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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, November 7. 2017Tuesday morning links
When Park Avenue was 4th Avenue Why Restaurants Increasingly Are Banning Children Paris's First Nude Restaurant Is Now Open Bear Grylls Is Getting His Own $26 Million Theme Park Not Every Tragedy Has a Political Solution. After tragedy, embrace the urge to do something, not to have something done. Warmist Is Super Enthused To Create A Climate Dictatorship Florida Wants to Purchase Sand From the Bahamas to Replenish Critically Eroding Beaches, But It's Illegal Reynolds: Hollywood, ESPN and other debacles: Why can't our ruling class do its job? FAKE NEWS ABOUT KOI: WHY NO ONE TRUSTS THE PRESS How Political Correctness Is Driving the Breakdown of Society Fusion GPS Paid Reporters to Spread Collusion Claims Everyone understands Trump's reaction to the New York terrorist, even if the media don't Schlicter: Democrats Drive Toward the Cliff and Hit the Gas Democratic infighting over DNC's direction nearing flashpoint End the mortgage interest deduction It would hurt me, but it's not fair Mortgage interest deduction mostly benefits the rich — end it Monday, November 6. 2017Musing on the Dangers of GunsAs we'd suspect, the shootings in Texas are being politicized by the anti-gun groups. It seems I can't turn around without some anti-gun nut calling for more laws, if not outright elimination of guns. As if that would actually stop these events. Of course, none of these people have called for elimination of autos or trucks, particularly after last week's events in NYC. What we hear is 'but that was only 8 people killed by a truck while there were 58 in Vegas and 26 in Texas' as if scale is somehow meaningful. Frankly, I'm less concerned about numbers, and more concerned about means, motive and outcome. The assumption is that the means is a desire to use a weapon, so being concerned with autos is silly since few people use them as weapons. There is a massive flaw in this concept. Two flaws, really. First, they are used as weapons (Nice and London are just 2 recent examples, and ISIS has called for them to be used more...but I should add Charlottesville to the list) often enough to be of concern. Second, whether they are used as weapons or not, autos kill far more people every year than guns, and people aren't even trying. Imagine how the numbers would rise if they were. By any comparative measure, it's not even close. WE MUST BAN AUTOS AND TRUCKS!! Continue reading "Musing on the Dangers of Guns"
Posted by Bulldog
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Monday morning links
Anal Sex–Pushing Teen Vogue Kills Print Edition The UN Admits That The Paris Climate Deal Was A Fraud "For the love of Earth, stop traveling." If you really cared, you'd just kill yourself The only value I see in "diversity" is better food. Especially the Thai. IS IT OK TO BE WHITE? [UPDATED] White Woman Bashing at Women’s Convention Vox Media Dismisses Two – 8 Members of Elite Media Accused of Misconduct Towards Female Staffers The Mania Over Sexual Harassment Millennials: Communism sounds pretty chill Like college but with no exams? San Antonio Paper: We Should Totally Continue Letting Potential Terrorists In How Class Realignment Broke the Democrats: The Democratic 'sanity bubble' is a shield against popular support Did Russian money make Hillary's takeover of the DNC possible? Hillary’s Campaign Accuses Donna Brazile Of Spreading ‘False Russian-Fueled Propaganda’ Gotta laugh Paul Ryan Piles On Hillary: ‘No Wonder Democrats Are Ticked Off’ A ‘Marxist’ explanation for the Trump revolution Bush Sr, Jr Admit To Not Voting For Trump, Sr. Calls Him A ‘Blow Hard,’ Says He Lacks ‘Humility’ It's a class thing, not a policy thing. They would blackball Trump at their clubs, and so would I. But I prefer him as Pres to Hillary. I did not vote for somebody to be my friend. David Brooks: Our Elites Really Do Stink Sunday, November 5. 2017Shanghai's newest building is constantly movingA commenter wondered what this would be like for somebody walking by drunk or stoned at night
Halloween in EnglandIt's a humble simple version of Spain's cemetery extravaganzas. David Warren's conversion: One of the first things I did, upon becoming a Christian, is stopped going to church.
10 Facts About the Life and Legacy of Martin LutherFrom Escaped Nuns to a Knight in Disguise, 10 Facts About the Life and Legacy of Martin Luther. On the 500th anniversary of his 95 Theses, look back at some of the surprising aspects of the man who changed Christianity and the world Life in America: The long route up Storm King MountainBest-named mountain in the US, in my view. Ten of Bird Dog's pals did the long loop (orange up, yellow down) on Storm King Mountain on Saturday. Actually, it wasn't the longest route which we would have preferred, but we missed the turn to make it 4 hrs. Would have been 12 people, but two spouses were under the weather. Perfect weather, high 40s to low-50s. Colder up top. There is some rock scrambling, just enough stair-climbing stretches when you can't catch your breath, and all of the trails are rocky but there are magnificent views of the Hudson River up top. It's just north of West Point, and we ran into some cadets doing a point-to-point over the mountains with 60-lb packs. Nice kids. The route up that we took might be rated a 5/10 of 3/5 in some American systems, a 2-3/9 in the European system - but all rating systems vary and all are lousy. Descriptions are better. This hike quite manageable if not crippled or frail. Hiking poles definitely came in handy but our rule is always bring poles and especially if carrying a pack. We brought a drone and did some drone group pics from the top, and some drone panoramic views. We did it in 3 1/2 hours, but we didn't really stop for snacks or rests. Stopped only to fly the drone a couple of times, which is so cool to play with. We saw migrating Broad Wing Hawks, a Merlin, an immature Bald Eagle (maybe a Golden - no binocs), and of course some migrating Turkey Vultures. We finished up at Prima Pizza in Cornwall for great pizza and beer. Great choice. Try it. Here's one of our team, perhaps familiar to our NYC Maggie's Urban Death Marches. More pics later, including the drone photos.
From today's Lectionary: The greatest among you will be your servantMatthew 23:1-12 23:1 Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples,
23:2 "The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses' seat; 23:3 therefore, do whatever they teach you and follow it; but do not do as they do, for they do not practice what they teach. 23:4 They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on the shoulders of others; but they themselves are unwilling to lift a finger to move them. 23:5 They do all their deeds to be seen by others; for they make their phylacteries broad and their fringes long. 23:6 They love to have the place of honor at banquets and the best seats in the synagogues, 23:7 and to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces, and to have people call them rabbi. 23:8 But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have one teacher, and you are all students. 23:9 And call no one your father on earth, for you have one Father--the one in heaven. 23:10 Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one instructor, the Messiah. 23:11 The greatest among you will be your servant. 23:12 All who exalt themselves will be humbled, and all who humble themselves will be exalted. Saturday, November 4. 2017The Book of the CourtierBook review: The Book of the Courtier by Baldassare Castiglione It begins:
You're Not Lost if You Can Still See the TruckPresidents and Provosts Gather to Consider Free Speech Issues
Presidents and Provosts Gather to Consider Free Speech Issues. What a humorless bunch these people are. So earnest, take themselves so seriously, agonizing over nonsense like Yiannopoulos. Milo is just a gay George Carlin. The kids want to avoid Shakespeare? Well, all the world's a stage, kids. And guess what? That observation is far more profound that it seems.
Posted by The Barrister
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Mark Steyn's MailboxSaturday morning links
POLL: Millennials would prefer to live in a socialist country Like where? Gothamist and DNAInfo Vote to Unionize – Are Immediately Shut Down NFL Teams Pledge Hundreds Of Millions To Anti-Gun Groups Marketing genius ! The NCAA’s UNC Decision: Nothing to See Here, Move Along "It's Okay To Be White" Signs Found At Maryland High School No it is not. It's being investigated for hate US Government Report Warns Climate Change Is Real Promise? I hope they're right Trump Tax Plan Might Get Rid Of Electric Vehicle Tax Break 2017 International Tax Competitiveness Ranking: U.S. Is 6th From The Bottom Hiring Rebounded in October, Unemployment Rate Fell to 4.1% Trump effect Re Ken Burns: I think the documentary seeks to fix the record in falsity Reminder: Good Men Died Searching for Bergdahl Caliphate of the Mind - As ISIS crumbles overseas, its individual adherents pose a unique threat to cities like New York. Regulate Assault Trucks! Cosmopolitan Promotes Incest All taboos must fall Sex Is Cheap And the professionals hate the amateur competition Sexually active students must be reported to law enforcement or state officials, Ore. school district says LATEST ON THE LIBERAL LECH LIST He omitted the chief of NPR. And for me-tooism, what about Bill Clinton? Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew to pedophile island much more than previously known Portfolio manager accused of raping, beating women in penthouse dungeon Kevin Spacey Turned the Set of "House of Cards" Into His Own "Sick Sexual Playground" Obama Admin Lied; New Memos Reveal Uranium One Exports To "Europe And Asia" Via Canada Former DNC Chair Jumps Ship: Donna Brazile Turns on Hillary After Leaking Debate Questions to Her During Primary Crooked Hillary. What else is new? GREAT AGAIN: POTUS Trump Announces $100 Billion Company’s Return To USA Gotta judge this guy by what he does, not by who he is. That's why Gelernter supports him, and Gelernter is 50 IQ points above any of us. Dem Civil War In VA: DFA Abandons Northam Campaign As “Racist” Friday, November 3. 2017Reviewing "I, Pencil"Reposted, a fresh look at "I, Pencil."
We recall that American Indians had traded clam shells from Long Island (NY) for obsidian from the Dakotas. Free trade. I once saw that somebody tracked the pre-Columbian Indian trade routes across the Americas. I can't find it now. " My family tree begins with what in fact is a tree, a cedar of straight grain that grows in Northern California and Oregon...."
Posted by The Barrister
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Is rape and sexual abuse "natural"?It's dominating the news these days, and rightly so. With humans, for whom it is natural to live within cultural/religious contexts, questions about "natural" are always fraught. However, I will claim that sexual abuse by women and men, but more by men because of dominance hierarchies, is part of the animal side of human nature like violence, etc. Human nature contains much unpleasantness. There are errors in Freud's Civilization and It's Discontents, but he got the big picture right. Living a bourgeois civilized life is challenging for humanoid animals and, depending on the culture, demands some sorts of instinctual restraints or constraints, at least on regular folks. The elites get away with more, and the poor folks often end up in jail. Claiming that something is "natural" does not claim any moral valence. However, even in a Christian culture like medieval Europe the knights and nobles pretty much had access to any female who took his fancy (and vice versa, in the fancy courts of Europe - if a princess summons you to her boudoir, No is not an answer). Today in American, females teachers are routinely called on the carpet for seducing their high school students (which is not very difficult to do). For many women, "star-f-ing" is a diverting hobby, so it works both ways. One of the perquisites of wealth, power, dominance, or celebrity is access to sexual adventure without consequences. In our culture, we consider some of it immoral and some of it illegal. Other cultures have very different rules about sexual behavior. My point is simply that, in our society, there is and has been far more sexual libertinism, rape, and abuse at all levels of society (but perhaps most at the lowest and highest) than people like to admit or confess. Until they are caught. The unleashed sex drive is a powerful force and in people who don't care much, power, money, lust, and indifference to law or societal codes can let animal spirits loose. Attila the Hun is said to have fathered 10,000 children, which is why most Europeans claim him as an ancestor. 10,000 were not consensual, I am certain. But I wasn't there.
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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Friday morning links
Z-man is looking for a new car Anti-obesity drug acts on brain's appetite control system Chinese Scientists Create Low-Fat Pigs With CRISPR Why? F.D.A. Warns Companies Against Claims That Marijuana Cures Diseases Woman, 98, Moves into Elder Facility to Care for 80-Year-Old Son Prince William warns that there are too many people in the world Can we just get rid of the twits and jerks first? 'BEYOND SHAMEFUL': DON'T FALL FOR THIS DECEITFUL VIETNAM FLICK- Exclusive: Maj. Gen. Patrick Brady exposes startling omissions, distorted facts in war film This Man Could've Saved Vietnam, But The U.S. OKed His Assassination Reed College: The Surprising Revolt at the Most Liberal College in the Country - Activists are disrupting lectures to protest "white supremacy," but many students are taking steps to stop them. First poison the college culture, then the broader culture A Few More Who Think The Poor Ought To Have Access To Cheap Energy Chris Matthews Baffled: Why Would A Muslim Uzbeki Want To Attack Us? Note the chyron on the screen as Tingles talks. MSNBC and CNN guests look to blame Manhattan truck terror on anything but jihad The Press Attacks WSJ for Criticizing FusionGPS -- Without Confessing That One Of Their Sources Attacking the WSJ Is... A FusionGPS Employee Drain the swamp! The American left is beginning to look like nothing other than a defeated army in its last weeks in the field Wolf Blitzer: ‘Shocking’ Hillary Rigged DNC They had to keep Biden out. They never expected the Berniemania DID THE CLINTONS TURN THE DNC INTO A CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY? How unappealing Is Trump, as a person? Egyptian lawyer: It's a man's 'national duty' to rape women who wear ripped jeans Prostitution Reduces Rape Nother pic from my sis![]() Thursday, November 2. 2017Good funAn engaging random session about human history, climate change, Ice Ages, etc. Just advance past the ads for cashews. Carlson does make the point that atmospheric CO2 is now at the bottom of the scale. He is fun to listen to.
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Sports actionIt was one heck of a World Series, but look at this, from Baseball and Long Games MLB Average game time: 176 minutes NFL Average game time: 191 minutes Thursday morning links
We're all gonna die! From China, How Trust Shapes Nations' Safety Rules - How does a country decide what risks are acceptable in everyday life? Pictures Reveal Life Inside Tiny Futuristic Cubes. Built in 1972, the Nakagin Capsule Tower was the benchmark of Japan’s post-war economic boom. Now, its future is uncertain. "Three [tenured] Dartmouth College professors whose research had included studies of sexual desire and attractiveness have been put on paid leave..." I see little wrong with profs flirting with students, or vice versa. They're adults Transgenderism as Social Contagion Companies Beware: Partisan Politics And Branding Don't Mix As the left surges back, Marxism’s bloody legacy is covered up. Monuments to the victims of fascism exist everywhere, but communism’s victims are hardly remembered at all FBI Seeking Second Person In Connection With Manhattan Terror Attack What The NYC Attack Revealed About ISIS’s Supporters Terrorist Bragging About His Murders In His Hospital Bed, Vowing "ISIS Will Endure". Motives remain a mystery. TRUMP CANCELS Diversity Lottery Program – NYC Killer Sponsored 23 PEOPLE Since Coming to US! UTSA Student Learns That Muslims Rank Higher Than Gays "Muslims Fear Backlash from Tomorrow's Terror Attack" Yale prof David Gelernter, a Maggie's hero, supports Trump despite his many flaws Stockman Slams Mueller's Mugging Of America: The Case Of Baby George Papadopoulos Politico Hides Fusion GPS Employment Of Key Source - There's just one approach you have to take if you're a member of the media: undying fealty to Robert Mueller, no questions asked. Democracy dies in darkness, as we all know. Russia's real 2016 plan was to drive Americans crazy My life as a hostage of al-Qaeda Stalin’s ism: A review of Stalin: Waiting for Hitler, 1929-1941 by Stephen Kotkin. ColoradoOutside Denver this week, from my Sis
Wednesday, November 1. 2017Hillary colluded with Russians
Millions of dollars are not petty cash. Dirty tricks with spies and Russians. It's like "The one who smelled it dealt it."
Posted by The News Junkie
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Why does it take two years for physical fitness? The mental strength and growth occurs alongside the physical. The human body is remarkably adaptable, but adaptation is not quick except at the very beginning of a 5-6 day/week program. Progress can seem fast for the first few months, assuming the starting point is poor condition, but then it gets slow. What is poor condition? It's where I used to be. To find out, take a gym calisthenics class and see how you do, or get a trainer's assessment. He or she will discover your limits very quickly with agility tests, cardio tests, strength tests, endurance tests, and just by observing your body at rest and under effort. When I began, I was not overweight on a scale, but I was - with excess fat, and underweight in muscle. I ended up gaining 15+ lbs with little visible fat. Why does it take that long to build a good foundation for future fitness-building and maintenance? Not for great fitness, just for passable fitness? Continue reading "Why does it take two years for physical fitness? The mental strength and growth occurs alongside the physical."
Posted by Bird Dog
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Wednesday morning links
UZBEK NYC TERROR SUSPECT ENTERED U.S. UNDER DIVERSITY VISA PROGRAM The US has a "Diversity Visa Program"? MSNBC “Terrorism Analyst” on NYC ‘Allahu Akbar’ Attack: “Not Islam Whatsoever” No, it's Amish Group Plans to Boycott NFL on Veterans Day Weekend DNC Hiring For Its Tech Team, Won’t Consider Candidates Who Are “Cisgender Straight White Males”… So just lie Trump Jr. jokes he'll take half of daughter's Halloween candy to 'teach her about socialism' Tinseltown Travelogue: A deplorable's adventure in lala land It's a 3-part somewhat lengthy personal report Which trait most accounts for the spectacular career of Ta-Nehisi Coates, The Atlantic’s race blogger–turned–intellectual superstar? Wind farms would need to ‘cover whole of Scotland’ to power Britain’s electric vehicles Spooky: U.S. To Prepare For ‘Climate Change’ Caused Vampire Bat Invasion Why Americans have stopped eating leftovers Not me. I love leftovers. Get On the Bus or Get Under It: Shouting Down Free Speech at Rutgers Protesters claim facts are oppressive and patriarchal
Thousands Protested Trump Last November In Rally Organized By Russia Calling the Cops in Europe? Don't Bother
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