian and ruin him
The Right to Discriminate
Left Calls for Boycott of Chick-fil-A over Marriage Stance
"Harvard consistently rated Asian-American applicants lower than any other race on personal traits like 'positive personality,' likability, courage, kindness and being 'widely respected'..."
Harvard Hospital Taking Down Portraits of White Men - Portraits of medical legends moved because they 'reinforce white men are in charge'
“There’s no greater threat to our democracy than a government that weaponizes its criminal justice system to target its citizens and in this case the target today is the President of the United States.”
Friday, June 15. 2018
Construction Workers Find Rare Intact Roman Tomb
Salt Water New England visits Connecticut
Bottled water companies looking to Connecticut tapwater
Why Glass Shape Affects the Taste of Champagne
I dislike champagne. I'm with Hillary - the only white wine I like is a cheap and creamy chardonnay
What Ultimately Took Kate Spade And Anthony Bourdain Wasn’t Mental Illness. It Was Something Worse
Seems to me that it was relationship anger and despair
The Plot Against Merit - Seeking racial balance, liberal advocates want to water down admissions standards at New York’s elite high schools.
Tax preparers' loss is America's gain
How Campus Bullies Pulled Off the Anti-Israel BDS Movement
Steyn: "I'm thinking of walking into a kayak manufacturer and demanding he make me a gay wedding kayak."
Tesla cuts 3,600 workers — 9 percent of its workforce — in bid to post a profit
Weekly Unemployment Claims Fall as Jobless Rolls Near 45-Year Low
For a long time, I’ve made the point that the Republican Party is not really a political party, in the sense that it is a coalition held together by common interests. Instead, it is more like a dumping ground for politicians, who no longer fit in with the Democrats.
The Dems: Clintonite triangulation aimed at appealing to the broad middle is dead.
Having Learned Nothing, Democrats Turn to Hollywood for Help in 2018 and 2020
Those Ignorant Hicks Ruin Everything
That means me
Also, IG Report: FBI Agent Said Trump Voters 'Poor, Uneducated, Lazy, POS'
12 Things You Need To Know About The Inspector General's DAMNING Report on The FBI's Hillary/Trump Conduct
FBI agent who wanted to ‘stop’ Trump has really just helped him
'We’ll stop it': Justice Department inspector general says texting FBI lovers talked about keeping Trump from becoming president – yet insists there was no 'political bias' in Hillary Clinton email probe
And now Meet the Other Amorous FBI Staffers Who Texted About the Clinton Email Investigatio
The Nation: The Mueller Indictments Still Don’t Add Up to Collusion - A year of investigations has led to several guilty pleas, but none of them go to the core of the special counsel’s mandate.
Guardian: Donald Trump was right. The rest of the G7 were wrong
Trump’s Tariff Gambit - The president’s latest move harks back to an earlier era of truly free trade.
We are all globalnationalists now. Let's move past the false dichotomy of nationalism vs globalism
San Juan Democrat Mayor Who Trashed Trump Now Under FBI Investigation over Distribution of Relief Supplies
Can we please give them independence even if against their will?
An Assessment of the Islamic State in 2018
They are done. Nice job, Trump and Mattis
Venezuelan Socialism Hasn’t Failed Because It ‘Has Never Been In Place’
Europe’s ‘Axis Of The Willing’ Attempts To Seal The Borders
Thursday, June 14. 2018
Drudge headline:
Barone: Will we get tired of so much winning?
Cleanse and Refresh - The New York Times’ coverage of buzzy wellness concepts like “detox” is a case study in pseudoscience creep.
Where to Invest Now
Moms to Daughters: Don’t Be Ali Watkins
Without Government, Who Will Build the Roads? Domino’s Pizza, Apparently
New York Times: It's All Craigslist's Fault
Many large US firms sell, hire and invest more overseas than in US and they have to think globally, not domestically, to survive
Dershowitz Blasts the ACLU for Becoming a ‘Hard-Left Political Advocacy Group’ - "The ACLU is no longer a neutral defender of everyone’s civil liberties. It has morphed into a hyper-partisan, hard-left political advocacy group," Dershowitz wrote.
In California, the “Jungle” Is Predictable. Primary results suggest overwhelming Democratic governance—though not without trouble signs.
Rod Rosenstein’s Subpoena Threat: He’s Conflicted, and He’s Acting Like It
Who Unraveled the New World Order? It wasn’t Trump. The global economic consensus began falling apart years before he entered politics.
The Down-Under View of Donald Trump
Germany: Shut down talk shows
An IDF soldier’s description of experience in Gaza - Have you ever seen 4,000 people running towards you full of hate and yelling “Allah Akhbar”?
When Reagan Went to the Wall: A Berlin-Singapore Nexus?
North Korea in the Middle East: A Dangerous Military Supply Line
The two Koreas are moving ahead
The "Trump Doctrine" for the Middle East
Wednesday, June 13. 2018
Environmentalists foolishly go to war against nuclear power
‘Climate Change’ Might Explain Why There Are No Aliens Out There
Rosenstein Threatened to Subpoena Emails, Phone Records of Nunes and House Intel if They Didn’t Stop Investigation
Good grief. That's amazing.
Food Stamp Households Drop Below 20 Million for First Time Since 2010
Searching For Citizenship Cheaters
Federal judge halts secret FEC plot to target GOP groups
Trump's economic experiment: Growth without immigrants
Joe Scarborough: Trump ‘Sick’ for Ignoring Human Rights in North Korea
For Trump haters, nothing is ever ok. It's a reflex.
Nancy Pelosi bummed out by booming Trump economy
Trump Helps Obama’s Team Recognize How Disastrous Their Policies Were
Trump’s pledge to end war games with South Korea rocks the region
Mexico candidate shot while posing for selfie in latest murder of politician
Drug cartels run Mexico
Norway to invite more U.S. Marines, for longer and closer to Russia
Tuesday, June 12. 2018
Why the hatred? Is it fashion, is it about personality style, or is it about policy?
Hatred is ugly. If it's about policy, I'd like to know what these people object to with their megaphones, not that their opinions deserve to be of any more interest than my own are.
As I recall, many of my pals hated Obama's policies, but never had a visceral hatred for the man himself. I'd gladly have a beer or two with Obama anytime because I think he is a clever bullshitter. Glib clever bullshitters amuse me.
Also, Robert De Niro Just Handed Trump’s 2020 Campaign A Blank Check
From Ace:
... in the aftermath of the G-7 summit the Democrat-Left-Media complex and the Eurabians are all butthurt that PDT has insulted them and not knuckled under, like previous administrations have (for the most part) since the end of World War II. With all due respect to Europe and the Left, which is to say none at all, GFY. The President is right; we spent our blood and treasure liberating you from ideologies of your own making twice in a generation and after rebuilding your continent and economies, we've spent nearly 75 years afterwards funding your dissolute, insane, cheese-eating, wine-guzzling, adulterous lifestyles while protecting you from Russia, all to see you committing cultural suicide at our expense and then blaming us, evil Jooz, capitalism, Christianity and the 40 hour work week for the ills you brought upon yourselves, as the illusion of the European union collapses around you. Enough.
Bush 2 and Obama began the turn away from "Old Europe," and it continues. Europe needs to take care of itself, but shows little desire to do so. Spoiled and weakened for too long by America's sentimental largesse in trade and protection. Trump just says out loud what the State Dept. has been thinking for decades.
Photo f rom our Maggie's Brooklyn hike in April
‘You Aren’t That Big a Deal’: A Message the Self-Esteem Generation Desperately Needs to Hear
The clothes you donate probably end up in a landfill
When You Have To Apologize For Eating At Chick-Fil-A
Pregnant man and flower power at London Men's Fashion Week
Explaining Monogamy to Vox
University of Tennessee Professor Claims ‘Diversity of Thought’ is Racist
Penn trustees privately admit they are afraid to criticize school’s diversity cult, former trustee says
College Course: ‘Objectivity’ Is among ‘White Mythologies’
How Capitalism Could Save the World - A world of capitalism is a world of peaceful, voluntary, mutually agreed upon interactions where no person or group is politically privileged over another.
It already is doing so
Mentions of the "Social Security Trust Fund" Like It is A Real Thing Make Me Crazy
Bill Clinton: Norms of ‘What You Can Do to Someone Against Their Will’ Have Changed
He might wish to rephrase that
Chain Migration Comes to Hazleton - The working-class Pennsylvania city is struggling to adapt to a heavy influx of Hispanics from New York.
The Farm Bill for Billionaires - Farm subsidies are a menace, especially when they line the pockets of the wealthy.
What causes hyperinflation for medical costs in the US? Medical insurance, which is the problem, not the solution
Liberals ought to learn from Kim Kardashian
Bill Maher: We Need a Recession to Save Us from Trump
America's Europe Problem
Trump's attitude toward Europe is awfully realistic.
The G-7 should listen to Trump or go away
David Warren:
Trump is willing to militarize the Korean peninsula, in order to demilitarize it; and surround Persia with enough reasons to actually take its nose out of its neighbours’ affairs. To caricature the man as a warmonger or protectionist is to get him backwards. He is pushing “America First” and trying to communicate that if we, for instance, want to put Canada First, he’ll deal. But he isn’t going to deal with what he might characterize as a bunch of wankers.
Interesting piece on economies of India and China
Italy Turns Away Ship Carrying Over 600 Migrants
China's Long Game for the Singapore Summit - While Trump and Kim play checkers, Xi has the Go board out.
China puts China first, Making China Great Again
Monday, June 11. 2018
Why predicting suicide is a difficult and complex challenge
Fifty Years after Tet
Study: Dog parks are manifestations of rape culture and oppression
Cultural-Marxist Left Doesn't Like Term 'Cultural Marxism'
Manhattan Doctor Sues Patient For $1 Million For Posting Negative Reviews Online
High Tech Oligarchs for Diversity
Real Life Feminist Bookstore From “Portlandia” Closing, Blames Cis White People
Vermont Subsidizes Remote Workers to Move to the State
Z-man on the free market ideology:
Libertarians and “conservatives” will read this and reflexively start chirping about free markets and invisible hands, but there is a reason they are now a punchline. That’s because these are ideologies, if you want to be generous and elevate them to ideologies, that make all the same assumptions about humanity as the Marxists. That is, they see man as the ultimate consumer, a beast that devours his environment, in the same way a plague of locusts wipes out a field...
OK, but there is a freedom issue
Crisis at the National Archives
Vox: Study: telling white people they’ll be outnumbered makes them hate welfare more - White racism keeps hurting programs that help the poor.
More Asylum Seekers Game America’s Immigration System
The Cambridge Fossil Fuel Divestment Plan Goes Up In Smoke
Bill Clinton’s Me Too Reckoning
Lawmakers Warn IG Being Pressured to Slow Roll Clinton FBI Report - Concern mounts as DOJ and FBI seek redactions and weaken report
Media blackout: Trump’s 60-point accomplishment list of ‘American Greatness’
Steve Hilton: Trump’s criticism of G-7 is ‘unprecedented’ scream the elite -- That’s the whole point of Trump!
ABC Depicts ‘Hindu’ Terrorist Plot on Pakistan in “Quantico” Episode
Italy’s “populist” government
An Iraqi threat goes mainstream
Sunday, June 10. 2018
Coleman Hughes, musician and Columbia undergrad, on The High Price of Stale Grievances .
This young man does not feel oppressed. In fact, he feels privileged. He is. He is smarter than me and is attending an elite school. He appreciates that. I think this guy has a good future.