I love this piece, on marriage. Sippican. This author is hiding his candle under a bushel by limiting his writing to a blog.
Defending China's pollution. Blair. I guess their pollution is cleaner, or more socialistic, or something. Anyway, it doesn't seem to count.
I blame global warming: The UK braces for major snowstorm. Times
Leftists always admire, or at least make excuses for, Fidel and now Chavez (and Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, etc in the past). Why not Hitler too - he was one. The Left and totalitarianism will be forever wedded. Must be, because socialism crushes the human spirit and, eventually, people rebel.
Who buys lottery tickets? Answer here. (h/t, Squaring the Boston Globe)
Save the Polar Bears: Open a garbage dump. SDA
New Green Crimes in the EU. Quote from Samizdata:
It used to be the dream of socialists and utopians of varying degrees of malevolence or stupidity to want a world state. In a world state, pesky local regulatory differences would be obliterated and replaced by a rational grid of laws from which no escape was possible. In true 'watermelon' fashion - green on the outside, red in the core - the Greens are embracing the instruments of a pan-national state to enforce their ideas.
Nice image of the not-yet-completed USS New York, an amphibious assault ship (LPD 21) containing 24 tons of WTC steel. What would you give to drive this baby around the block a few times?