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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, September 3. 2018Monday morning links
Is Safetyism Destroying a Generation? Weight-loss pills can help. So why don't more people use them? (h/t Instapundit) Why New York City Stopped Building Subways - Nearly 80 years ago, a construction standstill derailed the subway’s progress, leading to its present crisis. This is the story, decade by decade. Netflix has spent years crushing movie theaters – turns out, it kind of needs them now New York Alt-Weekly Publishing Legend The Village Voice Is No More What the nonreligious get wrong about religious people Pope Declares ‘Emergency’ Not Related To Pedophile Scandal Williamson: The Psalmist And The Sex Doll Prof touts 'ecosexuality' as 'environmental activist strategy' Claim: Weather Catastrophes are “Pearl Harbour” Opportunities to Implement a Carbon Tax University of Kansas Hosts 'Feminist Parenting Group' to Explore 'Strategies for Raising Intersectional Feminist Children' DSA SOCIALIST CANDIDATE JULIA SALAZAR LIED ABOUT EVERYTHING Editing out the American flag National security goals in McCain's wake ‘OUTRAGED’ Americans Disgusted With Hyper-Politicized McCain Funeral Is bashing Trump the fraternity's new secret handshake? Roaring economy isn't lifting Donald Trump approval rating. He has only himself to blame. President Trump Keeps Winning – Everything Else Is Just Noise… Trackbacks
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Clearly John McCain had planned his own funeral as if he HAD won the presidency. When Hillary Clinton goes I expect hers to be just as extravagant in the worshiping of the corrupt woman.
I think it's ironic the only thing uniting the crowds (and they were crowds) at those two funerals was Trump. If not for Trump, the crowd at each funeral would have been entirely different both in makeup and attitude, and moreover, news coverage would have been entirely different. Itr's almost like Trump is the puppet master, and the rest of the U.S., and much of the rest of the world dances to his signals, even when they're smearing him. Scary in a way.
The article about the nonreligious hating the religious makes such obvious points that one wonders why it needs to be written. While not all nonreligious people think this way, there are powerful voices that do. Their claims are so hyperbolic that something is clearly going on in their heads that is unusual.
This is the real key to that essay. Their minds will not be changed by simply saying "Oh come now, don't be ridiculous. Look around you. Get a grip." They are unhinged. They are not thinking clearly. My estimate is that fear of loss of power to a competitive group is what drives them, but other motives might explain it better. I don't insist on my interpretation there. I do insist that their hatred is about themselves, it is not about their chosen targets. As for the "secret handshake," yes exactly. That is a clear image and I plan to use the phrase. I've been thinking this about David Foster's Ricochet (and Chicago Boy's) post but I'm pretty sure it fits here, too.
We have democratized affluence to the point that socio-economic signals are no longer an reliable indicator of class affiliation. When everybody can afford a new car, then it's not the new that matters regardless of the model but whether you bought a Prius or F150 4x4. When even your CEO dresses in jeans and a hoodie then it matters less what you do for the company than how the company advances your own agenda. Like the saying goes, the personal has become the political. Your status is now far more determined by what you profess to believe than your acquisitions or actions. I agree with the article, and your point, even though I am an atheist. Most religious people I know are simply trying to live up to a standard that they believe in (as contrasted to 'spirituality' which is a complete absence of standards).
I'm not worried about Mike Pence. The Handmaids Tail is pure morbid fantasy.... there are virtually no Christians who would stand for such crap. On the other hand, Handmaid's Tail is much more like Sharia, which is a tragic real thing to hundreds of millions of people. Atwood won't admit it any more but in early interviews she claimed the book was inspired by a trip to Afghanistan when it was ruled by the Taliban. If they haven't memory-holed it you maybe able to find the interview at The Guardian from about 2011.
You would be wrong to lump all non-religious people together as you did. The vocal non-religious people do indeed have a political ax to grind and you don't happen to like what they are selling. I get it, that is how I feel when someone proselytizes to me. I can hold my tongue and not point out the foolishness of their belief but given enough provocation/proselytizing I feel compelled to explain where they are wrong.
Read my statement more closely. I think you undermined your point by jumping to a conclusion.
r.e. the first link: The assumption that all whites are racist also creates a strong temptation to be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb.
The roaring economy isn't lifting Trump's approval numbers......says the nearly-defunct USA Today. Even as it stays stubbornly at 50%.
Couldn't have anything at all to do with the relentless, mountainous onslaught from each and every media outlet in the country, could it? Naaaaahhh.... Keep in mind the great bulk of those presidential howgozit polls are taken by the same ilk that runs the trump bashing news media.
The USA today article features an AP poll. Once I read that I just harkened back to the CTH piece on the AP working with Moeller's team. Nuff said. The MSM is self destructing...there is no way back for them.
About 50% of our population benefits directly from the acts and intentions of the left. They can never support a Republican/conservative and would rather that the U.S. was plunged into a 30's style depression than allow a conservative to be in power. Simple as that. Sadly many Republican congressmen find themselves in that position of preferring to be little fish in a big pond even if it is contrary to the good of the country and the majority of the citizens. We have been sold down the river, our politicians are selling off the country and selling citizenship and they are becoming millionaires doing it. Why would they want to MAGA if they can become rich making America the 3rd world? It is too late to stop it outside of open civil war. Trump is a temporary obstacle to their goals.
The Village Voice has been a piece of garbage for decades. It was 80% ads for prostitution and "massage parlors" and weird sex crap.
They occasionally had a good editorial and it was half way decent for restaurant reviews. Other than that is was a piece of crap. It was free and still nobody read it. lol NYC subway system. Can't get excited or outraged at problems brought about by 100-plus years of Northeast politics. It's time NYC and those who push its attractiveness learn they don't count anymore.
NY Subways: Seems most likely to me that the '40s stoppage was due to WWII. The workers went into the armed forces. Only maintainers stayed at work.And NYC took over the private subways, and politics raised its ugly head, opened its gaping jaws and ate up the whole thing.
Netflix: I don't do Netflix, and plan to avoid it. Obama made me do that. "Ecosexuality": A dead end. Weather catastrophes? Hell, EVERYTHING is a reason to have a "carbon tax". For those who want to spend the money it brings in. Secret Handshake: Jeannie DeAngelis pretty much nails the left. Trump approval numbers: What Brother John and Bill H. said goes for me, too. How many people have decided to lie to pollsters (raises hand)? NY subways. Has the subway system ever paid its own way? I read once that it has 200 elevators and 250 elevator service techs. If the rest of the system works with the same efficiency it's no wonder it has problems.
But, who cares? The people who live there keep voting in the same corrupt politicians who continue to hire the same crooked construction companies and on and on. My only problem with New York is all the people from there moving to my neck of the woods. 250 Service techs.
It's even crazier. When an office building has has elevator problems, they call in a service company and the job is done quckly. But the NY subway system rules prohibit that.... all work must be done by subway employees. "My only problem with New York is all the people from there moving to my neck of the woods."
The story of the Peoples' Republic of Vermont. So, present day the only Vietnam vets this country honors are John Kerry and John mccain? That just does not seem....decent.
The movie, First Man, has a lot more problems than leaving out the flag, judging by the previews. It doesn't look at all like a celebration of a great acheivement, but more like a chick flick exploring why men do dangerous things.
"Weight-loss pills can help. So why don't more people use them? (h/t Instapundit)"
1. Nobody trusts them. Its hard to differentiate the 'weight loss' pills sold in informercials from anything that might work. The vast majority of people have simply written them off. 2. Doctor consultation - and often prescription. Most of us simply aren't seeing a doctor regularly and, coupled with #1, we're not going to seek one out and make an appointment for a consult. I don't like seeing a doctor. I am old and have some serious health issues and seeing a doctor only reminds me that I am old and have serious health issues. It also takes away from my time to do things that are enjoyable. Not that I dislike doctors, on the contrary I love doctors and nurses and the many unheralded health care workers. But mostly they cannot prevent what is going to happen to me and their tests and consults are no fun.