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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, January 29. 2014Weds. morning links The phony folk music movement and its commies: Pete Seeger: The Communist Consumers Loved h/t AVI The "Big Dick" - A Kinder, Gentler Magazine Subscription Incentive Marry Your Like: Assortative Mating and Income Inequality New Male Health Studies Program Decried As Anti-Women The ‘Pause’ of Global Warming Risks Destroying The Reputation Of Science Want To Reduce Income/Wealth Inequality? Abolish The Engine Of Inequality - The Federal Reserve Sultan: In government policy, The Solution is the Problem Oklahoma teachers union seeks to keep zero tolerance rules banning imaginary guns Actually, We Won the War on Poverty - And sorry liberals: It was conservative ideas that did it Power to the This Detroit neighborhood is Graph below from When Did Global Warming Begin?
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@This Detroit neighborhood is...
Pretty impossible to live or refurbish (or demolish and rebuild) a home that has no access to sewer, water, electricity (due to copper wires stolen) or any other public utility. The real downside, you have to live in Detroit. And you have a hard link to the Detroit tax monster.
The Republican response last night did great harm to Republican chances in 2014. Being from WA state and knowing the level of corruption the women's group is capable of, it almost seems that she is a well spoken plant! My intuition tells me that she has done the greatest level of damage to the party itself than any one person ever has before. She is too, too-- you know-- just too, too!
Good Luck to John if this is the best the RNC can do. Here's the UBS dress code in English in its original glossy-brochure format:
English Folk Music: I've seen it referenced as the "great folk music scare". And while I agree with what Seeger said to the HUAC, isn't it ironic that those words came from someone who transparently backed repressive regimes worldwide both then and for decades later. if he had any sense at all seeger would have backed only suitable repressive regimes, like the rest of us True American Patriots: marcos in the philippines, the shah in iran, noriega in nicaragua, batista in cuber, etc. et al.
No way. You gotta kill millions to be worshipped as a lefty god.
the US did supply something like 11,400 aircraft and 7,000 tanks to the USSR during WW2*, so there's that. otherwise, you're right. its a shame we True Americans support only second rate dictators.
____ * http://www.history.army.mil/books/AMH-V2/PDF/Chapter05.pdf p158 Yeah, and for good reason: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_enemy_of_my_enemy_is_my_friend. Besides all the armaments, Hollywood turned out a jillion pro-Russian propaganda films (I'm old enough to have seen several when I was young enough to be indoctrinated by them). And, Life, Look, Saturday Evening Post et al turned out a bunch of pro-Russian covers and stories, and so it went. Those weren't fun years, even for an twelve-year old.
2014-01-30 10:26
so when the government supports the USSR with armaments that's good, but when the Almanacs support the USSR, it ok for the government to destroy them. right?
2014-01-30 13:33
Guns, guns, everywhere guns.
Chew this, draw that Why do we keep seeing guns? The punch line of the OK imaginary gun story: QUOTE: Educators are degreed professionals, trained and experienced in dealing with children,” explained O.E.A President Linda Hampton. That's why they freak out, do their best to instill fear in to children and suppress their imaginations as the sight of a fallen "L". They are degreed, they are professional, they are trained, and they are experienced in dealing with the little ruffians. Oh, and how much you want to bet, not one of these "professionals" has ever contemplated using cooking oil to stop a shooter from entering their classroom? Or perhaps piling up the desks in front of the door? How many keep a fire extinguisher handy?
Graph below from When Did Global Warming Begin? Cherry-picking data again. Chart should have gone back at least 5 million years. (Tactical hint for warmists: if chart goes back 5 million years, claim it should go back 50 million years.)
From a WSJ op/ed piece by Sen Cruz:
"In the more than two centuries of our nation's history, there is simply no precedent for the White House wantonly ignoring federal law and asking private companies to do the same. As my colleague Democratic Sen. Tom Harkin of Iowa asked, "This was the law. How can they change the law?" http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304632204579338793559838308 re: UBS dress code
go to the UBS.com site and the first picture you see is of a guy in a light blue suit, violating this code. so do the people on the "our employees" page. clearly, a company that cannot be trusted. I would agree with the 'marry your like' study. I figured this out on my own during my first marriage. Big boo to marry someone with a differing idea of what is the economic norm. Then you will be constantly striving for different things.
For example, if your husband/wife grew up poor, their idea of 'making it' might be living in any structure that is not a mobile home and making $30K per year. Someone from the middle class would have a totally different goal for his/her life...which would cause stress in a marriage. One of the reasons I knew my current (and most incredibly awesome) spouse was for me: his mother lived in a house very much like my own mother (down to the decorations and cleanliness)! Makes life so much easier when husband and wife have the same expectations and goals in life! RE: Five reasons to quit Facebook
Yes! I don't have a Facebook account, and have never had a desire to open one. I've also watched, from the sidelines, as family members and friends have "battles" over who said what, who did what, who didn't invite whom to something or other on Facebook. My goodness, talk about a bunch of children! The really kicker was when an old "friend" called me up rather pissed off that I didn't have a Facebook account. She, and others, wanted to send me condolences for the recent death of a family member and since I didn't have a Facebook account "they couldn't." The attitude was how dare I not have a Facebook account! I tried to gentle point out that the US postal service wasn't out of business yet, and I haven't moved, or change my phone number, in 30 years. my wife set up a facebook account and within a week she was hit on by some loser she hadn't seen in almost 30 years -- when she was 12.
I don't have a face book account because don't have time for, or need, 500 facebook friends. as for the guy in the article, there's no way he's actually quitting facebook. I never opened a facebook account, but that didn't stop me from getting one.
while over our house one day, a friend of my kid's used my email to open a fb account (to keep hidden from her mother) and I couldn't get rid of it. In response to my, 'this isn't this person's email account' I got a phishing response wanting a copy of my driver's license and proof of identity. |