Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Friday, July 26. 2013Friday morning links'Nobody Can Tell You Why' They Admired Helen Thomas Energy fact of the day: Eagle Ford Shale sets new oil output record in May, will likely surpass Bakken Shale next year The Inequality President - The rich have done fine under Obamanomics, not so the middle class. Major Garrett: I Seem To Recall Obama Telling Us Detroit Was Rebounding In Defense of Huma Abedin’s Decision To Forgive Weiner The Carlos Danger Name Generator - Use our widget to get a name like Anthony Weiner’s alleged sexting pseudonym Everything I Learned in College Was a Lie: Picasso once said it took him a lifetime to learn to paint like a child and it’s taken me about the same amount of time to get back to the unbrainwashed brain I had back in 1988. It seems intuitive to the point of redundant to say that women are not the same as men and America is not a racist hellhole. I knew all this as a kid and I have finally relearned it as an adult. Now, if I could only get back the fifteen years in between. Ahead of Peace Talks, PA’s Fatah Honors Terrorist Responsible for 61 ‘Zionist’ Murders Israel-Palestinian Peace Talks To be Renewed in Washington? Maybe Feds tell Web firms to turn over user account passwords House bill ending Fannie and Freddie shows promise More on the coming global cooling Thursday, July 25. 2013So It Begins: SAC Indicted By Federal Grand Jury In New York - Full IndictmentThe Stevie Cohen gang is in deep trouble, as predicted: SAC Indicted By Federal Grand Jury In New York - Full Indictment
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Thursday morning links
Jay-Z Joins To-Day and Ice-Cream in the Hyphen Graveyard
Up In ARMs: Adjustable Rate Mortgage Applications Soar To 2008 "Pre-Lehman Mania" Levels FDA warns 15 companies over fraudulent diabetes product claims Ivy League Prof: Public Health Officials Mislead People To Sway Habits Guess The World's Most Expensive City When Law Is No Longer a Safe Bet The bitter battle over Alaska's salmon Conservatives Should Point and Laugh as Detroit Dies As hospitals buy medical practices, patients face thousands of dollars in new charges Obamacare’s Waning Popularity - If Obamacare’s such a good policy, why is it bad politics for Democrats? House G.O.P. Sets New Offensive on Obama Goals UK UPDATEl Chocolate criminal ANOTHER RECORD! Obama Creates Two New Food Stamp Recipients for Every Job Created Ted Nugent called Trayvon Martin a “17-year-old dope smoking, racist gangsta wannabe.”
Wednesday, July 24. 2013Weds. morning links
How about a crab and shrimp boil with some grilled chicken legs and sausages on top? (pic via Theo) Baseball’s Darryl Strawberry buries his past in new career as a pastor I've recently had Wasabi and also Green Tea ice cream. Good stuff. Not too sweet. Cashmere trade threat to snow leopards The Songs Otis Redding Could Have Sung Study: Feds underestimating the number of protected bird deaths at all the wind farms they aren’t prosecuting Home schooling: Increasingly... public schools are designed for kids from dysfunctional backgrounds. New Yorkers moved on; Weiner apparently couldn’t "couldn't"? Weiner Admits to Sending More Lewd Messages, Photos to Women Doctors are skeptical and confused about Obamacare, survey finds Who isn't? Related: What a silly billy to think that numbers matter anymore Free to choose after Walker reforms, thousands of Wisconsin workers abandon government unions Freedom! Paul Ehrlich wrong again: World Cereal Production Set To Reach Historic High Related, from 2005: Cornell ecologist's study finds that producing ethanol and biodiesel from corn and other crops is not worth the energy Yep. It uses more fossil fuel to make fuel out of corn than there is energy in the ethanol you produce Note to Paul Krugman: It Took More Than Markets to Ruin Detroit Joe Scarborough is a blooming idiot, and “stand your ground” laws have been around for a long time Since the cave men, I reckon Cities Are Doomed From Hotcoldwetdry Somewhere Between 87 and 2,187 Years From Now Sultan: So Long, Detroit
Tuesday, July 23. 2013Tuesday morning links
Photo: Mrs. BD helped me get a lot of gardening chores done on Sunday afternoon The '50s a cultural wasteland? I don't see it Why Men Need Women I would not have said what they said Where do strokes of genius come from? Sim cards hacked: A single text that unlocks millions of mobiles Study prompted by Chicago deaths highlights dangers of TV tip-overs It's a public health crisis Zimmerman Saves Family of Four in Florida Car Crash, Extinguishes Car Fire Obviously staged. And besides, he rescued a white family. That is reverse-profiling and just more proof of his racism. Klavan: A National Conversation About Complete Crap Juan Williams: Sharpton, Jackson Showing 'Bad Leadership' in Zimmerman Case Who says they are "leaders" other than themselves? The Working Families Party Claims a Scalp in Bridgeport Terrible schools = success Megan McArdle's new site HUD's new diversity database for every neighborhood in America 34% say First Amendment goes too far in protecting rights It should be illegal for them to say that Nyquist: Has Democracy Failed Capitalism? Diversity Data for Every Neighborhood in U.S. HUD's New 'Fair Housing' Rule Establishes Diversity Data for Every Neighborhood in U.S. - See more at: HUD's New 'Fair Housing' Rule Establishes Diversity Data for Every Neighborhood in U.S. - See more at: HUD's New 'Fair Housing' Rule Establishes Diversity Data for Every Neighborhood in U.S. - See more at: HUD's
New 'Fair Housing' Rule Establishes Diversity Data for Every Neighborhood in U.S. - See more at: Monday, July 22. 2013More on Obamacare's federal database
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Saving Welfare Reform in NYCThe Democratic primary candidates are all vying for who will offer the most freebies to voters. Blue State politicking. Same old, same old. For all of his ridiculous flaws, Mayor Mike at least did not expand New York's welfare culture. The next mayor will face intense pressure to reverse two decades of progress.
Monday morning linksVideo: Honda presents the fastest lawnmower evah How to Be a Good Wedding Guest Obamacare has doctors planning exit Here comes the Obamacare big brother database Move over NSA, here comes the Obamacare Big Brother database - See more at: We Have to Step In and Save Detroit Didn’t Obama Already Save Detroit? Why Obama won't bail out Detroit Bummer: Satellite Records Still Not Following UN IPCC Prognostications The Politics of Race: "Perpetual Victimhood" Jay Carney Says Amnesty Will ‘Increase Wages’, Media Laughs at Him Jerry Brown Stands Atop California's Collapsing House Of Cards Bank size is greater threat than complexity Move over NSA, here comes the Obamacare Big Brother database - See more at: Move
over NSA, here comes the Obamacare Big Brother database - See more at: Sunday, July 21. 2013Sunday vid splash How many of these didn't you know? I missed one, darn the luck. I thought a bald eagle sounded just like they're always pictured, then it turns out they sound exactly like a cross between a squeaky toy and a seagull. Who knew? The only one I hadn't heard of was that biz about there not being a Nobel prize for mathematics because of his wife's affair. And it's pure coincidence that Barrie's post below on 'Correlation vs. Causation' ties in with the last point. And it's an important point, and one we see abused every day. Flatbush, Arkansas, just experienced its rainiest June in history? Climate change. Hortence Abernathy's garden in Deepfrost, Maine, produced beautiful geraniums for the first time ever? Climate change. A barbecue at a company picnic in Drycrik, Arizona, caught some nearby weeds on fire and they didn't get it put out until half the field had burned down? Climate change. The entire globe stops warming for 20 years? Climate change. After all, stopping is a form of change, right? Proof positive that climate change exists.
Of course, it's possible the two of you still have a ways to go. The long jumps are especially impressive. With their poor eyesight and lack of stereoscopic vision, when a dog hears "Jump!" from some blurry object fifteen feet away, he's basically wildly leaping into space on nothing but trust. Without further preamble... What's particularly striking about this art form are scenes like the jet fighter, where you expect to see them lower a bunch of cardboard props at the next change, yet nothing like that ever appears to happen. They have a handful of vids on YouTube, and I have a solo artist performing here. When I originally posted it in my art gallery years ago, I hadn't seen anything else like it and called it a "wonderful, if dying, art form." It's nice to see artists like the Attraction Theater Group bringing this beautiful genre back to the fore.
I have become a racist
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Saturday, July 20. 2013Saturday morning linksHowdy Doody may test limits of protecting Detroit assets Devout Catholics Have Better Sex, Study Says What turns women on? Is there such a thing as private food? Attempt to steer McDonald's diners toward smaller meals backfires American Hero Larry Grathwohl Dead A Very Important George Zimmerman Tip for the Department of Justice Noonan: A Bombshell in the IRS Scandal The Economist Reveals Sensitive IPCC Information HHS Admits You Can’t Keep Your Doctor – Obama Lied Jake Tapper to Spitzer: You’re kind of a sleazy privileged hypocrite, don’t you think? Fluoridation as a Capitalist ploy Must there always be a Detroit? Saudi Arabia Moves Centre Stage Crude Oil’s Fast & Furious Rise Will Hit Consumers Hard, Warns Kilburg Wehner: The GOP's deep hole Ranking the most liberal and conservative law firms Major victory for illegal immigrant students in Michigan Post Postmod Love in Much Ado - In an age of barbaric irony, Joss Whedon goes countercultural and strikes a blow for sincerity. It's hot out. Got beer?The crisis of globalistical warmening this July must be good for beer sales. This pic from the Spital Brewery's biergarten in Regensberg a couple of years ago, on the Danube riverbank adjacent to the brewery. It's just a pleasant walk over the 1135 bridge. I like that "Since 1226." It's true. That Bock was mine. A mistake. At least 10%. Tasty, though. My lad had the dark one.
Friday, July 19. 2013An immigrant looks at race and opportunity in America
I guess everybody loves a freebie. Bowl of lentils. From Nonie Darwish: An Immigrant's View of Racism in America
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The Secret of (repost) The article begins:
Well, not exactly.
Like I suppose many people, I thought only sold new things. Not so! I became a big fan of Robert B. Parker and his 'Spencer' detective novels. I had about ten of them out of the thirty or so that are out there. Having a few bucks on hand, I decided to blow the wad and complete my collection. I headed over to, dug up the first book I wanted, then noticed an odd "used" link down near the bottom of the ad. I clicked on it and discovered a whole different side to Want to guess how much these used books were going for? Five bucks? Two bucks? One? "A quarter?" Nope. Not even close. Gee, you're not very good at this 'guessing' stuff, are you? How about a penny? The deal is, these are all third-party used book merchants, and they charge $3.95 per book for shipping, so apparently they'd rather make a buck off the shipping — plus one penny — rather than just let the thing sit there rotting on the shelf. The ol' better-something-than-nothing approach. It's to note that only the fairly old books go for a penny. Slightly newer ones actually cost a whole quarter or more, so be prepared to spend some big, big money. I ordered 20 books. Granted, I paid $79 in shipping, but compare that to spending two days traveling to every used book store in the tri-county area and paying three to five bucks apiece for them. Nor, most likely, would I have been able to nail down all 20 books missing from my collection. For what it's worth, one book didn't show up. I emailed the vendor, nothing back. Emailed again, nothing back. I emailed Amazon, gave them the invoice number, told them what I'd done, and my credit card account was reimbursed within the day. Ordered the book from a different vendor and out it came. It's to note that there are also 'used' links for things like DVD movies, audio CDs, and a bunch of other things. I'm not so sure I'd go for a used rectal thermometer, but most used items are probably fine, and the 3rd-party items fall into little sub-categories such as "Like New", "Very Good", "Acceptable", "Seriously Trashed", etc, along with a brief description, so you'll have a clue as to what you're getting. And then there's... The Secret of II Friday morning linksI've Hired A New Life Coach. She Leads By Example A Utah longhorn (dinosaur) Douthat rightly criticizes GOP on farm bill Sunspots and the Great Cooling Ahead This guy wants you to turn off your A/C Obama to Detroit: Drop Dead Right decision. Via Q&O:
Good Grief: Magician Needs Disaster Plan For Bunny The hierarchy of Democratic constituencies Two-thirds of small businesses aren’t ready for ObamaCare, survey finds Cloward-Piven and Detroit's bankruptcy Without Warrants, License Plate Scanners Track Millions of Americans O'Reilly: The exploitation of Trayvon Martin New York’s Creep-Off Election - Can’t the city do better than Weiner and Spitzer? ... what's more likely to kill 5,000 New Yorkers each year? Obesity in the abstract or making fat people take the stairs? “The religious left; they were the biggest suckers of Thursday, July 18. 2013AGW, NGC, ACW, NGW Update: the 'desperation strikes' edition
Pic: scientific proof that CO² exists in the atmosphere As we discussed last time, the most wonderful aspect of the climate debate at this moment in time, and a point simply no one could contend, is how many choices we now have: — If you believe the science, then it's obvious that Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) is the villain. — On the other hand, if you believe the science, then there's no question that Natural Global Cooling (NGC) is the true menace. — However, if you believe the science, then it's quite apparent that Anthropogenic Chlorofluorocarbonic Warming (ACW) is the real threat. — And, for those who believe the science, it's crystal-clear that Natural Global Warming (NGW) is what's really goin' on. Again, it's all about the science, folks, and the wonderful options it provides. And that's not to mention the unity it brings to the community as we can all now agree that science is ultimately the answer to this imposing problem. Unfortunately, as in any contest where there are multiple participants, scores are being kept and tallies are being tabbed. Since I'm on the NGW team, it's my duty to mock, scorn and degrade the other three contestants at every opportunity. They constantly do the same to my team, so no hard feelings. As they say, all's fair in love and global thermonuclear war. Continue reading "AGW, NGC, ACW, NGW Update: the 'desperation strikes' edition" And so it begins...
Catholic Univ. Law Professor Defends Polygamous And Incestuous Marriages
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Wal-Mart deserves the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize for improving the lives of millions of low-income consumers globally
Article from Carpe here.
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Thursday morning linksDriving somewhere? There's a government record of that The NSA must be wondering about my suspicious pattern of repeated trips to Home Depot and Dunkin Donuts What Makes Houston the Next Great American City? Brooks: Men on the Threshold Love and hate aren’t opposites, they’re siblings... Ethanol Still a Boondoggle Ethanol belongs in just one place: a highball glass Banning Advice Columnists in the Name of Occupational Licensing But everybody gives advice...and nobody listens to it Why the Government Was Wrong to Shutdown Fung Wah Bus Company
Bloomberg Wants New Yorkers to Take The Stairs Try a non-air-conditioned 6th floor walk-up, jerk Amazon Algorithm Price War Leads to $23.6-Million-Dollar Book Listing That wacky algo explains those crazy Karen Brown prices The return of the global cooling story Sowell: Is this still America? In Obama's Chicago, a Trayvon Tragedy Occurs Every Day of the Week But that's normal, right? Five cases of black on white crime people want on national TV Black Racism Killed Trayvon ... Eric Holder Asks for Honest Discussion on Race; The WaPo's Liberal Columnist Richard Cohen Offers Some Discussion, and Is Immediately Called a Racist Driscoll: Hispanics and the Zimmerman Narrative Jesse Jackson Calls For UN to Investigate America Look, everybody knows what's really going on. Just as with every hurricane or nor'easter.
Wednesday, July 17. 2013Media silence
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Weds. morning links
Today's image stolen from Am. Digest Altho I am a Dunkin' guy, I do like the Starbucks House Blend. The problem's not fatherhood, it's manhood Why Time Slows Down When We’re Afraid, Speeds Up as We Age, and Gets Warped on Mining in Space – The Next Frontier? The man with no memory: Navy vet wakes up, speaks only Swedish Feds admit improper scrutiny of candidate, donor tax records - Justice has declined to prosecute any of the cases Mort Zuckerman: A Jobless Recovery Is a Phony Recovery - More people have left the workforce than got a new job during the recovery—by a factor of nearly three. There are now 175,000 pages' worth of federal laws. Local governments add more. We are all felons The Election of a Black President Has Meant Nothing Sultan: Looking for racism in America IGNORED BY LIB MEDIA: Zimmerman Was a Democrat, Voted For Obama, Tutored Black Kids Althouse on Why Are Black Boys Expendable? A George Zimmerman Tip Line Goes Horribly Wrong I once saw George go to a white barbershop instead of a black barbershop In the postmodern, antifoundationalist world of the New Left, justice is perverted into mob rule - See more at: In the postmodern, antifoundationalist world of the New Left, justice is perverted into mob rule - See more at: Tuesday, July 16. 2013Health update 3 The good news is that whatever ill effects I've been feeling since around last Xmas appear to be nothing more than ultra-high blood pressure (something like 195 over 155, aka Stroke City) and something about an "elevated red blood cell count", but I never pay any attention to the details. It's just "gimme the pills" and I'm outta there. I did, however, make one real glaring error in my last post on the subject when, puzzling over the recent diagnosis of ultra-high blood pressure, I noted that I hadn't recently changed anything in my dietary routine. That is, if you call your lunches and dinners going from 5% frozen TV dinners to 95% frozen TV dinners over the course of a year "not changing anything". I honestly (because I had ultra-high blood pressure at the time is my best excuse) wasn't thinking clearly and had only dashed back a year in my mind as I typed the words. In truth, until a year ago, I've never been into TV dinners much, usually eating either sandwiches (homemade, deli, Subway) or canned goods for lunch and dinner. It was only after the operation, when moving around became such a chore, than I fell into the warm bosom of easy pop-in, pop-out, meals. Worse, I then discovered how delicious some of them are. The Marie Callender's Salisbury Steak is totally scrumptious. That set me down the whole dark path of going through every Marie Callender's and Stofer's on the shelf, plus the lesser brands, only to end up one day at a notable moment in my life. I had turned down the canned goods aisle by habit, glanced over the beef stew and chili and spaghetti and... and then just kept walking. It was the first time in my life I'd ever done that. All I had eyes for was the frozen section. Such are the depths of the addicted. Well, these days, all tuned into the Daily Value (DV) figure on the back of the package, I have heart palpitations just reading the labels of the things I used to gobble down by the bucketful. With admonishments of "DON'T EAT ANYTHING WITH A DV OVER 20%!!!" blaring in my head, most of the TV dinners and canned meats out there are somewhere around the (cough!) 50% mark. And that's what I'd been piling down for both lunch and dinner for almost a year. And that's before grabbing the salt shaker and giving everything a good blast. In my whole adult life, I've salted very few things (eggs, potatoes), but once you're in the tropics, aka Sweat City, you just naturally start adding salt to your diet to make up for what you drip onto the ground while walking out to the car. As a couple of commenters noted in the thread, some people are much more susceptible to sodium kicking up blood pressure than others, and it appears I'm of that group. I can only say "appears", though, as I've been on blood pressure medicine since that day so I can't really measure how the sudden lack of salt in my diet affects it. I'd also note that both Bird Dog and Dr. Bliss have recently linked to the latest findings by the CDC that salt isn't as harmful as has previously been the notion, although I have reservations about the overall "IT'S OKAY, EVERYBODY, EAT ALL THE SALT YOU WANT! YIPPEE!" tone of the articles. Since human beings are involved, we always have to be on the lookout for that classic human foible of jumping from one extreme to the other, and just because something isn't as bad as previously thought doesn't mean it suddenly goes into the Eat All You Want! column. I have a few more notes below the fold, but that's the gist. Again, my deepest thanks to those who have tossed a little something into my Help Keep Doc From Gnawing Off His Right Foot fund. Any help with these nasty medical bills would be very much appreciated. NCIS fans, be sure to tune in tomorrow for an intriguing update! Continue reading "Health update 3" Tuesday morning linksU.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News to Americans Now They Tell Us… Union Leaders Now Say Obamacare Will Destroy ‘Health & Well-Being’ of US Workers No more plaster casts? Awesome: We’re All Climate Deniers Now Leno: "With nothing to lose, Jay seems fresher and freer than he has been in years.' How the press de-Hispanicized Zimmerman Organic food – What is an ‘organic’ label really worth? When public contempt for the feds increases, so does the size and scope of government. Monday, July 15. 2013A few Monday morning links Owning a Home Isn’t Always a Virtue What if your gluten intolerance is all in your head? Yes, the middle-class has been disappearing, but they haven’t fallen into the lower-class, they’ve risen into the upper-class McArdle: Why I Think the GOP Will Have Control in 2017 Obamacare Will Make the Primary Care Doctor Shortage Even Worse The Economic Blunders Behind the Arab Revolutions Obama Using the EPA as His Weapon of Choice Zimmerman was No True Hispanic Saturday, July 13. 2013What Is It With Liberals and Food?
It has always seemed to me that if a person can control himself, and his kids, that is plenty challenge enough in life.
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