Wednesday, November 20. 2019
Cheap, older gout drug could be lifesaver after heart attack
Your Computer Is Really Bad For ‘Climate Change’ Or Something
ACLU Advises Us: Men Can Have Periods And Get Pregnant
INDOCTRINATING CHILDREN TO HATE: Leftist Activism Is Now Required in Elementary Schools in Eight States
Mob of Moonbats Crushes Free Speech at Binghamton
Hilarious NYT Video Mocks 'Cancel Culture.' If Only the NYT Would Listen
It is clever, but it is reality too
L.A. Voters Think Money Spent On Homelessness Is Going Down A Rat Hole
AP Publishes Story Noting That 100,000 Migrant Children are In Detention, Pinning This on Trump; Then They "Retract" The Story When They Learn This Figure is from 2015, and Therefore Not "News" Because It's Not Helpful to Democrat
Fake news, daily
The ‘Welfare Magnet’ for Immigrants
Breaking news: People like free money and free stuff
Clinton Foundation bleeding money with no Clintons in high office
Duh. But they had a good run
In Genius Move, Trump Supports Impeachment, Forcing Democrats To Oppose
Goodwin: Why Dems are so worried after latest round of impeachment hearings
The Takeaway from Impeachment Theater Is That The Unelected Permanent Government Has Lost Confidence In the Voters
Our moral and intellectual superiors
Prof. Jacobson: You know I don’t curse here, but I can barely contain myself over the impeachment ********
The Democrats’ Impeachment Fiasco Implodes. The Dan Bongino Show
Vindman Admits To Violating Chain Of Command, Says Trump Within Rights To Request Foreign Investigation
Alexander Vindman Admits Making up Parts of Trump Call Summary
Impeachment Witnesses Confirm: No Quid Pro Quo, No Bribery, No Extortion
Left-Wing Journalist On Sweden's Migrant Suburbs: "Everyone Knew It Would End In Disaster"
Authorities in Malmo responded by inviting local gang leaders for pizza, while the Swedish government recently announced it would commit $175,000 to funding Drag Queen Story Time events where men dressed as women read and perform to children.
Muslim Women “Forced To Share Beds” With Male Chinese Officials After Husbands Interned
Like we say, China has different "values"
Tuesday, November 19. 2019
People aged 110 and older have ‘unique’ immune cells that may help them live longer, says study
That's bad luck if you are senile too
Whole Foods Sells Both 'Nitrate-Free Meat' And Nitrate Supplements. Yup.
Starbucks’ Open Bathroom Policy Comes With Heavy Cost, Study Finds
Report: 93-Year-Old Nazi Camp Guard on Trial as Accessory to 5,230 Deaths
Climate science has died. The effects will be big.
Moviegoers flock to free speech doc ‘No Safe Spaces’ despite panning from mainstream critics
Evergreen State College Enrollment Is Down Sharply Once Again
University invites students to 'Decolonize your Thanksgiving'
Does the Left Hate America?
Sure seems like it. But why?
What Are Luxury Beliefs?
Globalist-Endorsed War-On-Cash May Be China's Next Terrifying Weapon
New York Times Admits NO ONE Believes the Liberal News Media Anymore – Too Much Hysteria and Fake News
41% Who Support Impeaching And Removing Trump Made Up Their Mind Before The Ukraine Story First Broke
Sore losers, not a good look. I see John Dean said Trump should have been impeached the day he was inaugurated. That's hate speech.
US failing to stop China from stealing research, report says
Democrats to Israel: Go to Hell
Chile boots 50 illegals involved in rioting — mostly from Cuba and Venezuela
Abandoning Malmö to Its Criminals
France: An "Inverted Colonization"
Monday, November 18. 2019
From Goldman/Spengler
Not good. True, that China is nobody's friend. It's a cultural thing.
Look, in every real sense, the Democrats have nothing, never had anything and will never get anything even remotely resembling a legitimate high crime of misdemeanor on this President that warrants impeachment. But, they will persist because a) they're completely out of their minds (with the possible exception of that Democrat Congressman Jeff Van Drew who sees this as a looming disaster) with hatred, b) they're candidates and platform for 2020 is terrifying and repulsive even to those marginally interested in politics and c) the Deep State globalists in and outside government will not abide by having their grand strategy to control the destiny of this nation and its people taken from them.
How annoying is that expression?
Saturday, November 16. 2019
Friday, November 15. 2019
Thursday, November 14. 2019
Kent Confirms U.S. Has Always Had Conditions on Loans to Ukraine
Ukraine Foreign Minister: U.S. Aid, Investigations Were ‘Never’ Linked
The Trump Impeachment: What Is The Crime?
Wednesday, November 13. 2019
Man Wears Sweatshirt Just In Case Wife Gets Cold
And she will
More about WD-40
A house without duct tape and WD-40 is not a home
Unearthing the Atrocities of Nazi Death Camps - Forensic archaeologists are finally exploring what lies beneath the dirt—but not without resistance
"A Generation of Ignoramuses"
Politically Incorrect Paper of the Day: The United Fruit Company was Good!
Illustrating the Corruption in Climate Science
Environmentalists Ban Cooking w/Fire in California
But lots of fires in CA
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker re-named the state capitol "holiday tree" the "Christmas tree," and the new governor, Tony Evers, renamed it back to "holiday tree"... and declared that it would "celebrate... science."
Why DACA Is Legal
SARA CARTER: Horowitz Report on FISA Abuse Will be Damning, Expected to Contain Several Criminal Referrals
Democrats putting Trump through a modern Twilight Zone
That's the point
Trump: ‘Everything We Have Achieved Is Under Threat From Left-Wing Ideology’
“But everything that we’ve achieved is under threat from the left-wing ideology that demands absolute conformity, relentless regulation, and a top-down control of the entire U.S. economy. Far left politicians in our nation’s capital want a massive government takeover of health care. They want to give government bureaucrats domination over every aspect of your business and your life. They want to eliminate American oil and natural gas. They want to enlist us in global projects designed to redistribute American wealth and kill American jobs all over our nation.”
Erdogan Wants to Redraw the Middle East’s Ethnic Map
The Myth of a Progressive Palestine
Tuesday, November 12. 2019
"If Don Jr. were taking millions from Russia, would people want to know?"
Scott Adams, re Hunter Biden
Legal Insurrection's Prof. Jacobson discusses
Monday, November 11. 2019
Sunday, November 10. 2019
Craziness and stunning ingratitude. Don't dare tell them that they aren't victims as university students in the USA. (h/t SDA)
Saturday, November 9. 2019
Friday, November 8. 2019
The Many Benefits Of A Four-Day Work Week
Not for most people I know.
Williams College students boycott English Department, claim it’s ‘whitewashed,’ ‘racist’
Lesbian Priest Tapped To Head Major Abortion Group, Calls Abortionists ‘Modern-Day Saints’
Arizona’s Success with Charter Schools Is a Model Other States Would Be Wise to Follow
Why $4.5 Billion From Big Tech Won’t End California Housing Crisis - Efforts by Apple, Facebook and Google to address the California housing crunch must contend with the forces that created it.
Most illegals in Mississippi ICE raids stole Americans' identities
Calif. Taxpayers on Hook for Six-Figure Government Pensions - Retired law enforcement exec collected $1.5 million in 2018
California Killing Its Gig Economy - A last-ditch effort by Uber, Lyft, and DoorDash could rein in a new labor law, but entrepreneurs need to recognize that new ideas will have to start elsewhere.
Many people do not enjoy being employees. Me, for example.
Obama administration tried to partner with Hunter Biden’s Ukrainian gas firm but was blocked over corruption concerns
Johnson, Grassley Call for State Department to Release Documents on Hunter Biden and Burisma
Michael Bloomberg poised for possible 2020 campaign - Former New York mayor fears current Democratic candidates are not equipped to defeat Trump, adviser says
I think he'd be a strong candidate. Imagine two NYC biz moguls, amateur pols, running against eachother!
Trump Derangement Is Destroying Political Analysis
Trump Reads Whistleblower’s Lawyer’s Tweets At Rally, Crowd Goes Nuts
A Military Camera Said ‘Made in U.S.A.’ The Screen Was in Chinese.
Iran's network of influence in Mid-East 'growing'
What Democrats Need To Learn From Obama About Aid To Israel
Thursday, November 7. 2019
What 3,000-Year-Old Egyptian Wheat Tells Us About the Genetics of Bread
Yes, you can make bread from antique wheat. Heritage wheat.
Remembering LBJ's phone call ordering new pants
The Scientists Are Muttering About Population Control Again
Environmentalists: If You Want To Save The World, Skip Thanksgiving
I do not want to save the world that much
22 Year Old Instagram Star Says Learning About WWII Harms Millennials’ Mental Health…
No brain, no pain
Censored: YouTube Silences Doctor Warning Against Transgender Mutilation
Running Out Of Other People's Money, New York And Federal Versions
Biden describes Elizabeth Warren’s elitism: “If you were only as smart as I am you would agree with me”
Eric Ciaramella Attorney, January 2017: “Coup Has Started” – July 2017: “We Will Remove Him”…
More: Fake Whistleblower's Lawyer in 2017: "The coup has started," Brags That Deep State Will Impeach Trump and His Friends at CNN Will Play a Key Role
Donald Trump Jr. Tweets Name Of Whistleblower
Heck, we posted it last week
Testimony Transcript Shows William Taylor Never Talked To Trump, Wasn’t Even On July 25 Phone Call - A top anti-Trump witness for House Democrats admitted he wasn't on the July 25 phone call and had never even spoken with Trump about Ukraine military aid.
Don Jr. on If Trump were a Democrat
U.S.-Israel Security Cooperation Is A Win-Win
Iran Is Doing Just Fine - Tehran Has Survived U.S. Sanctions. Its Nuclear Program and Regional Activities Will, Too.
Wednesday, November 6. 2019
You can't dispute that he has big cojones, makes the Bushies and Obama look like wimps. His style reminds me of Teddy Roosevelt. If you are a Never-Trumper, do not watch this thing because you will become depressed and we want happy readers who enjoy life regardless of politics.
Trump Thunderstruck from Mr Smith on Vimeo .
On the topic of internet monopolies and other topics. First time I've seen him interviewed. Check out those whiskeys behind him. Funny.
21 of our favorite gag gifts
Dating Deception: When Sex Is On Our Minds, Lying Comes Naturally
Why should the rest of the country continue paying for California’s bad decisions on forest management and urban development?
11,000 Experts Propose Final Solution To Global Warming: Just Kill Billions Of People
A Racially “Woke” Agenda Is Now Hardwired in Public Schools
Jeffrey Epstein’s social contacts with Katie Couric, George Stephanopoulos, other celebs scrutinized
How did he accumulate so many friends? It wasn't just the girls. Sociopathic charm?
ABC News Says Epstein Bombshell Didn’t Satisfy Its ‘Standards,’ Ran Unfounded Allegations on Kavanaugh
Easy to understand. Their standards are political
Sanctuary County Rolls Back Its Anti-ICE Policy Following String Of Illegal Aliens Charged With Rape
Mugged by reality
Vote Harvesting: A Recipe for Intimidation, Coercion, and Election Fraud
Donald Trump, Jr. on ‘Woke Culture’: ‘It’s Never Enough,’ Left Always Pushes For More
CIA staff complained about Obama White House's political correctness, new book claims
A Farewell to Paris Accord: The opposite of reckless.
US Jewish umbrella group slams Democratic hopefuls’ calls to leverage Israel aid
Powerline: RATE THE HATE
Hate for those with an R is routine. Media gins it up
The Democrat Party has veered far left very fast, without any pushback from within the party.
Elizabeth Warren’s Meme Team Gets Dysentery
Sheesh. So dumb it's embarassing.
Retired Army Officer Remembers Lt. Col. Vindman as Partisan Democrat Who Ridiculed America