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Thursday, November 5. 2020Thursday morning links Baltimore prefers to remain as it is MSNBC Attacks ‘White People’ For Voting For Trump… Bloomberg Spent More Than $100 Million In Florida, Ohio, and Texas To Stop Trump. He Failed. Tucker Carlson: The election that narrowly saved America - First, and most importantly, America remains after this election House Democrats Suffer a Catastrophe that Will Blow Up Their Party A bad look? I agree too Trump Massively Exceeded Expectations With Minority Voters. Here’s How He Did It. Insulting John McCain was one of Trump's dumbest moves John James fails to prevail Disappointing. A very good guy Trackbacks
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Based on Trump, Samizdata has a post advising Boris Johnson; “….., Johnson needs a pro-growth, pro-entrepreneurial agenda: Trump was better at this, even if his reforms would be undone by Biden. The Tories seem too keen on taxes and regulations. Yet an entrepreneurial, pro-private sector jobs, self-help message would chime with aspirational ethnic-minority voters. The Tories must appeal to their economic and social values, rather than genuflecting to nonsensical woke ideologies that ethnic minorities don’t approve of.”
This maybe true, but I would expand it to the Trump voter rejects the Prog world view; China appeasing globalism, the creepy, self self flagellating SJWs, and the malevolent cancel culture. Regular Americans don’t want to give up their heritage and rights, they don’t want a top down government and economy run by unaccountable bureaucrats, they don’t want to be the world’s piggy bank, they don’t want to make the world safe for multinationals, in short, they they don’t want America to be anyone’s bitch, especially China. What, they do want is “real” grow the pie jobs, a diversified economy, energy independence, and their Bill of Rights/ Constitution. The other half of the American electorate, predominately emotionally inadequate women, rejected the ideas listed above, or at the very least prioritized childish shallow personal dislike of Trump’s persona and style. The lesson here is that many millions were willing to commit economic suicide, as well as put the two dimmest bulbs evah into the presidency. This was on Samizdata: https://www.samizdata.net/2020/11/lessons-for-the-uk-from-over-there/#comment-805969 But, wait...there's more. The Samizdata thread gives some insights into "Build Back Better". I'm not implying Slo Joe plagerized this; I doubt he has any idea. "Build Back Better" is crony capitalism on steroids, aka facism.
By any other name: It's called Stake Holder Capitalism.
Just a gentle reminder. In addition to election fraud, the Dems have millions of public sector union members at their beck and call. These people are highly motivated and desperate to force federal bail outs of their imploding pension funds. So it’s not all down to silly, perpetually aggrieved and infantilized women.
Oregon Becomes First State To Decriminalize Hard Drugs Like Heroin And Cocaine. Do Dems embrace the narco state?
Joe Rogan has some eye opening interviews with Ed Calderone. I doubt decrim of hard drugs will have much effect, because there's no way DEA will look the other way and allow a semi-legal market in them to develop as it has for marijuana.
On the other hand, the new law just might create a place where pain patients can escape the war on opioids. That would be a very good thing. While visiting Arizona my husband and I were surprised to learn how many people hated John McCain.
John McCain was a career Republican politician, which is to say, he valued his position in Washington DC more highly than his duty of service to his state, and thought of his colleagues first and his constituents, second.
Mitt Romney is cut from the very same cloth. They have much more in common with their neighbors-across-the-aisle than their neighbors-across-the-street - and it shows. For career politicians, re-election is an exercise like mortgage payments are for the rest of us. It's an aggravation that arises regularly and demands high attention, and then you forget about it after the machinery handles the payment, until the next time it's due. I dunno! Is a left leaning Rino a "republican". If someone parachuted into America one day and was elected to the Senate and then worked as hard as he could to screw things up and destroy the country HOW would that be any different from McCain's record? There was something wrong with McCain. I don't know what it was. Maybe he was brainwashed in that prisoner of war camp and was the "Manchurian candidate". Maybe the same brain tick that caused him to launch a rocket into his own navy aircraft carrier caused him to vote against America time after time. Maybe he was just nuts? I don't know what was wrong with him but we will suffer under his legacy for a century or more if we last that long.
And THAT is why Trump was right to criticize McCain. I don't "hate" John McCain, and I respect the fact that he behaved admirably after he was taken prisoner during the war.
There are two problems: The first was his involvement with the Savings and Loan scandal which caused thousands of people to lose their homes. McCain wasn't directly responsible, but if politics were an honest profession, that disaster would have ended his political career. So he's proof that in Washington D.C. a man can get away with anything. The second problem is that McCain had quite a reputation for being a sanctimonious jerk. He used a lot of foul language, and acted as if he was engaged in the business of "saving" America. He was rude to people. I know that there's a ship named after him, the same way that a ship is named after that horrible liar, Gabby Giffords. The government tries to make "Heroes" out of its worst employees. I might be incorrect, but I believe the destroyer is named after John S McCain Sr. and John S McCain Jr., who were his grandfather and father, respectively - both admirals.
McCain was instrumental of pushing the Steele dossier. He was an idiot if he believed the validity of it - or he wanted to overthrow the POTUS.
I think he was both. The USS NcCain was named after former admirals - John Sr and Jr .. both WW2 veterans, not congressman McCain whose navy career was not illustrious. McCain joins father and grandfather on ship’s list of namesakes
https://www.stripes.com/news/pacific/mccain-joins-father-and-grandfather-on-ship-s-list-of-namesakes-1.537209 The Navy honored all three John S. McCains when the ship was dedicated.
Don't trash veterans, you c'cksucker. I won't if you don't ... signed Tea Party Wacko Bird ...
Oregon. I used to live there. It was nice. Unfortunately, Portland and the Willamette Valley is where more/most people live... All who do not, don't count.
Baltimore prefers to remain as it is. Damned shame, that. MSNBC Attacks ‘White People’ For Voting For Trump… Well, the media is/are in cahoots with the Dems.... House Democrats Suffer a Catastrophe that Will Blow Up Their Party: I am soooooooooooooooooo not bummed for them. Obvious point here but: media quickly calling states in Biden's favor, when they're actually close, and slow-walking the announcements of Trump's clear victories is not a good look for being trusted or fighting a narrative of an election being stolen from the voters. Also obvious is that the media are in cahoots with the Dems. MSNBC Attacks ‘White People’ For Voting For Trump…
Steve Hayward at PowerLine posted some early exit polling that showed Trump gaining support from 2016 with virtually every racial/gender grouping except *white men*. That rant is just about the level of incoherence I expected from the Left as they try to process that. Oregon Becomes First State To Decriminalize Hard Drugs Like Heroin And Cocaine
this does not affect federal prosecution, immigration consequences or state trafficking laws. http://oregonvotes.gov/voters-guide/english/votersguide.html#Explanatory%20Statement QUOTE: Ballot Measure 110 mandates the establishment of at least one addiction recovery center in each existing coordinated care organization service area in the state. The centers triage the acute needs of persons who use drugs, provide connections to other services and offer peer support. The measure requires that services provided by the centers be free of charge and allows service providers to seek reimbursement from insurance providers. All services provided at the centers must be evidence-informed, trauma-informed, culturally responsive, patient-centered, non-judgmental, and centered on principles of harm reduction. ... The measure eliminates criminal penalties for possession of specified quantities of controlled substances by adults and juveniles involving: heroin (1 gram or less), cocaine (2 grams or less), methamphetamine (2 grams or less), MDMA (less than 1 gram or 5 pills), LSD (less than 40 user units), psilocybin (less than 12 grams), methadone (less than 40 user units) and oxycodone (less than 40 pills, tablets, or capsules). Instead, possession of these specified quantities of controlled substances becomes a non-criminal Class E violation for which the maximum punishment is a $100 fine or completion of a health assessment with an addiction treatment professional. The measure also reduces penalties for possession of controlled substances, other than possession constituting a commercial drug offense, in amounts greater than specified quantities, to a misdemeanor with less than a year imprisonment, a $6,250 fine, or both. I have a relative who is an addict. Treatment doesn't work it simply costs his family hard earned and needed money to waste a little of his time. We all, the entire family and his parents, hope that he will be arrested and jailed. Why? Because jail works while the treatment centers do not. He steals money from his family and shoplifts to feed his habit. It is worse for his girlfriend, she exchanges sex for drugs and he encourages it because he gets some of the drugs. They have both been in treatment numerous times.
I understand that the ballot measure in Oregon was pushed and funded by those who work in the drug rehabilitation business. Hmmmm! re John James fails to prevail
I wouldn't be at all surprised if he received the most legally cast votes. I understand that James has not conceded. Praying for his success!
re House Democrats Suffer a Catastrophe that Will Blow Up Their Party
Wishful thinking on the part of the author. Losing a few seats is hardly a "catastrophe". I would bet Pelosi keeps her speaker's position. I wouldn't necessarily bet that way. Part of it is an expectations game.
The Dems had pretty high hopes for this election, and they were broader than just defeating Trump though that was a big part of it. Without control of the Senate, much of the Democrat agenda, especially big ticket structural items, are dead on arrival. No court packing (and probably all judicial and other confirmations will be slow walked). No new states. No big bailout for states about to go bankrupt due to pensions and COVID. Pelosi bears some direct responsibility for both the Senate and House results given her SOTU antics and especially feckless handling of impeachment and COVID relief. If they had passed on impeachment, which was a dead letter in the Senate anyway, then likely a few of those first term Dems elected in 2018 would have been reelected. My home state of Iowa turned out two of them, and a retiring Dem Congresscritter got replaced by a Republican, turning the delegation from 3 to 1 Democrat to 3 to 1 Republican. Impeachment and the COVID relief bills highlighted to Republicans the necessity of maintaining control of the Senate in the face of a possible Trump loss. No joke. See dead Michigan voters for yourself:
https://twitter.com/fleccas/status/1324216584219623424 Staggering Fraud as Statistically Impossible Biden Ballot Dumps Roll In
https://www.americanlibertyreport.com/articles/staggering-fraud-as-statistically-impossible-biden-ballot-dumps-roll-in/ So where the hell is the DoJ? From their website:
QUOTE: Criminal Division and the Department’s 94 U.S. Attorney’s Offices: AG Bob Barr is making Jeff Sessionzzz look like a real fireball.The department’s Criminal Division oversees the enforcement of federal laws that criminalize certain forms of election fraud and vindicate the integrity of the federal election process. The Criminal Division’s Public Integrity Section and the department’s 94 U.S. Attorney’s Offices are responsible for enforcing the federal criminal laws that prohibit various forms of election fraud, such as destruction of ballots, vote-buying, multiple voting, submission of fraudulent ballots or registrations, and alteration of votes, and malfeasance by postal or election officials and employees. The Criminal Division is also responsible for enforcing federal criminal law prohibiting voter intimidation for reasons other than race, color, national origin, or religion (as noted below, voter intimidation that has a basis in race, color, national origin, or religion is addressed by the Civil Rights Division). The U.S. Attorney’s Offices around the country designate Assistant U.S. Attorneys who serve as District Election Officers (DEOs) in the respective Districts. DEOs are responsible for overseeing potential election-crime matters in their Districts, and for coordinating with the department’s election-crime experts in Washington, D.C. From now through Nov. 3, 2020, the U.S. Attorney’s Offices will work with specially trained FBI personnel in each district to ensure that complaints from the public involving possible election fraud are handled appropriately. Specifically: In consultation with federal prosecutors at the Public Integrity Section in Washington, D.C., the District Election Officers in U.S. Attorney’s Offices, FBI officials at headquarters in Washington, D.C., and FBI special agents serving as Election Crime Coordinators in the FBI’s 56 field offices will be on duty while polls are open to receive complaints from the public. Election-crime complaints should be directed to the local U.S. Attorney’s Offices or the local FBI office. A list of U.S. Attorney’s Offices and their telephone numbers can be found at http://www.justice.gov/usao/districts/. A list of FBI offices and accompanying telephone numbers can be found at www.fbi.gov/contact-us. Public Integrity Section prosecutors are available to consult and coordinate with the U.S. Attorney’s Offices and the FBI regarding the handling of election-crime allegations. Baltimore prefers to remain the same because Baltimore receives a TON of federal monies.