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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, April 26. 2016Tuesday morning links Canadian mom investigated for letting kids play alone in backyard Social Security or Savings? Um. Try a Little of Both. How Modern Life Transforms Men into Wussies LeEco CEO Jia Yueting says Apple is outdated Administration Still Bailing Insurers Out of Obamacare Exchanges Defenders of Clarence Thomas Go on Offense Following Controversial HBO Film Email bombshell: Attorneys General worked with Green groups to punish political opponents "A Total Game Changer" - From Over-Population To De-Population The Federal Speech Police Are At it Again NPR informs us of the latest forbidden word WHY ARE DEMOCRAT-RUN CITIES SUCH CESSPITS OF RAMPANT LAWLESSNESS AND VIOLENCE? Former FBI Analyst: People Criticizing Trump’s Wall Should Take Down Their Walls and Security Cameras First Why Democrats Are Becoming the Party of the 1 Percent Bernie Sanders Doesn’t Know Diddly-Squat About Wall Street Has Hillary Clinton Outstayed Her Welcome? Islamists Hack Editor Of Transgender Magazine To Death In Bangladesh… Cuba: will the balloon pop? Saudi prince unveils sweeping plans to end 'addiction' to oil 83 senators, but not Sanders, urge Obama to increase Israel military aid A book: Cossentino on Marolda and Dunnavent, 'Combat at Close Quarters: Warfare on the Rivers and Canals of Vietnam' Trackbacks
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"How Modern Life Transforms Men into Wussies"
No, its NOT "modern life"; its the Feminine Imperative running modern life that creates wussies! If a young man gives in to all the false teaching that he has to endure in order to deal with the modern, "strong, independent" woman (who is neither when SHTF time comes), then he may become a wussie or even worse a male feminist/white knight. But that can be countered by understanding the true shallow, self-centered hypergamous nature of women's mating strategy and countering same. In other words, young men: TAKE THE RED PILL! No men? No civilization! I'm just glad I'm old and happily married (33 years this year). But I look around at young American women today and find them singularly unattractive, and I feel for my sons, neither of whom is in a relationship and apparently don't want to be. I know if I were their age I would just be disgusted. And it's not like that in other parts of the world--go to a country like Korea and you will be blown away by how women act and dress there, compared to American women. Like night and day.
During Thomas' confirmation hearing, democrats controlled both houses of congress. Even the dems weren't buying hill's garbage.
Judith: During Thomas' confirmation hearing, democrats controlled both houses of congress. Even the dems weren't buying hill's garbage.
Understanding of sexual harassment has changed considerably since then. Just consider the makeup of the Senate committee — fourteen men. Our understanding of sexual harassment sure has changed! See Clinton, Bill.
anon: How many were fathers?
How many fathers understand their daughters? anon,
Are you really trying to make the antediluvian argument that woman are just as well represented by men? Why should women be given the vote? They're husbands will vote their interests, won't they? "Their husbands"
2016-04-27 10:30
The CIA must be destroyed, the left constantly spreads lies and rumors to accomplish just that. They are perfect targets because no matter what you say about them true or false they can neither confirm or deny it. The left has convinced a large segment of the population that the CIA brought drugs into the African American communities to destroy their families. This is now accepted as fact by most on the left. Every film Hollywood produced that involved the CIA always showed them as a degenerate force for evil. Why wouldn't the prize winning journalist write an expose on George Soros, a man who has contributed so much money to anti-American organizations? Does George Soros even exist? I only ask because I don't believe his name has ever been said on MSM news sources and is only mentioned on right wing blogs. Perhaps Soros is a figment of the CIA's imagination
QUOTE: A book: Cossentino on Marolda and Dunnavent, 'Combat at Close Quarters: Warfare on the Rivers and Canals of Vietnam'... A lack of standard riverine warfare doctrine, for instance, often compelled small unit leaders to “throw away the rulebook” and develop innovative tactics that reflected what worked in the field. That's how John Kerry won his Silver Star. They were on river patrol, when they were ambushed. Instead of backing away per the usual procedure, they turned into the ambush, beached their Swift Boats, and attacked the ambushers. Kerry chased and killed a Viet Cong Commander, Nguyễn Bá Thanh, who was ready to fire a B-40 rocket launcher at the Swift Boats from close range. Kerry & Hood with captured weapons Somehow his getting a Silver Star isn't so interesting to me when he claimed he threw it over the WH fence in protest, but then we find out that it wasn't his after all.
Gee, not according to anyone else there who wasn't named "Kerry".
He deserved a Silver Star as much as Obama deserved the Nobel Peace Prize! Earl T: Gee, not according to anyone else there who wasn't named "Kerry".
That is incorrect. We have the original citation as evidence. Kerry's crew mates support the story. The Vietnamese villagers support the story. And the physical evidence, including the fatal wounds suffered by the Viet Cong commander, supports the story. Kerry & Hood with captured weapons Don't forget that he took off his belt and tied it around one of his wounded comrades and with the end of his belt between his teeth he swam for 12 hours to safety. Oh wait it was two wounded comrades and when he got to safety he operated on one of them and saved his life. Oh! Oh! Don't forget that he was in Cambodia on a top secret mission when this all happened.
I just love rewriting history. Regarding the 'total game changer' - it is not true that ''...none of the models ever accounted for a shrinking young population absent income, savings, or job opportunity vs. massive growth in the old with a vast majority reliant on government programs in their generally underfunded retirements ..'' Laurence J. Kotlikoff and Scott Burns wrote about it in 'The Coming Generational Storm: What You Need to Know about America's Economic Future' originally published in 2004. The new edition offers more critical insight on how to weather this change.
QUOTE: Besides the “some see” in the New York Times’ headline, the choice of the word “intractable” to describe the city’s feral homeless is a nice touch. Problems are always "intractable" when they happen to Democrat-led governments. Before Giuliani was elected mayor, the press was wondering if New York was an ungovernable city. But that was when Democrat David Dinkins was mayor. When I retired I scanned the Social Security document that I had received into a spreadsheet (Lotus 123). Then I also scanned the yearly closing values of the S&P 500 and calculated that if I had been allowed to put the SSA contributions into an index fund I would have had $498,254. When I retired I could have withdrawn (every month) two times the amount I receive from Social Security without depleting the principal. As a matter of fact, even with all the ups and downs of the markets it would have grown. I did, however, invest all my working life and don't have to worry about running out of money. And I'm not filthy rich, I'm just slightly soiled.
RE: Islamists Hack Editor Of Transgender Magazine To Death In Bangladesh
ripped from today's headlines: QUOTE: OUTRAGE! PROMINENT FARM BLOG SPLITS INFINITIVE! Style and Usage Rules Brutally Violated! Hundreds believed shocked Canada still north of US cross-dresser killed Re the Clarence Thomas movie.
The leftists love to revise history. Years ago they produced the movie "the trials of Alger Hiss" which tried to exonerate Hiss by claiming he had been framed. Alas, when the Venona transcripts were released in the 1990s they proved beyond any doubt that Hiss was a spy for the USSR and the claims of the movie were false. RE Academic Absurdity of the Week
I'm not sure what its about, cockfighting maybe? QUOTE: Those insights lead us toward a truly inclusive eco/feminist psychology centered on acceptance of situated human animality and an understanding of traumatic alienation as a factor in both personal and communal problems in living, including climate change. I'm not buying this. if a wymym can be a Marine rifleperson, then a hen can fight roosters in the pit. Re: kids playing alone in the backyard...I sent this to a brat of mine who survived such a perilous experience unscathed (I had 3 kids in 3 years, who were sometimes alone in the fenced in yard from the time the oldest was 5, to dig, climb and play fort, wack each other, chase the dog, play Dinosaur Town, etc). She thought it was from the Onion! I can't imagine what people would have done to my mom: I roamed the fields and thickets of our farm from 4 or 5 on, usually up to no good with the boy on the farm next door. As we got older we threw rocks at Hornets' nests, shot bb guns, rode ponies, built forts, swam, shot bows and arrows, stalked adults pretending they were evil Commie Russian invaders, practiced parachute jumps by jumping off 12 foot walls (we were very warlike) and all without tiresome adult supervision. No doubt Social Services should have been called. We had too much fun. Shouldn't have been allowed....
I myself look back and marvel that I wasn't seriously injured jumping off the roof of the tractor shed! How did we ever survive all the stuff we got into?
I walked to school and the store (1.5 blocks) before the age of five and have my mother's proud diary entries to prove it. ( I'm 66 now).
And I too jumped off a shed,testing my homemade parachute. (Didn't work) This crap is inconceivable to me, but sadly it seems normal to our current generation. My mother used to say that she sometimes wondered how all her family survived to grow up - two brothers and two sisters - on the farm. As if normal farm life weren't hazardous enough back in the early days of the last century, the kids decided it was fun to "teach turkeys how to fly". Apparently this involved hauling half-grown turkey poults up to the top of the barn and tossing them overboard. Apparently successful, as no little corpses to bury, but - needless to say - strictly forbidden and only done when parents were away to town.
Glad to see you are here today Donny. I have a question I have been trying to get some reliable information about, perhaps you and the Barrister can help me find good info.
Question: What are the criteria for a research project to obtain test scores from a particular K-8 school? Is it possible to obtain all test scores within a certain time frame without obtaining the permission of parents? Thanks for your help--both of you. I am curious as to how the NEA, or a DA, or whoever supports whatever claims they make about grade improvement and test scores. http://www.k12.wa.us/publicrecordsrequest/
probably not but start here "A Total Game Changer" - From Over-Population To De-Population
This is not a problem except for the socialism/welfare state. The welfare state is based on a human history anomaly. Back in the '20s and '30s they anticipated the population increases due to advances in sanitation and disease control on the mortality controls then controlling population size. But they ignored that by the late 1960s, the fertility controls of birth control, abortion and late marriage would kick in and be spurred on by the economic failure of the socialist state (in Europe and elsewhere) and the interventionist (government control through regulation) in the US. Who wants to have a lot of kids when the economy is in decline? In any case, these days, having just one child, even late in life, is a good bet that child will reach adulthood. So why have the increased poverty risk of multiple children? Now someone is going to get a Nobel Prize in Economics, probably belatedly, when they figure out how the economy works without a growing consumer base and without relative (pricewise) scarcity of basic needs. Want to really see your Indian friends twist off?
Just ask them if it's proper to use the word "squaw". |