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Monday, February 25. 2019Monday morning links
Freedom is slavery London Police Arrest Black Christian and Take His Bible for Preaching “Jesus Is On the Way”; Accuse Him of Racism and Islamophobia ‘Cheating’: Martina Navratilova under fire after saying trans women shouldn’t compete in women’s sports Women May Have to Register for the Draft as Men's Group Wins Selective Service Lawsuit MY WOKE BOYFRIEND AND I ALMOST BROKE UP OVER JORDAN PETERSON Now the mayor’s vendetta on horse carriages has him tearing up Central Park The Real Problem with the Blue-State Model - It’s not just high taxes; it’s lousy services, too. Nevada Bill to Push Patients Off Wanted Life Support Loads of American workers are dropping out of unions – Now liberals have a new plan to save left's cash cow When did "Constitution" become a bad word? Border smugglers now ramming down corrugated border fences with trucks in San Diego Beto Tries To Trick Hispanics Into Thinking He’s One Of Them WSJ: Schiffting to Phase 2 of Collusion - Conspiracy theorists look for something new, anticipating a Mueller letdown Thirty-million-page backup of humanity headed to moon aboard Israeli lander. If the apocalypse strikes, the Arch Mission Foundation wants to be sure all the knowledge we've accumulated doesn't disappear. Central planning: Venezuela’s Food Crisis Reaches A Breaking Point Trackbacks
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"Thirty-million-page backup of humanity headed to moon aboard Israeli lander. If the apocalypse strikes, the Arch Mission Foundation wants to be sure all the knowledge we've accumulated doesn't disappear."
Lordy. Hope they're not using a Microsoft product. Regarding registering for Selective Service, couldn't the men now get around the present "males only" requirement by claiming to identify as something other than male? Sort of gaming the system...
Leftists generally don't like the Constitution for two reasons: 1. it once contained the 3/5ths compromise, and once stained by the tinge of racism it is forever irredeemable, despite the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments, and 2. it has no charter of positive rights, that is it doesn't list the things the government has to do for the people.
The libs list of positive rights would be longer than that 30 million pages the Israelis just sent to the moon.
What the government HAS to do is to minimize interference in the lives of the people. Think of all the misery occasioned by government "help". Wasn't it President Reagan who said the nine most terrifying words were "I'm from the government and I'm here to help"?
Union funding: The thing is that the left is fighting a war and the right is arguing with itself. The left is organized and relentless and the right was never organized. The left hides behind memes and lies through their teeth because they cannot tell you honestly what they believe and the right is so divided and unsure we don't know what they believe. The left is going to win this and we are going to lose our constitutional republic. We will die from a thousand cuts with the left's constant attack on our constitution. The AGW meme is nothing more than a money and power grab that the left believe cannot be resisted because without it we are going to all die in 12 years don't you know. Trump is the fly in their soup but even if they can't impeach or disgrace him he will still be gone soon and who on the left will stop the coming socialist utopia. Reparations to all blacks (that will make a lot of drug pusher rich) and Indians. Free health care for all illegals and anyone who makes it into the country, that will destroy our health care system. The list of takeovers and unconstitutional insults is long and deadly and it's coming and we simply don't have anyone that is going to stop it.
Could have given a heads up about the Penthouse link for the Jordan Peterson article. Already explained it to my IT guy.
BD: WSJ: Schiffting to Phase 2 of Collusion
We know that many, many of Trump's friends have lied. Also, Trump has told lies. And Fox News also lies about things. Whenever government people try to be honest, Trump fires them. (See snopes.com, buzzfeed.com et. al., 2015-2019) After 8 years of honest governance under Obama, we now have to deal with an administration that tells lies. Americans are understandably upset that the honest candidate did not win in 2016, and we now have to deal with lying liars who tell lies. Government politicians should be honest, not telling lies and saying things that are not true. We only have 12 years before the earth is destroyed and turned into a gigantic steaming nugget of hot gristle. (See Hansen, Cortex et. al. 2019) We don't have time for lies and the lying liar politicians who tell us things that are not the truth. Correctamundo! QUOTE: After 8 years of honest governance under Obama, we now have to deal with an administration that tell lies. That is so spot on! So glad that someone else on this blog gets it! Zachriel’s hard work, honest blogging, and superior debating skills, is finally paying dividends! 2020 can’t get here soon enough. I for one can’t wait for the Obamas’ third term. Go Michelle! zachismyhero: Go Michelle!
Michelle Obama is manifestly more qualified than Trump to be President, having spent 8 years in the most successful administration in history. She also graduated from Harvard. Trump, on the other hand, has a screw loose and blew his inheritance on terrible business ventures and racism. And he's told over 8,700 lies.
We counted. You're welcome. Oh the glorious years of the Obama administration! The big liar Trump, is simply living off all the success of Mr. Obama. My hero has posted many graphs proving this. Even the current cold snap, the abundant moister this winter, is all the doing of Mr. Obama. You know how ice lessens swelling, the earth works the same. The healing was happening, just like He promised! Gaia was heeling. So glad Alexandria is on duty, speaking truth to power!
zachismyhero: You know how ice lessens swelling, the earth works the same. The healing was happening, just like He promised! Gaia was heeling.
Actually, ice ages have long been understood to be caused by circumnavigular vortices complemented by Mitochondriiüs cycles during planetary retrograde (See Maher, Cortasio et. al. 2017). However, the solution is much more tractorable. 1) Get all the world leaders to adopt the Green New Deal. 2) Anyone who does not get on board gets bombed. 3) Purchase carbon credits to offset the bombings.
2019-02-25 12:50
circumnavigular vortices yes, that is partially correct.
Potential vorticity conservation: Like when an ice skater brings her arms in, she begins to spin faster; when she spreads her arms back out, the spinning slows. The earth spinning through the atmosphere caused diabatic heating - friction. When Mr. Obama spread his arms, the earth spin slowed ever so slightly, thus creating the cooler temperatures we have seen this winter. Unfortunately, Mr. Obama, can only work this wonderment of global physics, when he is in the White House. Weird, huh?
2019-02-25 13:34
2019-02-25 13:56
There is a claim that blacks cannot be racist, because they are one-down to begin with in white-privilege society. The London article suggests what is wrong with that reasoning, and gives a line of questioning when one encounters that reasoning. Can blacks be Islamophobic? Can they be anti-immigrant? Can blacks be sexist, then? Can they be homophobic or transphobic? How then, is there one thing they cannot be?
Intersectionality is a bitch, isn't it? Well of course the claim is that blacks can't be racist. In liberal speak that means now that I have exonerated this group of racism they can be racist in the furtherance of the liberal cause. There is an irony in America about racism that anyone who was an adult in 1964 and is still alive today is aware of. American went from being somewhat racist against blacks to almost zero racism against blacks and then way past that to the point where almost all of the racism is by blacks towards whites. That's where we are today and they like it. It feels good to hate. But it is embarrassing to be called out on your hate. So they keep dredging up things from 200 years ago and make up hate crimes to justify their hate. They revel in their hate. They want to tear down statues and rename streets to show their hate to the world. They want teach hate in college and grade schools.
The irony is that there is not a single city or a single neighborhood in America where a black man cannot go and be completely safe from racist violence. But there are 100 cities and 500 neighborhoods were white people cannot go for fear of black on white racist violence. And that number is growing and will continue to grow. Government services you say. had to sit in the Social Security administration office in Piqua, Ohio for 2 and a half hours. over 30 people in waiting room two out of seven available windows open, found out it was like this from opening on, still this way when I got there at 11.30 , My mother warned me to pack a lunch, and that buck toothed, bug eyed, occasionally connected cortex wants government to run healthcare, NO FRIGGIN WAY. Government can't organize a two car funeral procession without messing it up
Dave: had to sit in the Social Security administration office in Piqua, Ohio for 2 and a half hours
The Trump government shutdown caused a massive backload of case work, as well as embittered government employees. Under President Obama, the SSA was efficient and the workers were friendly and inspired. And occasionally broke out into spontaneous song and dance sessions, leading conga lines throughout the waiting area.
JLawson: And occasionally broke out into spontaneous song and dance sessions, leading conga lines throughout the waiting area.
Government workers flourished under the Obama administration, thanks in part to President Obama's careful fiscal management and budget discipline. We recall many citizens receiving free phones from Obama, but not a single free phone from Trump. Correctamundo!! Y'all are funnier than the original, and that's saying a lot.
All hail to ZachriHell. :-) And props to zachismyhero and Zachingoff as well.
2019-02-25 13:30
Our opinions are our own and freely given to your poor schlubs.
You're welcome.
2019-02-25 14:00
According to my parents it was always this way, they are in their 80's and take care of a blachor brother of dads, been like this for 5 years at least, shutdown my ass, only 2 windows open bullshit, typical government