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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, May 25. 2021Perimenopausal symptomsPsychiatrists are often more alert to perimenopausal mood and cognitive changes. Whether estrogen replacement treatment is always the best solution is another question.
Bob Week
Give it a try, you readers who do not usually respond to Bob.
Tuesday morning links
Transgender Regret Is So Prevalent That Even the Mainstream Media Is Recognizing It Now Bookworm Beat 5/23/21 — the crazy times illustrated edition Queers for Palestine? Democratic policies have created a blue-state exodus US EMBASSIES TO HONOR GEORGE FLOYD Minneapolis: A CITY’S INEXORABLE DECLINE WSJ: A Year After George Floyd’s Murder, It’s ‘Open Season’ in Minneapolis. Homicides have more than doubled in a year. Three children have been shot in the past month. Biden Admin Won’t Admit There’s a Crime Problem, ‘There Is a Gun Problem’… The Revolution Comes to Juilliard. Racial hysteria is consuming the school; unchecked, it will consume the arts. ROCKIN’ PNEUMONIA OR THE WUHAN FLU? Canada: Ticketed for Shaking Hands Liz Wheeler Debunks Gender Pay Gap (video)
Learn From Gaza, Prepare For Hezbollah. If you thought the recently concluded Gaza conflict was bad, a war with Lebanese Hezbollah would be much worse, involving 100,000 more rockets, many with longer ranges. Eyeless in Gaza - Do I support a Palestinian state run by a fundamentalist terror cult that targets civilians? No, I don’t. 10 takeaways from the latest conflict between Israel and Hamas. If sending Israelis in and out of bomb shelters for nearly two weeks is a victory for Palestinian factions, so be it. Israelis came out virtually unscathed. Yet many serious challenges lie ahead. The End of the Illusion That Anti-Zionism Is Not Connected To Jew-Hatred Monday, May 24. 2021MulticulturalI've been thinking a little about China. Of course, all governments lie but to imagine that China cares about you, much less its own masses, would be crazy. At least when the US federal government lies (very often) there are people outside the MSM to notice, and humble websites like ours to report it. Fmr. NY Times Science Editor: Mainstream Media Chose Propaganda Over Research on COVID Origins. Of course they lie. Our reader Ben David has a good reality check on the Middle East:
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A birthday boy
Bob Dylan turns 80 today. Listen to the nice song there, with The Band, written for one or all of his kids. Also, a good appreciation of Bob. Monday morning linksRemember when leftists were obsessed with self-esteem? Woke Karens: We Won't Take Our Masks Off, Ever. CDC Changes Test Thresholds To Virtually Eliminate New COVID Cases Among Vaxx'd CDC Director Finally Admits That COVID Cases Were Over-Counted In Hospitals Just Like President Trump Said Last Summer Fauci Admits COVID May Have Been Man-Made — ADMITS TO FUNDING CHINESE LABS! Mortality From Drug Overdoses, Homicides, Unintentional Injuries, Motor Vehicle Crashes, and Suicides During the Pandemic, March-August 2020 San Francisco Teachers’ Unions Are the Ultimate Grifters It’s official: New York’s prospective teachers will no longer have to pass controversial literacy exam NY prep school students sent to "porn literacy" training Can America Be America When Jews Are Beaten in the Streets? As Pogromists Activate, Chuck Schumer Cowers The Democrats’ Scientific Racism NYC principal under fire for email imploring staff to support Palestinians Hamas’s forever war against Israel has a glitch, and it isn’t Iron Dome. Why Hamas promises another war soon, and another and another. And why it won’t work Sunday, May 23. 2021Full of mostly-migratory Warblers, for Bird Nerds only
This stream valley is a first-growth woodlands, plenty of underbrush (Shadbush, wild azalea, Mountain Laurel, etc.) and some small swamps full of swamp critters. A few pasture giant trees still standing. Probably was pasture 70 years ago, with woodlots on the slopes. Instead of cattle tramping through the stream, it's back to nature with otters, beaver, and a new forest. Warbler migration time in May is big fun for birders. One reason is because they are in breeding plumage. Another is because they pass through in great waves, unlike fall migration back to South and Central America. A third reason, I guess, is because all of our other passerine migrants arrive at the same time as the warblers. My goal would be to ID warblers by their song instead of trying to catch them by binoculars. They flit through the new leaves so frenetically, and some are so high, that it's just annoying. They have moved by the time you get the binocs up. If I could memorize most of their tunes (and all other passerines), I'd consider that a huge life accomplishment. I could walk through a place like a blind person, still "seeing" everything. As I have said, the most warbler species I have ever seen in one day (24) was in NYC's Central Park in a May some years ago. Here's a sample of what birders do in May, on the US Central Flyway in Ohio -
Fireflies and human mate selection
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Pentecost: From today's Lectionary
2:1 When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. 2:2 And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. 2:3 Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. 2:4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability. 2:5 Now there were devout Jews from every nation under heaven living in Jerusalem. 2:6 And at this sound the crowd gathered and was bewildered, because each one heard them speaking in the native language of each. 2:7 Amazed and astonished, they asked, "Are not all these who are speaking Galileans? 2:8 And how is it that we hear, each of us, in our own native language? 2:9 Parthians, Medes, Elamites, and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, 2:10 Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya belonging to Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, 2:11 Cretans and Arabs--in our own languages we hear them speaking about God's deeds of power." 2:12 All were amazed and perplexed, saying to one another, "What does this mean?" 2:13 But others sneered and said, "They are filled with new wine." 2:14 But Peter, standing with the eleven, raised his voice and addressed them, "Men of Judea and all who live in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and listen to what I say. 2:15 Indeed, these are not drunk, as you suppose, for it is only nine o'clock in the morning. 2:16 No, this is what was spoken through the prophet Joel: 2:17 'In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. 2:18 Even upon my slaves, both men and women, in those days I will pour out my Spirit; and they shall prophesy. 2:19 And I will show portents in the heaven above and signs on the earth below, blood, and fire, and smoky mist. 2:20 The sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon to blood, before the coming of the Lord's great and glorious day. 2:21 Then everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.' Beavers have been busyTrout stream, yesterday
Saturday, May 22. 2021Soft-shelled Crabs
When they moult (to grow) they are soft-shelled. Much as I love real Maryland crab cakes (all crab, no bread crumbs etc), my favorite is a sauteed soft-shell. You eat the entire juicy thing, feathers and all. The are alive and kicking at the fish market, but Mrs. BD has them kill them by cutting off their faces before she takes them home. A New England (and Maryland) classic is a soft-shelled crab sandwich. Way better than any Lobster Roll. Kung Fu Nuns
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Gone fishin'None of our carefully curated, artisanal, all-organic and gluten-free links this morning. Of course readers may enter interesting links in the comments.
Friday, May 21. 2021A few Friday bonus links
Do airport scanners detect drugs? Thank God for Big Pharma The University of California Berkeley has a budget allocation of $25 million for its Division of Equity and Inclusion. What education do they do? "That was very offensive to me. I’m not putting in myself, my hard work, his hard work, for you to tell me that he’s at second-grade reading." Climate Cult Now Considers Suburbs Unsustainable Epoch Times is balanced They are good The UK: It’s alright for some. The poorest will pay the highest price for Net Zero fantasies Chicago’s last Republican mayor left office in 1931. In April, Border Patrol reported more than 170,000 border crossers. Over 13,000 of those were unaccompanied minors. There is no end in sight and despite what the Biden administration says, the border is not closed or secure. How Europe Became Pro-Israel The ceasefire between Hamas and Israel seems to have taken effect overnight, but Iran’s war on Israel and the United States continues on many fronts. Legal shopliting
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Fly-fishing, Italian styleFriday morning links
Rumble in the jungle: what animals would win in a fight? If You’re Asking American Jews if They’re Religious, You Don’t Understand American Jews Greta Crestfallen After 'World's Largest Iceberg' Turns Out To Be Part Of Normal Cycle Vaccinated people explain why they're keeping their masks on Cuomo’s wacky new rules for kids at summer camps flout ‘the science’ yet again The Price of Conforming to Critical Race Theory Waking up from wokeness - On America’s “First Great Awokening.” How Liberal Elites Use Race to Keep Workers Divided—And Justify Class-Based Inequities What Biden And The Environmental Left Are Really Planning For Us Busted: Biden Admin Caught Secretly Flying Illegal Migrant Children Into Key Red State Abbott: Texas seized enough fentanyl at border to kill 'every single person' in New York. Abbott says there has been an almost 800% increase since year before Nice job, Joe Biden Unlawful assembly declared in Manhattan, pro-Palestinian caravan throws firework at Jews In Violent St. Louis, Mayor Wants To Empty Prisons And Defund The Police Why Does the Left Seemingly Hate Israel? Thursday, May 20. 2021DepressingReport: 15% of American blacks (whatever black means) can read at grade level. Scott reports the government data at the 39:00 point. It is a serious and disturbing issue. I doubt those numbers apply to charter schools.
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Lesbians, etc.
Most people just have no issues with it, but surely for some number of people sexual and/or love interests are different or variable. I have seen it many times. It's a given that sex life and love life are important parts of life. As an MD, I remain a skeptic about the trans fad because I know that people have fantasies about everything. Fantasies are always interesting. Lesbians Aren’t Attracted to a Female ‘Gender Identity.’ We’re Attracted to Women
Montenegro"Black Mountain." It is a nation, a tiny one on the Adriatic. Friends are taking their kids for a ten-day trip there, now that Europe is open. They want hill-hiking, seafood, and something different. The Eurozone is desperate to get American tourists back. 10% of the Eurozone's GDP has been tourism, before COVID.
Thursday morning links
Why do we hate the sound of our own voices? Fauci Admits Rand Paul Was Right: Mask-Wearing After Vax Was Theater Johns Hopkins Doctor: Closed-Schools Are An "American Disgrace" People Are Getting Tired of Woke Nonsense Military Begins Purge Of Extremists From Ranks CHICAGO’S MAYOR TO DISCRIMINATE AGAINST REPORTERS ON THE BASIS OF RACE Border crisis: A disaster entirely of Biden’s making The AP Downplayed the Border Crisis to Appease Leftwing Groups and Open Borders Advocates Police Officers Fired, Demoted For Criticizing BLM… BB: BLM Sends Rioters To Gaza To Protest Israel By Burning Down Palestinian Businesses “Pro-Palestinian” Gang Seeks Out And Attacks Jews In Los Angeles Riots break out at Jerusalem's holy sites: Israeli troops fire tear gas at Palestinians at the walls of the old city as two IDF soldiers are shot at protest on the West bank on 8th day of Gaza conflict Bookworm Beat 5/18/21 — the mostly Israel illustrated edition Wednesday, May 19. 2021Seems stupid, but it's politicsIdentify that vee-hicleLa bella figura. Antonio and Gennaro often drove this model around Italy. Fun car. Make, model, and year? Ans: Some readers had it right - An Alfa Romeo Giulieta Spider which were built from '55 to '64 with almost no changes. My current ride is an ALFA Stelvio. Maserati engine. Fun car. Never had a problem with it. Always wanted an Italian car. They are making them much better now.
Do cardio and calisthenics interfere with weight-training and strength-building?
My gyms have no dedicated body-builders but I notice that strength-oriented people will do an occasional treatmill run or 10 minutes on the Jacob's Ladder. They also tend to be the only people, besides me, who jump rope regularly. (Jumping is great HIIT cardio, and almost fun if you mix up your jumps. Takes a little skill and practice, but that's a cool challenge.) I also notice that some gym regulars do almost entirely weights, some only take daily calisthenics classes at 6 am (30 people in my classes), and some only do "cardio" on the treadmills, ellipticals, or Stairmaster. To each his or her own. Because the Maggie's Fitness for Life program is designed for endurance, energy, athleticism, and to stall or reverse the effects of sloth and age (and to look good, too) more than to build intimidating muscle mass, I think general fitness is worth any possible compromise in growth of muscle. Also, strength and muscle mass are not necessarily equivalents. I know a gal who does deadlift reps at 300 lbs, and does not look "muscular". That said, no reason not to keep trying to improve one's deads, squats, and benches. Sturdiness. Addendum: I have little doubt that training for distance running is a problem for weight training. I was just thinking about gym work. Distance work training (for marathons, +) takes a serious toll. What do our readers think? Wednesday morning links
Has the Audubon Society gone lefty? Eating Itself: Woke University Condemns Darwin for White Supremacy WSJ: Trump Allies Promote Portfolios Targeting ‘Unwoke Investors’ Dr. Fauci Admits His Wearing Masks Indoors Despite Being Vaccinated Was All For Show How CDC Went From ‘Impending Doom’ To Telling All Vaccinated People To Take Their Masks Off This Article Is “Partly False”. Supposedly engaged in a struggle against misinformation, Facebook and its fact-checking partner spread their own. MINNEAPOLIS RESIDENTS AGREED NOT TO CALL THE COPS, THEN THE RAPES BEGAN Kamala Harris behind the curve on all those illegal migration 'root causes' Kotkin: The Rise of Corporate-State Tyranny BLM ‘Stands In Solidarity’ With Hamas… Report: Israel shared intelligence on Hamas assets based in destroyed Gaza tower with U.S. House Democrats block consideration of bill sanctioning Hamas financial supporters India Reports 50 Doctors Dead In A Single Day As COVID Mortality Peaks
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