Wednesday, April 29. 2015
Is Sunday School too lite?
"Be nice" is not a Christian doctrine
Dating: Life on the Meat Bourse
If you were a man of forty-five, employed, not actually a serial killer, and had fewer than five nostrils, you did well. The women, though desperate, were often attractive, smart, good-looking, warm-blooded, and great people.
Density and single-family zoning
I hate single-family zoning. To be a neighborhood, you need a corner store, a cafe, a church, etc. Places for people to see each other informally.
Price-fixing: When Bots Collude
In favor of sweatshops
Famed German Catholic philosopher makes waves for criticizing Pope Francis’ ‘autocratic’ style
Feminist Social Justice Warriors Badger Another Company, and that Company of Course Buckles
Everybody wants a beach body
The sex discrimination rationale for a right to same-sex marriage makes an appearance in today’s oral argument
Polygamy makes more sense than gay marriage
“Blazing Saddles could never get made today.”
What Do Climate Skeptics Believe?
Marco Rubio Right, Wrong People Running The Country
Five Answers Liberals Never Give Us
UK: Douglas Murray Vows To Challenge Law If Ed Miliband Criminalizes ‘Islamophobia’
VIDEO: Mom Caught Hitting Son Taking Part in Baltimore Riots
Democratic Leader Says Solution In Baltimore Is More Federal Spending
The Left Defends Riots, Looting, Arson in Baltimore
Riot-Plagued Baltimore Is a Catastrophe Entirely of the Democratic Party’s Own Making
The Winner Of Today’s “Climate Change Helped Cause #baltimoreriots” Is….
The Clash Over Clinton's Cash—and Why It Matters
Hillary Clinton's Machine Sputters
The recent revelations about the Clinton slush fund has reminded
everyone that the very worst said about the Clintons is the tip of the
iceberg. There’s always more slime under the next stone.
The Clintons are still playing their fans for fools
"I submit, therefore, that it is somewhat rational for the Clintons to
believe they are above the law. Events so far have proven them correct,
haven’t they?"
Tuesday, April 28. 2015
Best piece I've seen on this mossy old topic:
Transcending the Poverty Industry - Federal anti-poverty efforts have relied too heavily on solutions cooked
up in academia and inside the Beltway. We already have plenty of proven
programs—at the local level.
These sorts of situations and sociopathic cultures are all produced by misguided federal policies. And by bad people. I am so weary of this.
How to Make Sticky or Stubborn Wooden Drawers Slide More Smoothly
Robotic farming
Not the Onion: Texas A&M Prof Cracks, Flunks Entire ‘Disgraceful’ Class
Minimum wage workers tend to be young, single, part-time workers with less than a high school diploma
Lesbians Claim “Mental Rape” After Christian Family Wouldn’t Bake Them Cake
They targeted this shop to get the $
The world focus on CO2 is simply the end objective of a much larger political agenda.
Indeed, democratic systems are the real problem
Yup, there's always a problem with freedom. Always.
Baltimore: The Ghetto Welcomes You
The UK: The lunatics are running the asylum in public schools.
Heather Mac Donald: Running With the Predators - Liberal elites continue to condemn law enforcement and excuse inner-city crime.
Hillary Clinton Says Her Campaign “Isn’t Going To Be About Me”….
Clinton Charity CEO Explains Tax Reporting "Mistakes"
Are Democratic Insiders Starting to Panic about Hillary?
About Those Smoking Guns
The Clinton Foundation:
...a closer look at the numbers shows a mere 13% of program expenses — and just 10% of total spending — went for grants and aid. And despite its global pretensions, most of the aid stayed in the U.S. The rest went to salaries, conferences, travel and other overhead costs.
In fact, the Clinton Foundation was more generous to conference organizers than the poor. The IRS filing shows it spent $9 million on conferences, conventions and meetings, compared to $8.9 million in aid.
Salman Rushdie on the ‘Pu**ies’ Boycotting Award for Charlie Hebdo
If South Vietnam Were Free Today . . .
Monday, April 27. 2015
I'm not concerned about Man-Made Climate Change. It's a tempest in a Progressive teapot. But some people care, and they really truly believe the government is needed to step in and solve for every 'problem' that doesn't exist. My point has always been that should Man-Made Climate Change prove real (doubtful, at best), the market would find a means of 'fixing' the problem.
Well, the market has done quite a bit to 'fix' it, already (though even the fixes that currently exist like solar and wind would best be left to the market and have no government subsidies or breaks - the only thing keeping most of these affordable). But it looks like some forms of "fossil fuel" will remain the fuel of the future...and with good reason. There is a profit motive to give people a reason to buy some...especially 'green' versions of fossil fuels.
Sunday, April 26. 2015
A poll showed that 13% of the world’s adults or 150 million people would move to the United States if they were allowed to. If 1 million immigrants can’t fill all those jobs that Americans won’t do, let’s try 150 million immigrants.
Madison School District eyes 'full-service' schools to serve community needs (h/t Althouse)
What is this all about? Replacing parents and families?
We are very much in favor of some global warming. We think it would be just swell. However, this just in: Our climate models are WRONG: Global warming has slowed - and recent changes are down to ‘natural variability’, says study - Duke University study looked at 1,000 years of temperature records.
So much for the terror tactics, which have never worked anyway except on the ignorant. We're in a mild inter-glacial, but not really. Technically, we are still in an ice age.
Friday, April 24. 2015
"Proudly made in New York City." She's back! The Nora Gardner Spring 2015 Shop
Each garment has a pocket for a phone and is designed to be professional wear which can be easily dressed up for after-work outings. If you're not in NY, you can find her stuff online or in these places.
So say the students: "(It's) a college campus laden with trauma and sexualized violence and full of victims/survivors..."
Sounds terrible. I thought it was a goofy artsy-fartsy, metrosexual, granola place for kids with tats, pink hair, and nose rings - not a dangerous hellhole.
Re CT's unpopular Governor Malloy,
Malloy inflicts on our moribund economy ever-stronger doses of the treatment that laid us low, compulsively seizing on each new radical cause so he might seem a leader. At his insistence, we became the first state to mandate paid sick leave, have passed the highest minimum wage in the nation, and now contemplate a special tax on corporations that pay any employee less than $15 an hour. For more than 20 years, since we passed the cursed state income tax, Connecticut has ranked dead last in economic growth in our nation. Progressive policies have destroyed the oldest and finest manufacturing base in America.
Thursday, April 23. 2015
So soon, we are back in the thick of the old familiar Clinton slime. This morning it was the Russian uranium deal, and this afternoon, this: Hillary's Charities Suffer A "Geithner Moment", Will Refile 5 Years Of Taxes
Tomorrow it will be Bill hanging with crims and underage hookers in the Bahamas...never mind, that already was reported last week by the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.
For Clintons, speech income shows how their wealth is intertwined with charity. It's become clear, if it had not been already, that those $300-500,000 speeches were bribes and that their "charity" is a slush fund.
And, via the very lib NY Mag:
The Washington Post reports that Bill Clinton has received $26 million in speaking fees from entities that also donated to the Clinton Global Initiative.
The Washington Examiner reports, “Twenty-two of the 37 corporations nominated for a prestigious State Department award — and six of the eight ultimate winners — while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State were also donors to the Clinton family foundation.”
...The Obama administration wanted Hillary Clinton to use official government email. She didn’t. The Obama administration also demanded that the Clinton Foundation disclose all its donors while she served as Secretary of State. It didn’t comply with that request, either.
Mark Halperin: Will the Old Clinton Playbook Work? Well, Wall St loves her so there's that. Who else does? I wonder. I suspect both the Bushes and the Clintons will be past history soon, if not already.
How would all of this go over if the Clintons were conservative Repubs?
Pic: Mr. Volcano in Chile celebrates Earth Day with megatons of CO2 and air pollution, via Gateway
NFIB: “We’ll observe Earth Day when the EPA observes the law”
It’s Official: Employee Wellness Is a Total “Scam”
Harvard’s wacky campus-sex survey
Gender identification based on genitalia is the new bigotry.
Warning: Literature Ahead
A Great Rabbi Passes
Most authors earn less than minimum wage from their writing, survey finds
Same goes for many people who pursue their dreams
40 Years from Saigon
VDH: Moral Schizophrenics on campus, on the campaign trail.
SCOTUS takes on the raisin takings case - Classical taking, government theft, or something else entirely?
Stockman: Thanks For The Investment Advice, Mario!
The Meaning of Their Service: General (4Star-Ret. U.S.M.C.) James N. Mattis
Greenfield: Know Your Social Justice Warriors:
You’re not just a paranoid schizophrenic. You might also be a Social Justice Warrior.
Welfare and Social Insurance Lead to Declining Desire to Work
Rush Takes on the Wisconsin ‘John Doe’ Scandal
There has to be something criminal in this
The Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy: Hillary Clinton’s Scandals Finally Catch Up to Mainstream Media
Even the NYT: Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation as Russians Pressed for Control of Uranium Company
Hillary’s Team Outlines ‘Clinton Cash’ Response: Attack the Messenger
Hillary Camp Blasts Timing of Benghazi Report as Proof Probe ‘Solely’ a 2016 Game
The sleaze is piling up again
In N.H., ‘accessible’ Hillary Clinton ignores supporters
From Goad's Conveniently Latino:
I can’t fathom the naiveté required to believe that this egregious double standard—i.e., tribal identity for everyone except white males—will end in harmony rather than disaster. It horrifies me to ponder the gullibility you’d need to think that one day, all women and nonwhites will suddenly say, “It’s cool, white dudes—we’re even. The score is settled. The historical scales are balanced. Everyone’s equal now.” Anyone with the most basic grasp of human nature knows that people never truly grow out of infancy—both as individuals and in groups, they will grab more and more candy until someone finally prevents them.
Pope Francis Calls on Christians to Stand United with Jews in Condemning Anti-Semitism
Marines, Navy Looking for Amphibious Alternatives
Wednesday, April 22. 2015
Tuesday, April 21. 2015
Just in time, Steyn's book is out: Climate Change: The Facts.
About the book, Dino says "the downside is it numbs the mind with numbers and equations and history lessons and so forth."
Related: On Earth Day, let’s appreciate our fossil fuel energy treasures that come from the Earth’s natural environment
Yup, fossil fuels are organic, and they are biofuels too. All of my vehicles are organically-powered.
The U.S. Constitution Actually Bans Hillary’s Foreign Government Payola
What's the matter with these Clinton grifters?
A measly 15 percent of that, or $75 million, went towards programmatic grants. More than $25 million went to fund travel expenses. Nearly $110 million went toward employee salaries and benefits. And a whopping $290 million during that period — nearly 60 percent of all money raised — was classified merely as “other expenses.” Official IRS forms do not list cigar or dry-cleaning expenses as a specific line item. The Clinton Foundation may well be saving lives, but it seems odd that the costs of so many life-saving activities would be classified by the organization itself as just random, miscellaneous expenses.
Image via Moonbattery
Women Who Emotionally Abuse Men
Replica of LaFayette’s ship Hermione sets sail for US
Ernie Pyle was shot on the island of Ie Shima 70 years ago
Westport, CT and The New Yorker
Pasta? Ruby grapefruits? Why organic devotees love foods mutated by radiation and chemicals
Milk and OJ for breakfast?
It was good marketing. Same goes for cereal.
Twinkie's Miracle Comeback: The Untold, Inside Story of a $2 Billion Feast
The Socially Acceptable Sin-It’s everywhere in our society and churches, yet almost never talked about.
Japan stereotyping: Gear Acquisition Syndrome Has Reached a New High
Chicago: Bad Guy With A Gun Stopped By Good Uber Driver WIth A Gun
Minimum Intelligence Week at College Insurrection
Kimball: Remember the First Amendment?
Wisconsin’s Shame: ‘I Thought It Was a Home Invasion’
Steyn: The Drift toward Despotism
Expert: Obama's amnesty 'profoundly unfair' to 4 million legal immigrants, a new high
Will advise Brit friends to learn Spanish, fly to Mexico, wade thru the river, and get the freebies
For Earth Day: Michael Crichton explains why there is “no such thing as consensus science”
Jeb Bush Endorses UN Climate Change Treaty Process
The left is like a suicide bomber or a honey bee, it can’t win. It can only kill and die. A successful leftist regime is a contradiction in terms. The hard revolutions blow up fast and then decay into prolonged misery. The soft electoral revolutions skip the explosions and cut right to the prolonged misery.
Europe went Full Socialist and gave up. Carter’s malaise has been a reality in Europe for generations. What was four years in America was forty years in Europe. The American left’s great ambitions; bureaucratic rule, international impotence, national health care, endless education, environmental correctness and childbirth replaced by immigration were realized in Europe. And they killed Europe.
Now they’re killing America.
Why Are Many Former Workers Not Even Applying for Job Openings?
Do Americans Want To Live In Hillary Clinton’s Village?
She sure doesn't. The Villages?
White House Wouldn’t Deny That Hillary Did Favors For Donors
Menendez co-‘conspirator’ hosted Bill and Hillary at vacation getaway
Hannan: We may have the monarchy, but you have the hereditary ruling class
Hating the Daily Mail is a substitute for doing good
Replace Daily Mail with FOX and you get the idea
Saudis Brace for Home Front Attacks
Monday, April 20. 2015
'Ban GMOs: That Shit Ain’t Food' - How the rhetoric of disgust undermines responsible food choices.
Be a Rebel: Cook Your Vegetables to Death
I like that
18th c. luxury sex toy found in Gdansk
Gdansk? It figures.
Little Boy Gets A Surprise Photobomb At School Picture Day
Marathon winner loses race title because she never ran the race
Women Are Owning More and More Small Businesses
LAUSD Finds That $1.3 Billion iPad Program Was Largely a Bust
I coulda told em
Dr. Oz responds after prominent physicians call for his firing from Columbia University
The transgender triumph
Lengthy, interesting article about trannies
Feds Spent $410,265 Studying ‘Satisfaction’ Levels of Young Gay Men’s First Time
Your tax dollars at work
Four Jobs Our American Universities Don't Do Anymore
College Kicks Off 'Disinvitation Dinner' By Hosting Speaker Shunned by University
The Real Student Loan Crisis Is The One Obama Created
Christina Hoff Sommers gets Trigger Warnings at Georgetown
Forget Steak and Seafood: Here’s How Welfare Recipients Actually Spend Their Money
A Double Standard for the Poor?
No, food stamps aren’t subsidies for McDonald’s and Wal-Mart - What advocates of a "living wage" get wrong about the labor market
Another Infuriating Crackdown on Sharing Food With the Homeless
Supreme Court Weighs Bizarre Private Property Seizure
Preventing the Coming Ice Age
Global Warming Authoritarian Leonardo DiCaprio Travels Constantly by Private Jet
Obama Warns U.S.: ‘Climate Change Poses Immediate Risks to Our National Security’
Think Global Warming Is Bad? Wait Until You Meet Sustainability
The Big Idea: California Is So Over - California’s drought and how it’s handled show just what kind of place the Golden State is becoming: feudal, super-affluent and with an impoverished interior.
Sexism Is The New Racism
Obamacare repeal falls off Republicans´ to-do list as law takes hold
All You Need to Know About Hillary’s Campaign
Wait, wasn't she president already? Decoding the passionate, conflicted and deeply strange launch of Hillary 2.0
Dead Broke Hillary Dodged Sniper Fire With Her Immigrant Parents In Tuzla
Biggest Donor to Clinton Foundation Violated Iran Sanctions, Got State Dept Meetings Under Hillary
New Book, ‘Clinton Cash,’ Questions Foreign Donations to Foundation
Saturday, April 18. 2015
There is a musical called Menopause
Who Owns the Copyright to "Happy Birthday"?
Middle age now lasts until 74 as baby boomers refuse to grow old - Old age does not begin until 74, researchers suggest in a new report which looks at the real impact of an aging population
It's true. It's not just health and medical advances, it's attitude too. Who rarely retires until incapacitated? Farmers, carpenters, surgeons and most other docs, small biz-owners, people with family businesses - you name it. Most government-employed people like cops and firemen go on to new careers, as do ex-military. Some people are quitters, and some are workers. "Retirement" itself is a modern, decadent, government concept.
Do You Know the World’s Largest City?
School blames ‘poor lighting’ for paltry Michelle O lunch
Sheesh. Worse than jail food.
Mexican food is insensitive
Well, I don't know about insenstive but it's not very good, altho fun once in a while. Really just a side dish for Margueritas and beer. Beer, of course, is insensitive to Germans so we must be careful about that too.
I Thought Legalizing Pot Would Be a Disaster. But It Turned Out To Be Wonderful.
Smoking and Vaping Keep Moving in Opposite Directions Among Teenagers
New York Times Op-Ed: It Was a Mistake to Believe the Hockey Stick
So yes, I know exactly what it would take to convince me that catastrophic anthropogenic global warming is really happening. And no, the warmists haven’t even come close.
Who cares?
SECOND AMENDMENT: Ted Cruz Throws Down
Leftwing Website Commits Crimethink, Begs Leftwing Mob for Mercy
The Greek Complexity Problem
Nails it
Hillary! news summary, for fun:
Hillary Clinton’s Uterus For President!
Hillary Embraces Disastrous Biofuel Policy
Hillary Clinton Has a Long History of Talking With Plants
Hillary Clinton, an inauthenticity you just can’t fake
Krauthammer: Hillary’s Authentic Inauthenticity:
She doesn’t just get media coverage; she gets meta-coverage. The staging
is so obvious that actual events disappear. The story is their
symbolism — campaign as semiotics.
Hillary’s Attempt at an Elizabeth Warren Impression Isn’t Going Well
Hillary Clinton Re-emerges, by Design
Hillary Potemkin Clinton busted for driving in Dem campaign worker to pose as 'student' at staged event
Hillary Clinton’s astroturf candidacy is in full swing
Friday, April 17. 2015
Pub sign seen in Manhattan
Americans returning to the Exurbs
Fast Food Workers: You Don’t Deserve $15 an Hour to Flip Burgers, and That’s OK
Millenials Overconfident About Waiting to Have Children in Their 30s
The making of a quack: Dr. Oz
“What Civilized Society Destroys Its Own Food Source for a Three-Inch Fish?”
The ‘Sustainability’ Craze Is Nothing but an Empty Pose;
... the term “sustainable” postulates fragility and scarcity that entail government planners and rationers to fend off planetary calamity while administering equity. The unvarying progressive agenda is for government to supplant markets in allocating wealth and opportunity. “Sustainability” swaddles this agenda in “science,” as progressives understand this — “settled” findings that would be grim if they did not mandate progressivism.
Wood-burning power plants: Misguided climate change solution? -
"In order to “reduce emissions” at Drax, more than 70,000 tons of wood will be harvested every day from forests in the US and shipped 3,000 miles across the Atlantic Ocean to Britain."
A market distortion: Rental Market in San Francisco
Making the gay mafia happy
Students shred Social Security cards to receive in-state tuition offered to illegal immigrants
This Prof Dared to Challenge Her Students' Views on Sex. Here's How They Retaliated. The Title IX Inquisition infantilizes students and tramples the rights of the faculty.
Student Sues College After Campus Cops Demand He Get A Free Speech ‘Permit’ Before Handing Out Fliers
A free speech permit
"We can’t be surprised that Jew hatred is being normalized.”
Typical Washington: Bill Shuster admits ‘private and personal relationship’ with airline lobbyist
Jackie Robinson, Republican
Just like MLK Jr.
What is it about progressives that makes them think it is good for society to ignore the rule of law?
What does it take to convince libertarians and conservatives that climate change is a problem?
That's a tough challenge cuz I like climate change - wish for warmth
Bloomberg: “Environmental Groups Should Start Threatening” Congress, Gun Makers, Coal Industry & THEIR FAMILIES!
Pelosi: Hillary’s Votes Don’t Matter, What’s Important Is She’s A Woman
Should the Allies have bombed Auschwitz? A still-incendiary question
Muslim “Migrants” Throw Christians Overboard on Way to Italy
Maybe when they arrive in Italy they'll throw all the Catholics into the ocean