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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Friday, December 20. 2013Friday morning links
Sipp: I Was Considering Putting On A Sweater Beer Domesticated Man Long Island School Removes Words From Silent Night – Too Offensive There is nothing scarier than baby Jesus North Carolina Boy Suspended For Playing Army My Night With The Rolling Stones China Surges to Top Spot of Newly Admitted NYC Immigrants: noting that the city has its highest immigrant population percentage today since 1910. It's always been an international city, a world city. Lead Paint Verdict Sets Dangerous Precedent No matter how hard you try, you simply cannot be a conscientious objector in the culture war.
Barone: Obama Democrats Wrong: Americans Don't Want Big Government The United States has three times the income inequality rate of the Post-Communist Slovak Republic. But do you really want to live in the Slovak Republic...? Behind the photo: Saigon execution. South Vietnamese officer executes a Viet Cong prisoner Obamacare: The Silence of the Liberals Judge claims DHS delivering smuggled children to illegal immigrant parents Thursday, December 19. 2013The Duck Dynasty kerfuffle
I guess these are shocking statements, but it all seems fairly ordinary to me. 4 Reasons Why the Duck Dynasty Brouhaha Matters. In a way, you have to laugh at the grievance-mongers and the bed-wetters, but it does matter. It doesn't matter to the Duck guys, but it matters to the ordinary person with an ordinary job. And there's this: "lefties, give Phil Robertson a break. It's not like he said Santa was white."
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Legal prostitution and related arrangements are also on the way. These are all consensual arrangements between adults, and all have ancient histories. America's Puritan roots die hard. We always joke that polygamy might be fun, but not if each wife had her own American Express Gold Card. Market and FedThursday morning links
Reddit bans climate debate Caffeine + alcohol protect your DNA Ultra-Right Philistine Glenn Reynolds Condemned Duck Dynasty's' Phil Robertson ignores the PC rules Affluenza? Ethan Couch and the media outrage machine Robert Reich's envy: He covets. That is his nature:
The truth about parenthood Polls: Most Want Higher Minimum Wage The Gov. of Maine grew up on welfare Scientific Groupthink and Gay Parenting Are Boys Irrational? Not if you distinguish biology from economics. Here's a job for ya: US Diversity Recruitment Partner Bloomberg Sounds Alarm Over ‘Labor-Electoral Complex’ in Final Speech as Mayor Are newspapers losing ‘mass media’ mojo? Pelosi: Being an Illegal Alien is Not a Reason to Deport Someone ‘Massive Seizure of Power´:Climate scientists, economists challenge EPA Non-citizens caught voting in 2012 presidential election in key swing state Erasing history: US Army War College considers removing prints depicting Robert E. Lee, Wednesday, December 18. 2013Can you believe she said this?
As Driscoll asks, "Who is we?" The MSM, I'd guess. By the way, Barbara Walters, there is no "next Messiah" in Christianity.
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Weds. morning links Juan Williams Says Jesus Was Likely ‘Oriental Asian’ or a ‘Moor’ NM teacher who said Santa is white on paid leave Maine wilderness hermit captured after 30 years, 1,000 burglaries It's time to reconsider polygamy Youngest Obama Daughter's Real Name NOT 'Sasha', but Russian 'Natasha' DID SOMEONE LEAVE A DOUCHE UNDER THE CHRISTMAS TREE? Homophobic President Refuses to Kiss British Prime Minister Mia Love gets another chance Both Sides Agree Less Work Because of Obamacare OFA Video Teaches Parents How to Inject Obamacare into Christmas Dinner SSA: Disability Recipients Soar, Funding Nearly Depleted Under Obama The great biofuels scandal - Biofuels are inefficient, cause hunger and air pollution, and cost taxpayers iWe Are All Children of the Corn Subsidies Tech exec: A room full of developers with a pizza, $1 million and a deadline could have done it better than the administration Study: Earth was warmer in Roman, Medieval times Whither went the warmer weather? 17 years, 3 months with no global warming Paglia: It’s a Man’s World, and It Always Will Be - The modern economy is a male epic, in which women have found a productive role — but women were not its author Big Dem Cities, Big Dem Poverty Forced Exodus: Christians in the Middle East Spengler: It’s About the Settlements, Stupid Tuesday, December 17. 2013Income and poverty in the US, by countyAmerica's Wealth Is Staggeringly Concentrated in the Northeast Corridor That's income, not wealth. A dollar doesn't go very far in that zone. I'd like to see a map with asset value, by county, adjusted for cost of living. Also, when you look at the last map, consider how much of the country has had an income decrease since 2007. It's not good.
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ImmigrationVDH attempts to find logic in the upcoming immigration debates. One quote:
Feminist codingI can't tell whether this is satire or not, but it's amusing either way: Area Woman Has Some Thoughts About a New Computer Programming Language to Be Created in Accordance With Feminist Ideology
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Tuesday morning links Teamwork on the job Is Overrated Romantic comedy recommendation: Love actually (2003) Nice place: 247 CENTRAL PARK WEST $32,750,000 13 things mentally strong people avoid A book our internet friend wrote: The Liberal Jihad: The Hundred Year War Against The Federal Government Will Bill Peoples' Estates After Death To Pay For Medicaid Expenses Lots of atheists, more Muslims, fewer Christians and Jews: this is the new America Snowden on NSA Phone Collection Ruling: Told Ya So Bloomberg & the homeless: What the Times left out Missouri State Considers Banning Nerf Guns After Campus Lockdown ‘I Consider Law School A Waste Of My Life And An Extraordinary Waste Of Money' The Death of Obama's "Noble Lie" - The disastrous ObamaCare rollout unmasks liberalism's paternalistic dishonesty Camden, New Jersey: One Of Hundreds Of U.S. Cities That Are Turning Into Rotting, Decaying Hellholes Can’t Find Racism in Republicans, So Let’s Invent Some Do government poverty programs subsidize low-wage employers? HHS to hire PR firm to Help HHS Not Appear 'Ignorant and Unaware' Open Letter to the Executive Producers of YEARS of LIVING DANGEROUSLY ... many scientists are growing increasingly concerned about the prospect of a long-term chill. What Diplomats Can Learn from Monday, December 16. 2013NSA phone program likely unconstitutionalThe Democrats' war on choiceOur moral and intellectual superiors do not want us proles to have much choice in anything except abortion, right down to the food we eat. The Democrats' war on choice.
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Monday morning links 4 Things You Need to Know About Repaying Your Student Loans Map: Income Taxes in Your County Many Women don’t Want to be CEO—And that’s OK Christian Persecution Woldwide - A historic rise just in time for Christmas Ambassador Kennedy: A star is born A star? As in "famous for being famous"? Goodwin: How the West was lost by the selfie president Iowahawk: Julia's Circle of Life - The continuing adventures of Barack Obama's favorite eyeless, mouthless government dependent Obama: Be sure to discuss Obamacare at Christmastime Via AVI:
You betcha Media Fail: NRA Twice as Popular as Mike Bloomberg The Reasoning of the Utah Opinion Partially Striking Down and Rewriting the State’s Bigamy Law Schadenfreude: New York's Cultural Elite Loses Their Health Insurance Kudlow: Ryan's Budget Not Perfect, But It Saves GOP From Itself Backdating ObamaCare - A last-minute HHS rule orders insurers to pay for the law's blunders. Good grief, what a mess America’s friends are left behind in Barack Obama’s new plans - The US president spoke of 'oneness' at Nelson Mandela's memorial service, but he has been reduced to little more than a global preacher with a shrinking flock Graduate Students of the World, Unite! Graduate Students of the World, Unite! Sunday, December 15. 2013How can doctors handle all of this nonsense?
I'll admit that some of what doctors do, many expensive things, are purely defensive medicine. Lawsuits are inconvenient and no fun, but we all get sued. Most of the time, we either win or our insurers pay them to go away, but it's a major interference with our work and our mental bandwidth. Each and every medical decision can be questioned, because it's all an individualized art requiring individualized judgements. Here's this: An attempt to alter Medicare may let Washington dictate how doctors treat patients. Physicians take a solemn oath to do what they believe is best for their patient. It's always a complex dance, of course, with the doctor recommending and the patient thinking about what they want. We accommodate patients' desires all the time, even when we believe that they are wrong. It's a free country, is it not? We work for, and with, the patient. Nobody else. I am 100% out of government medical care.
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The bad news
Also, a recession. I tend to agree, but I don't think we ever really got out of the last recession. The Fed put a band-aid on it to cover up the bleeding and infection. Is Brooks drinking Tom Friedman's Kool-Aid?
He actually said this: "We don’t need bigger government. We need more unified authority." Maybe you need unified authority, David, but I do not. In fact, I find that to be a profoundly weak and pathetic thought, unsuitable and inappropriate for a hearty American citizen. That's not how Americans roll. We distrust authority, instinctively. It's an American gene, and a healthy one. The American spirit is that government and politicians are our employees, not our "authorities." We, and God, are our authorities. Whence this desire to submit to authority? It feels sort of perverted to me. We have no "moral and intellectual superiors." In fact, our "leaders" tend to be our inferiors. Why else would they do those jobs instead of doing something useful and productive?
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Everybody has ADDWhen I take those online ADD screening tests, I come out as "ADD Likely." I have always been impatient, physically restless, and had trouble concentrating on dense material even though I got a B+ in Physical Chemistry (the best, toughest course I took at U Mass). I don't think I'm on the thin end of the Bell Curve. This article in the NYT makes no distinction between ADD and ADHD, but it seems to me that there is a big difference: The Selling of Attention Deficit Disorder -The Number of Diagnoses Soared Amid a 20-Year Drug Marketing Campaign. Anyway, all of us at MF have untreated ADD. Are amphetamines performance-enhancers? Of course.
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Wrong again
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Saturday, December 14. 2013Things the Dems want to do to make America a government-controlled utopia
Related: Who Funds the Far Left? You’ll Be Surprised. It's not just George Soros.
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Saturday morning links Over 2000 cold and snow records set in the USA this past week I blame global warming Women’s rights lobbyist ‘pays nanny $3 a hour’ Senators introduce bill to crack down on 'lavish' portrait expenses Who do these people think they are? If you think you're so important, take a selfie with your iPhone like the President does.
David Brooks Advocates More Executive Branch Power Good grief. What a putz. A superficial thinker but a fairly glib writer. Two Americas - being wealthy is now a quasi-disability that can get you off the hook for homicide Being a spoiled brat is a disability of sorts, curable by a little jail time Professor 'Totally Destroys' Student In This Email After He Asks For A Grade Bump Armstrong bribed me with $100K hidden in cake box: cyclist Cairo Sees First Snowfall In 100 Years I blame...you know...Bush. Poll: Californians Gradually Souring on Unions Free Hunter Yelton - Meet the littlest casualty in the war on men. Hinderaker: Has our society reached a point where it is too stupid to survive? Delaware considering a government move "to help" hoarders Perhaps it's a "crisis". No doubt the hoarders will welcome the government "help" Ed Schultz Goes Way Off his own Lefty Message There are two kinds of money: There's Money, and there's My Money Friday, December 13. 2013Friday morning links 3 Reasons Why Our Teenagers Can’t Find Jobs - And why this is terrible for America. Big Farms Are About to Get Bigger:
Why the circular firing squad from conservatives, and why now? Third EPA Official Implicated in $900K Scam Chris Matthews Panics About 2014: ‘The Tea Party is Still Growing!’ NYT: Obamacare Debacle Could Kill Big Blue:
Green Weenie of the Week: RI Sen. Whitehouse’s Latest Self-Dealing Scam Unions Paid MSNBC's Schultz $177,000 in 2012, $75,000 in 2013 - MSNBC host often touts "blue collar workers" and unionized "teachers" on his show. Philanthropy, stock-picking, and Presbyterian frugality:
... President Obama told Chris Matthews he had discovered “we have these big agencies, some of which are outdated, some of which are not designed properly.” "he had discovered..."? Connecticut's Obamacare Exchange Spends $75K on Murals Thursday, December 12. 2013Stanley Fischer
It sounds to me as if he might be the heavy, and Yellen the figurehead. Thursday morning links Everyone Is a Criminal: On the Over-policing of America - Try to think of an aspect of everyday life that doesn’t somehow include the police. Harvard Votes To Banish Bottled Water Why not ban bottled beer too? Washington’s Battle of the Skyline - The rent is too high; the buildings are too low. Feds Spend $224,250 to Change How Kids Order Food Washington Post Falsely Reports 365,000 'Have Purchased' ObamaCare Sebelius Calls for Probe of Obamacare Website Launch WSJ: Warren's Way or No Way - Liberal Democrats try to silence two of our op-ed writers. How Much Redistribution Is Enough? The Democrats want little kids to die of cancer Obamacare, where the liberal dream crashes and burns Oregon spends $300 million to enroll 44 for Obamacare From an engineer who knows high tech systems:
Wednesday, December 11. 2013The Castro handshakeMuch ado about nothing, I think. McCain Compares Obama Castro Handshake to Chamberlain And Hitler, But why the President seems to have this compulsion to bow to foreign low-lifes is beyond me. Americans bow only to God. It's not a masculine impulse. Why do Americans even care about Cuba (except for the Cuban-American vote in Florida) other than to feel pity for them living under the yoke of their socialist masters in a police state? It's just another tiny, impoverished, God-forsaken Latin American paradise-turned-dump with psycho sadistic billionaire dictators. Population close to that of Haiti, and smaller population than the NYC metro area. What Cubans need is American tourism and American investment. It's difficult to imagine today, but even Haiti used to be a tourist destination.
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