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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, March 22. 2014J.S. Bach's greatest hitsPure genius to listen to while you check out the web today.
Posture: "Sit up straight..."Good posture makes people look better. It makes you look younger and inspires confidence, and it feels good. Good posture is a habit, and so is poor posture. The military is effective at training good posture. Typical causes of poor posture are psychological, lack of training, aging, and physical weakness. If you want to improve your posture, just imagine your Mom reminding to to sit up, or stand up, straight, all day long. Then you can work on your abdominal and back muscles, which are what make standing upright possible. Here you go: Exercises for Better Posture. Life training matters, and can only come from home. Moms say "Stand up straight, look people in the eye, have a firm handshake and a pleasant but reserved demeanor. Nobody wants to know your natural self." Political Quote du Jour
One snippet from the linked quote:
Saturday morning linksMany Yale men seem to hope they are. Wait a minute - since when does Yale admit women? Our Criminal Justice System? It’s a Crime Everybody is a felon. There are 40-50,000 federal crimes, but even the government cannot count them all, but they can do a legal search and find one that fits you. Do you know what they all are? Ignorance of the law is no defense. Why we debate the unimportant issues American Schools Are STILL Racist, Government Report Finds Black kids do great in charter schools. Asian kids do great in crappy schools. Steyn vs. Mann: Oh, Won't You Stay-ay-ay Just a Little Bit Longer? Turkey PM Acts On His Threat To "Destroy Twitter", Blocks Countrywide Access UK School Bans Teachers from Using Red Ink: It's 'Too Negative' Obama Regime Calls for Wooden Skyscrapers to Stop Global Warming Signs Of Looming Disharmony For The Democrats? ‘Liberty Tax’: White House, Media Attack After Drudge Pays Obamacare Opt-Out Penalty Lawmakers Call for State Department Action on Nicaraguan Regime How Democratic donors benefit financially from climate policy Applebaum: A need to contain Russia Hizbollah’s Political and Security Situation: Existing and Emerging Challenges Saturday Verse: Carrickfergus
(Correction: Sipp himself wrote those final verses for his Dad.) Friday, March 21. 2014J. S. Bach's birthday todayThis inventive and rollicking organ piece is embedded in Western civilization's collective memory, and cannot help but influence anybody on earth who has attempted to make music since he (we think) composed it. It must be fun to play, especially with the footwork on the pedals:
A Maggie's Farm Scientific Survey: Things we often want to avoid doing, but feel better after we do them.No pain, no gain? This is about gratifications and pleasures earned in the completion of things one has the impulse to avoid which require possibly unpleasant exertion, effort or discipline in contrast to easy, unearned gratifications. The capacity to delay gratification is considered a measure of maturity and life-competence, but we all struggle with something ever day. The enemies are "I don't feel like it" or "I feel like it." In other words, self-indulgence. The enemy is us. The earned gratifications of accomplishment tend to feel better afterwards; unearned gratifications (eg food, booze and drugs, shopping, trips and vacations, watching TV, romantic affairs, surfing the web, etc, etc.) tend to feel good while doing but often worse after because they are easy pleasures or cheap thrills which have costs which are often out of proportion to meaningful gains. I'll confess some of my personal routine challenges, some trivial and some not: - Getting to church - hate to dress and drag us there on Sunday morning, but always glad we went
What's on your list of things you feel like avoiding, but feel good after you do them?
Missing Persons at Maggie's FarmIn recent years, we have had authors and commenters come and go. We're a voluntary commune. (nb: We encourage commenters. Please comment, readers, if you have anything to say even if it's not brilliant. Just show good manners, please. Polite disagreement - with hard facts - is always welcome.) Our collective favorite Commenter was Marianne Matthews, a wonderfully-reflective Texan, a Barnard grad, a Taurus (the handy-dandy firearm, not the car) owner and a Greenwich Village folksinger in her youth who died in her early 80s with a pulmonary embolism. We miss her. She once mailed me, at my request, a CD of her recordings with a photo of her lovely self playing guitar. She loved NYC, but she loved her Columbia-trained oil-engineer husband more. She always wanted to come back from Houston after he retired, but was responsibly and lovingly caring for him there when I believe he developed a dementia. Also missing - our old irascible pal Dr. Mercury. No mystery there. He's a ramblin' man, and rambled on to other things after a while (I do not know what) but left behind the useful Dr. Merc's Computer Corner. Missing in Action: Buddy Larson, a popular and frequent Texan commenter who always brought something to the table, either deep, witty, or usually both. That's a mystery. I hope he is OK, and I hope we didn't do anything to piss him off. Capt. Tom: He wrote posts for us for a while, but seems to have lost his writing desire. Writer's block? Perhaps the muse might return. I hope so, because he has lots of experience to share, and can write about photography, fishing, boating, engineering, guitars, and all sorts of things if he wants to. Maybe he is too busy living. He does find time to comment on occasion under his real name, Tom Francis. A Yankee, moved to the Carolinas. Roger de Hauteville? Not to worry. He is around and healthy, but locked in the uninsulated attic for the moment. Those Norman barbarians need time-outs on a regular basis. He'll be back after the next war. In fact, we have planned a job of work for him which naturally involves Sicilia. Bruce Kesler, our San Diego/New Yorker. He's sort-of on Sabbatical, but he is in touch with me almost daily and (among other emailers) contributes to our morning links, for which I am quite grateful. At some point, I think he may be back on the payroll unless he gets a better offer (he has had many newspaper op-eds published). And he has a day job plus young kids at home. Anyway, always take the better offer if you can get one! Here's a poor recording of Marianne in New York, in her younger days (1950s), probably in some folkie den in the Village, long before Joanie, Bob, Phil Ochs, Sebastian, and all the others:
Posted by Bird Dog
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Friday morning links How many types of orgasm can women really have? Deciphered Roman Soldier’s Papyrus to Family Complains: ‘You Never Wrote Back to Me’ Gym Tells Hot, Fit Woman to Cover Up Because She’s Intimidating Others A City of Villages - Vibrant ethnic neighborhoods, not tall buildings, define the real Los Angeles. Seized property sits vacant nine years after landmark Kelo eminent domain case Measles outbreak! Vaccine trutherism now officially a public health crisis Not a crisis, but a problem. Young doctors have never seen measles or mumps. A book by Deirdre McCloskey: Bourgeois Dignity: Why Economics Can't Explain the Modern World Has NASA Nothing Better To Do Than Pit Poor Vs. Rich? Jeff Bezos, The Washington Post, and his plan to take over the media world Is Bruce Rauner Scott Walker 2.0 For Illinois Unions? Update: Duke Porn ‘Star’ Story Gets Even Worse
And yet she's a brave feminist heroine Democratic Attorney General: Corruption Investigation Racist Because Only Black Democrats Accepted Bribes Look Out: Jesse Jackson Eyes a New Industry to Shakedown in the Name of ‘Diversity’ Lawmaker Excluded from CFPB Meeting, Unable to Hold Executive to Account How can that be legal? Has the First Amendment Become a ‘Conservative’ Legal Cause? Putin’s Crimean History Lesson Ukraine Upheaval Highlights E.U.’s Past Miscalculations and Future Dangers A MARINE SPEAKS FRANKLY - SHE SURE DOES Deciphered Roman Soldier’s Papyrus to Family Complains: ‘You Never Wrote Back to Me’- See more at: http://cnsnews.com/mrctv-blog/barbara-boland/deciphered-roman-soldier-s-papyrus-family-complains-you-never-wrote-back#sthash.5P9I7Zl5.dpuf Thursday, March 20. 2014Worth a trip to the East Side
Now that is what I call a serious all-you-can-eat buffet. Wesleyan Wisdom: Remembering what Wesley really preachedWhat he preached:
Told ya so: Dietary fats are just fine
Here's more evidence: Study Questions Fat and Heart Disease Link. The article also says this:
Once again, it's the carbs that are the problem. Best thing is to deal with that carb addiction.
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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Thursday morning links, Vernal Equinox Edition NASA???? Bear Safety: Follow These Tips for Camping in Bear Country Culled kangaroos to be processed as pet food as part of two-year trial 7 ways to stop the shopping habit The Top Ten Books People Lie About Reading I've read 'em all. Really. Many in college. It’s Not Porn, It’s HBO How New York Is Building an Entire Neighborhood on Top of a Rail Yard How Not to Negotiate Your Next Job Defending Giordano Bruno: A Response from the Co-Writer of “Cosmos” Climate Astrology: Cold Weather Caused By Global Warming US In Its Third Straight Year Of Record Low Tornado Activity Don’t Want to Debate? Delegitimize Your Opponent The only subjects schools seem to be good at teaching are environmentalism, critical race theory, and queer studies A Startlingly Simple Theory About the Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet Utopia Now! in New York City Why Are Asian Americans Democrats? Russia Confiscates Half of Ukrainian Fleet in Crimea – Including Submarine A Ukrainian navy? Hey paranoids - It's going on Your Permanent Record Paul Krugman’s Preposterous Statement Of The Day The Charter School Conspirators In choosing whether to major in econ, women respond more to grades than men The Left’s new racism: cultural appropriation College Limits Part-Time Faculty Hours To Avoid Obamacare Costs Rand Paul: Sleeping with the Enemy at Berkeley Norway: Arctic Jihad British Teachers Lose Jobs For Resisting Islamization of State Schools… DEMOCRAT LAWMAKER: Vermont's single-payer health care system will destroy the state Who’d a-thunk it? Taxi cartels don’t like competition? And they’ll use their government enablers to squash competitors? Greenpeace co-founder testifies there is no climate crisis Obama is The Man Who Didn’t Need Kennan Putin ends the left’s daydream 3 LA City Council members Launch Study to Determine If Fracking Caused Earthquake Illinois Mulls Requiring Prescriptions for Cold Medicine. Thanks Meth and the War on Drugs! Communism Is the Goal at a Commune, but Chinese Officials Are Not Impressed Cold War Revisionism and the Defense of Obama’s Ukraine Blunder New CMR Analysis: Pentagon Cannot Justify Anti-Woman Policies
Wednesday, March 19. 2014Future control of the internet
America's Internet Surrender - By unilaterally retreating from online oversight, the White House pleased regimes that want to control the Web.
Actus TragicusJohn Gardiner's wonderful new Bach bio spent three or four pages on this piece. It's a cantata on death - Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit (God's time is the very best time) - ending with joy. Bach wrote it at 21. The musical structure and the key changes are complex, and over my head despite reading the pages twice and listening to the lovely and emotional piece around ten times. Bach was rarely, if ever, satisfied with his singers. He was a singer himself. I suspect that he would be thrilled by the skill of our singers today.
Firmness vs. Sadism
Deny the dark side of human nature at your own risk. Those who deny it in others tend to be those who deny it in themselves. The Lefties aren't what they used to be
Now, the lefties just use name-calling and "Shut up" as debating tools. As a youth, I used to debate my Conservative friends over beers and/or a little weed. My political evolution from adolescent Lefty to conservatarian began happening when I entered the adult world and learned more about human nature and how it is expressed, in part, through the miracle of markets. My evolution continues, because each year I realize more how precious and rare freedom is, and how dangerous and oppressive the State is.
Posted by The Barrister
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Buffett's Latest LetterSays he's putting his future widow in S&P index (not into Berkshire?). BRKA has been good to me, over the years.
Wednesday morning links What a Headache: $1 Billion in Brain Scans And lawsuits if they don't get them Is it O.K. to tell boys to "be a man"? An upcoming film that is much buzzed about on White House pastry chef resigns: ‘I don’t want to demonize cream, butter, sugar and eggs’ A New Cosmic Discovery Could Be The Closest We’ve Come to the Beginning of Time The poor neglected gifted child On Education Reform, Teacher Unions Are Outliers New York and California Suck For Taxpayers, and For Freedom Is Crimea A Clarion Call For Separatists Everywhere? Obama to Hispanics: We Won’t Deport Your Relatives If You Enroll in Obamacare Jindal: Bill de Blasio’s war for poverty Clash at UN: China Fails to Stop UN Watch Testimony by Daughter of Jailed Democracy Leader Wang Bingzhang Romney’s Vindication Is Complete Prepare for more foreign policy disasters Tuesday, March 18. 2014Three books
- Krauthammer's Things That Matter: Three Decades of Passions, Pastimes and Politics. I am halfway through it, and it is a delight. Not much politics in it, but lots of life, with Charles' impeccable prose. He writes pretty well about baseball, which is one measure of a writer in my view. - Our friend did a brief trailer for his book about Ethiopian kids in Israel, Sheba and Solomon's Return:
Posted by Bird Dog
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I gotta go where it's cold Who counts "vacation days"? I have equity in our company, we're making money - and anyway, I'm skiing with my boss and we plan to meet some gals at the pubs. America is a great country! Speaking of time away from work , this guy is our employee and he can't be fired:
That's a job? On another topic, I got a kick out of these rebels: New Yorkers Gather, Burn 'Nearly a Thousand Gun Registration Forms'. In the 1960s, they burned their draft cards and that was considered cool.
Posted by The News Junkie
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Rado Klose
Rado was born in Cambridge in 1945, his father a refugee from Nazi Germany. He was studying architecture and science when he met Syd Barrett and Roger Waters. He joined them, along with Nick Mason and Richard Wright, to perform under a variety of band names. He was less interested in rock, enjoying jazz and blues. He was also a serious student and chose to leave the band to pursue his studies. He is believed to have been one of their most talented members. Clearly having an artistic streak, he followed his interests into photography. He became an acclaimed photographer, and some of his work is available online now. His guitar work is available on two recorded tracks which are available, a cover of Slim Harpo's I'm a King Bee and the original Lucy Leave when the band was called The Tea Set. These often appear on Pink Floyd bootlegs. Klose remained close to his friends in the music community, occasionally working on some albums in the 2000's.
Posted by Bulldog
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Tuesday morning links Would You Live In A 150-Square-Foot Home? Zuckerberg: We should only have to protect against criminals, ‘not our own government’ When U.S. Steps Back, Will Russia and China Control the Internet? Yes. That will be pleasant. U. Michigan Activists Forcing Engineering Students Into Race Studies Great. That will help them design airplanes and build bridges. 'Cowboys-and-Indians' cheerleaders photo sparks Regina furor - University of Regina president issues apology, says participants will take sensitivity training Good grief EPA: Cows A More Serious Climate Change Threat than Shale Gas Let's kill all the Wildebeests for carbon credits. Fortunately, we already killed off all of the millions of farting American Bison. Whom the death tax benefits: The largest life insurance policy ever sold:
Billionaires With Big Ideas Are Privatizing American Science That's a good thing A bunch of people try to understand what Putin is all about The UK: Muslim extremists, and a worrying lesson for us all - Activists attempting to 'Islamify’ state schools in Birmingham could try to Krugman: Conservatives are motivated by racism NYC: The Roast Duck Bureaucracy Choosing American Workers over Amnesty Guessing Games And Climate ‘Science’ - They seem so certain when predicting what long-term weather has in store for us, but don't be fooled. Read the fine print in their pronouncements and the truth is revealed: those much-quoted experts admit they don't have a clue Civilization Is Doomed From “Climate Change” Or Something Professor Calls For Climate Change ‘Deniers’ To Be Imprisoned How about a gulag, or concentration camps instead? NYT: People Think We’re in a Recession. Don’t Blame Them. Asian-American vs. African-American A New Report Shows How Young Liberals Own the Future of American Politics Blue Models Crash, Wall Street Cleans Up Of course. Lenders are not charities. The EU’s Stunning Hypocrisy on Crimea:
Ron Paul Asks "If Spying On Senate Is So Bad, Why Is It OK For Them To Spy On Us?"
Monday, March 17. 2014The hot news
2. Who cares about the Crimea? I don't.
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European borders
Constantly changing. The Crimea was part of Russia until Stalin.
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