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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, September 26. 2012Horsesh*t statistics and The Great Horse-Manure Crisis of 1894Thanks to our reader who knew about this one: The Great Horse-Manure Crisis of 1894.
Free Speech is bad for the masesU. of Chicago professor claims America ‘overvalues’ free speech Is this all simply about fear of Muslims, or do they really believe what they're saying? Regardless, their speech is offensive and should be banned. So should offensive Jihadist speech and the speech of all crazed Left-wing moonbats.
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Weds. morning linksMillenials Learning to Save Is Portland Really Where Young People Go to Retire? Who was Clarence Birdseye? Handy Infographic on Lawyer Glut, Outsourcing, Other Happy Topics via Insty, Working with Someone You Don't Like? Harry Reid says Mitt is not a good Mormon France to Eliminate Words ‘Mother,’ ‘Father’ From Documents Planned Parenthood: 'There's A Little Bit of Slut In All of Us!' Spawn of Pigford Lives… Obama USDA Offers Women, Hispanic Farmers Over $1.3 Billion in Redistribution Payouts Gov. Cuomo not living up to promise Fracking causes WHAT?¿?¿ Washington DC living off the fat of the land Romney sees debates as 'breakpoint' Barack Obama Floating Like A Butterfly: Countdown Day 43 Mitts message of economic growth is utterly irrelevant to non-Whites and most women. Mia Love Comes From 13 Points Down to Take Lead in Utah District 4 Race! Judicial Watch Sues U.S. Secret Service for Records Detailing Security Costs for Obama Daughter’s Spring Break Trip to Mexico Tuesday, September 25. 2012Great Jones St.Those are old twin stables, the Scott's and the Beinecke's, in the East Village. Hard to imagine how many stables there were in NYC in 1870. Many converted to modern purposes. The paired red buildings. I've been inside functioning NYC stables. Usually 3 stories: 1st floor for office, carriages and saddles, horse ramp to second floor with stalls, 3rd floor as a hayloft. Hole in floor of second storey to dumpster below. Perfect firetraps.
Caught a grim play about the Armenian genocide at the Atlantic Theater Co, then grabbed a very early supper at Gemma (335 Bowery St) - acceptable Italian food, great atmosphere, busy bar scene, full of happy, attractive young folks. In fact, the East Village, the Lower East Side and Alphabet City have undergone an astonishing change in the past 10 years. It's been gentrified by throngs of youth, and they all look good. No dirty hippies or addicts there anymore, or, it seems, many people over 40. More pics below the fold - Continue reading "Great Jones St." For Oktoberfest, My Sweetheart is a HunterChildren Protest Against Michelle Obama's FastKilling some time before preparing my last meal........that is, the last meal before fasting for Yom Kippur until tomorrow night, I looked for videos about fasting at Youtube. I came across this parody video about the semi-fast imposed on our school children by Michelle Obama. Her "brainchild" is the national school lunch policy, limiting calories and pushing foods that children often don't care for. Children protest that they are being starved. OK, a bit of exaggeration from the younguns, but not too far off the mark for growing kids and teens' needs. Here's their video:
Posted by Bruce Kesler
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The University of California backs a tax hike to support its ever-expanding bureaucracy.Heather MacDonald on UCSD's expensive new Diversity Czar:
Hall Monitors, at $250,000/yr. It reminds me of how every Russian vessel used to have a Political Officer on board.
Posted by The Barrister
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More on those public school dietsThey are putting every kid on a diet whether they need it or not. Wasted Food, Hungry Kids: Michelle Obama’s Bill in Action - Reports of predictable nanny state chaos. When I was in high school, there were no choices. Lunch was lunch, but all you could eat. When you're growing and playing sports, you need lots of food and it does not need to be gourmet. They never had desserts at lunch. They had a giant fruit basket if you wanted to take an apple, banana or an orange. What to make of this?Tuesday morning links
Complaints Mount Against Michelle Obama’s New Lunch Menu German Catholics lose church rights for unpaid tax The Wall Street Journal’s Primer on Capital Gains Taxation The official TigerHawk plan for restoring private sector job growth in the American economy Confirming US Dumbification, Verbal SAT Scores Just Hit Record Low Social Justice at the University How the AARP Made $2.8 Billion By Supporting Obamacare's Cuts to Medicare Elizabeth Warren Admits She Is Not Licensed to Practice Law in Massachusetts VDH:The Fantasy House of Barack Obama Romney gives impressive ’60 Minutes’ interview Obama’s ‘60 Minutes’ wipeout Shameless, ObamaZombie Media Reaching New Heights in Hackery Barone: Obama's Unfulfilled Promise of Change Obama Press Votes Early - Never has the media been so supine. Howard Stern Exposes Obama 2012 Supporters Hillary Clinton: Raise Taxes On The Rich EVERYWHERE Arab Nations Hire 10 New PR Agencies Since Last Year – PR Firms Assist In Selling Terror And Brutality
Monday, September 24. 2012Enhancing the Flavor?It is no surprise that investigations into voting fraud yield no meaningful results. Why should they? Whoever is looking into it is ignoring the fraud their own party perpetrates, while seeking only the least likely forms employed by their opponent. The idea is to give the perception of doing 'something' about a problem so you look responsive. The hint of a problem is all you need to focus voter attention. Eric Holder (of all people) once said "You constantly hear about voter fraud...but you don't see huge amounts of voter fraud out there." Maybe. It's unusual a comment of this sort would emanate from Holder. After all, Democrats often claim the Republicans are seeking to disenfranchise voters, and that's just fraud in another format.
Maybe politicians are just looking in the wrong place? Fraud is best performed out in the open, where it won't be questioned. Like a magic show. Misdirection and illusion. Paying people to vote, providing transportation to the polls in exchange for votes, blocking access, even having the dead vote are all versions of fraud which are time-honored. It seems unlikely fraud is happening on a wide scale. But at a local level it could happen fairly frequently, and in ways which are pretty visible. We tend not to question what we see everyday, or that with which we've become comfortable. My Dad's vegetable gardenWith deer fence. Nice garden. Mine is a complete mess right now, needs to be rebuilt. Dad has rows of raised beds, around 10 of them, inside the split-rail fence. One bed is asparagus, one is for my Mom's cut flowers. Peonies, Dahlias, Zinnias, etc. As the trees have grown and begun to shade, the old folks want me to to come up with my chain saw and do some work. Dad's too old to be safe with a chainsaw, to put it mildly (Korean War vet, Second Lieut., US Army). Well, that's one more source of free firewood, but he needs some too. They have a wood stove in the kitchen. Yankees are cheap and proudly so, but we like to keep things looking orderly and respectable. Never know when the Pastor will stop by. Maybe I will enlist my men's Bible study group for the job. Maybe my brother and my lad too. We like to do that sort of work, and all of them are young, strong, and enjoy chainsaws and wood-splitting. And we all enjoy doing hard work as a team. Lots of laughs, with beer. "Praise the Lord - the tree didn't fall on the truck." Wait until the ground freezes and I can get a truck back there. That is happy Autumn Clematis growing on their garden gate. Smart BeggerLawn care reminder
Even though, in theory, we encourage minimizing lawn space (except for a good square for Croquet) and pleasant grass walking paths between gardens and borders, we do believe in pleasing, healthy lawn grass as a part of garden design.
Posted by The Barrister
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The Obama Record: 1 in 7 on Foodstamps – 1 in 16 on Disability – 1 in 12 Out of WorkIt's been a total, shameful failure. Here. Why would anybody vote for more of the same? Seems insane to me. Government needs to get out of the way of the people.
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Monday morning linksOnce again, I forgot where I found the toon above. Prayers for Dr. Merc's surgery this week. The cranky old SOB needs 'em, even if he would not ask for them. The miracle of American farming, illustrated by the amazing 32,000-cow, 25,000-acre Fair Oaks Dairy Farm Your PC may come with malware pre-installed Clint Eastwood - Halftime for Barack Obama (satire) Douthat:
DC is getting rich on our nickels Mead: Americans Turn on MSM: What Does It Mean? Full audio of 1998 ‘redistribution’ speech: Obama saw welfare recipients as ‘majority coalition’ We're getting there Steyn: Bowing to the Mob Medicare Bills Rise as Records Turn Electronic According to the article, doctors are much of the the problem, billing “billions” of Medicare upcharges according to the center.:
Exchanges: The Achilles Heel of ObamaCare How Canada Has Eclipsed America In the Obama Years States make fake IDs quick and easy - Feds test forged birth certificates Print ads fell 25x faster than digital grew
C-O-N-T-E-M-P-TThe Obama administration's version of Aretha Franklin's R-E-S-P-E-C-T is its reverse, C-O-N-T-E-M-P-T. Contempt for the American people and for our institutions. How else can they baldface lie about most everything and anything, with the assistance of much of the liberal media covering-up for the lies. It is little wonder that either through patriotism, animus or self-serving that there are enough leaks to expose enough lies that any sentient being can see them for what they are. Events that are reported are making a hash out of administration deceptive contempt for truth and facts. For those less aware, the problem is penetrating the cover-up wall erected and defended by much of the liberal media. That will take a concerted effort. It doesn't have to be anything beyond factual ads swamping the airwaves in this final six weeks of the campaign, getting the truth over the media's wall. Romney better be going all in on getting those ads on the airwaves.
Sunday, September 23. 2012A monkey on a goat on a cup on a tightrope
Posted by Bird Dog
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Your brain on pseudoscience: the rise of popular neurobollocksThe neurosciences were the sexy new frontier in the 1990s, but popular writers often offered the impression that any basic science of the central nervous system might have clear implications for understanding the workings of the mind. From the article of the above title:
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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A word to rioting MuslimsThis is hilarious. "We are sick of your religion and your offense." "Nobody gives a damn anymore." Right, indeed.
Dog of the Week: The Nova Scotia Duck Tolling RetrieverA superior and useful breed. Tollers prance Why? It's a mystery. Who can read a duck's mind? Except another duck. Why do we think we have to cover Labs with camo and make them lay still? Because we are stupider than ducks? The Tollers get all of the fun. Multi-purpose animals. And if you shoot the duck, they are very fine retrievers. Nice bouncy red dogs which look like mutts. Which is a compliment, on Maggie's Farm. Mutts Is Us. Love 'em. But Tollers are AKC.
Posted by Bird Dog
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A few Sunday morning links
The University of Chicago Chooses Decline Real earnings for young college grads have fallen by over 15% since 2000, or by about $10,000 in 2011 dollars Siemans Plans Large Layoffs Over Wind Power Credit In MA, Prince Joseph III Jonah: Free Speech Isn’t the Problem Gas Prices More Than Double Under Obama… State-Run Media Couldn’t Care Less The U.S. Suffered Its Worst Airpower Loss Since Vietnam Last Week and No One Really Noticed Top 10 bad economic signs for Obama Mitt Romney's vast charitable giving Dem Mort Zuckerman: Romney Can Still Overcome Obama’s Dishonesty and Divisiveness Kimball: President Dukakis From today's LectionaryMark 9:30-37
Saturday, September 22. 2012Monet's Garden in the BronxWe're doing NY this weekend. The New York Botanical Garden's Monet Show will be closing soon. They recreated his garden in Giverny, inside the Conservatory, right down to his lily pond and his bridge - painted in his own bridge color. His gardens were a blooming frenzy of uncoordinated color. Dominant? Roses, Helianthus, and Dahlias this time of year. He scoured the world for interesting plants, and threw them in. In his later years, he only painted his garden. We love gardens and gardening ideas, getting ready for Spring right about now. I believe that Mrs. BD is finally in recovery from her historic, purist insistence on not mixing annuals with perennials.
Lots of fun pics below the fold - Continue reading "Monet's Garden in the Bronx" "The new job that everyone wants is stay-at-home mom. This makes sense to me."Althouse: "The new job that everyone wants is stay-at-home mom. This makes sense to me." The comments are interesting, possibly illuminating.
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