Monday, January 14. 2019
Why hip surgery wouldn’t help extend Andy Murray’s tennis career
R. Kelly: Why So Many Ignored the Warning Signs. The R&B star has enjoyed fame despite decades of claims that he’s abused teenage girls. Why?
Is weed as safe as many think?
'Fortnite' and the collapse of parenting
Kids should be outdoors playing sports and having real adventures. Adults who play these games are infantile by definition
Johns Hopkins, Bristol-Myers must face $1 billion syphilis infections suit
Nobel Prize Winning DNA Pioneer Stripped of Titles After Sharing His Views on IQ and Race
Even though he is correct, you can't say this. IQ is heavily genetic, same as height
Campus police want students to report acts of 'bias'
Like East Germany - report your neighbor
10-Year-Old Boy 'Drag Kid' Photographed With Naked Adult Drag Queen
Every day is Halloween
Are you or have you ever been a Catholic?
Good news: De Blasio loses twice to the little guys
Democrat Menendez Spotted Partying with Bikini Girls in Puerto Rico During Government Shutdown
Elizabeth Warren Makes The Tough Call On… Ditching Columbus Day
Jonathan Turley: FBI's 'Cognitive Bias' May Have Triggered Trump Russia Probe
Rosenstein Bent the Rules to Protect Mueller — and It Worked. The deputy attorney general should have recused himself at least twice, but didn’t, and stood up to Trump in the process
What if the Obstruction Was the Collusion? On the New York Times’s Latest Bombshell
Andrew McCarthy: FBI Russia investigation was always about Trump
CNN's Cuomo goes against CNN wall narrative
How dare he? Racist
Just in time for Democrats arguing walls don't work: New caravan readies to roll in
Flashback: Democrats Built Tall Fence To Keep Protesters Out Of Their 2016 Convention
"... no foreign-policy initiative undertaken by President Trump, however wise it may be in regard to US national interests, will be accepted by the establishment."
Conrad Black: America's resurgence is reshaping the world. The U.S. is demonstrating almost effortlessly how illusory is the idea that any other country or group of countries can challenge its pre-eminence
Salon: God help us, Trump is right about something. He may not be coherent, but he’s correct. Neither Syria or Afghanistan is worth the loss of one more American life
China: "Only through this system can we discipline those who can't discipline themselves."
Japan Revives Its Economy; Puts Women, Retirees in Workforce
Jerusalem, Israel's Capital: Watch the Masks Fall
Malian slaves risk lives to end centuries-old institution, see hope in Trump
Saturday, January 12. 2019
That is, cannabinoids. I think there is already a bubble in publicly-traded companies, and that weed itself is a cheap commodity. I see a company making chewing gum. No, not a bubble-gum.
I do not like weed myself (beer is my vice of choice), but I will not object to an easy way to make money. My guess is that any promising businesses in the cannabinoid space will be bought out by the big boys in pharma or tobacco.
Your thoughts?
Friday, January 11. 2019
The Magical Gaze of 'Mona Lisa' Is a Myth
The power of suggestion. What is so great about that portrait? Or is it famous for being famous?
The fate of Laos' elephants
Mothers in shock as daughters come home from college with mustaches, breasts removed
"French theory" philosophy is on its way out of fashion
George Bernard Shaw Was so Enamored with Socialism He Advocated Genocide to Advance It
Why First-Mover Advantage in a New Industry Isn't Always An Advantage
Another example: IBM invented the Microsoft system and look at IBM now
Senators Call on FCC To Investigate T-Mobile, AT&T, and Sprint Selling Location Data to Bounty Hunters
Britain’s Struggle With Loneliness. Like us, they've let go of family and religion, and the results, as our writer saw, have been tragic.
After Months Of Complaints, Seattle Clears Homeless Encampment
And all but one refuse free shelter. In this case, is "homeless" a euphemism for bums and addicts?
Where Have the (Bill) Clinton Democrats Gone?
Seattle TV Station Caught Doctoring Trump's Face During National Address
Why didn’t the GOP-held Congress fund the wall?
TNR says Trump's impeachment trial has already begun
Dutch Authorities Threaten Criminal Charges for Pastors Who Signed Biblical Marriage Statement
Euroland governments detest free speech
Robert Samuelson: Why China Clings To 'State Capitalism'
How Will Israel Respond to An Eventual U.S. Pullout from Syria?
Thursday, January 10. 2019
Update: How Do You Tell If The Earth's Climate System "Is Warming"?
Remember When Starbucks Caved And Opened Their Bathrooms To Non-Customers? Here's How That Worked Out.
The escape from Portlandia
The APA Can’t Spin Its Way Out of Its Attack on ‘Traditional Masculinity’
Angela Davis update
The (academic) empire strikes back
Thou shalt not make fun of them
New York Times Makes Major Correction to Report on Manafort and Russian Oligarch
Remarkable Statements from Obama’s Former Border Chief
Students Hate Obama, Schumer, Clinton Immigration And Border Wall Quotes When Told They’re From Trump…
Dem Strategist: Pelosi, Schumer 'Struggle' to 'Relate' to Americans
On a scale of one to ten, Trump was a seven and Pelosi/Schumer were a zero
CREEP SHOW: Pelosi and Schumer Freak Out Viewers… Blank Stares, Scowls and Crazy Eyes Consume Dem Response
Kimball: Those who think Trump will cave on the wall are wrong. A country without borders is not a country
It's not about the border - it's about resisting anything Trump wants. Dems were all for barriers until Trump was. Can't allow him another win.
60 Years On: Reflections on the Revolution in Cuba
The EU In 2019 – The Problem Of Survival
Wednesday, January 9. 2019
Why dreams like flying, falling, being chased are so common, and how your brain creates them
Nepal’s Endangered Vultures Are Finally Making a Comeback. A campaign against a lethal painkiller, paired with “restaurants” that supply clean carcasses, may just save these species
How you dress and how you behave: Aware of how others see us?
It's probably worse than we think
The Unbearable Heaviness of Clutter. A cluttered home can be a stressful home, researchers are learning
Chicken, egg. Less efficient people are more easily stressed. Best to make a plan to be more efficient, and to streamline life
Trump opponents are wrong to predict economic gloom and doom
One Year Later, 'Net Neutrality' Zealots Proved Dead Wrong
China-Made Smartphone Weather App Stole Data From 10 Million Global Users
AT&T is pretending like 5G is already here – and misleading users
Psychologists Say Traditional Masculinity Is 'Harmful.'
Psychologists not famous for being manly. I don't think that organization realizes how difficult, endless, and worthwhile a developmental task it is...but who ever heard of a wife or child being proud or happy about a fearful or ineffectual male in the family?
Grown Men Are the Solution, Not the Problem
Helen Smith: Activists, Not Healers: Why I Despise What My Profession Has Become
The Top 20% of Households Pay 88% of Federal Income Taxes
Nobody ever thanks them for it, but I will.
No, This Is Not JFK’s Democratic Party
Kamala Harris Readies Her 2020 Rollout
Atlantic: Worse Than Watergate. If the multiple charges against Trump prove out, he’ll easily displace Nixon at the top of the Crooked Modern Presidents list.
What "charges"? Listening to PMSNBC all day is dangerous to your mental health.
California Governor Newsom Vows ‘Sanctuary To All Who Seek It’ In Inauguration Speech
I support legal emigration
I support legal immigration too
Students Slam 'Trump' Wall Quotes, Then They Learn Who Actually Said Them
Ex-ICE Director Urges Nancy Pelosi To Take Wall Funding Deal: ‘Love Your Country More Than You Hate This President’
Democrats are campaigning to end prosperity
Leftists Fight ‘White Supremacy’ By Harassing Jewish Business Owner, Paint Jewish Star On His Restaurant, Break Window
She was trying to work both sides
US Downgraded Status of EU – But Did Not Formally Announce It
The EU is not a country - yet
How Vietnam lost and China won Cambodia. Forty years after the fall of the China-supported Khmer Rouge regime to Vietnam's invading forces, Cambodia is now more clearly in Beijing's than Hanoi's orbit
Harsanyi: Yes, Anti-Zionism Is The Same As Anti-Semitism. 'Anti-Zionism' is the predominant justification for violence, murder, and hatred against Jews in Europe and the Middle East. It’s now infiltrating American politics.
Tuesday, January 8. 2019
NYT: Am I old?
Women over 50 'too old' to love, French author Yann Moix says
Well, youth does have its charms
Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria Is ‘Social Contagion’
AKA a fad
An Homage—and Memorial—to Civilization. Peter Jackson’s new documentary about the First World War is an overwhelming viewing experience.
The Mindfulness fad
Our obsession with taking photos is changing how we remember the past
Millennials discover that building a life is difficult
Genes, environment - and luck
Package tracking app turns users’ devices into a bot farm, violates user privacy
Apps are bad, except for Mapquest
The Pope’s Laxity Catches Up With Him
But at least he is against climate and poverty...wait - Don't people in the Church take a vow of poverty?
The ‘Green New Deal’ isn’t just ambitious — it’s insane
Will Somebody Actually Start A Serious "Climate" Emissions-Reduction Program In 2019?
Portland State Prof Who Exposed ‘Grievance Studies’ Corruption Faces University Discipline
So I Guess I'm Only Half Racist? At least I mow my lawn: University Educator: Mowing Your Lawn & Acting Respectable Is Racist
Hey, Christian Bale, Dick Cheney's my former boss. Here's what your Golden Globes speech missed
Shut up and act
Heather: Opportunistic Outrage - Anger about comparatively rare white-on-black hate lets advocates ignore a far more pervasive reality.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Dissenters Need not Apply. Against diversity statements.
NYT Hack Defends Paper’s Non-Stop Attacks on President Trump Despite His Historic Presidency
Government Can’t Heal Us, Tucker Carlson
The Great Wall of America Will Break the Democrats
The Economy Is Finally Coming Through for U.S. Workers. Decent wage gains are showing up in paychecks. That should continue for a while.
Amnesty International Singling Out Jews in 2019
Saturday, January 5. 2019
Friday, January 4. 2019
A Close Look at the Most Distant Object NASA Has Ever Explored - In the icy reaches of the solar system, NASA discovered a snowman-shaped object.
Kansas Teen to Get High School, Harvard Diplomas in 1 Month
M, F or X: New York City birth certificates now have a gender-neutral option
I think doctors can usually figure it out
NYC: Much Ado About Amazon - The company’s new headquarters could become a new Rockefeller Center.
Move Over ‘Friends,’ Millennials Now Find ‘Seinfeld’ Problematic
Historian: Museums need to ‘reconsider’ European art exhibits because … white supremacy
This conflation of comedy with politics is the real shame.
NYT Crossword Editor Gets Beaned By the Roaming Outrage Mob
And the soy-boy apologized
In wake of transcript fraud scandal, universities silent on admissions processes
Colleges eat up these fake sob stories
Black Lawmakers’ Charity Didn’t Give Out A Single Scholarship, Top Pols Hide Financials.
Germany’s Leading Magazine Published Falsehoods About American Life - A reporter with Der Spiegel fabricated information in more than a dozen articles—most of which were meant to reveal America’s brutality.
NBC analyst leaving network over 'Trump circus'
The "dossier" was an intel set-up
Schlichter: Top 10 Predictions for 2019, A Year That Will Make 2018 Look Sane
VDH: Actually, 2018 Was a Pretty Good Year
Democrat Leaders WOULD NOT EVEN LISTEN to Border Security Briefing at WH Meeting
Forget the wall — Democrats now hate the border itself
'Fresh Face' Dem Congresswoman: 'We're Gonna Impeach The Motherf***er'
That's an intelligent approach...
Fifth Kavanaugh Accuser Recants
The Tragic “Elizabeth Warren Being Very Authentic And Having A Beer On Instagram” Clip
It's what their readers want
About Tucker Carlson’s Galvanizing Speech
We posted his 15-minute monologue yesterday
Also, re Tucker:
“A mob of angry children is suddenly in charge of the country,” he said. “These aren’t people seeking a revolution. They’re fighting for the status quo to protect their own status. They are drunk on power and they are looking for new people to hurt. Someday, we are going to look back on this moment with shame and horror.”
Thursday, January 3. 2019
Wednesday, January 2. 2019
Most people give up New Year's Resolutions by January 12, study claims
Photographer Makes New Year’s Resolution to Stop Buying Unnecessary Gear in 2019, Breaks It Before 2019 Even Begins
New discoveries at Pompeii come amid renaissance at site
Pretty In Passenger-Seat Pink: Why Are Women In Power-Adjacent Positions Flocking Toward the Feminine Hue?
The Push for Unconstitutional College Programs
Condell video: Big Tech and the Anti-American Dream
Anxiety About Immigration is a Global Issue
The Only Meddling "Russian Bots" Were Actually Democrat-Led "Experts"
Trump May Be The True Liberal
Romney: Trump 'Has Not Risen to the Mantle' of President
"Mantle"? Give me a break.
Mitt Romney: The president shapes the public character of the nation.
What?!? I used to like the guy enough, but now I see he is a sanctimonious putz
Trump tweets "Enjoy the ride."
Tuesday, January 1. 2019
Crystal-clear logic without any ideological contaminants, with humor. Sample: Episode 356 Scott Adams: China Trade, Louis C.K., Walls and Climate Debate
His genius for clarity is like a glass of icewater.
I've had the local NPR on the radio for about two months. It's been interesting. I think it's the radio designed mainly for graying suburban moms and grandmas. It has a soothing, virtuous, homey tone and it assumed you agree with their angles and spin because you are bien pensant like them.
It doesn't take long to get the daily predictability:
Bad things: Orange Man, the economy, guns, White Supremacists (where do they find those?), the climate crisis, Putin, Russia Russia Russia, oil companies, border security, the obsolete US Constitution, people who won't recycle
Good things: The UN, Nancy Pelosi, The SPLC, any LGBT movement, illegal immigrants, government regulations, Pocohontas, Romney (they suddenly love him), anybody who feels oppressed or offended. And recycling is the highest form of virtue.
They have pretty good taste in music, though.
Monday, December 31. 2018

Amos Oz, ‘Israel’s greatest writer,’ advocate for peace, dies at 79
William Baumol, whose famous economic theory explains the modern world, has died
The man who got justice for the girl in the red coat
Social Worker Led Frugal Life To Leave Nearly $11 Million To Children's Charities
Association of Cannabis With Cognitive Functioning in Adolescents and Young Adults
If You’re Over 50, Chances Are the Decision to Leave a Job Won’t be Yours
Practically Pernicious in Every Way - The Disney reboot of a classic story about parenting inverts and betrays the message of the original.
The Ten Most Outrageous Higher Ed Stories From 2018
Walter Williams: Disparities Galore
The Conservative Purge Continues: Christian Leader Franklin Graham Suspended from Facebook Over 2016 Post
REPORT! Top Email Service Providers Tossed GOP Candidates’ Emails Into Spam Folder During Election
Immigration: America as an 'attractive nuisance'
FBI: A Record High of 8 Million Illegal Immigrants Tried to Buy Guns in 2018
Conway: Border wall debate 'a silly semantic argument'
Donald Trump is completely transforming the Democrats
"The press reports he watches television for hours, is inattentive to briefings, doesn't read, rants, rages, nurses petty resentments..."
Gen. Anthony Tata: Trump Doctrine brings foreign policy success
SYRIA WAS NEVER A JUST WAR - The West should fight wars based on the principles of Augustine, not Mohammed.
Newly formed Putin Airways to undertake a round the world non-stop commercial flight
Saturday, December 29. 2018

Photo via Salt Water New England: When there's no snow or ice, Christmas week is a good time for a hunt in Yankeeland
'They shall not grow old' a box office blowout - for good reason
Meet Bai Shaofeng, a Beijing bachelor looking for love. Shaofeng’s problem — one faced by millions of his countrymen — is a product of cultural preferences, government decree and modern medical technology. In China, there are simply too many men.
A few insane academic SJWs
The Other Intersectionality: Victims of Islamism
Greatest Female Tennis Player in History Martina Navratilova Says That It's Not Fair for Men to Compete Against Women; Trans Activists Attack Her Until She Deletes the Tweet and Apologizes
Furious trans woman tells shopkeeper "Let's take it outside"
Who are Seattle's homeless
Mostly addicts, hobos, and the mentally-ill
Postcards From San Francisco
This Insane Battle To Block a New Apartment Building Explains Why San Francisco and Other Cities Are So Expensive
Proposition 13 is no longer off-limits in California
Latest Russia bombshell is fake news
Another, bigger migrant caravan is set to leave from Honduras next month
Sheriff: Border Fence Helped Cut Crime in Yuma by 91 Percent
NY Times Warmist: Forget The Carbon Tax Now (Till We Can Ram It Through)
Maurice Strong, Climate Crook
Democrats Hate the Wall because Trump Loves It
Could Venezuela's Socialist Disaster Get Any Worse? Just Ask Its Oil Company
Bashar Al-Assad Has Won The Syrian Civil War
Friday, December 28. 2018
Moral Confusion About Immigration
Interesting, but immigration is a politico-socio-economic issue more than a moral one, isn't it? An issue for the people to decide.
Only a world government can benevolently solve all of our problems: Angela Merkel: Nation States Must "Give Up Sovereignty" To New World Order
Governance is too important to be left to the people. Government has the guns, so shut up.
Photo: Christmas Eve moon over the Maggie's HQ after church and a late Christmas Eve party
Bill Ballou: Mariano Rivera not getting this writer’s Hall of Fame vote
Interesting. He's right that people always loved Mariano
6 Unexpected Ways Depression Can Impact Your Social Life & How To Spot The Signs
Jews on the Prairie - The rise and fall of Beersheba, a Jewish agricultural colony that brought immigrants to Kansas in the 1880s
Mizzou Official Claims Tall Men Asking Out Short Women Could Constitute Sexual Misconduct
What about tall women going after small men?
WRONG AGAIN: Obama and Gore Said Global Warming Would Cause More Severe Tornadoes – 2018 Was First EVER with NO VIOLENT TORNADOES
John Kerry's Family Fights to Keep Peasants Away from Ancestral French Villa, Claiming Terror Threat
The cost of the wall is nothing compared to the yearly cost of illegal immigration
Steyn considers concept of lone wolves
Michael Walsh: Sweet Shutdown, Roll On
Williamson: Does the U.S. government do more harm than good?
The FBI and DOJ Were Working to Protect Hillary Clinton a Lot Longer Than Generally Discussed…
Byron York: When Democrats embraced the 'Southern Border Fencing Strategy'
Tom Friedman is having a bad old time 'getting' Trump
Althouse is no Trumper, but this:
I'll just add that I can barely read the news these days (and I absolutely cannot watch it on TV). The negativity toward Trump is so relentless, cluttering up everything. It's crying wolf times a thousand. If anything is worth taking seriously, I'm afraid I won't be able to notice.
For better or worse, Trump is now Trumpier than ever
After 60 years of revolution in Cuba, cracks in leadership emerge
Beijing continues its South China Sea imperialism and ups the military ante.
Commies are always imperialists
China To Take Over Kenya's Largest Port Over Unpaid Chinese Loan
Clever technique. China knew they'd never be able to pay the loan
Ecuador fell into the same trap
Taiwan’s growing role
Kim’s last chance
Thursday, December 27. 2018
Wednesday, December 26. 2018
More Babies Are Conceived Over the Holiday Season Than Other Times of Year
It was Christmas Eve 1967, and we had just returned from a four-day operation that took us into the rugged hills of Vietnam's Khe Sanh Plateau.
50 Years After 'Earthrise,' a Christmas Eve Message from Its Photographer
Ruling that blocked grizzly bear hunts appealed by US
End of Snow (Again): “under a high emissions scenario, skiing could be very limited … by the end of this century”
Morals are not products of reason
Can Intelligence Buy You Happiness?
These endless Happiness Studies bother me. What is happiness anyway? A warm gun? Seems to me that not feeling depressed or overly-anxious is worth feeling grateful for.
The Virtue Signalers Won’t Change the World - Third-wave antiracism makes sense, and fits into the longer struggle, but it’s a dead end.
Revising trauma downward
Fewer NYC High School Students Identify As Heterosexual Than Ever Before
Hetero isn't cool
Why Doesn’t the FBI Videotape Interviews?
Ticking Time Bombs in the Church
On The Continuing, Pervasive Hatred of Short-Sellers
Sorry, Lefties And Never-Trumpers, But Mattis Quitting Isn't A Crisis
Trump Derangement Goes International
Trump Signs Sweeping Bipartisan Prison Reform Ahead of Partisan Shutdown
Trump seeks peace not war
He could end up ending or getting the US out of several wars in four years - Yemen, Korea, Syria, Afghanistan, wars against Israel. Not bad.
They’re Not Sending Their Best: Democrat Leaders Pelosi and Schumer Post Same Exact Trump-Hating Tweet on Christmas Eve
TRUMP BESTS THE GENIUSES IN SYRIA - All those foreign policy wizards who got us into this mess are now screaming. No wonder.
In the Middle East, Christians are under grave threat - let us show them they are not forgotten
The Vanishing - The plight of Christians in an age of intolerance
Iraqi Christians Celebrate Hopeful Christmas After Defeat Of ISIS