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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Sunday, April 24. 2016Grades Just Keep on InflatingDeadsFor those interested, I have added a Physical Fitness category to assemble some of our better fitness posts. Here is all you need to know about the types of deadlifts: Deadlifts: Which Type is Best For You? I only do the Conventional, because I do deads mainly to sturdy-up my "posterior chain," ie neck to back to calf to ankle. It has done a lot for my posture and my overall power. See recent pic of me, below (actually, not me but I self-identify as that so you have to accept it - and if you do not you may not use my bathroom): The Powder Philosophy98 Year Old Skier George - The Powder Philosophy
Some Classic Audio
No other announcer can boast Scully's experience, beginning in Brooklyn in 1950, following the Dodgers to Los Angeles, there are few team voices as unique and recognizable as Scully's.
Posted by Bulldog
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From today's LectionaryRevelation 21:1-6
School1950s. What is he carrying?
Saturday, April 23. 2016The Maggie's Urban Hike
Tired, covered about 11.7 miles. More later from others who took pictures. I need to rest the barking dogs. Mrs. Bulldog says I, as tour guide, started strong, had a weak middle, but we finished strong. Pic is our sign at our meet spot in the Dunkin on Delancey St. How Americans Became So Sensitive to HarmIt's not just the terror that Johnny might break his arm in the playground. It's not a "sticks and stones" country any more, at least among the coastal elites.
"Nearly half of Americans would have trouble finding $400 to pay for an emergency. I’m one of them."A confessional from Neal Gabler: The Secret Shame of Middle-Class American. Living beyond one's means, and not saving. Not a happy combination. How to sound smart in your TED TalkAn Italian dessert treat If you don't like this, there is something wrong with you. Plus, it combines a sweet, an after-dinner drink, and after-dinner coffee, all-in-one. Last night, friends served us home-made vanilla gelato with a handful of raspberries on top, then sprinkled with mini chocolate chips. Damn simple and tasty. Saturday morning links Were people once better educated? 14 Classic Facts About Cracker Jack 'Game of Thrones' Walking Tour of Dubrovnik Many of us think painful crunches are the way to ripped abs. But is this true? Or could they even be doing us harm? Sit-ups are pretty much a waste of time Reclaiming “Redneck” Urbanism: What Urban Planners Can Learn From Trailer Parks Farm to Table is Farm to Fable Earth Day? When do we celebrate ‘Capitalism Day’ to remind us of what’s behind environmental improvements? For Earth Day: ‘Recycling is garbage’ from the NYT in 1996; it broke hate mail record Newspaper Reporter Still the Worst Job in America But you get to Change The World. Really, though, it's sad.
The Average American 29-Year-Old - Forget media archetypes of older Millennials as college-educated singles living in cities. The typical 29-year-old is living with a partner in the suburbs—without a bachelor’s degree. ".. not one in ten university students today benefit from higher education." Well, sort of. It can help them get a job. Only Hindus Are Allowed to Chant, Assert Liberal Culture Enforcers on Campus British Schools Ask 4-Year-Olds to Pick Their Gender British Schools Ask 4-Year-Olds to Pick Their Gender - See more at: http://moonbattery.com/?p=71313#sthash.Um5bQnKR.dpuf What does Schilling have to do with Trump? The answer is plenty Overregulated - Small Business Should Be Priority Number One Harriet Tubman was a Gun-Toting Republican Screaming Black Lives Matter Protesters Bust Up Milo Yiannopoulous Speech – Chaos Ensues Academic Freedom in an Age of Conformity: Confronting the Fear of Knowledge Bernie's plan: Make America European again! Hey, Berniacs: I Learned to Love Hillary and So Can You I went to a Bernie Sanders rally dressed as a liberal douche and it went exactly as expected. Trump team tells GOP he has been 'projecting an image' Introducing ‘The President Erdogan Offensive Poetry Competition’ – £1000 prize to be won Excellent fun Obama infuriates the Brits as he threatens to send UK ´to the back of the queue´if they vote to leave the European Union Saturday Verse: ShakespeareSONNET 74
A few clarifying notes on # 74 BucketsBD daughter in NYC snapped these nuns shooting hoops yesterday.
Friday, April 22. 2016On Earth Day, let’s appreciate our fossil fuel energy treasures that come from the Earth’s natural environmenGaps
Why are there so many Canadians and Russians who play hockey? Why are most of my friends Jewish? Why is one side of my family comprised overwhelmingly by educators, while the other is in some form of business management? There is a knee-jerk response by the Left to always and everywhere explain gaps by relying on 'discrimination' of some kind. While this may be true, it's rarely the sole or even the primary reason for gaps. Gaps sometimes happen because certain groups pursue opportunities and benefits differently and/or more effectively. But there are many reasons for gaps, and discrimination isn't even the most interesting one to study. A Yankeeland classic: Codfish Cakes Cod, Scrod, or Haddock all work. Like the best crab cakes, codfish cakes are best without any filler like mashed potatoes or dough. Maybe just a dash of flour and egg to hold it together. The ingredients in this recipe are good, but I disagree with putting the meat in a food processor. Best to simply steam the meat a little until it begins to flake, and then stir it around with the mix so it breaks up somewhat. Probably the most classic version is made from dried salt cod, "bacala", but there is no need to use that. Serve with lemon, tartar sauce, or even red seafood sauce. Or best, nothing but salt and a glass of wine. NYC hike reminder - tomorrow morningWe'd like to meet ya regardless of any political nonsense. By or before 10 am at 140 Delancey St., outside the Dunkin Donuts there. Our Great Leader Bulldog will have some identifying something. (God knows, the Dunkin had better be there or we're all screwed up.) Tall skinny hipster-looking dude with some cap or hat and a nice wife. Hike details. Should be perfect weather and a good, long, tiring but congenial hike. Cameras, bottle of water, good shoes, binocs if you are into the early warblers in the Park. Around 12:30, snacks at the Grand Army Plaza food trucks. I expect a good but not-unwieldy bunch, including at least 2 of my sisters and probably my bro. End point? Grant's Tomb. Where else?
Friday morning links Got a ride last night in a pal's new Tesla. After two whiskeys, even he was startled by the acceleration. Everything loose in the car flew to the back. Rocket Man. Then he had to demonstrate its no-hands driving. Sheesh. Vanilla Mania - Do we need the real thing or can we do with a number of molecules? NY real estate: Regulatory Arbitrage, Rent-Seeking and the Deal of the Year New Land, Expansionism, and Affordability - A Sketch-Theory of Why Suburbia and Exurbia Are So Resilient How the Hillsong Cool Factor Changed Worship for Good and for Ill Sipp: How The Festival of Trash Saved My Bacon Vinerism strikes the snowmobiling industry Oh dear. Fewer fossil fuel burning, carbon-spewing loud machines racing thru the woods Americans Really Enjoying This Warmer, More Agreeable Weather VDH: The horrors of Hiroshima in context Harvard Law School Students Want To End Tuition Duh. I want a free Maserati. Transgender Hate Hoax at University of North Carolina Without fake hate, there would be darn little hate U of Wisconsin is a hotbed of racism UC Berkeley Touts $15 Minimum Wage Law, Then Fires Hundreds Of Workers After It Passes The Primaries Aren’t Democratic? They’re Not Supposed to Be Democratic. Transgender Hate Hoax at University of North Carolina - See more at: http://moonbattery.com/?p=71223#sthash.ux5nnfMJ.dpuf Sheriff Clarke Blasts Clinton for Pandering, Dehumanizing Blacks If only Barack and Bernie could do for the USA what Hugo and Nicolas have done for Venezuela THOUSANDS Line Highway to Get a Glimpse of Donald Trump in Maryland Trump's Policies Will Have Trumpkins 'Mad as Hell' Hillary: “We Have Just Too Many Guns . . . In Our Homes” Says the woman who is surrounded by men with guns 24/7 Colorado school district to arm security officers with semiautomatic rifles Sounds crazy Clinton Insider Says He 'Wouldn't Be Surprised' If Hillary's Server Was Hacked Hillary Clinton Is Too Big to Fail Hillary Clinton Is Too Big to Fail Z-man on women in combat:
Professor Withholding Recommendation for Female Student Who Likes Guns When the West appeases Islam ...they just go back for more 5 ‘big ideas’ to guide us in the Long War against Islamic extremism Regulatory Arbitrage, Rent-Seeking and the Deal of the Year - See more at: http://marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2016/04/regulatory-arbitrage-deal-of-the-year.html#sthash.0fa5Lo0p.dpuf Regulatory
Arbitrage, Rent-Seeking and the Deal of the Year - See more at: http://marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2016/04/regulatory-arbitrage-deal-of-the-year.html#sthash.0fa5Lo0p.dpuf Thursday, April 21. 2016Thank you, AllstateFancy folk have Chubb and the others, but good old Allstate has been a boon to our family over the past few months. Also, pleasant, helpful, and easy to deal with. Eager to please. A near-total car crash and, this week, a burst water pipe in the basement. Whatever it is, they send people to fix and repair every mess, like the Cat in the Hat. We have their Homeowner's, their Auto, their Business, and their Umbrella. Worth it. We have been expensive to them this year, but 25 years with only one (also a basement water pipe) previous claim. Hope they don't cancel us. Thanks, Allstate.
Cool airshowHealthy skepticism
Much has been written about faith, especially religious faith. In a post-enlightenment world, faith has been, supposedly, relegated to the religion category but, as in ancient times, faith, superstition, and imagination continue to effect non-religious attitudes and thinking. Human nature. Much of what we all believe is not Truth. Maybe most of it. Thus healthy skepticism. Not paranoia but cheerful skepticism. Regarding Science and Scientism, few if any scientists are Scientism-ists. Those in the hard sciences can be hard-nosed, but even they need grants and jobs and need to feed their families. "Dear Scrotty Students"This letter was a hoax of sorts, posted somewhere on the internet as a response from Oxford to students attending as Rhodes Scholars to remove the statue of Oxford Benefactor Cecil Rhodes. Not sure who wrote this. Best line to the students: "Understand us and understand this clearly: you have everything to learn from us; we have nothing to learn from you." American higher ed administrators might bear that in mind. Dear Scrotty Students, Cecil Rhodes’s generous bequest has contributed greatly to the comfort and well being of many generations of Oxford students – a good many of them, dare we say it, better, brighter and more deserving than you. This does not necessarily mean we approve of everything Rhodes did in his lifetime – but then we don’t have to. Cecil Rhodes died over a century ago. Autres temps, autres moeurs. If you don’t understand what this means – and it would not remotely surprise us if that were the case – then we really think you should ask yourself the question: “Why am I at Oxford?” Oxford, let us remind you, is the world’s second oldest extant university. Scholars have been studying here since at least the 11th century. We’ve played a major part in the invention of Western civilisation, from the 12th century intellectual renaissance through the Enlightenment and beyond. Our alumni include William of Ockham, Roger Bacon, William Tyndale, John Donne, Sir Walter Raleigh, Erasmus, Sir Christopher Wren, William Penn, Samuel Johnson, Robert Hooke, William Morris, Oscar Wilde, Emily Davison, Cardinal Newman. We’re a big deal. And most of the people privileged to come and study here are conscious of what a big deal we are. Oxford is their alma mater – their dear mother – and they respect and revere her accordingly. And what were your ancestors doing in that period? Living in mud huts, mainly. Sure we’ll concede you the short lived Southern African civilisation of Great Zimbabwe. But let’s be brutally honest here. The contribution of the Bantu tribes to modern civilisation has been as near as damn it to zilch. (The "letter" continues below the fold)
Continue reading ""Dear Scrotty Students""
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Thursday morning links At least she's honest Are Parents Bankrupting Themselves to Look Adequate? Why more women are letting their husbands cheat The Lemonade Menace - Armed agents of the state protect us from children everywhere. Study Shows Competition from School Choice Improves Education This Parent’s Craigslist Ad For A Women’s Studies Tutor Proves America Is Over Hate Hoaxer Kayla McKelvey Could Get Jail Time Hate Hoaxer Kayla McKelvey Could Get Jail Time Gay Person + Cake = News, Even If It’s a Hoax Yiannopoulos has repeatedly faced opposition during his "Most Dangerous Faggot" speaking tour. Federal Park Ranger Mocks Founders, Constitution ... While Leading Tour of Independence Hall! How Democrats Destroyed Camden - A city's unwavering allegiance to the Party that ruined it. California’s Pension Hubris - If a new plan goes forward, CalPERS will get its hands on billions in private-sector retirement funds. "This Is Going To Be A National Crisis" - One Of The Largest U.S. Pension Funds Set To Cut Retiree Benefits Why Are We Expecting the Next President To Fix the Economy? We should be demanding only that they don't keep screwing it up. George Soros Only Funder of ‘Immigrant Voters Win PAC’ For Cleveland: Wanted: Street Activists to ‘Change the World … and Get Paid’ Why You Don't Understand Trump. OK old people. I'm going to try to explain it to you. Re Trump: He is like the dog that caught the car he was chasing; he doesn’t know what to do next. Donald Trump Plans to Adopt More-Traditional Campaign Tactics - GOP front-runner says his campaign is evolving; coming soon are policy addresses, teleprompters and a speechwriter My guess is that Manafort asked him whether he was serious "With Donald Trump, for the very first time, American conservatives will have a clever, determined, and fearless mongoose going after this Clinton cobra" Saudi Arabia Snubs Obama on the Tarmac, Sending Only a Minor Dignitary to Greet Him As He Arrives On His Farewell Tour Obama's making a futile trip. The United States and Saudi Arabia no longer see anything the same way. The non-Islamic factors on which Islamic terrorism is blamed are not unique to Muslims. Only Islam is. Taiwan is on Its Own Mosul: Iraq's National Battle Versus ISIS's Apocalyptic Battle
Wednesday, April 20. 2016Bill Whittle speaks to college kidsBill Whittle Goes Into the Lion's Den Darn good job. Why the college admin called him a Nazi and deleted his speech/Q&A is beyond me. Why not just call him a poopy-face or something if you don't like his points of view? Whittle is a likeable, humble, engaging fellow. I would enjoy meeting him over a beer.
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