Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, March 21. 2013Thursday morning linksSorry, greenies. Polar Bears are thriving. I was dumped after sex: was I wrong to do it?' The lady advice columnist suggests she might need therapy for wanting to wait for sex a few weeks with a new date. I'm sure the fellows would heartily agree... A First: Conservative Studies Professor at a Public University I am deeply offended by the new cult of microaggression. Child Services, Police Descend on Home After 10-Year Old Poses with Hunting Rifle Why Do Economists Urge College, But Not Marriage? How does a local eye doctor make this kind of dough? In Cyprus, Europe Sets a New Standard for Stupidity Media Losing Their Freedom Without A Fight In Britain Attracting sports teams does a city no good As Calif. Drowns in Debt, Group Advocates For Free Healthcare for Illegals Illegal Immigrants Make Commercial Demanding Free Healthcare Republicans Must Show Support for Hispanic Dreams Wednesday, March 20. 2013Conservatives must fight!
Nice conservative people have no idea of what an institutionalized, ruthless, partially-corrupt apparatus they are up against. It's the big leagues. Voters do not study the Constitution before they go to the polls.
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This Is What It's Like to Take on School Unions As a Democratic Leader in CaliforniaSchool choice is not a Democrat-Conservative split. Nobody likes the government monopoly and everybody wants school choices, the same school choices that the Obama kids have. Inner city families long for school choices for their kids. The only problems the Dems have are to deal with are their wealthy allies in the teachers unions. Here's a story: This Is What It's Like to Take on School Unions As a Democratic Leader in California
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Weds. morning linksCow manure is not good fertilizer Chart of the day: As a share of household spending, the US has the most affordable food in world Summer Boot Camp for Freedom Fighting Law Students Is it possible for the legal profession to reform itself? This Is the Scariest Statistic About the Newspaper Business Today The Texas Growth Machine - The data show that the Lone Star State’s prosperity is no mirage. Scott Walker: Obama measures success by government dependency Democrat Gubernatorial Candidate Promises Free College 'Government-Established Regulatory Body' To Oversee UK Media Many Americans are wondering how their country, a supposed A Major Take-Down of Howard Zinn by David Greenberg in TNR. Don’t Miss it! Ben Carson's Problematic Views on Health Care Explaining The Minimum Wage To Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren - My Arguments In Favor of a $50/Hr Minimum Wage (/sarcasm) Back in the day, a real New Yorker would look that tiny troll in the mayor’s office in his beady little eyes and laugh, “Hey Mikey, I got
Tuesday, March 19. 2013Ah, memories If you weren't hanging around Maggie's during the 2008 presidential election, you really missed something. The media attention we received was simply fierce. Ah, they just don't make presidential races like that anymore. And, unfortunately, that's true. They didn't do a 2012 update, but the above is still active. To make your own, click here. If you want to embed the player on your own site, like above, open the source code of the displayed page and copy the block from <OBJECT> to </OBJECT> to the source code of your own page. It may not be topical, with that glaring '2008', but at least you can file it in your 'Favorite Memories' section. I present this not only for fun, but as a casual reminder of how easy it's become to overlay video on top of video and have it look 100% perfect. The only scene where they flubbed up was the bus going by, but the rest was excellent. On the subject, I hereby move we strike the word incontrovertible from the language. At this very moment, someone out there is doctoring a video to make an innocent man look guilty of murder. This video, the prosecuting attorney will tell the jury, is incontrovertible proof of the defendant's guilt. You will watch the accused murder the innocent victim with (slamming fist on jury box railing) your own two eyes! It's a word whose time has come and gone. Looking For Links Dept. On the subject of video doctoring, I once saw a terrific video on YouTube of a UFO flying along, right there in front of you, big as day. As I recall, it was shot from inside a moving vehicle driving through the brush. Despite years of skepticism on your part, you had to admit that the final proof was right there before your very eyes. Then they re-played it, this time with a split screen, with the original video on one side and the identical-but-doctored video on the other. When it comes to 'home gimmickry' and the average slob fooling around with modern video editing programs, it was a masterpiece, and I'd like to include it in a future post on the subject. Also, I have a page of web vids in my Art Gallery where the music really makes the video. I have the half-feeling I've asked this before, but I'll give it another shot. I once saw a commercial on TV (which I presume has since been videoized to YouTube) that took place in the downtown part of a city, presumably New York. I can't remember if it was a smile or a nice gesture, like helping out a stranger with something small, but it traveled from person to person through the streets, finally making some kind of loop at the end. I honestly don't remember if the music was anything special, but there's a pretty good chance it was, and, if so, I'd like to include it on the page. Any leads to these links would be appreciated. Palin/Mercury 2016! Tuesday morning linksGovernment as Old-Age Home Let Them Eat Fat - Listening to the doctors on cable TV, you might
And Schneiderman comments on food and sex cults Materialism is a premise of science, not a finding. Black conservative leaders discuss how the NRA was created to protect freed slaves “The women’s studies crowd looked constipated” (fixed) Coffee Here, and Coffee There: How Different People Serve the World’s Favorite Hot Drink My Unrecognizable Democratic Party - The stakes are too high, please get serious about governing before it's too late. Domestic Drones Stir Imaginations, and Concerns Is capitalism moral? VDH: Politically Correct Language Distorts How We Understand Race, Diversity New sites for our blogroll: Monday, March 18. 2013Retirement and Money Risk
There is great risk in that life plan. I often remind people that being put out to pasture is a quite modern invention. Originally an ideal of European Socialists, in the US it did not become a plausible plan until the Depression when it seemed politically useful to take "mature" adults - "seasoned citizens" - out of the labor force to reduce unemployment. I have never understood what is so ideal about being unproductive and useless with a life of recreation, errand-running, and lawn-mowing. In my experience, people thrive on productivity and responsbility (while bitching about it of course) and frequently decay without it. If Heaven entails floating around blissfully on clouds all day, I have no interest in it. Anybody who wants that can have it today. It's called heroin. Still, people pursue a degree of economic security, because constant worry is no fun. Except for the most ambitious and talent-driven, it seems to me that most people will be as resourceful as they need to be to try to construct whatever life they desire. I just hate to see people seduced by phoney pop-cultural dreams of lying in the hammock or farting into the sofa for 25 years.
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What they told me
Living in reality taught me most of what I know.
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Sarah Palin's CPAC address Here Ted Cruz, like a good Texan; he comes to town, he chews barbed wire and spits our rust. No, it's not about the bad guys, it's all about the lead, like solely that chunk of metal did the crime. That's like saying, solely that fork made me fat. And background checks? Yeah, I guess, to learn more about a person's thinking and associations and intentions? More background checks? Dandy idea, Mr. President. Shoulda started with yours. Remember 'No Drama Obama'? If only. Now it's All-Drama Obama. We don't have leadership coming out of Washington. We have reality television. Whether it's green energy or free Obama phones — or prophylactics — if you don't have a team of lobbyists in D.C. or a cancelled campaign contribution check, well, you're not at the table. You're on the menu. It was about then that she took a sip from a Big Gulp and brought down the house. I suppose a lot of politicians use the phrase "we, the people" in their speeches, but the only two politicos who I ever believed actually meant it were Teddy Roosevelt and Sarah Palin. Monday morning links
Above, oldest bed still in daily use in the UK (h/t NYM). I wonder how many people have been conceived in that bed, and how many have died in it. Many, probably both. Sipp comments:
New York City's Soda Ban Is Dead A special message for Michael Bloomberg Haha The Power of Negative Thinking: An Unconventional Approach 101 Reasons to Have Sex: The College Edition Amazon's best sellers in Ladylike dresses (h/t Insty) The Plan to Bring the Iconic Passenger Pigeon Back From Extinction (h/t Am Digest) Rubio at CPAC: Nevermind College, We Need Plumbers Crazy in Venezuela Detroit Dems Enrich Wall Street As City Goes Bust Blame the bank you borrowed from. That makes sense Ben Carson: Defunding Obamacare: ‘Fine’ Feinstein's Defense of Her 'Assault Weapon' Ban: I Feel, Therefore I Legislate As Ethanol Stumbles, the NYT Mourns the Dream The sugar industry: Incredible Level of Cronyism Saturday, March 16. 2013Saturday morning linksBurning fossil fuels is greening the planet Serious furniture College Shuts Down Dorm Room Bible Study Should your 187-foot yacht have one garage or two? Chelsea moves to Chelsea: Chelsea Clinton Can Afford to Live in New York, But You and I Probably Can’t Where has all the anti-matter gone? Plague Graves Unearthed: Rail Dig May Shed Light On Black Death Bacteria Study: Exhaling Causes Global Warming - EPA Appeals to Public to Stop Breathing So Much In 'New York Times,' Bazelon Argues against Broad Definitions of Bullying Obama Administration to Allow Spy Agencies to Scour Americans’ Finances US Navy really worried about climate change Climategate: FOIA – The Man Who Saved The World Glenn Reynold's Ham Sandwich Nation: Due Process When Everything is a Crime was accepted by the Columbia Law Review Grayson: Paul Ryan wants sick poor people to die Orson Scott Card: Blacklisted for Defending the Family AP Finally Realizes Obama-Care Is Complicated NYT on Detroit Debacle: White Republican 'Undemocratic Seizure of Control' Rand Paul: GOP Should Fight to Keep 'Government Out of People's Lives' Rush: Pandering to Millennials Will Ruin the GOP Obama couldn’t eat at Hill meeting without food ‘taster’ The Limits of Moral Suasion - Mayor Bloomberg tries to follow Charles Murray's advice. Maryland’s “Wind Powered Welfare” Church Celebrates 2nd Amendment With Pop-Tart Guns at Sunday School Class Rubio’s ideas are ‘old’ and Rand’s ideas are ‘new’? Friday, March 15. 2013The Sanitization of Google, Inc. As it stands, I can almost guarantee you this will be the only time you'll hear of it. Enjoy the moment. So to speak.
Now, I will admit that he's half-right: The intake part of your breath is carbon neutral. But the exhalation? As every good-thinking, earth-hugging person knows, your exhalation is a deadly planet-killing toxic gas, verified by the greatest and most impartial collection of scientists on the planet, the respected (some might even say revered) Environmental Protection Agency. So, wishing to fortify my point with a link, I cruised over to Google and did a search for "your breath is a toxic gas epa". I came up with zip. In the first 20 hits, I didn't come up with one article mocking how the EPA had just turned breath into a toxic gas. It was nothing but how bad, bad, bad that evil CO2 is for all living creatures and how the EPA is the only thing standing between you and being boiled alive by an angry rising sea. Thinking this a tad strange, I went over to Bing and tried the exact same search. In the first 10 hits: Congressman Bill Shuster: Hold Your Breath, CO2 is now hazardous to your health Junk Science: Breath Is Toxic Waste? The next 10 hits yielded another three articles along the same lines, which is about what I had originally expected. Given the formidable opposition, getting 3 out of 10 links is probably doing pretty good. Okay, so what about Google? Would you like to guess how many articles Google displayed before linking to an article that even remotely criticized the EPA's ruling?
Continue reading "The Sanitization of Google, Inc." Friday morning linksFatal Distraction: Teen Drivers And Passengers Are A Deadly Mix Fun website: Forgotten New York St. Patrick’s Day with Edmund Burke The craft of writing english well - First rule: Avoid blurry words Affordable Care Act Is Unaffordable And Onerous It was designed to fail 5 Tips for Coming Out as a Black Conservative - It's like leaving a cult. Jindal: No more income taxes for Louisiana Coming soon: CIA to have access to your financial information Climategate 3.0: Wigley accuses IPCC and lead We'll be seeing a lot more of the climatology deception coming out in the next few weeks Bloomberg’s Soda Folly - The mayor’s law has been struck down, but his reputation as a scold is safe. Being a scold is just obnoxious. Being a scold via law is far worse. Thursday, March 14. 2013The Mayor and teen pregnancy
It is a mystery as to why Planned Parenthood seems so much in favor of single teens raising children. Seems obvious to me that the "root cause" is kids having sex and not going to Planned Parenthood. One quote from MacDonald:
How is sex "economically-determined"? Related, Shaming Teenage Pregnancy
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Thursday morning links
How to win at rock-scissors-paper Is American Life Really Slanted in Favor of Women Over Men? Should Young Women Feel Ashamed for Wanting a Boyfriend? If Your City Were Wrecked by Totalitarian Urban Planners How Your Retirement Package Compares to Members of Congress US Media Shocked, Dismayed to Learn that the New Pope is In Fact Catholic
Wednesday, March 13. 2013Physicians Fight Back Against the Bureaucratization of Health Care
The Obamacare Revolt: Physicians Fight Back Against the Bureaucratization of Health Care.
A quote:
The people interviewed practice the same way I, and plenty of my colleagues, practice. No insurance, and thus no back office staff and low overhead. No boss, practice exactly the way I want to as I decide with my patients.
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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Weds. morning linksMake Sure The Safety is Engaged On Your Pop Tart At All Times Mystery of 'cocktail party' hearing solved (via Insty) The Cruelty of the Hook-Up Culture - At least one Duke University staff member is acutely aware of the problems of casual sex on campus. First World Financial Problems: Do college or retirement savings come first? How much of my huge cash stockpile should I spend while working on a startup? Obamacare Health Application 'Time Consuming and Complex' Woman to Rep. Moran: “Why aren’t you pro-choice [on] self-defense for women?” The Limits of Moral Suasion - Mayor Bloomberg tries to follow Charles Murray's advice. Big Government Sets Out to Discover Why Lesbians Are Fat Breaking: DOJ Inspector General Report Details Racialist Practices Inside Eric Holder’s Domain White House advisors admit that Obama's "reach-out" is to fool the press Nanny Bloomberg just doesn't get it:
Orange juice has as much sugar as Coke. Tuesday, March 12. 2013Tuesday morning linksCharter Schools Surging in Big Blue Mass Why You’re Wasting Time Trying to Get Thin What women spend to look good They spend it to look sexy. That is a good thing. Judge blocks NYC Mayor Bloomberg’s large soda ban NYC: The city needs a jerk - Mayoral wannabes too nice? Right now NY has a soda jerk A gun for every home? Maine town to vote on mandatory firearm ownership Californians Want Oil’s Tax Revenue Without the Oil International sanctions never work The Koch Brothers, The Tides Foundation, and the Fundamental Dishonesty of the American Media Julie is a net taker: The Sequestered Life of Julia Why Obama will be dead weight for Democrats in 2014 Why Not Soak the Rich? Monday, March 11. 2013Scary pop tarts
Pop tarts worry me because you never know what they might be loaded with. Strawberry jam is dangerous.
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Monday morning linksOne woman with 6 jobs to make ends meet She says she's never been happier The Only Thing That Can Stop This Asteroid is Your Liberal Arts Degree Study: Even ancient mummies had clogged arteries Scientific Reasons to Respect Light Beer Practical reason: It's for when you're having more than one Jungles flourish with warming Plants love CO2 Harvard Search of E-Mail Stuns Its Faculty Members Green Cars Have a Dirty Little Secret - Producing and charging electric cars means heavy carbon-dioxide emissions. People haven't saved enough for retirement. Should the government make it up to them? THE ECONOMICS OF LEGAL EDUCATION: A CONCERN OF COLLEAGUES Trying to fill a hole in California: Another California Coastal Commission Horror Story For all the Democrat-Media whining about the Sequester, federal spending actually... higher this year than last ... Rand Paul’s performance was good theater. But it had nothing to teach us about limiting presidential power. Sunday, March 10. 2013Wiping out the saving classes
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Inappropriate governmentFrom George Will's The Pop-Tart terrorist:
More such insanity here. Saturday, March 9. 2013NGC Update: The 'you just won't believe it' edition According to him, belching volcanoes lower the earth's temperature. This, despite hearing about the dreaded 'greenhouse effect' for the past 50 years. This esteemed commenter noted that it's estimated when Mt. Pinatubo blew its stack back in '91, the planetary temperature lowered by 1/4 degree. By implication, then, he was suggesting that we nuke a number of volcanoes, causing them to belch their mightiest into the atmosphere, thereby saving the planet from immolation because of your neighbor's SUV. At 1/4 degree of cooling apiece, I figure about a dozen of them should hold things off for at least a few decades, then we can set off a few more should the need arise. The commenter raised the issue of having to breathe all that volcanic dust, but I quickly pointed out that (1) at least volcanic dust was natural and organic, as referred to smog and smoke, and (2) breathing volcanic dust was scientifically proven to be better than melting. As it turns out, though, we're all wrong on this direst of subjects. Me, I've got 8,144 words spread over two articles that's about to get flushed down the toilet because of what I just found out. Global Warming Is Epic, Long-Term Study Says Almost every major news site carried this story yesterday, some of them right at the top. Before we get to the big surprise, though, let's first attack this piece like any AGW screed, just for old time's sake. It begins:
Decades? Decades?? Judging geological climatology by decades is like judging how your day went by evaluating one minute. When you're speaking in global geologic terms, 'decades' are irrelevant. Ice age? Pardon me? Although it eventually earned the sobriquet Little Ice Age, it only covered a few hundred years, hardly a geologic 'age' by any definition. Slight Cooling Trend Period would be more accurate. And, if we're admitting the Little Ice Age existed, then doesn't that indicate that the temp must have dropped pretty far for it to have earned such a lofty title? Might this extra-warm period it dropped from be the Medieval Warm Period? But, if so, then why was it missing from Prof. Mann's infamous 'hockey stick' graph that so swayed the Kyoto delegates? And wait, didn't it say this is just one of the century's hottest decades? You mean, there were other hot decades in the distant past — like the Dust Bowl 30's — but without an SUV or coal plant in sight? And that was just the first sentence of the article. But, rather than continue in this vein, let's get right to the facts of the matter. I guarantee you'll be stunned.
So, to sum up, SUV owners should be thanked for helping to save the planet. Remember, without them, as the article clearly states, it would be getting even colder right now, with Florida projected to be the last state with unfrozen summers by 2060. See accompanying picture for specific details. As usual, Maggie's Farm has some suggestions on how you, too, can fight the impending menace of Natural Global Cooling: — Let your car sit there idling whenever you're not using it. This might cost you a few bucks in gas, but what price, saving the planet? — Buy some cows and feed them lots of baked beans to encourage high methane output. Methane, remember, is 21 times better at saving our planet than mere CO2. — Start a campaign to bring back the SST. Because of the ultra-high altitudes it flew at, it was estimated that it did hundreds of times more damage to the upper atmosphere than regular commercial airliners. Put another way, and with what we've learned today, the higher up you go, the more help CO2 can offer. — If the SST project seems a bit daunting, you can do the same thing from the comfort of your own back yard. Merely start a compost pile, then collect the resultant methane, pump up large weather balloons with it and release them. Once they hit max elevation and pop, you can pat yourself on the back for a job well done. While they cost a bit more, get the ones that don't pop until they hit 50,000 feet as they're deemed to be much more effective than the 30,000-foot model when it comes to preventing the current ice age that's threatening to engulf us all. The latest scientific results are in, folks. We're literally fighting for the survival of the planet and it's up to each and every one of us to do our part in staving off this menace. If you won't do it for yourself, do it for the children. What price, life? Saturday morning linksSome Ivy League Students Turn Down Hook-Up Culture Dartmouth kid applies for Pope job The Orthodox surge in NYC and environs iPhone theft Why City Kids Need to Play in the Street Do Catholics Overvalue Pomp and Ceremonials? Best of (fixed) Ya hafta laugh at these people Undergrads Required to Lobby for Obama Policy Worst. Jobs. President. Ever… Unemployment Rate Drops After 130,000 Americans Leave Jobs Market Part-Time Workforce Surges Ahead Of ObamaCare Mandate: Gallup Rand Paul's teachable moment China's pols are rich. Funny how that works in socialist countries. How did Hugo end up with $2 billion in the bank? I blame nature, not the computer models Bloomberg Says Government ‘Probably’ Shouldn’t Force People to Exercise "Probably"? He is a crank and a loony control freak. A working-class hero is something to be, particularly when educational credentials are losing their importance. Uh Oh: Because You Drive A Fossil Fueled Vehicle A New Ice Age Was Averted As we often mention here, the (eventual but inevitable) global cooling is a far greater threat than any global warming. The most recent glacial insursion had Manhattan Island under a mile of ice. Friday, March 8. 2013"We're Number 27! We're Number 27! We're-"
I loved the comment about angels. One of my sisters-in-law believes in them. (Or is it fairies?) Of course, all of the above could be easily dismissed as 'So what?'. Okay, friggin' Uganda beat us in math. So what? It doesn't make any difference. The only bottom-line question is, would you rather live here or in Uganda? And there's one facet of life that America's so good at that there's not even a second place: Weather. Because our one big mountain range is placed exactly where it is, slightly off to one side, our continent has the vast Food Belt in the center, and on the outside of the eastern coast runs the Gulf Stream current, protecting that side of the continent with a belt of warmth. On the west coast, the Sierras and Cascades act as a buffer, keeping the worse ravages the Pacific has to offer at bay. In South America, the mountain range is too near the coast, so you end up with very little habitable land on one side and lots of barren or swampy nothingness on the other. The Eurasian continent is simply too big and is becluttered by large mountain ranges, and what little 'food belt' there is lies in some of the poorest, most underpopulated, underindustrialized countries on the continent, the ex-Russian -stan states. So, when it comes to a nation's overall weather — you know, the stuff you actually have to live in — ours is so bountiful that, as I said, there's not even a second place. Viva America! And pass the tanning oil.
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