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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, October 3. 2017Tuesday morning links
Paglia is interesting on Hefner's life Rosetta’s Lost Picture From Moments Before It Struck a Comet Nobel in Physiology to guys who discovered how biological clocks work Extremely cool No Inflation? Technology May Have Left it Back in the 20th Century Why don't we let markets determine rates? Coyote: Wealth Is The New Normal Why Is It So Hard To Get Even Smart People To Think Clearly on Electric Vehicle Efficiency? People love fairy dust Veterans angry, disappointed following PBS’ Vietnam War documentary Hawkins: There Are No Oppressed People in America THE PROBLEM WITH CLIMATE CHANGE FANATICISM IN TWO HEADLINES Analysis says NOAA global temperature data ‘doesn’t constitute a “smoking gun” for global warming’ More than 100 schools sign on to teach health risks of climate change It's easy to scare the ignorant Maria, Las Vegas: The Progressive Psychology of Exploiting a Crisis A crisis is just a political opportunity. If no crisis, make one up Carlson: "Can you think of a single place in the United States that has become safe because of gun control?” Hillary Clinton slams the GOP and NRA as ´complicit´ in US gun violence after Las Vegas shooting Disgusting Democrats Learn That Open Borders Dreamers Will Be A Problem Yeah. It's never enough. Meanwhile, half the world would come to the US legally, if they could Professor who critiqued radical feminism accused of promoting ‘violence,’ targeted for termination No tolerance for "normals" Speaking of normals, Betsy DeVos vs. the Mindless Mob at Harvard Video Reveals Allegedly Oppressed NFL Player Michael Bennett as Contemptible Liar Your House Does Not Need a New Roof at My Expense - The moral and economic issues raised by government flood insurance ought to be obvious. CBS fires vice president who said Vegas victims didn't deserve sympathy because country music fans 'often are Republican' Puerto Rico has big problems, but President Trump isn't one of them: Glenn Reynolds Goodwin: Trump knows how to read the crowd but hasn’t learned to govern Pew: COVERING PRESIDENT TRUMP IN A POLARIZED MEDIA ENVIRONMENT Too long to read. Must be a summary somewhere Here's one: Pew: Media Coverage Of Trump Through First 60 Days Vastly More Negative Than Last Three Presidents Refugees Fearing Deportation From America Aren’t Welcome in Canada Hamas Prosecutes Journalist for Exposing Its Corruption in Gaza Older Vet owns the NFL:
Monday, October 2. 2017Puerto Rico Enters the 'Great American Victim Derby'
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Monday morning links
The Decline and Fall of American Marriage A Massachusetts School District Bans Halloween Celebrations Pushing euthanasia for the depressed Angry Birds Are Ripping $80,000 Drones Out of the Sky California's Latest Bad Idea — Outlaw Gas-Powered Cars NYC offering to pay homeless a year’s worth of rent if they leave town How Do You Tell The Corrupt Politician From The Non-Corrupt? Everything (That's Not Sexism) Is Racism CNN, MSNBC Make Disaster Relief All About “Racism” Puerto Rico Police Officer Calls Into NY Radio Station – Exposes Corrupt San Juan Mayor, Pleas For Help Hayward: "The only surprising thing about the total catastrophe in Puerto Rico is that it took so long for the “Trump-Is-A-Bigot-Who-Hates-Brown-People” refrain to get cranked up to eleven..." The idea that Trump hates brown people is totally nuts. It's meant to scare brown people. Does it work? CNN: 'Trump's Katrina?' No, it's much worse Puerto Rican Female Cop Says Local Government Is Preventing Supplies From Getting to People Schlichter: The Left Hates You. Act Accordingly. HOW THE ASSOCIATED PRESS SPINS THE SUPREME COURT Klavan: Why Trump Is 100 Percent Right About the NFL Europe: What do Islamic Parties Want? LIFE WITH NANNY NORWAY - What it's really like to live in a social-democratic "paradise." The Documentary “The Vietnam War”: Artistic License as History Bret Stephens: I Believe Some of Your Best Friends Are Jewish Sunday, October 1. 2017Puerto Rico
The CEO linked above says:
FEMA Chief Defends Trump Tweets, Dings San Juan Mayor Fellow Puerto Rico Mayor Rips San Juan Mayor — ‘She’s Not Participating In Any Meetings’ Puerto Rico Teamsters Union, “Frente Amplio”, Refuse to Deliver Supplies – Use Hurricane Maria as Contract Leverage…
Trump seems to be right about this:
Trump is probably correct to imagine that some are attempting to stage another Katrina scenario: Related, Paul Krugman Gets 10,000 Retweets For Absolute Lie About Cholera In Puerto Rico To Attack Trump
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Saturday, September 30. 2017The real white privilegeI've been meaning to write this post for a long time. I'd grant that there exists something akin to "white privilege" in the USA, as in all of the western world. It happens to be more like "cultural privilege" than anything to do with skin tone. I am talking about individual qualities which are most in demand and most effective in western cultures. The markings of cultural privilege are most easily internalized by upbringing, and secondarily by good examples (eg coaches, relatives) and formal education. Good socialization. Wealth is only incidentally associated, not causal, because lots of rich kids are complete a-holes. The western world (except for England) has no caste system, but it has an informal cultural caste system and everybody is aware of it. It has nothing to do with IQ or where you grew up or went to college, but it has to do with how you comport yourself, how properly and grammatically you speak and write, manners and grace, dress, good humor, level of sophistication, being a good dinner companion, playing sports, staying out of trouble with the law, being able to discuss books, and other sorts of things that some people sum up as "presentable." As a reader notes, other less superficial traits often come under the "whiteness" umbrella:
I think "whiteness" is a shorthand for those who are culturally advantaged, adapted to a dominant if not elite culture, because in my life experience you can easily find people of all colors, ethnicities, and wealth who lack those qualities, and those who possess those qualities. It is indeed a handicap in life to lack them. Obama got to where he got by the combination of skin tone, a natural grace, and his cultural privilege. It can be a winning combination. Interestingly, Pres. Trump is culturally disadvantaged, or so it seems, and has a strange, alien, orange skin tone. He must be from some alien planet like Queens, NY, who landed in Washington like Mr. Bean. At the bottom of this, I think the "whiteness" thing is an attempted slo-mo imitation of Mao's cultural revolution with little to do with race or ethnicity.
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Saturday morning links
What traits tend to turn on women? Dr. Seuss: Racist "Hard work" is "whiteness" That is racist DR SEUSS IS RACIST, THOMAS THE TANK ENGINE IS SEXIST Related, MOORE’S LAW OF LIBERALISM IN ACTION Chuck Todd blows it, Ventura is a dope, Antifa racism in action, Cornell student demands and the woman who just won’t go away Facing poverty, academics turn to sex work and sleeping in cars Packers’ Attempt to Involve Fans In Anthem Demonstration Falls Flat, Most Chant ‘USA!’ Instead Reputation Management CEO: NFL Anthem Protests “The Worst Branding Move in Modern History” Beyond the daily drama and Twitter battles, Trump begins to alter American life HILLARY CLINTON IS CAMPAIGNING AGAIN. THAT DOESN'T SEEM LIKE A GOOD IDEA Jeh Johnson: The 2016 election wasn't hacked "Yet Another Major Russia Story Falls Apart. Is Skepticism Permissible Yet?" Steven Crowder’s ‘Undercover in Antifa’ Depicts Premeditated Violence, Disruption, and More U.S. Cuts Embassy Staff in Cuba, Halts Travel After Attacks Cuban Doctors: We’re Tired Of Being “Slaves” For Castro’s Communist Regime A MESSY DIVORCE - The UK’s Brexit Hand Gets Weaker The racial caste system in Latin America Five myths about the Vietnam War. No, Viet Cong guerrillas weren’t scrappy underdogs battling inept South Vietnamese forces. Western contempt for China turns to panic. Economic boom continues with electronics industry domination and infrastructure growth through trillion-dollar Belt and Road Initiative Armed Soldiers To Replace Cops On Danish Streets Friday, September 29. 2017Friday morning links
Toon via Theo On the Collective Football Plantation Dear NFL: I’m not “boycotting” you. I just don’t care anymore, about you. Civil Rights Group Launches Effort To Stop Colin Kaepernick From Being “Silenced” Oldest Evidence of Life Found in 3.95-Billion-Year-Old Rocks A fourth gravitational wave has been detected — and we've pinpointed its location better than ever before The brief video is good Tom Cruise's 'American Made' just latest case of film recasting history Skeptical of Burns’ ‘Vietnam,’ Part 2 Alarm as study reveals world’s tropical forests are huge carbon emission source Progressive Students ‘Freaked Out’ By Beach Ball At Southern Illinois University Valerie Plame update: Ex-CIA officer quits job after posting anti-Semitic tweet Why Tax American Companies Twice? The GOP plan would end the 35% ‘repatriation tax’ that makes it harder to compete—and create jobs. Trump Offers Plan To Lower Taxes For All, Obviously Leads To Screeching About Tax Cuts For Rich
Coyote: The conservatism of progressives
Border Apprehensions Surge as Crossers Rush to Beat Trump's Wall Lawmakers Turn Up the Heat on Obama Unmasking Scandal – Allege Larger Obama Spy Op on Trump Trump Waives Jones Act for Puerto Rico for 10 Days. That’s Good, but It’s Not Enough. Congress needs to vote to stop protecting shipping cartel from market competition. "I was alarmed at first but you come to expect things like that, it's become common place in east London." The Nationalist Aspirations in Kurdistan and Catalonia The Incredible Work of UN Watch Palestinian Leaders Stunned as Hamas Founder’s Son Defends Israel 'We don't want that!' German MEP attacks Jean-Claude Juncker plans for EU SUPERSTATE Thursday, September 28. 2017Prof Judith Curry with TuckerJust 3 minutes
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Thursday morning links
“I’m a Marxist-Feminist Slut — How Do I Find an Open Relationship?” I hope her Mom never sees her article Is Gender Dysphoria a Fad? Camille Paglia recently suggested that the rise of gender dysphoria is simply the new face of the counter-culture. Rewarding Rigor - U.S. News tweaks its college-ranking formula. Yet More Evidence the SAT is Being Dumbed Down Chuck Todd: Roy Moore Doesn’t Seem To Believe In The Constitution, He Believes Rights Come From God Why is the FBI trying to enforce NCAA rules? One-Third Of British 16-22-Year-Olds Say They’re Gay Or Bisexual That is news? Why Government's Push For A Cashless Society Won't Go Away Alabama tide portends another angry voter wave Blue State Blues: Hartford Downgraded Further Into Junk Status, Moves by S&P and Moody’s cites increased likelihood of default as early as November Will Fed's Reliance On Archaic Economic Models Doom The Economy? Obama Hauls In Millions From Wall Street, Not A Peep From The Media
MacDonald: Hard Data, Hollow Protests - FBI crime figures paint a very different picture of crime and policing than this weekend’s demonstrations suggest. Obamacare: Republicans’ Self-Inflicted Wounds Trump's Unintended Consequences: The Turn of the Culture Wars
Via Sailer's Tackling Race:
Trump preparing executive order to let Americans purchase health insurance across state lines Navy Returns to Compasses and Pencils to Help Avoid Collisions at Sea I thought all blue-water sailors compared electronics with paper and pencil France to Have Muslim Majority in 40 Years A good reason to tour France now A brief history of Palestine Wednesday, September 27. 2017Wednesday morning links
His new series is Significance of the Biblical Stories Millennials Are Super Excited To Let Someone Else Deal With Hotcoldwetdry L'amour? French consider fines for men who talk to women they haven't met Sick! Lots of women out there dying to meet guys Faculty position open: Only leftists need apply 'The New York Times' Is Working Overtime to Rehab Communism and Socialism in 2017 A commenter said "NYT opinion next week: for all its flaws, Hitler's Nazi movement bought healthy vegetarian meal planning to the Reich." Conservative, Inc., Is Being Replaced By Us Militant Normals Feminist group admits 'pay gap' is caused by women's choices USA Today: NFL commits suicide by Trump with politically correct protests I still don't know what they are protesting Limbaugh Didn’t Watch ‘Sunday Night Football’ For First Time In 45 Years NBA Coach Popovich Pops Off: ‘White People Especially’ Need to be Made ‘Uncomfortable’ Walter Williams: The Black Family Is Struggling, and It’s Not Because of Slavery
Tuesday, September 26. 2017NFL FunAs I have said, this is a very popular reality TV show which gives everybody something to talk about. It beats talking about the weather.
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Tuesday morning links
How Did Marriage Become a Mark of Privilege? Why are Americans Obsessed with Buying Organic? Not me. If it says "organic," I won't buy it. Marooned among Polar Bears (h/t Am. Digest) Guns, Germs, and Steel revisited Oktoberfest Was Invented by Jews The help Puerto Rico needs now — and what it doesn’t PR needs independence. They are a third world country The Deranged Origin of Multiculturalism Fixing flood insurance -- now's the time I don't fault Matt for putting his own children before mine. What I do fault him for is his efforts to keep me from putting my kids first. Sunday Sermonette: “If I were the Devil” Paul Harvey’s Prophecy from 1965 CIVIL WAR ON THE LEFT, PART 48: ASIAN SUPREMACY?
Oberlin College newspaper: Don’t accuse us of “social justice warfare” THE NATIONAL FELONS LEAGUE IS SPITTING ON AMERICA, NOT THE FANS
Trump Is Reinventing What It Means to Be a Politician As The Kurds Vote For Independence, Turkey Paves The Way To Invade Studying the Vietnam War - How the scholarship has changed. The Case for Preemptive Defense and Offense in the North Korean Chess Match NoKo is at war with the world, with reality. They are no threat to the US. Just bluster. Same as Venezuela, needing a scapegoat. Monday, September 25. 2017Monday morning links
Compassion, Empathy, Flapdoodle Why are good men so hard to find? John DelVecchio wants to Peak at 70 That's a good way to think, but why not 75? Time flies. Chicago’s Awesome New Soda Tax Produces Predicted Results\ The Ridiculous Expulsion Of Uber From London What do Leftists want? UC Berkeley’s ‘Free Speech Week’ officially canceled, appeared to be set-up from the start - Email suggests organizers didn’t intend for the event to happen Betsy DeVos Strikes Down Title IX 'Dear Colleague' Letter Behind Obama Campus Rape Tribunals African-Americans need school choice So does everybody else The left hated the NFL, until yesterday Patriots Fans Rain Down Boo’s Upon 20 Hate-filled Players It is strange, but nobody pays money to watch athletes display their politics - whatever they are. I still don't know what all this is about other than another Trumpian circus. Pres. Trump is a hit new TV reality show with a crazy new theme each week for people to talk about. Meanwhile, behind the stage, his admin is doing lots of things. Oppressed Multi-Millionaire Stevie Wonder Takes a Knee Austin Police SLAM Violent Masked Antifa Terrorists to the Ground, Make Multiple Arrests Vladimir Putin did not hack the election. Barack Obama did. . . . NY Times Uses Earthquakes To Bash Trump Fighting Fire with Fire: A Republican Finally Co-opts Alinsky's Rules for Radicals Warren: Trump, it has been noted, can be “politically incorrect.” To my mind this is his signal virtue. Sunday, September 24. 2017How the crooked Clinton Foundation workedOver the transom: With the publishing of her new book, seems only fair (and balanced) to take a look at excerpts from the 2014 Tax Return for the Clinton Foundation. These are public documents. 2014 Total revenue (line 12) $177,804,612 Total grants to charity (line 13) $5,160,385 (that's less than 3%) Total expenses of $91,281,145 Expenses include: They list 486 employees (line 5) plus 400 volunteers (line 6) "Fair Analysis: It took 486 (886?) people who are paid $34.8 million and $91.3 million in fees and expenses to give away $5.1 MILLION. Geez, wonder what all those folks wuz really doin? Line 22 shows ending year net assets/fund balances of $332,471,349 which is up $85,171,891 from last year's tax return! (No substantial asset increase in 2015 when she was running.....hmmm) - All these contributions were pure charitable donations?...it's another fair question that should leap to anyone's mind.
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Saturday, September 23. 2017Saturday morning links
Dogs’ Love of Man Is Real Do You Want To Be a Wife? Why Can't My Famous Gender Nonconforming Friends Get Laid? Sheesh. My apologies for linking that. Latest News from the Insane Asylum in New Haven Climate Deniers Just Want To Protect The Status Quo That Gave Them Great Lives Or Something When can we expect the next ice age? " Large numbers of my friends and acquaintances are climate skeptics, and many of them spend a good deal of their time feeling down in the dumps about the subject...." Tom Price’s Entitlement Spending The Puerto Rican Prophecy of Leonard Bernstein "Always a hurricane blowing..." St. Louis Aldermen Pass Resolution to Honor Heroin Dealer who Tried to Run Over Cops "California’s Sexual Assault Law Will Hurt Black Kids." Battle Over Confederate Monuments Moves to the Cemeteries It's never enough Academics Denounce Responsible Lifestyle as White Supremacist Protesters Interrupt Comey’s Speech At Howard University Democrats Are Gifting the Median Voter to Republicans Jimmy Kimmel Got a Hand From Chuck Schumer in His Fight Against Obamacare Repeal Lying RINO John McCain Says He Cannot Support Latest Obamacare Repeal Bill – But Ran on Repealing Obamacare Democrats will use any excuse not to give power back to the states or the people The US Navy – It’s Not a Job, It’s a Total Cluster Friday, September 22. 2017Delhi
The point is that I had a few hundred attacks on my computer over 48 hours, some foiled and some not. Some of these evil programs penetrated my email and my laptop. Of course, nobody cares about my info, but I do not like roaming intruder programs, worms and all that, messing with my machine. Russians? So the guys in Delhi sold me on a fancy new firewall and got rid of a lot of stuff that CCleaner could not. My old firewall was obsolete, about 4 years old. As readers know, it is a bit creepy the way the techies can take over your machine and do whatever they need to do. I guess you just have to trust them.
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Friday morning links
New Cotinga Tree Of Life Sheds Light On Evolution Of Brilliant Colors Study: Dinosaur-killing asteroid accelerated bird evolution Hubble discovers a unique type of object in the Solar System Where did Syphilis come from? Missing from Ken Burns’ ‘Vietnam’: The patriotism and pride of those who fought Ken Burns' Vietnam: Episode 1. Very Good, But 2 Omissions THE CAUSES OF INCOME INEQUALITY, REVEALED Duh: Unemployment, single parenthood, youth Debt-Serdom and Our Neofuedal Status Quo Indeed, governments are Tax Farmers Related, With Popular Single-Payer Plan, Bernie Sanders Enters New Territory: A Wealth Tax An annual tax on your life savings should be popular. That is, in addition to any income it generates. How about an annual 10% tax on your net assets? Clapper Claims FISA Wiretap Of Paul Manafort Conducted Without His Knowledge Why CNN told you Trump's campaign was wiretapped Trump’s ‘sovereignty’ talk was what the UN needed to hear Merkel’s Great Transformation North Korean leader on Trump: ‘I will surely and definitely tame the mentally deranged U.S. dotard with fire’ China and the art of the deal Thursday, September 21. 2017Dear Rabbis
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"What's amazing is that they are saying it out loud."Immigration: Tucker claims that the Dems want to replace deplorable American voters with new ones. Watch the video.
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Thursday morning links
For the 100th time, What is Art? “The directors of the new movie don’t seem to realize that Bobby Riggs is the one viewers want to hang out with:” Why Do We Encourage Gender Specific Clothes for Transgender Kids, but Gender Neutral Clothes for Straight Kids? Why This Mom Can’t Go to the Playground With Her Kids Quackademic Medicine at UC Irvine - UC Irvine Medicine School opens a center for integrative medicine, selling out to promote quackery in medicine. Judge Reopens Market to Christian Farmers Banned Over Same-Sex Marriage Stance; City 'Disappointed' Really? A disappointed city? Monumental Ignorance — Dumbing Down America - At UVA, moronic identity politics takes precedent over knowledge and truth. Mohammed Top Baby Name In UK For Fifth Straight Year…. School Choice: Matt Damon Elevates Hypocrisy to an Art Form Scientist Smacks Down Al Gore’s Claim That Harvey Brought ‘500,000 year rains’ The Myth That Climate Change Created Harvey, Irma From the “The Stupid, It Burns” Department: “Science denial not limited to political right” "Extraordinary & Worrisome" - WSJ Demands To Know How FBI 'Meddled' In 2016 Elections Sharyl Attkisson Rages "Looks Like Obama Spied On Trump, Just Like He Did To Me" What if the Republican candidate for president was put under surveillance by a Democratic administration that was trying to elect another Democrat? "This is much worse than Watergate, folks. That was a third-rate burglary that went awry." 'Rocket Man' aside, Trump's UN speech marks another kind of shift Look who else threatened North Korea Nikki Haley: The world now calls Kim Jong Un 'Rocket Man' All in all, Trump has had a pretty good eight months Slowly learning the job The True Enemies of the Palestinians Egypt's Sisi Urges Palestinians to Unite, Co-Exist With Israelis And lose their scapegoat? Not gonna happen Austin Bay: Russia's War in Ukraine and War Games in Belarus Wednesday, September 20. 2017Wednesday morning links
In Yankeeland, Apple Pie is for breakfast “The IKEA Humans: The Social Base of Contemporary Liberalism “ These handicapped New Yorkers are behind hundreds of lawsuits It's a career The challenges of driving a yellow cab in the age of Uber ‘Vietnam’ Episode 2: There’s an iceberg ahead, but the ship speeds up Be skeptical of Ken Burns’ documentary: The Vietnam War by Terry Garlock Memo to civic leaders: Don't sell out your cities for Amazon's new headquarters Amazon is trolling governments for freebies Wisconsin’s Shame: ‘I Thought It Was a Home Invasion’ Climanutters Link California Earthquake With ‘Climate Change’ Even Hobby Lobby Cotton Is Racist These Days CRITICS SLAM DEVOS FOR BEING FAIR VDH: Diversity Can Spell Trouble Powerline: THE WAGES OF BORKING Soros-Funded Activists Demand Democrats Oppose Border Security At Any Cost… We Didn't Normalize Trump. We Normalized the Left's Violence. "We"? James Woods Nails CNN With Three Story Headlines About Wiretapping Trump Team How is this different from Watergate? WaPo: The FBI wiretap on Paul Manafort is a big deal. Here’s why. ‘Freakin’ unbelievable’! Politico writer DEFENDS Kim Jong-un after Trump’s #UNGA speech Nationalism without isolationism: Trump’s UN triumph Is China’s Export Success Built on Slavery? Don't look now, but Donald Trump's strategy is beating ISIS in Syria Tuesday, September 19. 2017Trump had fun at the UNStraight talk at the UN? The MSM girls and boys were clutching their pearls: Trump at the UN: Key Quotes
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Hillary: It took a village
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Tuesday morning links
Image above: Testing dog training. Command is Sit, or Sit, Stay. My dogs were tested on squirrels. Confirmed: exercising during pregnancy is good for mother and baby Organic Marketing Is Losing A Key Government Advocate My plan for 2018 is to avoid anything labeled organic Climate change not as threatening to planet as previously thought, new research suggests No kidding! RIP Irony 2017 Unconditional love The W.K. Kellogg Foundation’s Radical Leftward Drift - Have some liberal politics with your cereal! Shocking idea: Getting Back To "Bourgeois Basics"? Why NYC is Spending Millions to Fill Garbage Cans with Nutritious Meals Governments turn tables by suing public records requesters Ian Buruma: A Jihad Apologist at the Helm of the New York Review of Books Nobody reads it anyway. SCENES FROM ACADEMIA: A Campus Conservative’s Year Facing Anger, Doxing and Intimidation. EU Report Characterizes Opposition to Abortion as a Crime Against Humanity Underreported: What Happened When Government Tried to Fix a Coal Town New England's Illinois: Connecticut's Budget Mess Shows That States Can't Tax Themselves to Prosperity DALLAS "INVESTIGATING" BENJAMIN FRANKLIN'S "CONNECTION TO THE CONFEDERACY" Why Is Google Hiring 1,000 Journalists To Flood Newsrooms Around America? Z-man: " The sole reason for Schumer to exist in Washington is to guide troublesome Republicans through the process of committing political suicide." Tucker Carlson UNLEASHES on Illegal Alien: ‘You Don’t Have a Right to Demand Anything!’ Obama FBI Wiretapped TRUMP Campaign Manager During 2016 Election Obama update: Retiree On Pension Still Has Not Made Enough Money, Occupies Wall Street … Sort Of $400,000 per Wall St. speech. I am envious. That's a good pay day. NYT Reporter: Hillary Thought “It Was Our Job” To Get Her Elected She was right Why U.S. Can't Have Open-Ended Amnesty For Kids Who Arrive Here Illegally NYT: Is Trump a white supremacist? Is he beating his wife? Trump's Gentle-Seeming U.N. Reforms Are Really An Ultimatum: Reform Or Die Around the world in 80 days (day 16) Okinawa: Remembering who we once were London Update: West to Blame for Islamic Terrorism The London bomber was a teenage refugee Hungary Builds A Wall, Cuts Illegal Immigration By Over 99 Per Cent Palestinians Imprison Journalists for Exposing Corruption 48% of east Jerusalem parents want Israeli school curriculum Israeli Innovation Behind iPhone X – Will They Boycott Apple? Monday, September 18. 2017Europe's suicideh/t American Digest All of this saddens me deeply because I have visions of where it all ends up. Condell is your Jeremiah, people.
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