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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, April 30. 2016Volunteers in AmericaThe proportion of Americans who participate in philanthropic activities—70 percent—is higher than the number who vote. American people get together to do things, to make good things happen. Professional organizers not required. Good things happen organically.
Saturday morning links
Good Gem headed to the Hudson: Pier 55 park clears key hurdle The statistics don't support helicopter parenting A Conversation with Camille Paglia Are 'Innovation Districts' Right for Every City? “Labeling something innovative does not make it so.” Spinoza: Why should a 17th-century Portuguese-Jewish philosopher whose dense and opaque writings are notoriously difficult to understand incite such passionate devotion, even obsession, among a lay audience in the 21st century? 'Ban the Box' Goes to College Moral turpitude is old-fashioned Title IX: How a Good Idea Became Higher Education's Worst Nightmare Rugged males not wanted Meeting the rainbow bullies halfway never works because they see their struggle as a new civil rights movement At Marquette, Honesty, Free Speech, and Tenure No Match for Political Correctness "... these religious leaders are advocating for more authoritarian government over freedom. Consistent Surge of People Crossing Illegally Corrupt politics: Putrefaction Most Foul Trump Thumps the Ruling Class - He fits the temper of the times. Boehner’s Unreasonable Attack on Cruz Krauthammer: The World According to Trump neoneo: A reminder that Congress did repeal Obamacare Democrats Have a Serious Male Voter Problem Simple Patriotism Trumps Ideology Friday, April 29. 2016"Timid and industrious animals"Re Sen. Coburn's speech to Congress:
What if most people are happy to be sheep with a government-shepherd? Immigrant mobsImmigrant mobs get violent with Trump audience. This does not help their cause, whatever their cause is.
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HII for Cardio, ferocity, and related topics It is true that if you jog a mile three times/wk for a month you can add another mile the next month, and so on until you hit your limit (or the limit of available time). That's fine, but far from efficient endurance training. It's good to see that the media is finally catching up with what exercise physiologists have known for decades: Mild-moderate aerobic cardiorespiratory/cardiovascular ("Cardio") exercising does not lead to much improvement (but it's better than sitting): 1 Minute of All-Out Exercise May Have Benefits of 45 Minutes of Moderate Exertion At the ordinary gym, you will see many people diligently, virtuously, monotonously, putting in their 45-60 minutes on treadmills, bikes, ellipticals, rowers. You will see joggers doing the same outdoors. They will not lose weight by doing that, they will not get stronger doing that, and it can only benefit (and then, only slightly) a damaged heart in cardiac rehab. The American Heart Association doesn't tell you that. It's not their narrative. They are still telling people to avoid fats, so that tells you how out of touch they are. More below the fold -
Continue reading "HII for Cardio, ferocity, and related topics" Friday morning links I just don't get Facebook Aging Runners Find Help for a Question: How Slow Will I Get? Despite their small brains – ravens are just as clever as chimps The war on elephants This ‘Bikini Airline’ is Going to Create Vietnam’s First Female Billionaire University of Chicago Earns Highest Free Speech Rating Yale: Beyond parody Last year's Onion is today's news Only 37% of American 12th-graders were academically prepared for college math and Sounds too high to me. Murray says 10% at most but maybe it depends on what the meaning of "college" is. Tennessee Votes to Cut Diversity Spending So Students Protest Global Warming Is Making The Weather Nice, But Doom Is Coming Soon Or Something What Would Happen If We Just Gave People Money? We already do give people other people's money Oops! The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Gets Slapped Down At least he is not making millions from Global Warming, like Gore Despite Kerry Demand That US Reduce Usage Of Fossil Fuel, His Family Trust Heavily Invested In It Trump’s ‘Foreign Policy’: Incoherent and Shallow Donald Trump Rejects ‘False Song of Globalism’ in Nationalist ‘America First’ Foreign Policy Speech Speech did not bother me How Trump Can Win the Black Vote to Win the Election Trump vs. Clinton: A Battle Between Two Opposite Americas The Clinton Pivot Begins - You’re about to meet the second coming of Franklin Roosevelt and Bill Clinton. Stockman: Anything Trumps Hillary
Flooded With Migrants, Germany Struggles to Integrate Them Got that backwards. Immigrants are supposed to struggle to adjust. As Demographic Problems Grow, Japan Weighs Immigration Somalis? IF YOU GIVE A DICTATOR THE RIGHT TO SILENCE CRITICS, HE’S GOING TO ASK FOR MORE Israel’s economy: Reasons to be cheerful – and some for concern Nobel Prize-worthy chutzpah Thursday, April 28. 2016Best ice creamMore senior skiers with lucky genes and good attitudesKidsA few Northeast hikesWith Springtime finally upon us up here, the skis are put away and the hiking boots come out. When people get out of town, they want and need to get off the sofa and hiking in the woods and mountains. Here are a few ideas for tougher, and easier, hikes: Hiking in the White Mountains Hiking Mount Washington Section hikes of the Appalachian Trail in New England The Breakneck trails in the Hudson Highlands Hike up Monument Mountain What are some of your favorites in this neck of the woods? Mt. Moosilauke
Posted by Bird Dog
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Thursday morning links
Human Life Begins With Bright Flash of Light Mouse life too Mrs. Sippican's Birthday Happy Birthday, Mrs. S, and many happy returns Newest Test Scores are Bad News for Centralized Education, Common Core A book: Shantung Compound China Ready to Grow its GMOs and Eat Them, Too Unifying Themes Behind Pseudoscience Believing In Two Genders Is A ‘Hate Crime’ Under Police Investigation At Catholic College Unhinged Clemson poli sci professor stands up to activist bullies ‘Racist’ Noose Drawing Leads to Two Black Students Gotta invent hate, or there would not be anything to bitch about Missouri Students’ Latest Target: The Campus Sushi Restaurant A short history of Masters at Yale Where Did the Government Jobs Go? Secret Service Plans to Raise White House Fence by 5 Feet A big beautiful fence? Even Somalis Know the Mexico Border Is a Sieve Cartels Help Terrorists in Mexico Get to U.S. to Explore Targets; ISIS Militant Shaykh Mahmood Omar Khabir Among Them Walter Williams reflects on his 81st birthday We Know How to Fix Poverty, as Kansas Reminds Us We Know How to Fix Poverty, as Kansas Reminds Us Scarborough: Trump’s sweep is another humiliating defeat for media and political elites Only Republicans can make President Hillary Clinton a reality. Latest Woman to Try Marines' Infantry Officer Course Drops after Hike Abu Sayyaf's Criminal Jihad in the Philippines Dershowitz Blasts Obama for Treatment of Netanyahu Who is ‘Owed an Apology’ US university heads oppose academic boycott of Israel Islamic State Moves to Libya Is Jim Kim Destroying the World Bank — or Saving it From Itself?
Wednesday, April 27. 2016Grant's TombWe were just there...so I was surprised to see this in my NY Historical Society feed today. Grant's Tomb dedicated on April 27, 1897. Our Urban Hike had some relatively good timing. Squats
I found that I had to work up to barbell squats by using the leg press machine, doing plain squats, and doing goblet squats or heavy ball squats. Now I can do barbell squats. I did 5 sets of 6-10 this morning of increasing weights, and man do I feel it. Her form is perfect. Get that butt back, chest out, head up, and go low. Perhaps lower than she goes if you can. This gal is strong and fit:
Forgotten FarmsA New England dairy farm documentary by Dave Simonds. The trailer:
One Regulation Is Painless...From One Regulation Is Painless. A Million of Them Hurt:
Climate changesIt's been a while since we posted this sort of graph (this from The Fable of a Stable Climate). Facts do not necessarily calm the hysterical, but all you can do is to try.
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Wednesday morning links
City planning: ‘Mixed use’ sounds good on paper Danish Could Face “Red Meat” Tax Michelle Obama Lunch Rules Ban Fried Foods, Frosted Flakes in Daycare French dis-connection: The New York Times flees its own labor utopia “Justice-involved youth” - Euphemism of the Decade Twitter Gains in Users Aren't Enough to Spur Advertising Growth Surviving Mission Creep - The Inglorious History Of Economic Central Planning One of the more obvious aspects of the modern lynch mob is it is almost always composed of women. De Blasio’s administration might be the dumbest in modern times "Figures Don't Lie But Liars Figure": The Disingenuous Obama Administration's Report That Claims Obamacare's Average Premiums Rose by Only 8% in 2015 It’s not Europe but America that is necessary for a Free World Clumsy Hillary Attacks Trump on His Wealth – But Owns 2 Multi-Million Dollar Mansions Clinton Email Scandal: What Did Hillary Crony Admit That Everyone Already Knows? Re Hillary! White lies matter Trump Stumps Deniers Obama, Germany, and ‘The Right Side of History’ Obama Stands Silent, And Even Piles On, As Europe Attacks Google Obama calls for strong, united Europe Why? North Korea: It’s the Proliferation, Stupid Majority of Palestinian youth support knife attacks on Jews Tuesday, April 26. 2016Real education
Spring 2016 Maggie's Hike Photo Report with a free ad for AdvilAll of New York City - not just Manhattan - is a patchwork of neighborhoods. If somebody asks you where you live, you name a neighborhood, not a street. The neighborhoods, with their mostly fuzzy edges, are distinctive in character and more like towns with invisible boundaries. During this Maggie's Hike on the past Saturday I figure we explored, or at least passed through, these Manhattan neighborhoods: Lower East Side and Alphabet City, the East Village, Gramercy Park, Murray Hill, a bit of Midtown, a slice of the Upper East Side, most of Central Park, the Upper West Side, and Morningside Heights to the edge of Harlem. Not bad for a day's stroll. That was 12 miles in all and 7 hours total, including pit stops, lunch break, visits into some places of interest, etc. Heck, Advil works! Pic above is not our starting DD on Delancey St. - that pic is on Houston St. Our team included friends, relatives, friends of Maggie's (new friends) from all over. We also had with us celebrities like Stuart of Had Enough Therapy, Francis of Manhattan Contrarian, Dave of Assistant Village Idiot, Pic documentary below the fold to see what you missed -
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Posted by Bird Dog
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VDH on Trump"What the elites now consider normal and standard seems, to a growing minority of Americans, aberrant and unhinged — and they are looking for a remedy, even if it is mostly rhetorical and chimerical."
Posted by The News Junkie
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Tuesday morning links Canadian mom investigated for letting kids play alone in backyard Social Security or Savings? Um. Try a Little of Both. How Modern Life Transforms Men into Wussies LeEco CEO Jia Yueting says Apple is outdated Administration Still Bailing Insurers Out of Obamacare Exchanges Defenders of Clarence Thomas Go on Offense Following Controversial HBO Film Email bombshell: Attorneys General worked with Green groups to punish political opponents "A Total Game Changer" - From Over-Population To De-Population The Federal Speech Police Are At it Again NPR informs us of the latest forbidden word WHY ARE DEMOCRAT-RUN CITIES SUCH CESSPITS OF RAMPANT LAWLESSNESS AND VIOLENCE? Former FBI Analyst: People Criticizing Trump’s Wall Should Take Down Their Walls and Security Cameras First Why Democrats Are Becoming the Party of the 1 Percent Bernie Sanders Doesn’t Know Diddly-Squat About Wall Street Has Hillary Clinton Outstayed Her Welcome? Islamists Hack Editor Of Transgender Magazine To Death In Bangladesh… Cuba: will the balloon pop? Saudi prince unveils sweeping plans to end 'addiction' to oil 83 senators, but not Sanders, urge Obama to increase Israel military aid A book: Cossentino on Marolda and Dunnavent, 'Combat at Close Quarters: Warfare on the Rivers and Canals of Vietnam' JewelsMonday, April 25. 2016Physician-assisted dying
I read this short piece, Death and the Psychiatrist, and do not feel that it was worth publishing (or linking, except as an example of a weak essay). Of course, I saw plenty of dying during my medical training. There are many ways to die, but the worst one is to die in agony and terror. Nobody needs that. It seems common enough these days to see terminally-ill patients tortured by heroic medical efforts. I hate to hear about this. Physicians, of all people, should know when to let go even if families do not. Hope is not a plan. When your 104-lb body is packed with cancer and wracked with pain, would you chose one more round of chemotherapy, or hospice care where you would be gently eased out of it all, floating on a sea of morphine?
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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Cool idea
The only thing I would do differently would be to permit sustainable hunting, and build a rustic hunting lodge or two. Rustic enough to deter people looking for comfort. Monday morning links
Foods Loaded With Sugar, Salt and Fat? Bring It Health: You Will Not Live Forever Even if I go gluten free? Did Harvard Investigate Conservative Students? The New Sexual Ideology Wins Another Skirmish One in six BBC stars ´must be gay or lesbian or disabled´ by 2020 says new staff-hiring guidelines at the corporation Why limit it to that? Heavy teen marijuana use may cut life short I doubt that it is causal Restoring Voting Rights Lets Felons 'Feel Good About Themselves Again' Makes sense: un-caught felons vote anyway Climate Deal Forecast: Frost for the U.S. Economy, Slush Funds for the Planet The Fairness Industrial Complex ‘Border kids’ crisis is sadder than ever Are Lefties smug? Oops! Chelsea shot off her mouth on guns, and now Hillary has to pander Why not just campaign against illegally-owned weapons? Hillary Clinton backs the highest soda tax ever proposed BARBARIANS INSIDE THE GATES - Navy Secretary Ray Mabus and the cultural evisceration of the U.S. Navy. Turkey's Erdogan Goes Full-Dictator: Arrests Dutch Journalist For Critical Tweet Turkey Blackmails Europe on Visa-Free Travel Muslim Migrants in Germany Chant “Adolf Hitler” and Allahu Akbar” Sheesh. Assimilate already like good Germans
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