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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Sunday, March 3. 2019Trump talents, and life talentsMany people dislike or disapprove of Trump's personality style, or disapprove of the way he lives and speaks. Or his tendency for hyperbole (to put it kindly). Scott Adams likes to talk about his idea of personal "talent stacks" which can lead to success in individual life goals. If one's talent stack is not aligned with one's goals, success is possible but much less likely. Scott is not, politically, a Trump fan or voter, but admires his skills - his "talent stack". Talent stacks of course include more than math talent, or rhetorical talent, or IQ, or musical ability. It includes drive and energy, adventurousness, adaptability, sense of humor, integrity (rare in politicians and criminals), charm, temperament, likability, interpersonal warmth and connectivity, neuroticism or lack thereof, toughness, generosity of spirit or the opposite, etc. etc. Only one in a million have a single talent on which to build a world-class reputation without a stack (think Glenn Gould). And it's best to focus on one's talent stack instead on one's shortcomings - but those shortcomings sure can mess up your life goals. Reality's a bitch of a grader. But to get back to my point (that should be a Maggie's trademarked phrase), Trump gave a 2-hour speech at CPAC which sounds like some combination of entertainment, reality/political TV, and hypomanic explosion. Yes, Trump is crude, impulsive, slippery, etc but he has instincts and has been doing his best for the country. At this moment in time, I doubt anybody could do better. As Powerline notes, the man is a whirlwind. Trump Just Might Have Won the 2020 Election Today. The president's speech at CPAC was a bedazzling mix of bravado, B.S., humor, and positive vision no Democrat will be able to top. To his credit, self-deprecating humor too. I like people who can mock themselves. It saves you the trouble...
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Saturday, March 2. 2019Saturday morning linksSnow Day! Winter wonderland. Gym uncrowded early this morning, car slippin' and slidin' a bit because no plowing that early. Fun. Got my third weights day done without having to wait for anything. Yes, all the regular morning gals were there. WH Auden on de-platforming Ezra Pound over politics Vandalizing History - Progressives want to reframe even joyous moments from the past into a narrative of oppression. Overdosing on Regulation: How Government Caused the Opioid Epidemic Amazon Will Not Occupy Seattle Skyscraper As Planned They can go wherever they want Cuomo Hasn’t Given Up On Bringing Amazon To NYC Williamson: Three Cheers for the Labor Market VIDEO: ACTIVISTS TAKE OVER COLORADO EDUCATION - A new bill seeks to hand over children's education to radical leftists. The Climate Scare: Ever More Shrill, Ever Less Serious California snow pack at record level But Climate Change! Largest California County Bans Mega Solar Farms - "On more than 1 million acres of private land" So much for habitat protection Too little, too late: Washington Post admits it screwed up big in the Covington Catholic story Commentary: Where Did Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Get Her Sweet Potatoes? Michelle Malkin's fiery CPAC speech A good Scott Adams podcast: LoserThink in the News, From Warmbier to Black Friends, to TDS, to Climate Change Lefty Greenwald feels sorry for MSNBC viewers At Quillette, The Rise of the Ungovernables: Americans Prefer Building A Wall Over The Green New Disaster Deal NYT: The Electoral College Is the Greatest Threat to Our Democracy - It has not stood the test of time. Since Trump, that is Olympics to Allow Transgender Athletes to Compete with Women — WITHOUT Having Gender Reassignment Surgery Friday, March 1. 2019Friday morning links
Democrats In California Seek To Ban Animal Dissections In High School Male Rapper Zuby Sets Women’s Weightlifting Records How Government Researchers Hijack Science for Political Purposes Cory Booker, other 2020 Dem presidential hopefuls introduce federal marijuana legalization bill House Democrats explode in recriminations as liberals lash out at moderates YouTube Deplatforms Retired Navy SEAL Who Exposed Tribal Elder Nathan Phillips' Stolen Valor Facebook Employees Freak Out, Refuse to Answer Questions Then Run Away When O’Keefe Confronts Them About Censoring Conservatives How de Blasio’s mental-health push became a boondoggle Rep. Kinzinger: I Saw State of Emergency at the Border Jonah Goldberg, Steve Hayes Team Up for New 'Trump-Skeptical' Media Company Dumb idea JUDGE ORDERS RELEASE OF CHRISTOPHER STEELE DEPOSITION Trump Cuts Short North Korea Summit After Dispute Over Sanctions: ‘Sometimes You Have To Walk' "It’s all part of the process. Trump is demonstrating that, unlike previous American presidents, he won’t go for a deal just to announce that he has a deal. He’ll get what he needs out of the deal or he won’t do the deal at all." Cuban “Collectivos” Storm Venezuelan National Assembly and OPEN FIRE Ilhan Omar Accuses Israel Hawks of ‘Allegiance to a Foreign Country’ Unrepentant Ilhan Omar suggests Jews who criticize her anti-Semitic statements are doing so because she's Muslim, revives dual-loyalty smear Thursday, February 28. 2019Thursday morning links LA Countywide Outbreak Of Whooping Cough Hits Exclusive Harvard-Westlake Hard How to Stop the Censoring Mobs on Campus So much for winning WWII Kraft’s Sabbath - Judging a rich man’s sins, in a world that thrives on outrage, humiliation, and fake virtue School says workers can’t celebrate black history month with southern food Idiots. Southern food is America's best food Twitter Legal Warns Michelle Malkin Her ‘Mohammed Cartoon Tweet’ Violates “Pakistan’s Blasphemy Laws” – Which Are Punishable by Prison or Death Why NYC pols see the ‘sharing economy’ as a threat WHILE NYC BATTLES CHARTER SCHOOLS, IT WASTED $773M ON FAILED PUBLIC SCHOOL EFFORT Health Care Is the Opposite of a Right Medical insurance as a civic duty - to be considerate of your fellows Atlantic: The ‘Hidden Mechanisms’ That Help Those Born Rich to Excel in Elite Jobs. When two sociologists interviewed highly paid architects, TV producers, actors, and accountants, they encountered work cultures that favor the already affluent. Former Bernie Sanders Aide Calls Team Clinton ‘Biggest A**holes In American Politics’ Are the Democrats Bent on Suicide? America can afford a Green New Deal – here’s how Kamala Harris Doubles Down Claiming Costs Don’t Matter For Big Gov’t Programs: “It’s Not About Cost”… Don’t Worry, Illinois—Be Happy. Governor Jay Pritzker’s budget avoids all the hard fiscal choices that the state must make. Yesterday's MSM/Dem talking point: Korea is a distraction Michael Cohen Admits to Coordinating Scripted Testimony With Lanny Davis, Adam Schiff and Elijah Cummings… Trump unleashing digital juggernaut ahead of 2020 Trump has eliminated North Korea's reasons for hostility Tucker on hate crimes:
Wednesday, February 27. 2019Wednesday morning links IBM: The Rise and Fall and Reinvention of a Global Icon The Cancer Personality Scandal (Part 1) Did The Vatican’s Sexual-Abuse Summit Fail “The McCarrick Test”? NYT: Inside the Secret Sting Operations to Expose Celebrity Psychics We're All Becoming Robert Kraft, But We Just Don't Realize It Emory University hosts ‘abortion as a moral good’ lecture Three Democrats who voted against infanticide Diversity Requirement at UCLA Threatens Academic Freedom Boys Will Be Boys, Except When They Are Girls Venice, CA: BEACH OF THE LIVING DEAD Why the Smollett affair was a win for the Left Politics and civility: “I’m done with my grandfather,” a friend confided in me after a recent family gathering. If political disagreements are more important than family and friends, you have a real problem VDH: Yes, ‘This Is America, 2019’ Bill Maher To Amazon: Please Move To A Red State And Save These People From Their Garbage Culture ONCE AGAIN… Liberal Media to Flood Airwaves with Russia Conspiracy Stories As Trump Arrives for Historic Hanoi Summit Democrats Are Wrapping a Gift for Trump President Trump has made unthinkable progress on Korea: Rep. Babin A book: The Vietnam War Revisited Is Theresa May the UK's Jimmy Carter? Tommy Robinson permanently banned by Facebook and Instagram China’s “Social Credit” System Is Already Blacklisting Many Citizens Tuesday, February 26. 2019Tuesday morning links Fake hate is good Transgender Sprinters Finish 1st, 2nd At Connecticut Girls Indoor Track Championships
Fake hate is good HOW TO FAKE A HATE CRIME AND GET AWAY WITH IT - Lessons for Jussie Smollett and the Left.
Hollywood Stars Under Attack for Attending Bible-Believing Churches Strong Arctic sea-ice growth this year Ocasio-Cortez: People Maybe Shouldn’t Reproduce Due To Climate Change Open Borders Advocates Pitch “Food Insecurity” As Means For Asylum The Left’s Rage Against ‘MAGA’ A Constitution which would allow Trump to be elected must be flawed Projection: Lawyer Who Served in Obama Admin Worries Trump Might Not Accept a 2020 Defeat Ready for Hillary one more time? Reconciling ‘Spygate’ With The ‘Soft Coup’ – Five Phases That Explain The Behavior… Danny Burch, a U.S. citizen, had been imprisoned in war torn Yemen for the past year and a half. His release marks the 20th American rescued from abroad by the Trump administration. Love Him Or Hate Him, Trump Is Right About North Korea Guardian: Say what you will about Trump, but his tactics on North Korea are working France President May Ban Non-PC Language Users from Internet for Life Monday, February 25. 2019Immigration scam
Asylum claims are the latest immigration scam. If migrants want somewhere else to stay, why not stay in Mexico where the language and culture are similar?
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His best podcast ever?
Is the MSM the real enemy of the country? Is the press trying to make us fight each other? (BTW, Scott is a lefty, claims he is left of Bernie.)
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Monday morning links
Freedom is slavery London Police Arrest Black Christian and Take His Bible for Preaching “Jesus Is On the Way”; Accuse Him of Racism and Islamophobia ‘Cheating’: Martina Navratilova under fire after saying trans women shouldn’t compete in women’s sports Women May Have to Register for the Draft as Men's Group Wins Selective Service Lawsuit MY WOKE BOYFRIEND AND I ALMOST BROKE UP OVER JORDAN PETERSON Now the mayor’s vendetta on horse carriages has him tearing up Central Park The Real Problem with the Blue-State Model - It’s not just high taxes; it’s lousy services, too. Nevada Bill to Push Patients Off Wanted Life Support Loads of American workers are dropping out of unions – Now liberals have a new plan to save left's cash cow When did "Constitution" become a bad word? Border smugglers now ramming down corrugated border fences with trucks in San Diego Beto Tries To Trick Hispanics Into Thinking He’s One Of Them WSJ: Schiffting to Phase 2 of Collusion - Conspiracy theorists look for something new, anticipating a Mueller letdown Thirty-million-page backup of humanity headed to moon aboard Israeli lander. If the apocalypse strikes, the Arch Mission Foundation wants to be sure all the knowledge we've accumulated doesn't disappear. Central planning: Venezuela’s Food Crisis Reaches A Breaking Point Saturday, February 23. 2019Venezuela, Socialist Peoples' ParadiseSelf-inflicted wounds based on a bad ideology. No food, no medicine, 3 million people fleeing the once-prosperous nation. Maduro’s Forces Burn Humanitarian Aid
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Saturday morning links
Bear Grylls in hot water after boiling frog What actually killed the dinosaurs? Volcanic clues heat up debate. Climate change causes Moose ticks? Interesting about Moose, but so tendentious. Moose moving south? So Moose ticks accompany Moose. No Moose, no Moose ticks. Reindeer have ticks too. Time Magazine: Illegal Immigrants are Climate Refugees Really? Then why do so many Americans, Canadians, and Europeans love to visit Belize, Costa Rica, and Mexico? For the pleasant weather of course. INSIDE ELIZABETH HOLMES’S CHILLING FINAL MONTHS AT THERANOS A skilled con artist Press damaging Klobuchar, touting Harris War on Conservatives Week in Higher Education What My Days as a Marxist Taught Me About Modern Political Cults Public Policy In Action In Progressive New York IT WAS A DEEP STATE SET-UP: Trump Campaign Volunteer Papadopoulos Introduced to ‘Russian’ Mifsud by FBI in London! Donald Trump, Gay-Rights Hero SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER BLAMES TRUMP FOR INCREASE IN BLACK NATIONALIST HATE GROUPS Man who shot at California cop previously deported, arrested but cops wouldn't honor ICE detainer, feds say Virginia scandals evaporate Fake Indian Elizabeth Warren Joins Kamala Harris – Backs Reparations for African Americans Vote-buying is a time-honored American tradition Hate Crime Hoaxes are More Common than You Think Smollett’s Lawyers Trash Chicago PD, Tout Actor’s ‘Impeccable Character’
Mass grave containing 3,500 victims of ISIS - which could 'hold the answers' to the fate of executed US hostages - discovered in the 'caliphate capital' Raqqa in Syria IDF: Gaza children being promised NIS 300 ($83) if injured at border protests. Israeli army says troops see Hamas sending kids as young as 8 to front lines of violent demonstrations Typical. Golda Meir said there will be peace when these people love their kids more than they hate Jews Friday, February 22. 2019Trump Scandals
Conrad Black: Real Scandal Of Trump Term Starts To Unravel
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Friday morning links
Are our readers ready? If not, why not? Pompeo slams Huawei: US won't partner with countries that use its technology Radically Transforming the Nation: Our Politicized Schools of Education It’s Getting Done: 30-Foot Border Wall Project Begins In California New migrant caravan forms as Mexican cities that border US keep swelling with asylum seekers British Warmists Want To Ban All New Homes From Using Natural Gas Media Hysteria: Climate Change ‘Heat Records’ Are a Huge Data Manipulation Where to Go on Health Insurance? Universal, Government-Funded Pre-K May Do More Harm Than Good Federal prosecutors broke law in Jeffrey Epstein case, judge rules GOP-ENDORSED CANDIDATE FOR PHILADELPHIA MAYOR SAYS ‘MENTAL ILLNESS’ HAS KEPT HER FROM WORKING FOR EIGHT YEARS Viewers Starting To Doubt Objectivity Of Reporter With 'KAMALA 2020' Face Tattoo Ocasio-Cortez rips media for reporting on her new luxury high-rise Lifestyles of the rich and socialist: Bernie Sanders has 3 houses, makes millions Good for him. It always confuses me, tho, how "public servants" get rich Bernie Already Won. So Why Run Again? The Vermont independent has yanked Democrats so far to the left that his competitors are becoming mini-mes. Hating America How President Trump Broke the Left Forget About Jussie Smollett's Fake Noose Lynching, the NYT Has Just Gotten Word of Stunning Late-Breaking News: Emmett Till Has Been Lynched! Jussie's lynching is Trump's fault Good quote going around: "The demand for racism has outrun its supply." Chicago Police Commissioner Calls Out Media, Stars and Politicians for Pushing Smollett Hoax FBI Official Admits To Infiltrating Trump Campaign - Just Don't Call It Spying WHO WILL FILL THE VACUUM LEFT BY ISIS? A very interesting phenomenon has taken place in the Idlib area of Syria: the presence of the Islamic State has almost completely disappeared. GERMAN PRESIDENT LAUDS IRAN ON REVOLUTION THAT SEEKS ISRAEL'S DESTRUCTION Germany has an excess of whorehouses Thursday, February 21. 2019Thursday morning links The Man Who Wasn’t Gershwin - Oscar Levant…classical musician? With 2 shots from her pistol, and prayer, 79-year-old woman holds off burglar Chick-fil-A just did something incredible that has liberals losing their minds Without Amazon HQ2, What Happens to Housing in Queens? New York officials face backlash over 'congestion' tax push Erasing history Catholic cardinals urge end of 'homosexual agenda' Colleges are now dominated by women, creating an ‘education gap’ afflicting men Accused College Students Deserve the Presumption of Innocence. Nineteen attorneys general are lobbying against extending that right in Title IX cases on campus. Most Americans Can’t Pass a Basic Citizenship Test. Here’s Why We Should Be Worried. The ‘Times’ and Israel: A Review of 2018. The bottom line: Not good. Gillibrand To Activist: You’re Right, The Border Wall Would Cut Off “Indigenous” People From The U.S. 25 MS-13 gang members deported from migrant caravan in Mexico, officials say Census: Highest immigrant population in 100 years, over half Latinos Governing by National Emergency - What norms? Get ready for the 'Free Jussie' protests. You can be sure CNN will be there! Jussie Smollett Wrote The Racist Letter That Led To The Alleged Fake Hate Crime Against Him CNN Staffers Angry at Network’s Decision to Hire GOP Operative as Political Editor The Media ‘Think They’re Living in a Cartoon and White Men Are the Villains’ Bruce Ohr Says He Ferried Another Hillary Clinton-Financed Dossier to the FBI, This One Written By His Fusion GPS Employed Wife John Solomon’s Revelation Of A Third Dossier Is The Latest Sign The Assault Against Trump Has Reached A Tipping Point Majority of Voters Want a Special Prosecutor to Investigate Attempted Coup Against Trump Trump signs bill blocking transfer of F-35 fighter jets to Turkey Erdogan Recommits to Buying Russian Missiles Despite US Warnings China's new roads are remarkable:
Wednesday, February 20. 2019Tony Heller on climate
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Wednesday morning links
Virgin Atlantic Boeing 787 Dreamliner Hits 801 MPH Over Pennsylvania, Thanks to Jet Stream Facebook Still Championing Blasphemy Laws Scared of Muslims, but nobody else The opioid epidemic keeps killing my friends Wrong way to say it. The issue is the popularity of opioids Understanding The Dueling Lawsuits Against Yale And Harvard Over Fraternities And Sororities Dept. of Ed. to investigate Title IX violation accusations at U of M, Wayne State The Trump Administration’s recent proposal on Title IX would bolster due process rights of students. Trump administration to cancel $929 million in California high-speed rail funding Good Most See Crime in Justice, FBI ‘Coup’ Against Trump, Want Special Prosecutor Elizabeth Warren Urges Universal Child Care, 'Ultra-Millionaire' Tax The return of "cradle to grave" Get Woke, Get Fired Barack Obama Might Not Get His Hideous Library in the Public Park Ban presidential libraries. Disgusting fad. Grenell Launches Trump Admin Effort Towards Global Decriminalization Of Homosexuality How NY loses its population due to taxes WALSH: Jussie Smollett Should Be Charged With A Hate Crime MacDonald: The Frenzied Search for Racism. Elites bought Jussie Smollett’s story because it confirmed their cherished narrative about a hateful America. The only hate I see in the US is from the Left. Consumed and blinded by hate. Why Does the MSM Keep Falling for Obvious Hoaxes? They do not "fall for them". Jussie Smollett and the Information Warfare of the Left
Covington student's lawyer to file defamation lawsuits after client cleared in investigation, Says no one should feel safe even after initial round Rape Survivor Lara Logan Gets Cold Shoulder from Media Federal grand jury reportedly already convened, issued multiple subpoenas on Jussie Smollett fake mail threat sent to Fox 1/18/19 "The president is not well at all mentally. I think he’s an extreme narcissist... he is having a hissy fit... He does need to be removed under the 25th Amendment." Said Richard Painter, just last night on MSNBC. Government 'makes Isis bride stateless' by stripping her British citizenship Reckless foolish youth destroy their lives all the time. A shame. Russian Bears Need Less Than 20 Minutes To Hack Your Data ISIS fighters have been fleeing from Syria into Iraq, perhaps with millions of dollars in tow Palestinian official throws wrench into Israeli plan for railway link to Gulf Haters gotta hate, even when it hurts them Tuesday, February 19. 2019Scott Adams Solves the Climate Debate and Saves the World (Really)Biased news
Biased news is not news, but still: CBS’s Lara Logan Calls Media ‘Mostly Liberal’ in Scorched Earth Interview: I’m Committing ‘Professional Suicide’
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Tuesday morning links
Pat Caddell: The Pollster Who Foresaw and Helped Shape Trump’s Victory Green New Deal Looks To Control What You Eat MILLER: The Current Democratic Party Has No Use For Jews It’s Time For America To Break Up With Liberals Scott Adams podcast: Never believe the news Protesters take over Border Patrol museum, deface pictures of fallen agents NY Times Frets Over Socialists And Baby Killers Being Called Socialists And Baby Killers BRIT HUME TAKES ON NBC REPORTER AND OBAMA ADVISER OVER KAMALA HARRIS COVERAGE The MSM has selected Harris Joe Biden Embarrasses Himself and Embarrasses America Cory Booker, Who Called Smollett Incident An Attempted “Lynching”: I’ll Withhold Judgment Until More Information Comes Out Pelosi Quietly Deletes Tweet Slamming "Racist, Homophobic" Attack On Jussie Smollett Al Sharpton: Hold Jussie Smollett accountable if he staged attack Says the man who invented fake hate crimes Spreading The Fake Smollett "MAGA Country" Hate Crime: A Mainstream Media Montage Don’t expect apologies from the left over Jussie Smollett ‘attack’ fraud The List Of Fake Hate Crimes Is Pretty Long (Update) Media following same script against MAGA as it did against Tea Party - From Bill Sparkman to Jussie Smollett, the media still creates false narratives that ordinary law-abiding Americans who oppose liberals are dangerous and prone to violence. SENATOR ELIZABETH WARREN CALLS FOR COUP AGAINST PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES 'I made a big mistake': American ISIS bride who called for terror attacks at Memorial Day parades and has married three jihadi fighters begs the US to let her go back to Alabama Monday, February 18. 2019Monday morning links Social Justice Warriors in the knitting world A campus infected with hostility: A professor says he's been targeted for being a conservative Jew Fifteen Devastating Quotes That Show How Dangerous Social Media Has Become to Society Gavin Newsom decides to destroy the planet Maloney (D) Slams Ocasio-Cortez’s Opposition to Amazon: ‘Now We Are Protesting Jobs?’ Democrats are tearing themselves apart over Amazon Morning Joe worried Ocasio-Cortez’s economic ignorance could hand Trump a 2020 win People get her wrong. She's not dumb exactly- she's just trying to move the Overton Window. Already has, in fact. Not dumb, but wrong about everything. Being wrong doesn't matter for the purpose. Massive East Coast solar project generates fury from neighbors Rightly so American Legion: The definition of Americanism What Is and Isn’t a Big Deal in Trump’s Executive Actions Related to the Border Why Trump will win the wall fight Democrats reject push to alert ICE when illegal immigrants fail firearm background checks Outsiders should regard purported hate crimes that sound like crafted narratives with skepticism until they're proven true. Spreading The Fake Smollett "MAGA Country" Hate Crime: A Mainstream Media Montage ANOTHER FAKE HATE CRIME? OF COURSE IT IS
The MSM requires fake hate. There is darn little real hate these days - except for the fake hate haters. The fake hate haters are consumed by hate. Lots of Trump haters and America-haters out there, but darn few gay-haters or Black-haters other than crazies. Ex-FBI Lawyer James Baker Testified Two Cabinet Members “Ready to Support” 25th Amendment Coup Against Trump McCarthy: Andrew McCarthy: McCabe, Rosenstein and the real truth about the 25th Amendment coup attempt Collusion: The Criminalization Of Policy Disputes Comments On Andrew McCabe And The FBI's Coup Plotters McCabe told Scott Pelley that he was concerned Donald Trump was a “national security threat” which was his reasoning for opening a counterintel investigation into Trump. Again, McCabe says this based on ZERO evidence. Trump, Erections, And A Lack Thereof The political culture that is China Creepy Henan, Kaifeng Jews persecuted along with other religions Trump calls on U.S. allies in Europe to take back 800 captured ISIS fighters. "The U.S. does not want to watch as these ISIS fighters permeate Europe, which is where they are expected to go," Trump warned. Nowhere to Hide: The Logic of Chemical Weapons Use in Syria ‘Taking their last breath’: IS hides among Syrian civilians Saturday, February 16. 2019Do you suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome?Many do. Sad. Scott Adams has it covered, on his enjoyable podcast. You might not admire his personality, but it's hoaxes all the way down. Malevolent hoaxes.
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Saturday morning links
Proposed Title IX rules don’t go far enough for professor group, Harvard law scholars VDH's The Case for Trump: You can order the New VDH Book Today Blame Amazon’s retreat from NYC on the humiliating ‘Dance, monkey’ competition The Amazon-slayers are only getting started Amazon invites Ocasio-Cortez for tour, calls worker claims untrue With Amazon NYC 'second HQ' deal canceled, Ocasio-Cortez now officially is a huge problem for Dems Two Nigerian actor brothers are arrested over Jussie Smollett attack, as it’s revealed they are FRIENDS with the Empire star amid claims the assault was staged to save his career ‘Can’t make this stuff up’! Jussie Smollett case takes another weird turn — and it ‘doesn’t look good’ How To Spot A Hoax
California’s Gov. Newsom plans to shower illegal immigrants with millions in “humanitarian aid” Networks: 2,202 Minutes on Russia Scandal, Zero for No Collusion Report IT’S A TWO-WORD ANALYSIS: “BECAUSE TRUMP.” How the Democrats Went Nuts in Three Months If Socialism Is So Good, Why Are People Moving Away? 7 Big Takeaways From Andrew McCabe’s Planned Coup Judicial Watch: Docs Reveal FBI Cover Up of ‘Chart’ of Potential Violations of Law by Hillary Clinton Trump: Worst warmonger ever! Palestinians: "Journalism" Hamas Style Friday, February 15. 2019Charges Against Both Persons of Interest in Jussie Smollett Case Expected Before 5:45 PM Friday
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Attempted coupDershowitz: Ousting Trump Via 25th Amendment Is “Clearly An Attempt At A Coup D’etat” Related, After the Coup is Gone Related, The Only Way to Save the FBI Is to Expose Everything
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Friday morning links Failure to Launch - Male and Stuck at Home. 25 years old and stuck—six steps to success Focus on the Family to put live 4-D ultrasounds on Times Square jumbotron Jordan Peterson: It’s ideology vs. science in psychology’s war on boys and men. The coup of the American Psychological Association undertaken by the ideologues is now complete Will 2019 be the year that colleges and universities stop openly discriminating against men, 47 years after Title IX? HUH? Arkansas Swears In All-Female 'Boy Scout' Troop A Transgender Hero Breaks Ranks Undocumented Students and Affirmative Action Ocasio-Cortez ‘Policy Guy’ Deletes Tweet Saying Public Option Won’t Pay For ‘Hip Replacements For Octogenarians Sen. Markey Claims McConnell is Trying to “Sabotage” and “Silence” the Green New Deal. He’s so mad, he’s opposing voting for his own bill… Sandy's War: The Green New Deal makes every progressive an armchair general New York Governor: Florida Is Stealing Our Population Andrew Cuomo Pleads For A Federal Handout And President Trump Tells Him To Frack Right Off Diversity First—Education, Whenever. In New York City, a blue-ribbon task force agrees that demographics are the best measure of school quality. Cory Booker: Planet Cannot Sustain People Eating Meat Being against bacon is no way to get elected Can You Guess What The Science Is Behind Seattle’s Historic Snow? Trump To California: Give Us Our $3.5 Billion Back For That 'Green' High-Speed Rail From a lefty: How Social Justice Ideologues Hijacked a Legal Regulator Confirmed: When Trump Fired Comey, Deep State Began Plotting to Remove Him From Office McCabe says he ordered the obstruction of justice probe of President Trump. The former FBI acting director tells 60 Minutes about the measures taken to ensure investigations into President Trump wouldn’t "vanish." Deep state plotted a coup. Bad, treasonous. Eight days in May: New revelations about intrigue to remove Trump After Collusion Case Collapses, House Dems Set To Launch "Vast" Russia Probe 2.0 Russian Hostile Meddling Backfires in Northern Europe Mattis May Be Gone, But His Effort to Revolutionize the Infantry Continues
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