I am thankful to those who contribute to Maggie's, and to all those who contribute links for our morning link dump. Besides randomly-interesting stuff, we like to link views and info which are neglected by the MSM.
Also, a thanks to other sites which we frequently neglect or forget to acknowledge as link sources - sites like RCP, Hot Air, Insty, Lucianne, Drudge, Vanderleun, and others. Thanks to y'all for your work.
We wish a Happy, thankful, and blessed American Thanksgiving to all of our readers and friends of all nations, creeds, colors, shapes, sizes, gender identifications, and cultures across our fruited plain and across the world.
Is it now OK to have sex with animals?
Taboos are so bourgeois and limiting of self-expression and self-realization
Are Women More Open to Sex Than They Admit?
Certainly. Everywhere I go, women try to seduce me
What it felt like to fly Concorde
An audio book review: Dan Stevens Reads Homer Translations
Prager University – Why Bad Luck is Good for you
Modern Feminism: Appalling Stupidity Backed by Hysterical Rage
An article set to produce countless spells of the vapors across American campi. Never leave home without your smelling-salts.
Common Core Will Fix the Nonexistent Gender Gap!
Private Oncologists Being Forced Out, Leaving Patients to Face Higher Bills
Believe me, you would always rather have a private doc than an employee of somebody else
Obamacare Twice as Likely to Hurt Americans than Help
Student mugged, says he deserved it because of his 'privilege'
This beta-male kid will eventually get his well-deserved Darwin Award
Read this yet at Rolling Stone? A Rape on Campus: A Brutal Assault and Struggle for Justice at UVA
Thinking too highly of higher ed
California Teachers Suing Their Union Over Dues, Politics
People Starting To Ask About Motive For Massive IPCC Deception
Forget Ferguson, 244 Teenagers Have Been Shot In Chicago Since Michael Brown Died
13 Facts About Ferguson the Media Will Never Tell You
The Bonfire of the Ferguson Kabuki
No cameras, no riots. It's symbiotic. Riots sell - ask any TV network.
The New York Times and Other Members of the Ferguson Hall of Shame
NFL Star Reggie Bush Joins With Pro-Palestinian Activists in Co-opting Ferguson Tragedy
Legal scholars praise Ferguson grand jury for fairness beyond the norm
The fact is, broken families and a culture that produces feral children are at the root of the vast majority of the crime and poverty and violence that plagues our nation. Not racism. Not the militarization or the overreaction of police. Not any of that. Broken families. A valueless culture. A vacuum of values, into which anything can move and take hold.
Is Preston saying that the guy had no choice?
RAW COURAGE: Papa John’s Female Manager Defends Store From Looters With Bare Hands
Giuliani saved thousands of black Americans
"Chuck Todd's out there... saying 'Obama nourishes me.' What are you doing? Breast-feeding?"
Schumer: Despite Midterms, ‘Public Knows in Its Gut’ That Big Government is Best
Williamson: Family Affairs - Political Dynasties and their discontents
Williams: Elite Contempt for Ordinary Americans
America, You’ve Been Grubered!
You truly can’t fool all of the people all of the time, and thanks to Gruber, the time of trusting liberals is drawing to a close. This is wonderful. Look, we conservatives always knew these clowns were pushing Marxy snake oil on a gullible electorate. Now, the truth is impossible to hide. It’s right there on video, and it’s Gruberiffic.
Poll: Latino voters want more, more, more
How Unskilled Immigrants Hurt Our Economy
Understanding the Nihilist in the White House - Obama is bent on destruction rather than creation, because destruction for its own sake is also part of the arsenal of nihilism.
(Peggy Noonan) often gets to a certain point in understanding someone or something and then stops, refusing to open the door of the room she stands before, afraid to look inside. Or she opens it a crack, takes a tiny peek, and then slams it shut.
Can't take the truth
Showing respect for Islam, speaking reverentially of Islam, calling Islam a religion of peace is precisely the wrong tactic.
One does better to respond to terrorism with contempt and derision, with force where need be, but without respect. If Islamic terrorism degrades the character and reputation of all Muslims, then it is for Muslims to restore their good name and the good name of their religion.
How have American foreign policies gone wrong?
Have they "gone wrong"? What is America's role in the world?
The making of a Gaza fighter
Profs Blame ISIS on ‘Islamophobia’ and ‘Grievances’
Blaming the victims again
ISIS Blows Up Christian Church and Monastery While Muslims Cheer