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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, March 22. 2008Saturday Links
Iranian textbooks. John Lennon: "I was a poseur." Ever had this disease? Disconnect anxiety. A symbolic form of separation anxiety, no doubt. MA casinos go down. Good. Obama did get us talking. Anchoress on racism. Freeze in the dark, then. Surber A lucky man? John McCain. "It's the Clintons, Stupid." Jules. Exactly right. Liberty and restraint. Dr. Bob takes on ye olde dilemma. There can be no liberty without a moral and civic-minded, civic-participating, and civic-volunteering population. Period. That's why Euroland is losing their liberty. How to win the energy wars. Vanderleun is sick of politics, and wants to clean his mind with better things, like Find Out Who Your Friends Are:
Posted by The News Junkie
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Friday, March 21. 2008Free whole bodyNeurophilosophy reports:
An amazing resource. I know our readers can locate Ethiopia on a map, but it's one o'clock - do you know where your own Pineal Gland is at? Friday Afternoon Opie LinksRussian Steel buys American mills A brief for Whitey: Buchanan At Foreign Affairs, The Unfulfilled revolution of Chavez. Name one socialist revolution that was "fulfilled." Cuba should be the Hong Kong or Singapore of Latin America. Canada.com. Used to be a great place to visit. Now it's a Commie dump - despite the wonderful Cubans. I believe they have gun control there. Springtime PoisoningGood ol' Tom Lehrer. (h/t, Wizbang)
Posted by Bird Dog
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Lucky to still be alive: A Brit commentator takes on Islamism and the Saudis
This guy Pat Condel is not PC, but he doesn't care for religion. Video
We need another bubble"The Next Bubble: Priming the markets for tomorrow's big crash" One quote:
Berkeley and the MarinesFriday Morning LinksThe oceans are cooling The assault on free speech in Canada. h/t, Coyote I had to look up The Incorporation Doctrine, but I am not sure that I fully understand it Why does the GOP write off minorities? Paper bags - moral or immoral? Neoneo. More foolish and misguided greenie tokenism Obama's speech: A Brilliant Fraud. Krauthammer. On the other hand, Peggy Noonan liked it. Related: Is Obama a Typical Black Person? What about Newspaper Addiction Disorder? I have heard that some people are upset if it isn't delivered every morning! Mass Man and Totalitarianism, re Russia. Quoted by Roger K:
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Thursday, March 20. 2008Who was Elizabeth Rosanna Gilbert?![]() Even Sir Harry Flashman never forgot her, and that is saying something. Thurs. Links - and Happy Spring
Newt on terrorism: Excellent brief video from the National Press Club Get in shape for spring: The Military.com fitness site Problems at Starbucks. Dunkin' Donuts doing fine, though. Chose your battle rifle, through history. Whatever happened to Moqtada? These days, the streets of San Francisco resemble the streets of Calcutta. Gov Paterson's "nice scandal." I think that was written before it came out today that he reportedly allegedly maybe used campaign funds for his no-tell motel get-togethers. Re the Heller case discussed today, a commenter at the Chronicle of Higher Education blog says this:
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The Heller Case and the Constitutional Rights "Penumbra"
As a humble farmer and no lawyer, my take on the history of the 2nd is that it is a mere reaffirmation of ancient English common law which enshrined the right to self defence to all combined with an affirmation of the military power of each state. Since the Bill of Rights is all about being clear about the rights of the individual and the limits of the power of the Federal government, it makes no sense to me that the authors would have slipped anything in there with a different purpose. We recall that the Bill of Rights was a bit of an afterthought. Many thought it was unnecessary, and that such rights of the people were assumed. In the end, NY and others refused to sign without those basic rights being made explicit. At that time in America, no-one would have even considered taking away anybody's private weapons. In any event, I think that the plantiff Mr. Heller made his case when he observed that he can carry a weapon on his job, to protect VIPs and politicians - but not to protect himself and his family. That makes him a second-class citizen in Washington, because I doubt that Mr. Heller could afford his own bodyguard. Viking, who listened to the arguments on C-Span, says:
Lithwick at Slate reviews the oral arguments here, which makes Dellinger's position clear:
Perhaps Liberty is not high on his agenda? Dellinger is walking proof for the necessity of the Bill of Rights, because that "penumbra" is where most of our rights exist (including the rights to privacy, abortion, etc etc). It seems to me that he comes from the position that, if an individual right isn't made crystal clear and specific, then it doesn't exist. He wants to always tip the balance towards government power, and I think that impulse is un-American and ignores Amendment Nine - which I think says it all:
The outcome will be interesting, but not as interesting as the case would be if some restaurateur would take NYC's trans-fat ban to the Supreme Court. That would be really fun.
Posted by Bird Dog
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Wednesday, March 19. 2008Impossible guitar: Dominic Frasca
Posted by Opie
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Sheesh, New YorkSpitzer's replacement, ultra-clean, Lefty, affable, and not-too-blind-to-notice-babes David Paterson got a government job for his gumada, er, for one of the reported six of them. Claims his conscience is clean - which it probably is, by New York standards... or by politician standards. Bill Clinton lowered the bar for all Dems, forever. Weds. LinksWhite people like to throw dinner parties. Yes we do, and cocktail parties too. College students are stressed? Wait 'til they try real life. The fun part of war. I want one. Olympus Stylus 1030 SW Arthur C. Clarke's last message. Video This Easter, use a well-maintained whip. For Robocop fans. Obama, Fairy Tales, and Failure at S,C&A. Thoughtful. Related: "Teplost" commenting on Roger Simon's "Barack, I didn't do it for this" poem:
So true. Candidates for Best Essay: Roger Scruton on "Why I became a Conservative"
Read the whole thing.
Posted by Bird Dog
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Rev. ManningHe doesn't care much for Obama. The Rev likes the Clintons. This is Feb 18, 2008. This guy is a piece of work. Listen:
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Spring FishingThe Spring fishing season is coming on fast. It's about time to exchange our Currier and Ives "Maple Sugaring" picture, up on top, for "The Trout Pool." That picture does look like our Berkshire Hills, but it could also be the Poconos or the Adirondacks. Put That In Your Lockbox And Smoke It
-Andrew Mellon
Posted by Roger de Hauteville
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QQQEducation without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more clever devil. C.S. Lewis RainbowsLast night, a young relation observed that "Writing college application essays is like trying to shit rainbows out your ass." Mrs. B. commented "If Obama can do that, so can you."
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GleaningsTwo fine posts on PC gleaned from Big Lizards' Weasel Watchers: Gun RightsFinally, it looks like the Supremes are going to reaffirm the Second Amendment despite Justice Breyer's incomprehensible musings, roughly "I'm not sure why Washington DC shouldn't have the right to ban handguns, with their terrible crime rate." Hey, Mr. Justice: Why doesn't Waterbury CT have the "right" to ban McDonalds, with their terrible obesity rate? I thought people had rights to protect them from government powers. Or did I get it wrong? If this deal goes down the right way, there will be much to thank Pres. Bush for. Decision expected in June. Tuesday, March 18. 2008Weds morning/Tues evening links
The demise of dead tree encyclopedias. Sad. When I was in high school, I could not understand much of anything without my Columbia Encyclopedia on my desk and my giant multi-volume Britannica on the shelf - a major gift from my parents. Still have it. If you don't look up stuff you don't know, you will never know the first thing about anything. Not that I do not appreciate Wiki for quick reminders, links, and superficial introductions: Wiki is not all that bad as a starting point for exploring things. For example, I gave myself a fine mini-survey of the history of China the other day. It was good. I like to get the big picture before the details or I end up disoriented. Iraq slips off the radar. WaPo, and McCain strolls through Baghdad. Climate change hoopla, 1890-present. Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything to make money from it but Al Gore. Would the Dalai Lama resist any oppression? Doubtful. My visit to the Boston Globe. Squaring the Boston Globe "Barack, I didn't do it for this." And yet, with Rev. Wright, Obama's appeal rises among black Democrats. Related: Michelle Obama represents the problem, not the solution. Finally, Dr. Sanity on Shelby Steele's essay on "bargaining." Honestly, I am sick of race. It's a stupid topic.
Posted by The News Junkie
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Emotional regulationIn a post about our post on The Default Brain, Dr. X mentioned Alan Shore's Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self, which is a broad and bold effort to integrate neuroscience, development, brain evolution with human psychology. That's the sort of thing that Freud, a Neurologist by training, aspired to do, but the data wasn't there at the time and he gave up on the effort. I know of Dr. Shore, and I will read the book. The reviews are impressive. ("Affect" is a fancy shrink word for emotions.) I think the reason it had not attracted my attention is because I react against any title with the word "self" in it. That word turns me off because it makes no sense to me, and neither do the theoretical constructs referring to it. I'd Carry A Roll Of Toilet Paper, Too
Posted by Roger de Hauteville
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