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Tuesday, November 7. 2017For now, there is no one else in the opposition standing in the way of radical progressivism.VDH on Crossing the Trump Rubicon:
Posted by The News Junkie
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I think we're finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel as Trump continues to nullify the reams of illegal Obama orders, regulations and "guidance" that have crippled our economy.
Today's good news, the Labor Department rescinded Obama "guidance" that allowed the federal government to go after Christian businesses for failing to adopt the LGBT agenda. At issue was a Christian meat-packing plant that was facing closure for allowing religious material in its employee breakroom. https://www.adflegal.org/detailspages/press-release-details/usda-beefs-up-protections-for-free-speech-religious-freedom QUOTE: USDA beefs up protections for free speech, religious freedom New policy lifts threat issued during previous administration to shut down meatpacking facility over religious article on breakroom table Monday, November 06, 2017 WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Agriculture has issued new policy guidance within its Food Safety and Inspection Service regarding freedom of speech and religion. The guidance removes the threat of a government-dictated shutdown of West Michigan Beef Company, a Grand Rapids–area meatpacking company owned by Donald and Ellen Vander Boon that employs 45 people, over religious literature on a breakroom table. The threat of government closure of the Vander Boons’ business occurred after Don Vander Boon placed on his company’s breakroom table an article expressing the religious view that marriage is a special relationship between a man and a woman. A USDA food inspector removed the article from the table. Then, in an apparent enforcement action under a policy issued by the Obama administration, a USDA official threatened to remove all USDA inspectors from the premises if Don Vander Boon returned the article to the table. This was effectively a threat to close the Vander Boons’ business because federal law requires the presence of USDA inspectors for plant operations to continue. “The First Amendment guarantees all Americans the freedom to believe and the freedom to express those beliefs without fear of being targeted by the government,” said Alliance Defending Freedom Legal Counsel Samuel Green. “We commend the Trump administration for making clear that the unconstitutional religious and viewpoint discrimination against the Vander Boons at their own private family business will not be tolerated and for recommitting federal agencies like the Department of Agriculture to respecting the First Amendment freedoms of all Americans.” ADF and allied attorney James Wierenga have been representing the Vander Boons and their family business in an effort to correct the unlawful government censorship of the Vander Boons’ religious views. The USDA resolved the matter by issuing a guidance memorandum and a list of frequently asked questions. The documents explain that the First Amendment “prevents the government from discriminating against individual viewpoints” and that USDA employees and people like the Vander Boons who own facilities the USDA inspects are free to exercise their freedom of speech, including speech relating to beliefs about marriage. “I never would have imagined that the federal government would threaten to put me and my employees out of work because of religious literature on a breakroom table,” said Vander Boon. “My family and I seek to share God’s love and truth with others, and we’re thankful that the USDA is now recognizing our right and the right of other Americans to speak freely without facing government persecution.” In February 2017, ADF President, CEO, and General Counsel Michael Farris wrote to President Trump asking him to remedy the Vander Boon situation and to work toward more fully protecting the religious freedom of Americans from federal overreach. In May, Trump signed an executive order that was a first step toward protecting religious liberty. Days later, Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue issued a policy statement on the First Amendment, stating a “commitment to safeguarding every American’s First Amendment rights, particularly the right to free speech and the right to free religious exercise.” ADF then issued a statement urging Perdue to translate that commitment into practical relief for the Vander Boons and Americans like them. In October, in advancement of the objectives laid out by the president’s executive order, Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued guidance regarding religious liberty protections in federal law to be applied across all executive agencies and departments. Consisting of 20 principles, the guidance makes clear that “Americans do not give up their freedom of religion by participating in the marketplace, partaking of the public square, or interacting with government.” “Religious business owners shouldn’t be forced to choose between their faith and participation in the marketplace,” said ADF Senior Counsel Jonathan Scruggs. “The USDA not only threatened the Vander Boons’ livelihood over a piece of religious literature on a breakroom table, they also jeopardized the jobs of 45 other hardworking Americans. Secretary Perdue’s action to resolve this issue is another good sign that the Trump administration is taking free speech and religious freedom seriously.” Trump is not what he's projected to be. Democrats just chalked up big wins.
The boomer conned right spent the last 50 years betraying conservativism and selling the nation into a gazillion dollars of debt and liability. They and the Democrats are both functionally obsolete but this country being as dumb as it is, the left will always find fertile markets to re-peddle its same parasitic fabulism into. Fortunately for them, the boomer conned right can't navigate a shopping cart around a Walmart, much less articulate structural originalism, compose a sound platform, and simply carry on. Debt...what a queer thing to blame the Right for...when THE LEFT HELD THE REINS of Congress for all but about 6-10 of the past 40-50 years.
You have almost no idea what's involved, Buch, that being the point about rightists, corporatism, banking, and money.
Meh = Always Wrong and never In Doubt
Having spent half my professional career in D.C. in the Executive Branch at the national level, I'd say YOU are the IGNORAMUS here, child. Keep on diddling with your nihilism and fatalism.
Kauf Buch
2017-11-08 10:56
That's quite the admission, Buch, all that time and evidently you know less about that corridor then the average interested voter. Nice job. Nice caps too.
Did you preside over this too, jeenyus? Go name-call someone who doesn't remember 2008, son.
2017-11-08 11:31
Keep changing the subject, moving the goalpost, fool.
Kauf Buch
2017-11-08 12:35
You mean this subject? It's true. You know it and I know it, store window partisan.
Confronting what the normie boomer conned right did to pillage this nation - keeping it safe from the ravages of vegans, aging academics, solar energy, and Clinton volunteers - is what men who recall original, structural principle should be doing instead of prancing around like they're ex-DC kings of the establishment. Because that's just be ironic. Maybe work on that act a little more before you trot it out again.
2017-11-08 12:43
Wow! What DoublePlusGood horsesh!t!
Thanks (/s) for reminding all of us here about this thread, moron. (Unlike you, I don't use mentally crippled jargon like "store window partisan") Enjoy your eloquent embitterment and failure.
Kauf Buch
2017-11-08 14:49
Right Buch, if it escapes you it can't possibly exist.
That's a condition, not a real human thought. Get it looked at.
2017-11-08 14:56
Look child, I'll grant you
you remind me of Porter over at Kakistocracy, lots of verbiage with rare/occasional ideas. YOU fit the NO IDEAS category...with LOTS of words to back it up. So, STUFF IT, loser.
Kauf Buch
2017-11-08 16:32
...and let me save you the time looking up whatever strictly partisan conclusion you prefer. Naturally, the real problem transcends, if that's the right word, the tiny religion of Rep v Dem, our culture's silly comic book of virtue.
The real problem is entirely, ruthlessly serious. Yes, "good news," but it all seems like baby steps when
what we really need at this time is a b!tchslap across the Leftist face of America. If Leftists and GOPestablishment succeed in preventing enough of President Trump's agenda, they will rue to next winner who WILL get things done...metaphorically over their dead bodies. ...and...as far as the D "wins" yesterday...it has at least in part (if not mostly) to do with the Dems polluting our populace with NON-American voters, since they failed at buying out sufficient number of American blacks.
How wonderful the Dems have to win via illegal (but voting) aliens, the VA gov allowing felons to vote and, not to mention, all the DC peeps that don't want to lose their plush jobs if the bureaucracy is cut. Seriously, I think The Mob got tired of bad movies about them and morphed into Politicians with MBAs and law degrees. Lawyers should be ineligible to serve in Congress as not many understand the business of earning a living within the law.
President Trump has a hard road ahead, but he seems to have the patience necessary for the job. Too bad the media, the banksters and those educated by the propaganda spit out in the public schools and universities -- both public and private -- retain their influence. Agreed. BUT: it's not just up to Trump.
WE elected him, and now, WE need to elect those who will support Trump's agenda. Block (D) opponents even when the alternative (e.g. Gillespie) isn't the greatest. Keep on pushing. I disagree with VDH. It was Obama who led his followers across the Rubicon. They really believed he was their Caesar who would take them on forever into the future. As I have said many times before the Left isn't going to suddenly "see the Light" and just give up. They will have wins and the Right will have losses, but overall the Left is losing. They will continue doing the things they do, because they know of no other way and can't help themselves. Press them!
Make no mistake the left/Dems will make a comeback. They will elect a president and they will once again control congress. And unlike the Republicans they know how to use that power and advantage to get what they want. They will continue to push the country further left and restrict constitutional rights. I am more or less resigned to the fact that it is inevitable that our country become first Marxist socialist and then ultimately communist. The left is committed to their cause and the right are wimps.
Thank you, Tokyo rose,
for that brilliant display of ALL HOPE IS LOST! SURRENDER! GIVE UP NOW!!! Henny Penny is proud of you, too. ..."For now, there is no one else in the opposition standing in the way of radical progressivism marxist communism. At best, some not actively promoting progressivism communism are only begging it to slow down a bit; at worst, the “I told you so” others wish for now progressivism communism to prevail to demonstrate what happens when the hoi polloi do not listen to their supposed betters.".
There, that's better. Why not label the totalitarian, centrally-planned "progressive" movement for what it is and always has been. "The Devil's greatest accomplishment was convincing the world he didn't exist.” https://twitter.com/StefanMolyneux/status/928127859297832962?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw To quote the Deplorable Phantom from "Small Dead Animals": "62+M Americans got off their sofas to vote for the rodeo clown because anybody else would have been more of the same." Amen brother.
I am sadder, but wiser, as I look back at politicians, who I thought had the greater good at heart, like Bush or Romney, even Joe Biden. I can't think of any other Republican primary contender, who was even remotely interested in reviving the jobs market for the regular folks. I realize now that their first priority was to serve the globalists and financialists at whatever the cost to Middle America, not to mention their own pockets. And, egads, I am not even against free trade. The regular working people were tired of being kr@pped on and scapegoated. I have no idea how Trump became the one to pick up the gauntlet, but as far as I can see, he is the only one except for perhaps Bernie. |