Wednesday, September 2. 2020
Tuesday, September 1. 2020
Sunday, August 30. 2020
Democrats Blame Trump for Violence After Months of BLM and Antifa Riots
Nice try
MC: Portrait Of The Biden Voter
Thanks for most depressing post of the day. I doubt that that is the average Democrat, though but I am not sure. I tend to avoid political chats unless with people with whom I might be on a similar wavelength.
'I'm Not Sad That A Fu*king Fascist Died Tonight': Left-Wing Portland Protesters Celebrate Murder Of Trump Supporter
That is not your average Democrat.
Saturday, August 29. 2020
Via our link this morning re The NYT:
And some Democrats, nervous about condemning the looting because they said they understood the rage behind it, worried that what was happening in their town might backfire and aid the president’s re-election prospects.
Looting driven by rage? Really?
When the militia gets around to hanging the Mayor of Portland, this will be Exhibit A at the drop
VP Candidate K Harris: "The protests must not stop."
Until when?
Friday, August 28. 2020
The "fine people" hoax, and the disinfectant hoax.
Scott explains, after the Papadopouis interview.
Instead of Playing Video Games, This 12-Year-Old Is Running a Mushroom Farm in His Basement
Cool vid: Footage of WWII smoke curtain used to hide naval ships during battle
What’s the history of the vicious The Protocols of the Elders of Zion?
Watch Out Cable: 42% of Consumers Plan to Cancel Their TV Subscription
NBA Season Reportedly Up In The Air After “Ugly” NBA Players’ Meeting On Boycott
As Sports Media Cheers On Athlete Boycotts, Fans Will Walk Away
The mob comes for the art world, On “purity spirals” and the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
When we left you in June to enter our annual state of aestivation, Nikole Hannah-Jones, the principal author of the New York Times’s malignant fantasy known as “The 1619 Project,” had just won a Pulitzer Prize. The world was looking forward to the end of the shutdown caused by the Chinese virus—remember “Fifteen Days to Slow the Spread”?—and the return of normality...
Yale lecturer suggests America is racist because Nikki Haley doesn't go by first name
VDH: What Is the Violence in American Cities All About?
"Any Excuse To Riot" - Minneapolis Descends Into Chaos Over Police Shooting "Fake News"
Minneapolis: Rioters Loot Stores in Response to Black Man Shooting Himself
New Documents Show George Floyd Had ‘Fatal Level’ Of Fentanyl In His Body At Time Of Death
Homeland Security Secretary Says Antifa ‘Absolutely’ Meets Definition Of Domestic Terrorist Group
CNN praises Melania Trump for addressing coronavirus and racial unrest in RNC speech
Don Lemon: “The Rioting Has Got to Stop… It’s Showing Up in the Polls”. Forget about the people who have been killed, the businesses, homes and livelihoods ruined, it’s about the polls.
Turmoil Consumes Chamber Of Commerce As It Backs Democrats
Romney 2012 Staffers Unite Behind Effort To Elect Joe Biden
Pelosi Comes to Slow Joe's Rescue: 'I Don't Think There Should Be Any Debates'
Europeans Discover the Myth About 'Safety Nets' the Hard Way
The dean of America’s intellectual pro-Israel defenders has died
Pax Ottomanica: A review of “God’s Shadow”: Sultan Selim, His Ottoman Empire, and the Making of the Modern World by Alan Mikhail.
Thursday, August 27. 2020
Are You Dehydrated?
Quillette: A Lady’s Duty to Submit—Then And Now
CNN Analysts Unleash Personal Attacks On RNC Speakers In Twitter Storm
Kellyanne Conway and the Silence of the Feminists
Trump Approval Soars to 52 Percent, Up With Blacks and Democrats
Joe Biden finally breaks silence on urban violence, too late: Goodwin
Lefties trying to get Tucker Carlson fired over Kenosha commentary
5 Things to Know About Night 3 of the Republican National Convention: Heroes Night
“America First” Pays Off in the Middle East
Michel Gurfinkiel on the Reverse Colonization of France
Wednesday, August 26. 2020
Monday, August 24. 2020
Pirate offers them some meaningful suggestions that would make a real difference:
Get rid of Logan International Airport. No flights in or out
No sports teams are allowed to take fossil fueled trips to play the Bruins, Red Sox, or Celtics, or any of the college teams
All city vehicles must be replaced with non-fossil fueled ones
All city buildings must be kept no lower than 78 when it’s warm an 63 when it’s cold.
All city buildings can only use renewables.
All elected city officials are restricted from using any form of fossil fueled travel.
Just a few ideas, seem reasonable, right?
Saturday, August 22. 2020
The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara
Tragic battle in a tragic war. Neither Gen. Lee nor Meade wanted this battle, but fate drew them in.
Friday, August 21. 2020
That is the Dem's program (plus free stuff for all, as usuaL): Scott podcast: Joe Biden is the biggest a-hole in America, etc
Amusing, but with rough language. It is true that Scott is a Lefty, but a rational one. Rational Lefties tend to become sorta Conservative.
Thursday, August 20. 2020
Mr. Vanderleun confesses his Bad Thoughts
California has first rolling blackouts in 19 years — and everyone faces blame. While California braced for another round of rolling blackouts Monday night, the state’s grid operator held off for a second straight night.
Via SDA:
New York City is home to 118 billionaires, more than any other American city. New York City is also home to nearly one million millionaires, more than any other city in the world. Among those millionaires some 8,865 are classified as “high net worth,” with more than $30 million each.
They pay the taxes. The top one percent of NYC taxpayers pay nearly 50 percent of all personal income taxes collected in New York. Personal income tax in the New York area accounts for 59 percent of all revenues. Property taxes add in more than a billion dollars a year in revenue, about half of that generated by office space
Will The Dam Break After Clinesmith's Plea?
“It Was All False Conspiracy Theories and Made Up Lies that Were Paid for by the Democrats”- Carter Page on FISA Warrant Obtained to Spy on Him and Trump Camp
Why It’s Common Sense That Universal Mail-In Ballots Are A Terrible Idea
In Dark and Divisive Speech, Obama Seeks to Turn Back Clock on America
Democrats Killed Cannon Hinnant and George Floyd. The media is trying to keep a lid on the biggest scandal in a generation.
America’s Red Guard Rampage
Democrats stay silent on violence in their cities
Assad takes revenge on largest Palestinian refugee camp in Syria
Wednesday, August 19. 2020
Tuesday, August 18. 2020
Surfer Punches Shark Repeatedly To Save His Wife In Attack Off Australian Beach. “I did what anyone would have done,” he said. “The shark was latched onto her leg. I just jumped into the water.”
Quantum paradox points to shaky foundations of reality
What Is The Cause Of The Recent Power Blackouts In California?
MacDonald: Conformity to a Lie - Academia’s monolithic belief in systemic racism will further erode American institutions and the principles of our civilization.
A Fragile Argument - Review of 'White Fragility' by Robin DiAngelo
Experts weigh in on how to save New York City post-coronavirus
New York City is dead forever
Will New York Come Back?
Good comments there
Armed Citizens Fight Back In Chicago
The Stupid USPS Fight Of 2020
Democrats Want To Give The Post Office An Extra $25 Billion…
Mail voting is guaranteed chaos.
I will grant that the future on offer from the Democratic Party is dystopian. In my view, they want to “reform” what works (the market). They want to double down on what fails (state-run and state-subsidized education, health care, and “green” energy). And they want to cozy up to the religion that persecutes heretics.
The Republican Party that I would prefer would offer a better vision of the future. Let health care and education be reformed by market forces. Do so by reducing subsidies to demand and restrictions on supply. And protect the principles of the first amendment from the religion that persecutes heretics.
Democrat Convention Speaker Ashley Nicole McCray Advocates For the “Destruction of Capitalism”
DNC Convention Brutally Mocked Online: ‘One Of The Worst Things That’s Ever Been On Television’
Monday, August 17. 2020
It's pretty-much obvious now. Scott explains.
When will the media explain it as one of the biggest scandals in American history? Probably never.
Why doesn't the US use the metric system?
Canceling Flannery O'Connor
"Even in the 1970s, and through the 80s, when NYC was going bankrupt, and even when it was the crime capital of the US or close to it, it was still the capital of the business world..."
How NYC championed broken windows policing and threw it away: Goodwin
Pritzker Says Mask Mandate Applies Even While ‘Outside and Walking Around'
D.C. Liberals Protest IN PERSON To Oppose Having To Vote IN PERSON…
Irony Alert not needed
Chicago Cracks Down: Cops Swoop In, End Unrest, Arrest Dozens During Downtown Demonstration
More than 60 Portland 911 calls go unanswered overnight as police respond to 'violent, tumultuous' riot where protesters threw 'softball-sized' rocks and glass bottles at officers
BLACK LIVES MATTER WEEKEND: 76 Shot in NYC, 46 in Chicago, 32 in Philly, 18 in Cincy
Is BLM at hate group or a terrorist group?
McCarthy: Connecting Dots in Clinesmith’s Russiagate Guilty Plea
Hemmingway: FBI Concealed Exonerating Information 4 Times
... it is probably too late already. The wholly unsupported and frankly insane Trump-Russia narrative, cooked up out of nothing on behalf of the Hillary Clinton campaign and propagated by the Democratic Party media, has taken hold. And we live in a world of narratives, not a world of truth, thanks in large part to our utterly corrupt press. The Russia collusion hoax was the biggest scandal in American history, but it will be left to a future generation to take its full measure.
The MSM still will not report the Russia Hoax
Hillary Clinton: Trump Will Not “Go Silently Into The Night If He Loses
Irony Alert not needed
Top Democrats Join Iranian Regime in Condemning Historic Peace Deal Between Israel and UAE
Why do Dems love China and Iran?
James Carafano: Israel-UAE agreement shows Trump’s Middle East policy succeeding. Trump inherited a Middle East policy from the Obama administration that was collapsing