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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, February 10. 2007QQQWhen my information changes, I change my opinion. What do you do, Sir?
17th Century Battle
1. Stand to your arms 16. Prime your pan Image: Easy to see why the flintlocks replaced the matchlocks: you could eliminate a few firing steps.
Posted by Gwynnie
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Friday, February 9. 2007A hoot owl, and a minor insight on Social Security
Maybe it's my age that led my thoughts to Social Security - not that it will make any difference in my personal life. But it dawned on me why the Dems are so fiercely opposed to private investment of personal Social Security accounts - even as little as 5%. Of course, we know there is no such thing as personal SS accounts - there is no money there. And of course, the Dems do not want to do anything to risk their Ponzi scheme which would be illegal if any private enterprise tried to build it. But what I realized was this: Even a tiny % of SS investment would make it possible for all Americans, voluntarily, to become investors. Every household could have a stake in the free markets! God forbid - the pathetic Great Unwashed McDonalds-eaters we care so much about - in our markets? The proletariat, become filthy capitalists? No, no, no: they should know their place. The US is well above 50% financial market investors already. Anything higher would create a solid majority with a stake in a capitalist economy, beyond their participation in their daily work. That is the Socialist's nightmare. They cannot tolerate the notion of the proletariat, who are supposed to be on their plantation, checking the price of their GE, Exxon, Apple - and their Heinz. Why? Because how can government take from private enterprise, and over-regulate private enterprise, when a strong majority of folks are invested in it? The Left cannot tolerate wealth-building amongst the proletariat, because it reduces their dependency on the State. Same reason they support death taxes. (They tolerate it quite well amongst themselves, however - but they are different, because "they care".) That's my insight. Blame it on the Laphroaig. Or on Mr. Moon. Good night, moon. Editor's comment: See comments, but this is the all-American Mr. Great Horned Owl. Typically 3-5 deep hoots. A wonderful creature and a terrifying predator, if you are a weak small animal. Known to take skunks, cats, and young raccoons. Often heard, rarely seen. Hot News - Global Warming, 1932Grammar Help Desk
If you choose to hand-address Christmas cards (as they should be), but are too lazy to write "Mr. and Mrs. P. Chuffington Badlington-Smythe III" on your cards, but opt instead to write "The Badlington-Smythes" - how do you write it? With or without an apostrophe in "Smythes"? If an apostrophe, where? Or do you just dodge the entire grammatical issue by using the overly-casual "The Badlington-Smythe Family"? There is no implied possessive that I can find, so why any apostrophe? Unless it is short for "The Badlington-Smythe's House." But you don't send a card to a house.
Posted by Bird Dog
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Incandescent Lights To Be Outlawed. No Impact Expected.
Lloyd is undoubtedly a tireless steward of the environment, and Maggie's Farm is sanguine that he's used the magical powers bestowed upon all state legislators, by virtue of getting several thousand government union workers and extended family members to pull a lever for them every once in a while, to foresee all the various ramifications of outlawing an item that...let's face it... no one much uses any more anyway. I think that's Lloyd on the right there. No, that's a potted plant. My bad. I'm sorry, is that your foot? Christianity in ChinaChina finds itself in a moral and spiritual vacuum, while its economy soars and "relative" freedoms grow. What else is growing in China? Christianity, especially among the better-educated. After two generations of state-worship and Mao-worship, perhaps their hunger for higher things hasn't been eliminated. A quote from a book review in Trinity Forum, What to make of China?
Blog Birthday Morning Links
Send NY State Sen. Kruger an email. Be nice, or they won't take you seriously. Bainbridge ACLU attorney: "I looked up and I saw Leviticus." ACLU attacks a library. Too bad he didn't read the Leviticus... Blame Christmas cheer, and blame the government: Brits see record number of abortions in January Rough justice. But how rough? Classical Values Faux fur is often not faux. It's coondog. A forbidden assignment in Mecca. NY Sun Something not rotten in Denmark: "Multiculturalism has gone too far." Gates of Vienna "Multiculturalism is really blossoming in Britain these days. It's enough to warm a progressive's heart." Moonbattery. "Kids who attend the Saudi-funded King Fahd Academy in Acton can learn from their textbooks that Christians are "apes" and Jews are "pigs."" Why is Western Europe anti-American? No Pasaran. Honestly, I don't really care why or whether, but I guess it's a bit of a puzzle, since we've saved their asses several times, and even today save them the trouble of maintaining serious militaries. I have a thought of my own, a basic thought about human nature: The given-to always resent the giver, just as recipients of charity must always hate the charitable. It's a matter of maintaining pride, or, you might say, vanity. Charity is a joy for the giver, but a humiliation for the recipient. Pelosi's Tahoe breaks Maggie's Rule of Global Warming. Blue Crab offers Princess Pelosi an airplane solution. How long does it take for these idiots to forget who they work for, and who pays their bills? Dr. Sanity wrote once about "Acquired narcissism." Image: I call this birthday photo "Honey, don't forget the limes." Is that Maggie? We're not telling.
Posted by The News Junkie
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Maggie's Farm Birthday: You say it's your birthday, it's our birthday too, yeah. We are one, sort-of.Depending on how you count it, Maggie's Farm is either one or two years old today. Our first year was under the radar - no sitemeter, no stats, etc. - invisible, in the womb. So we could call this our First Official Birthday. All of us farm slaves spend all of the time we are not busy plowing and pruning fruit trees and milking the chickens and feeding the cows and sucking the sap out of Sugar Maples and popping rats at the dump, chained to our PCs in the Maggie's Farm unheated basement amidst squealing mice, flaking asbestos, toxic molds of all sorts, an oil-soaked dirt floor, and dripping pipes, illuminated only by smoking lamps fueled with old recycled tractor oil, required to either Think or Link for our daily allottments of gruel. Yep, "Think or Link." That's what the sign says that hangs from the creaking, termite-infested rafters. Consider that setting when you read us. Those are not tear stains on these pages - they are spots from leaks from the water pipes overhead. Well, most of them. The best present we could receive: Our mission is simple: To provide a steady stream of stuff that interests or amuses or enrages or delights us, with no ads, with complete free speech and total indifference to the political correctness of the moment, with total independence, with irreverence towards all, with a dose of skepticism towards everything except the US Constitution, and with a deep gratitude for the founders, the traditions, the foundations, and the blessed but shrinking freedom from state power in the USA - and most of all for the God of our Fathers. The official Maggie's Farm hymn (midi music file on link) was written for the Centennial celebration of July 4th: God of our fathers, Whose almighty hand Thy love divine hath led us in the past, From war’s alarms, from deadly pestilence, Refresh Thy people on their toilsome way, Thanks for visiting us, and thanks to Green Mountain Boy Chris for keeping us up and running. Onward and upward.
Posted by Bird Dog
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Thursday, February 8. 2007Stopping, then releasing, light
Astonishing, but I guess the math predicts it. NYT Science Times.
Posted by Bird Dog
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Celebrity Jeopardy Is Cancelled![]()
Posted by Roger de Hauteville
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Mexifornia, five years laterVDH, in City Journal. A quote:
One question for VDH: Why is this "to the right"? I do not understand how "left" and "right" apply to illegal immigration. "Illegal" is not a matter of opinion. The law is not complicated on this subject. Thursday Free Advt for Bob
I think we better talk this over, This song first appeared on Street Legal in 1978. I am fond of the loose, casual, garage recording of the song on the album. Chicken Little Update: Mr. Sun ignores UN Warnings
I suspect someday we will confirm that much climate variation is based on solar radiation. Coyote. Makes sense, since the ice is melting on Mars, and Jupiter is getting more stormy. In the meantime, climate change may become a hate crime - against Eskimos! Why is the Climate Change thing such a bandwagon for the UN and other governments, and for the Left? Because it's an excuse for a money and power grab - whether it's true or not. Pure and simple. It is only rational to be skeptical about such hysterias, because they have always proved to be wrong in the past. But, as we've said, we don't care whether it gets colder or warmer - we can cope. I always try to remember the #1 rule of political power: Trump up a crisis, then offer to solve it. No, insist on solving it: "We can do better." Just consider: Have we ever heard (except for Reagan and Maggie Thatcher) governments offer solutions which reduce government power? Image: Bad, bad Mr. Sun "Too upsetting for kids"
Pro-life speaker nixed at Catholic school. With info about Margaret Sanger that will blow your mind. (h/t, Michelle)
Posted by The News Junkie
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QQQThe world is ruled by violence. Bob Dylan Indeed it is, even in democratic, "social contract" nations where the threat of state violence (police, jails, FBI, Federal prosecutors, etc) is a big part of what holds things together - supposedly. So it's funny to see "life in a bubble" folks at Harvard horrified when a dog kills a squirrel. Harvard Crimson. (h/t, Instapundit). There's a lesson in that.
Posted by The Dylanologist
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Hillary's College Thesis: Has she changed since then?
If she can say things like this, one must wonder. More worrisome, I think, is that she can say things like that and not be crucified by the press and the voters. Thursday Morning LinksI love this piece, on marriage. Sippican. This author is hiding his candle under a bushel by limiting his writing to a blog. Defending China's pollution. Blair. I guess their pollution is cleaner, or more socialistic, or something. Anyway, it doesn't seem to count. I blame global warming: The UK braces for major snowstorm. Times Leftists always admire, or at least make excuses for, Fidel and now Chavez (and Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, etc in the past). Why not Hitler too - he was one. The Left and totalitarianism will be forever wedded. Must be, because socialism crushes the human spirit and, eventually, people rebel. Who buys lottery tickets? Answer here. (h/t, Squaring the Boston Globe) Save the Polar Bears: Open a garbage dump. SDA New Green Crimes in the EU. Quote from Samizdata:
Nice image of the not-yet-completed USS New York, an amphibious assault ship (LPD 21) containing 24 tons of WTC steel. What would you give to drive this baby around the block a few times?
QQQOne of the rum things about human life is that we treat any stage we happen to be going though as something permanent and unchangeable, as if spring will never come, as if happiness will never end, as if youth will last for ever. Simon Barnes, Times sports writer, as quoted by Stumbling and Mumbling Wednesday, February 7. 2007An Interesting TripThe Pakistan steam railroad, over the historically critical Khyber Pass, between Pakisatan and Afghanistan. You can do it. Margaret Vladisova did, and posted her photos here.
Posted by Bird Dog
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Dog Bites Man
Is this news? Women prefer new clothing to sex.
Two Good LinksWhy won't Bush et al push nuclear energy? Forget global warming - it's the only sure and cheap path to energy independence. Piece at American.com Blacks and Hispanics lag in educational achievement. LaShawn takes a look at immigration, self-help, culture, etc. and how these variable affect education. Links to some good stuff. A quote:
"Hating Horatio"Hating Horatio, by Dr. Jack Wheeler in Free Republic. It begins thus:
Read the whole thing - it's about Iraq and Bush. QQQThe truth is true whether you want to believe it or not...it doesn't need you to make it true. That lie about everbody having their own truth inside of them has done a lot of damage and made people crazy. Bob Dylan (in his notes for the Biograph album) Weds. Morning LinksCold enuf for ya, in Yankeeland? Heretics must be tried and burned at the stake. One Oregon Prof and the warming religion. A little intimidation of debate? Same experience that Dr. Ball had in Canada. You might figure that if people want to stifle discussion, they might not really feel so confident. But what if the heretics are right? The dissenters have been right about every other predicted environmental apocalypse in the past 30 years. No-one should be allowed to vote before passing a serious statistics course, to protect them from being duped. MSM lies, and a little civics lesson: Calif. Yankee Thank You, Connecticut, for re-electing Joe Lieberman. A voice of sanity. Captain Ed India offers a model for Europe: A Shariah Court in every county. Ah, yes - it is all going according to Mohammed's plan. Turn on the sound when you watch The Islamic Mein Kampf.
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