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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, April 25. 2016Monday morning links
Foods Loaded With Sugar, Salt and Fat? Bring It Health: You Will Not Live Forever Even if I go gluten free? Did Harvard Investigate Conservative Students? The New Sexual Ideology Wins Another Skirmish One in six BBC stars ´must be gay or lesbian or disabled´ by 2020 says new staff-hiring guidelines at the corporation Why limit it to that? Heavy teen marijuana use may cut life short I doubt that it is causal Restoring Voting Rights Lets Felons 'Feel Good About Themselves Again' Makes sense: un-caught felons vote anyway Climate Deal Forecast: Frost for the U.S. Economy, Slush Funds for the Planet The Fairness Industrial Complex ‘Border kids’ crisis is sadder than ever Are Lefties smug? Oops! Chelsea shot off her mouth on guns, and now Hillary has to pander Why not just campaign against illegally-owned weapons? Hillary Clinton backs the highest soda tax ever proposed BARBARIANS INSIDE THE GATES - Navy Secretary Ray Mabus and the cultural evisceration of the U.S. Navy. Turkey's Erdogan Goes Full-Dictator: Arrests Dutch Journalist For Critical Tweet Turkey Blackmails Europe on Visa-Free Travel Muslim Migrants in Germany Chant “Adolf Hitler” and Allahu Akbar” Sheesh. Assimilate already like good Germans Trackbacks
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I sincerely hope there is a serious investigation into this administration by the next president. The high crimes and misdemeanors don't stop at simply destroying our military. I would consider the appointment of half a dozen special prosecutors to be a good start. Investigate the IRS, EPA, State Department, Homeland Security, The border patrol, ATF... Hell Investigate every cabinet level department. This administration may have committed the worst crimes in our history and since our MSM isn't interested in knowing what has happened under Obama without an investigation we will never know. I had hopes that Trey Gowdy would prove to be a honest investigator but I think he has either moderated to the point of being useless or has gone over to the dark side. A Liberator, But Never Free
"We roared through the gates of Dachau figurative “minutes” after its liberation while 40,000+ wrecks-of-humanity milled, tore, looted, screamed, cried as/like depraved beasts which the Nazi SS has made them. In those early “minutes,” I saw captured SS tortured against a wall [by U.S. soldiers] and then shot in what you Americans would call “cold blood”—but Emily! God forgive me if I say I saw it done without a single disturbed emotion BECAUSE THEY SO HAD-IT-COMING after what I had just seen and what every minute more I have been seeing of the SS beasts’ actions. . . ." https://newrepublic.com/article/121779/liberator-never-free I read that with a light heart.
At another death camp, right after liberation, prisoners overpowered a number of SS vermin, stuffed them in the cremation ovens, and toasted them alive. in the words of the 21st century philosopher Nux, "Oh, what a day... what a lovely day!" "Restoring Voting Rights Lets Felons 'Feel Good About Themselves Again'
Makes sense: un-caught felons vote anyway" If you're a Dem, felonies, caught or un-caught, are resume enhancers! Just ask Bill and Hillary... Hillary for Prison-2016! I'm not following the reasoning for aeternal disenfranchisement. Punishment is typically determined the the legislature. If these determine that no felon has paid his debt to society until he or she has been taken out and shot, who am I to disagree?
so, for example, the penal code provides for x years in prison for y felony if you think this isn't enough to pay the debt to society, make it x+5 years or 2x for y felony. if the felon has paid the debt, restore his civil rights unless there's a particular reason not to. e.g., using the second amendment as an example, don't restore second amendment rights to a felon who used a gun in the crime. there's an obvious connection between murder with a gun and gun rights restored, but explain the connection between voter rights (15th amendment, 19A, 24A, 26A) and rape. and I mean, other than insufficient punishment, because I've suggested than enhanced prison time serves the public interest more effectively. on the other hand, if there's a close connection between felonies, convicted or not, and voting, then do a background check for all voters for every election to make sure only the unstained vote. I have to agree with Donny on this. Restore all felons voting rights as soon as their debt to society is paid. If anyone's right to vote should be suspended it would be citizens who receive welfare. I also feel that if you don't pay property taxes you shouldn't vote on measures that will affect property taxes.
Restoring Voting Rights Lets Felons 'Feel Good About Themselves Again'
Makes sense: un-caught felons vote anyway By way of your reasoning, because un-caught felons aren't incarcerated, we should just close the jails and let the inmates out. Felons lose their voting rights for a reason - actions have consequences. That the DEMOCRAT governor of VA restored their rights by executive order - rather than having the REPUBLICAN state legislature vote on it - in a presidential election year is because this wasn't about rights. It was only about trying to add more votes for HRC. In regards to the return of tasty foods, with fat, sugar and salt, we still need to look at where the obesity comes from.
I came across this article "The Protein Leverage" via Newmark's Door. Some research from 2005 that got published in the zoology arena vice nutrition points to a possible area of focus, protein intake. Seems animals, including us humans, will have large behavioral changes to small changes in available protein. We need a relatively fixed quantity of protein and our "hunger" will continue to push consumption until it is met, regardless of the over-consumption of carbohydrates and fats. And, these days, our protein sources are diluted by carbs (mostly) and some fats. Just look at how much carbs you must consume to get many foods more limited protein. I just started on low-carb (again), but after this article, I'm also going to focus on hitting my protein, via high-protein, low fat and carb sources, target over anything else and see how that impacts the diet. Interesting, as you gain wait, your protein needs rise but a low calorie diet often also reduces protein intake, when protein should remain or increase and calorie reduction should be by cutting back on carbs and fats. And after increasing your protein starvation, when you go off the diet your body spurs you to make up the deficit. Makes some sense. And thinking back to my childhood, the balanced diet did have a nice dense protein source via eggs for breakfast and a meat on the dinner table. QUOTE: I first became aware of their ideas in March of 2012, while trying to find academic articles studying “higher protein” diets as opposed to “low carb,” “Paleo,” “Zone,” or “Atkins” diets. I was looking for scientific validation of the diet scheme that I’d been advocating, which was to hold calories a bit lower than a patient’s typical eating, while increasing the proportion of protein in the diet. I came to this philosophy not by reading about it, but by reviewing the diet records of my patients. These almost uniformly showed that people with weight problems under-ingest protein compared to even the conservative USDA recommendations. Makes some sense.
Except the conclusion is made up. Remarkable how a myth - in this case that animals are sole, unique, or even predominate protein sources and/or that protein is somehow deficient in the first place - is used to create a presumption from which Science! is invoked to support a wrong-headed conclusion about all of it. 1. Mixed diets pack on fat from fat. Western-style carbs not burned for sugar pack on fat. Note mixed. 2. Animal diets depend on ketosis to moderate weight. And they're unhealthy, as has been well documented; 3. Western-style, mostly white carbs are also unhealthy and with the mixed diet, account for much of the spike in western obesity and disease. Also well documented. 4. Plant-based carb diets are virtually impossible to gain weight by, and are again documented as by far the healthiest. 5. There is precisely zero protein deficiency in the plant-based diet. None. The protein myth is just that. Maybe get your facts straight, people, and enough with the lifestyle signalling. It's the feckless, codependent, lost right's remaining gasp at social individuality. The meat diet is lifestyle signalling, and has nothing to do with health. It has to do with culture and habit. Obesity is genetic. Being 40-50 lbs overweight in middle age is genetic as well but can be controlled with some effort. Being thin is genetic. People with these three genetic traits could be in a study where they all ate the same things in the same portion sizes and their genetics would triumph. It isn't protein, fat or carbs it is your parents and grandparents. Any effort to mandate a diet for everyone is contraindicated for a majority of us. It is the height of ignorance and arrogance to believe otherwise. I do realize that will not stop the government from mandating what are school lunches are because the government is the epitome of ignorant and arrogant.
If carbs are Eeville, then clearly weight isn't genetic. If carbs are capable of inducing generational obesity, including clear trends in weight, then clearly weight isn't genetic.
If weight is entirely genetic, then carbs are not Eeville and the ostensible right's mantra hath been debunked. At some point you're going to have to sus all that out, champ. Have your vaunted opinion take a crack at it. At least use paragraph breaks every time you don't cite studies, which I see you never have. It's ignorance when you don't know but it's habit when you won't be taught. It's intent when you won't stop repeating myths for reasons only you know. If weight is genetic, explain away the chronological link between food and weight. Not between carbs and Michelle or between beef steaks and virility or between Communism and hot dogs or any of the other idiotic premises rightists hang from eating, for crying out loud in the dark.
http://www.nbcnews.com/health/diet-fitness/cheap-food-blamed-americas-obesity-crisis-n112141 Obesity is statistically linked to diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, but first it's linked to diet and diet is preventable. You want to know why I'm a pain in the ass on the issue? Because it's this pro-fat bullshit lifestyle-signalling that first gets people hurt and then sucks all the air out of the room as the denial holds sway for want of a real issue. Some of you people should consider growing up. Some of you people should reconsider the average intellectual maturity of the trendy meme-makers you cite. If weight isn't genetic than explain away the fact that most of eat the same things in the same amounts and most of us are no obese.
...explain away the fact that most of eat the same things in the same amounts and most of us are no obese.
Because it's not a fact, obviously. How does denial like that feel? How do you do that, even?
2016-04-27 10:32
From the Hillary backtracks on Chelsea's comment story: "This is not inconsistent, it is what courts do." But the reason it sounded wrong to Chelsea is that she and her mom want the government to have the only weapons in America. She won't admit that for fear of losing the election. But her actions have proven it. And if America makes the mistake of picking her as our next president then we will have to suffer through a Supreme Court that will take our rights to responsibly own guns.
Are Lefties smug?
Does a bear defecate in the woods? Been that way for a LONG time. Recall that Adlai Stevenson II quote. QUOTE: “During his 1956 presidential campaign, a woman called out to Adlai E. Stevenson: 'Governor, you have the vote of every thinking person!'. Stevenson called back 'That's not enough, madam, we need a majority!' ” This quote may or may not be apocryphal, but it definitely described the point of view of many "thinking" Adlai supporters.Or the bumper sticker from the 1980s: "Vote Republican. It's Better Than Thinking." "One in six BBC stars ´must be gay or lesbian or disabled´ by 2020 says new staff-hiring guidelines at the corporation"
That means firing five out of six of their current staff and replacing them with normal people. |