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Monday, January 27. 2014Monday morning links Sugar and “Bad” Carbs Cause Early Signs of Dementia New York Times Wonders If It´s´Immoral To Watch The Super Bowl´ “Islam is My Identity. The Burqa is My Shield. Paradise is My Destination.” Hell seems more likely. Why not just pick a few days per year when schools will be open? Homeland Security Secretary: Illegals Have ‘Earned Right to be Citizens’ How? Politico Ignores Bio-Gate, Declares Wendy Davis 'Most Judged Woman In America' Sheesh. All she did was to lie about abandoning her kids. Guys abandon their kids all the time. World buyers getting eagerly in line for U.S. natural gas Paul Ryan: A New Direction in the War on Poverty Salon: The right’s fantasy is shattered: Why Obamacare has already succeeded The Stench of the Regime Is Thick: A List of Latest Conservative Targets Democrat Media Rally to Wendy Davis’s Defense Louisiana Gov. Jindal Fights Washington War on School Vouchers Lawsuit takes on California teachers' job protections Wisconsin’s Not Worthy of National Attention Any More, Because Uncovered: The macabre sex chamber of Libya's Colonel Gaddafi where he raped girls Who is to gain from smearing Robert Menendez? KNIGHT: For Driscoll: CNN Does this bikini make my ass look fat? New Study: Unemployment Benefits Weaken Economy Lt. Col. Matthew Atkins on “The Personal Nature of War in High Homeland
Security Secretary: Illegals Have ‘Earned Right to be Citizens’ - See more at: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/penny-starr/homeland-security-secretary-illegals-have-earned-right-be-citizens#sthash.yxvC3JIs.dpuf Trackbacks
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If smearing Menendez gets rid of him, then I gain since I'm one of his constituents. The sooner he's gone, the better. But I don't approve of smear campaigns, even if I benefit.
I don't know the facts about Menendez. I had heard that he was dirty but maybe the case was exaggerated.
But smearing with innuendo, investigating and indicting people because they oppose you or are in the opposing party are all tactics of the left. As they are in more trouble, they play this to a greater degree. Could this be some of the same tactics from the right? I don't know. I do know that it seems we are in a war and our side doesn't know it. I'm beginning to wonder if it's immoral to read the New York Times.
I have been screaming in the dark here--my fine state of Montana has been inundated the last two years with liberal/democractic/nazi females from WA state. They arrive 2-4 at a time--they have jobs and temporary subsidized rental housing. They have attacked our Title 13 enforcement, created NUMEROUS rape cases 35-40 in a year. Destroyed two judges and forced them out of office. They have forced older Montana women out of jobs they have held in government offices for years. They have re-written our election laws--not by a vote of the majority, but by a process of closing polls, etc., etc. I have witnessed these actions before in WA state--I reported them here for several years, but you folks didn't believe me.
Barrister--the most evil and easiest group of fem/nazi handmaidens are the women working in law offices, judges wives and some attorney's wives. These gals truly believe that by keeping lists, stealing information on clients, and acting as well organized saboteurs of every kind that they are being "agents of change". They are doing the world a great service. My suggestion to any attorney out there who wants to run a clean shop:hire a male to do your office work! Most of your links here this a.m. are too disheartening/depressing/outrageous/infuriating to read.
re The Stench of the Regime Is Thick: A List of Latest Conservative Targets
In addition there is this: "Speaking to the Center for American Progress last week, Schumer decried the Tea Party's influence on House Republicans and declared that “there are many things that can be done administratively by the IRS and other government agencies -- we must redouble those efforts immediately.” "By “redouble,” does Schumer mean expand the IRS efforts beyond the more than 200 groups already targeted and harassed? The tax agency possesses a rich trove of tools with which it can make life miserable for those expressing unapproved views. So, does he have in mind censoring what can be said or published by these groups? Or is the New York senator thinking more along the lines of seizing assets from individuals associated with the proscribed groups?" http://washingtonexaminer.com/examiner-editorial-liberals-ready-to-use-government-power-against-tea-party/article/2542865?utm_source=Washington%20Examiner:%20Opinion%20Digest%20Reoccurring%20-%2001/27/2014&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Washington%20Examiner:%20Opinion%20Digest Homeland Security Secretary: Illegals Have ‘Earned Right to be Citizens’
How? ------------------ The same way most of their predecessors did. By doing the most difficult and unattractive jobs for the least pay. Difficult and unattractive jobs? Well, it depends on how you weigh the benefits. In my neighborhood, they transport drugs, deal guns and sex-traffic, all investments that bring in sufficient profits for huge estates, cars, bling -- mostly untaxable. The new mafia.
I had my share of those jobs when I was a kid and paying my way through college and law school. so the fact that some forest peasant from central america is mopping floors with his hands doesn't rate any sympathy from me.
Let's do some research around a trend divorce/education that has been well known in academia for 30 years, but which has been successfully ignored until MZ Davis of Texas. She is not the first woman to be so swallowed up in fem/nazi/democrat politics that she married a man to pay for her education. I know one woman--married 13 years and never worked the couple had one child. The hubby who worked full time, put his wife and himself through university. Her doctoral defense was scheduled a month before his. On the day of her defense she went into the thesis review committee in the morning and when she knew that she had successfully completed her Ph.D. she went into the hall outside the committee room. Called one girl friend. When her husband came home from work that evening (about 5 hours later) he came home to a completely bare house! THE NOW gals had been waiting for the call, backed up a moving van which had been tentatively scheduled with some low ball moving company!
Another example: I know two other women--both faculty with very mediocre degrees and scholastic abilities.Both teaching in off campus "distance education" classes (non tenured). These gals went from west coast to east coast for university meeting--on the return they talked about how wonderful it was--what a coincidence it was--that they had both met the two most powerful men in the university administration (chancellor, and Distance Ed manager) they both were so in love. A year later the chancellor got his divorce (2 wife) and the four were married in 'traditional' marriages. My o my what a coincidence that was! Shall I go on and on and on? My point being that NOW has been bringing up women in certain prescribed strategies in every state of the union for 35 years now. Why is the right side just beginning to notice, or is it that they did not have the courage to fight back? Because you're obviously a misogynist!
Seriously, the manosphere has been putting this sort of info out for about 5 years, and has been beaten up by those along all parts of the spectrum. There are those on the right who will still insist that putting out this info, and preparing boys & men to deal with this is all just hate speech. In fact I'll wager that there are many around here who think what's written in the manosphere is sensationalist hype. These white knights are a big part of the problem. And fighting back is hard b/c it's institutionalized now. Doesn't mean it shouldn't be done, but it's going to be a long time to remedy what took a long time to construct. "Sugar and “Bad” Carbs Cause Early Signs of Dementia"
This seems to be true. And the first signs are righting articles on left wing food bogs claiming that "bad" carbs cause early signs of dementia. What is a "bad" carb? To the food nuts a bad carb is any carb that is "processed" any unnatural sugar, and especially HFCS. In fact the HFCS derangement syndrome has gotten so bad it could well be the very early signs of dementia. When you eat a carb your stomach and small intestines break it down into it's smallest molecule. If you eat an apple you will break down the carbs into fructose and glucose and these molecules pass though the intestine walls into the blood stream where they are used for energy in yur muscles and brain. The body doesn't know if these molecules came from "bad" carbs or good carbs. In fact the body doesn't know what a "bad" carb is. This is a figment of the imagination of someone suffering HFCS derangement syndrome and quite possibly early signs of dementia. This persistent misconception about carbs stems from the fact that certain diseases, such as diabetes benefit from a diet either low in carbs or primarily consuming carbs that digest slowly. I guess the theory is if it is good for an abnormal health condition then it certainly must be great for a normal healthy person. Then everyone who is searching for a disease to call their own reads one of these crazy food blogs or books about diet and suddenly they begin to have the symptoms which can only be magically cured by the lastest fad diet. Frankly I don't care if people want to follow these fads, I simply want them to stop making up these crazy theories that fly in the face of common sense. I do wish though that the Natural News site would begin a war on bacon. Have you noticed the price of bacon lately? Com'on can't we get a war on bacon with some phoney disease and early signs of dementia so the price will cme down. I'm tired of paying $6 a pound for really good thick cut bacon. All true observations. However what the 'bad cards' in quantity do is overload the body's ability to process them appropriately which ultimately leads to diabetes. What I take from the article is that the same issues that lead to diabetes also affects the brain's function. Seems plausible, but don't know the scientific data behind this claim.
The belief that "something" causes you to "catch" diabetes persists. But diabetes is genetic. Often, not always but often enough diabetes doesn't show real symptoms until the victim is in their 20's or 30's. So it's understandable that if you got diabetes when you were 30 or so you might think you did something to "catch" it. But in fact you had it at birth and got it from your parents and grand parents and not from your diet. But it is a disease that is greatly affected by diet so again it is quite understandable to jump to the conclusion your diet gave you diabetes. But it doesn't. If you don't have the genetic predisposition to get diabetes then all the carbs and sugar you want to eat won't give it to you. However if you do have diabetes and aren't yet aware of it a good healthy dose of refined carbs and sugar will indeed give you symptoms that even someone not familiar with the disease could recognize as abnormal. Thus was born the old wives tale that sugar causes diabetes. The biggest risk to getting diabetes is being descendant from Australian Aboriginal, Native South or North American of black African.
The real risk from bad carbs or sugar is that someone might choose to not eat their broccoli or spinach etc. It is only a problem if it causes you to not get the MDR of vitamins and minerals from your diet. I have no doubt that this is a real risk but it is also a real risk with almost every fad diet as well. Every vegan is at risk everyday of failing to get their MDR of all vitamins and minerals and most take specific steps to make sure they make up for this risk. The secret is indeed everything in moderation or simply eat a balanced diet and don't exclude major food groups like leafy greens or meat, etc. I would not want to live a life that excludes carbs and sugar. I think everything in moderation is the key to a happy, healthy life. Too much of anything can be bad for you, really.