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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Friday, March 28. 2008Saturday Morning/Friday Evening Links
Yard Sale of the Century. US Equities. The average bear market lasts 10 months. We're roughly at month 6. Exurban Existentialism for Bozos, with a nod to our friend Sippican. Brave, brave Sir Robin. No Pasaran Incomes up, inflation moderates. Here. Warren Buffet invests like a girl. h/t, Wall St. Fighter Is Mitt a good VP choice? I didn't know that being an inner-city pastor was such a good gig. White UCC pastors don't live like that. Speaking of Rev. Wright, is it racist to quote him? The will to power. Stumbling. As regular Maggie's readers know, we believe that people who want power are insane. From Betsy:
Her? She is one of Theo's gals. Hope to find her skiing.
Posted by The News Junkie
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See, I Found The Original. Guy's Just Eating His Lunch![]() It appears Maggie's Farm readers and contributors were taken in by a hoax photograph. I hear tell that such things are rife on the Internet. I'm in a hurry, as I have a date witha Canadian Moose/Elk hybrid tonight, but I had time to locate the actual original source photograph for the now infamous Obamaphone hoax. As you can see, Obama's people have obviously airbrushed out the artery-clogging submarine sandwich Obama always devours for his lunches -- before having an evil cigarette. It's an obvious attempt to pander to the Minivan Mom demographic to "disappear" the sandwich like one of Stalin's out-of-favor colleagues, but politics is a rough and tumble business these days. And a man's gotta eat. Good EatsRight Wing Prof likes this place, and I know I would like it too because it seems like a Maggie's Farm sort of joint. Wonder if they deliver to New England states:
Photo OpEven if you are faking it for a photo op, you might have the presence of mind to get the phone right. On the other hand, maybe the younger generation doesn't know how to use a land line. (OK, maybe it's photoshopped. The truth, these days, is getting harder and harder to discern...not that it was ever easy.)
Fear of Moslems
Here's Diana West on "Pre-emptive Rage" at the Wash. Times. My only reaction to the fuss and the predictable Moslem "rage" and the rush of the Left to disparage and attack the film is this: What if Geert Wilders had made a short movie critiquing the Holy Bible? Would anybody say anything? The Left likes the Islamists (only in the abstract, mind you - not for their dinner parties) because they imagine themselves to be rebelliously anti-Western civilization as they sip their Pinot Noir. The rest of 'em are just scared pantywaists, as Teddy Roosevelt would say, and don't want to poke a rattlesnake. Photo: Time to bring out Rage Boy again Man, 32, seeks affectionate interracial Moose for fun and frolic
Roger de H. advises: Make sure you plug in "man" seeking "interracial elk" from the drop down list. And check out the dropdown list for "Country"
Posted by Bird Dog
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"Whites Can't Make Blacks Happy"
James Lewis at American Thinker.
Friday Morning Links
Has religion become a political wedge issue? First Things. The Clear Channel story is becoming a good legal soap opera. Already, a Judge takes a stand. "At the consideration of our comparative insignificance." Sissy. It's about warming - and larger topics. The return of the Mercedes Benz of Peace The pressure politicians feel to "Do Something!" The Law Prof on the subprime mess. Uranium found in the hands of our Lefty South American friends. Dangerous buffoons. More evidence that Dems do not donate, Repubs do - regardless of income. Blue Crab. Exposure to Western ways makes Moslems more hateful. The corner I do not smoke pot, but criminalizing it is ridiculous and expensive. If people want to be potheads, fine. Let them be lazy bozos, but just don't make me pay their bills. My opinion on Obama's race speech: Condescending to white folks. We aren't stupid, and we aren't racist - and we are sick of "conversations about race." If black folks want to join Team America, then somebody like Obama ought to tell them how to do it, because he joined it, like so many fine black folks I know. Samuel F. B. Morse (1791-1872)The artist Samuel F. B. Morse (Phillips Academy and Yale) is better known as an inventor - and for Morse Code. This is his Niagara Falls from Table Rock (1813), owned by the MFA, Boston.
Posted by Bird Dog
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Thursday, March 27. 2008FITNA
Possibly not safe for work. Here's the movie on Islam made by Dutch MP Geert Wilders. (h/t, Samizdata)
VitaminsThought I might share the data from a meeting tonight about vitamins, health, and cancer. The short version: - Do not take folate-containing supplements unless you are bearing babies. (Unfortunately, the government in its infinite wisdom mandated its addtion to bread and other foods for the benefit of child-bearing women who eat terrible diets.) That's just one researcher's opinion, of course. Thursday Free Ad For Bob: High Water"High water risin' - risin' night and day "High Water (For Charley Patton)," from 2001's Love and Theft. Here is a decent performance from the spring 2007 tour (the album version, BD will agree, remains the best, never really topped in live performances). QQQMark Twain The DSM: Not The Shrinks' BibleThe essay, Are We Really That Ill? (in which the author notes that, according to that Psychiatric diagnostic manual "DSM", half of us are mentally ill) in the NY Sun has been referenced frequently this week. And regrettably so, because the author is a Professor of English and knows little of the practice of Psychiatry. I only have the time to address one of his statements:
Yes, it is invoked often - but it is no bible. No well-trained Psychiatrist uses it as a tool for understanding or treatment. It was designed as a research tool, so that researchers would share definitions. It rapidly became a tool for filling out the "diagnosis code" space on insurance forms so that patients might be eligible for some medical reimbursement. Many of the "diagnoses" listed are not illnesses in any usual sense: nictotine addiction, insomnia, alcohol abuse, post-traumatic stress, personality disorders, ADD, and "adjustment disorder" are just a few examples of the listed items which are common parts of the human condition, but which are subjects of medical research and which are things for which people often ask for help. But they aren't illnesses - they are insurance codes.
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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Bird of the Week: Eastern Screech Owl
Maybe I should put up a Screech Owl nest box, but there are so many trees with holes around here that it's probably not necessary. I have never had to chase them out of any of my Wood Duck boxes, but they are known to occupy them. I had neighbors who had a pair for years using their Wood Duck house on a tiny island in a pond (which seemed reckless of the owls, to me). You could see the owl's face, sometimes, sunning itself in the hole. It's unusual to see them. Practically speaking, the only way you would know that they are around is by hearing them at night. These owls do not mind suburbia at all, and are probably breeding in all five boroughs of New York City. These nocturnal birds are not rare everywhere east of the Rockies, and come in Red, Brown, and Grey races. They do not screech; they have a trill and a ghostly whinny. One more of those eery night-time sounds. Read the detailed CLO entry on the Eastern Screech Owl here.
Posted by Bird Dog
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Who controls the oil markets?
The Dems refuse to understand it, but Q&O gets it. Lots of charts. There is no such thing as American "Big Oil." American oil is "Little Oil."
E-petitions are scamsE-mail petitions are NOT acceptable to Congress or any other municipality. To be acceptable, petitions must have a signed signature and full address. Almost all e-mails that ask you to add your name and forward on to others are similar to that mass letter years ago that asked people to send business cards to the little kid in All it was, and all this type of e-mail is, is to get names and "cookie" tracking info for telemarketers and spammers to validate active e-mail accounts for their own purposes. Any time you see an e-mail that says forward this on to "10" of your friends, sign this petition, or you'll get good luck, or what ever, it has either an e-mail tracker program attached that tracks the cookies and e-mails of those folks you forward to, or the host sender is getting a copy. Each time it gets forwarded, then the origination is able to get lists of "active" e-mails to use in spam e-mails, or sell to others that do. (If you have been sending out the above kinds of email, now you know why you get so much spam!) More on E-petitions at Snopes. Thurs. Morning Links
The geezer acts like a normal person. McCain. More on McCain's speech and the "league of democracies." Hillary's List of Lies. Dick Morris Moronic reporters. Even I know that Blackwater Fever is malaria. The Mahdi "Army" is back in business. How is the MSM reporting this? Pat Dollard's war on Hollywood Pregnant man. He is very happy. Chavez "endorses" Obama. Busted: Ivy League hos in trouble in NYC. 10,000 names on file - their client list could make for good entertainment. These gals aren't hos - they are courtesans. Homo antecessor in Europe 1.3 million years ago Calmly rational as always, Neoneo on autism If Dems had a good candidate, GOP would be toast. Are biofuels to blame for rising food costs? Same topic: Let them eat Ethanol. Why don't they call it alcohol? Sharper Image goes bust. Making a perfect macaroon for The Century Club Take time to grow up a little between college and grad school Leftist churches set a time bomb for the Dems Marriage in the UK, quoted in full from Insty:
Posted by The News Junkie
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Wednesday, March 26. 2008QQQWhat a good thing Adam had. When he said a good thing he knew nobody had said it before. Mark Twain "Getting Poverty Wrong"As I have discussed frequently here, people in America who fall into the poverty income stats (which significantly do not include govt and charity help - or take assets into account like our Maine blueberry famer with a 200-acre farm) because: 1. They do not function well or adjust well in civilized society, for whatever variety of reasons. Furthermore, as long as poverty income stats are based on the lowest X%, it will never go away - even if, as it appears now, American poor have large-screen TVs, air-conditioned homes, and cars - and tend to be overweight. Somebody - not a sociologist - should go out there and interview some poor people and get their real stories. It would be revealing. I know plenty of their stories and know what poverty is about because I work one day a week, pro bono, at a charity medical clinic in Boston - but I cannot tell those stories here. The subject comes up because Steve Malanga has written the definitive report at City Journal: Getting Poverty Wrong, and it turns out that family structure accounts for the main problem. One quote:
Read the whole thing (link above). Vision Check![]() Astaire and PowellEleanor Powell and Fred Astaire, 1940. The film is a bit washed out, but it's worth it.
Posted by Bird Dog
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AntarcticaQuote from Icecap:
Read the whole thing. Weds. Links
A Dem wonders why nobody tells Hillary to quit. The Obama's tax returns. The Corner If politics is about branding, then what car are they? The joy of free markets. Coyote What feminism has descended to. A new book: Slavery, Terrorism, and Islam Can't Make This Stuff Up Department. The National White Privilege Conference Are the successful living too long? About that ice shelf. Castle Eli Lake at the NY Sun bothered to study the Saddam and Terrorism report. (h/t Anchoress). That's what we need full-time reporters for.
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More Argo Buoys
A reader checked out the the main real-time link that follows the Argo buoys and their data. Definitely cool.
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