Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, August 13. 2012Ilya Somin lectures on The Problem of Political IgnorancePsychiatry’s Legitimacy CrisisIn the LA Review of Books, Andrew Scull on All We Have to Fear: Psychiatry's Transformation of Natural Anxieties into Mental Disorders. It's a good summary of what has been going on in my field these days. One quote:
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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Nobody knows what college is anymoreA Question about U.S. Educational Performance. Does money improve school performance? I doubt it very much. Here's The Case Against College Entitlements with Rep. Paul Ryan and Author Charles Murray (brief but to the point). I need to empty my wheelbarrow full of linksRNC Chair: Obama 'Has Blood on His Hands' Gasparino: The fight’s on for America’s future Mead: 2012: Suddenly, A Historic Election? The failed policies of the past, or something better? The NYT hates Paul Ryan, so that's a plus. Paul Ryan means even more trouble for an already troubled Obama campaign
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Jason’s Bar Mitzvah TripOver 50-years ago, my Bar Mitzvah was in a small, poor Orthodox synagogue in Brooklyn. The training was by rote and the surroundings were typical of the Diaspora, what my Grandparents built in the freedoms of the US but, still, seemingly far removed from the deepest meaning for a young boy. Since my eldest son was born, I’ve been determined that he experience and understand much more that he could carry through life. His Jewish education has been far more enriched. I’ve saved my airline miles since then, and next April, right after Passover, our family is going to Israel for Jason’s Bar Mitzvah. It will be on the Haas Promenade overlooking Jerusalem, where one can see its history and present. We’ll be traveling all over Israel for the next two-weeks, its wondrous and even miraculous diversity and beauties, several thousand years of history side-by-side with one of the world’s most advanced countries built with blood, sweat, tears, courage, and brains. I made such a trip in my 40s and it changed and enriched my life. That’s my prayer and gift to Jason for his Bar Mitzvah. This video captures some of that, in English, Jerusalem Of Gold, the third verse: But as I sing to you, my city, Chorus Oh, Jerusalem of gold,
Posted by Bruce Kesler
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Big C update So, here's how last Thursday went: I hated selling my stocks for the tumor operation, because they're one of the few things my dad left me, but they obviously had to go. The last time I talked to the broker, a few years ago, I was told they were worth around five grand. Or $3,284 on today's market. That's all I got for them, after the fees were paid and the dust settled. Welcome to the New Economy, Doc. I talk to the broker on the phone, he delivers the bad news, I hop into my car to do some errands and the battery's flat as a pancake. $523 worth of diagnostic fees, labor, and a new alternator later, I'm back on the road. I got the battery jumped that morning from a neighbor and drove it to the local fix-it shop. One of the guys was making a parts run and gave me a lift home. There's an email waiting for me from the guy I do my bread-and-butter work for (Web site maintenance), informing me that the Powers That Be at corporate headquarters have nixed this season's event and there goes my steady income for the next few months. I've had better days! As for my operation, I'm penciled in for Sept 4th. The good news is that I went up to a hospital in Miami a few weeks ago and the tumor hasn't gotten any worse. The bad news is that I'll have to push back the operation if I don't have the funds. I still have a month and a half to go, but it'll be close. Losing the Web job really hurts. The good news there is that they'll have to do their next event in October, so I'll be able to make some money while I'm healing. My original post on this worrisome subject is here. I could sure use some help with my donation fund. As I've noted before, if I can repay you by helping you with something online, like setting up a blog or web site, just tell me in the comments to email you and we'll take it from there. Monday morning linksThe State Gambling Addiction - Politicians are bleeding problem gamblers to fix their budgets—and it isn’t working. Does President Obama Want to Take Over Other Industries? Romney sailing straight Into the Storm Obama's Campaign One Of The Dirtiest In Modern Times "“INSERT NAME OF REPUBLICAN TO BE DEMONIZED HERE is the worst, vilest, sexist, homophobic, God-worshiping, Second Amendment-supporting, budget cutting, evilest human being I’ve ever known in my life.” Insty: "NOTE TO PROFESSORS: You must hate Paul Ryan." MSM on Ryan Pick: “Women and Minorities Hardest Hit” This is good: "Mr. President, get your campaign out of the gutter." Barack Obama: Still THE MYSTERY MAN:
I think he's a fraud. Ocean beach, Newcomb's Hollow, WellfleetLots of tasty seals out there. Friendly critters who seem to enjoy Swimming With The Humanoids. You can just barely see Portugal straight east. You need to squint. Sunday, August 12. 2012Fall lawn care: Power seedingRe-posted from Springtime, but late-summer/early fall is the best time for lawn repair in most of the USA. We are refreshing one of our raggedy lawns, next week, with power-seeding with a tough sports turf seed (tough enough for the dogs and kids and occasionally the horses), and doing the aerating at the same time. Then Milorganite. By Spring, it will be perfect and crowd out the weeds. You can rent a power-seeder and an aerator for a few hours very cheaply, anywhere. I will spare our readers my usual springtime lawn-restoring post, and bring a new topic to your attention: Power Lawn Seeding. This machine injects grass seed to a proper depth in an existing lawn or a new lawn. It's overseeding, but with far more effectiveness than surface scattering. It will quickly give you a new or refurbished lawn, and sort-of aerates it in the process but best to arerate at the same time. We happen to need about 1/2 acre done this way due to stream flooding in a storm last fall. Services like Lawn Doctor can do it, or you can rent the machine for cheap and do it yourself. Naturally, you have to either pray for rain or water it regularly for a few weeks. Re lawn fertilizing (which must be done 2-3X/year), I enjoyed the credentials of the person who wrote up this piece: Dawn West holds a B.A. in English from Harvard University and teaches writing at Oregon State University.
Posted by The Barrister
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"There is not a single Obama voter anywhere in the land who believes that another four years of him will make this country better."
From Knish's The Most Divisive Campaign in American History
Work Ethic and the Mystery Seeds which are our kidsTaking a little break from some heavy-duty, sweaty yard work to offer a kudo to the youngest pupette who has just completed an eight-week spell of 14-hour days since her return from Czecho, with the last two weeks 5 pm to 8 am in NYC - Harlem. Her second Indie film job, third major film job (she worked on The Avengers). A few other commercial film jobs too. Now wants to move to LA after graduation in the Spring. California is much cheaper than NYC. I want my kids near, but they have to do what they have to do. She got home from work in the city today at 10 am while we were at church. She is in bed right now. We admire hard work here and do not respect leisure too much - well, unless it is energetic. Which side of the camera does she like to be on? Either. Writing, camera, acting. All good. We will all hear from her one of these days. She is beautiful, tall, smart, deeply planful about life (as I have preached), and ambitious. Kids surprise you. Mystery seeds. Later...Typical. She just woke up. 5 pm. Driving way down now to Brooklyn to film a live music performance of a friend's band for a late-nite ad and for Youtube. Williamsburg, Brooklyn, where the cool kids hang out these days. (In my time, Williamburg was all Hasidic Jews. Not now. How does she know how to get to Williamburg? Beats me. I do know how to get to Peter Lugar's, Junior's, and the BAM, but who doesn't?) Just had time to feed her some fancy Mexican take-out. Lobster chimichangas or something. She liked it. You just can't keep up with the kids today... The youth today are go-getters, Ayn Rand readers who like Ron Paul, think Obama is a twit for losers. Maybe she will have time to rest when she gets back to school. But I doubt it. They are very demanding there, just like real life. One cool thing about life: You get to set the speed of your own treadmill. I admire those who set it high, feel kinda sad about those who set it low.
Campus Hate Speech and Speech CodesMany of the finest and most honest minds – conservative and liberal -- in and out of academia have argued, and sometimes succeeded, that campus speech codes often cross the line to suppression of First Amendment freedom of speech. The excesses in the wording of such codes, their arbitrary and often biased application, and the fear of usurping a constitutional right, together send chills up the spine. Nonetheless, in court cases, private colleges have more leeway to enact speech codes than do public colleges, as they are not as subject to the First Amendment prohibition on government interfering with free speech. In the face of opposition to speech codes per se colleges, both public and private, have turned to anti-harassment policies. These seemingly turn the offense from the speech to the impact on those sensitive, and in effect make judging the offense even more subjective. Alongside, many campuses have instituted judgment procedures that deny those charged from confronting their accuser or, in some cases, even appearing to defend themselves. In many cases, those supporting such near star-chamber exercises in speech or behavioral prejudice are those judging for the kangaroo procedures. And, alongside these, liberal and leftist faculty have denied tenure or opposed research by those who have empirically challenged cherished thoughts or prejudices. So, understandably so, any further enlargement of speech codes or definition of hate speech raises hackles among almost all those who have battled the present excesses. Further, most opponents have cause for little faith that in the prevailing leftist or hypocritical atmosphere on campuses that an enlargement to anti-Israel speech and actions that are anti-semitic would be enforced or fairly. The occasion for the current discussion is the report by members of the University of California Advisory Council on Campus Climate, Culture, and Inclusion task force on Jewish students (which I reported here). It recommends that a definition of anti-Semitism like that of the European Union be adopted to provide guidelines and current anti-harassment policies be enlarged to contain such guidelines. Libertarian law professor Eugene Volokh, in opposition to the recommendation by the task force – from leaders of ADL and NAACP, still points out the elephant in the room. “[T]his is speech which does happen, which doesn’t generally lead to wide condemnation and counterprotests. The call for suppression by university, it seems to me, stems precisely from the fact that this speech isn’t suppressed by social pressure…” In other words, unlike speech and actions purportedly hostile to Blacks or Hispanics or gays, such equivalent or worse speech and actions against Jews or pro-Israeli students and faculty are not treated as seriously in the dominant left-leaning environment on campuses. Professor Volokh fears that such an enlarged anti-harassment policy, given the campus atmospherics, may lead to its use to further abuse free speech regarding other groups or causes. These are, indeed, worthy arguments, paralleling many others. However, they still leave the elephant in the room, campus leadership ignoring or even encouraging vile anti-Israel speech and actions that are anti-semitic, and failing to enforce college rules that already exist to prohibit faculty use of college websites to promote such vileness. Free speech advocates correctly assert that more free speech by those opposed to the anti-Israel forces is the best medicine. Many individuals and groups have used their free speech to expose such excesses. But, the offense persists, and as the task force report makes clear has created fear among pro-Israeli students and faculty and denial of academic and social opportunities. The task force report just calls for exploration of reasonable guidelines, to “clearly define hate speech in its guidelines, and seek opportunities to prohibit hate speech on campus. The President should request that General Counsel examine opportunities to develop policies that give campus administrators authority to prohibit such activities on campus. The Team recognizes that changes to UC hate speech policies may result in legal challenge, but offer that UC accept the challenge.” U of C President Mark Yudoff summarily rejected the challenge: “I believe our current policies may go as far as they can, given constitutional limitations.” This brings us back to the root cause, the runaway leftist environment on many campuses. No one expects that to change in any foreseeable future. Pro-Israeli students and faculty, and such taxpayers and tuition-payers, are on their own. Let’s, at least, hope that more see this challenge for what it is and step up their support for individuals and organizations that speak out against anti-semitism on campuses. Cleaning stone with Muriatic AcidIt's the best stone- and brick-cleaner, but it has to be handled carefully. I am cleaning a hearth with it. When you buy it, buy goggles and gloves. It's actually a solution of hydrochoric acid - same thing your stomach is full of. You can't let it near bleach - the combo produces chlorine gas which will kill you. So it is fun to use. You really do not want it on your skin either. Bird Dog, I Love You Long, I Love You Strong, So Stop Swimming Out Back Of The Beachcomber Megan McGlover straightens out Bird Dog on his unwise predilection for frolicking in the surf off Race Point. Sunday disaster fun
Crossroads — Two airliners defy all odds and collide in mid-air. What makes it interesting is that it wasn't the usual faulty part or pilot error this time around. It was cultural. Flying On Empty — As much as I like powered flight, I like the concept of gliding even more. The fact that this particular glider weighs 264,000 pounds just makes it all the more fun. The Gimli Glider — Speaking of 264,000-pound gliders, do you know what 'slipping' an airplane is? It's a little hard to describe. Try "flying sideways — on purpose." See picture below. According to the vid, this was the first time an airliner without power had ever gone into such a heavy slip during a landing. And survived. Mistaken Identity — Okay, so how does one of the most modern warships in the U.S. Navy mistake a gigantic civilian airliner for a twenty-times-tinier, ten-times-quicker enemy jet fighter and shoot it down? Damn good question. Home site is here, art gallery is here, Special Vids page is here. Enjoy!
Posted by Dr. Mercury
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Sunday morning linksThe Science of How Music Enchants the Brain, Animated. Or try here. Is music a drug? Would it be boring if we could live forever? Chinese Hands - stunning video Kids know that weirdos are weirdos. Life is not fair. Never was, never will be. I feel sorry for the outlier kids. Painful, but builds character. My kids generally have been embracing of the outliers. Food Cranks: What Graham Crackers Can Teach Us About Whole Foods Is it perverted to appreciate feminine beauty? Perverted not to. Ted Frank’s chicken offset will let you eat at Chick-fil-A and still keep your liberal conscience clean. Photographs from the Democrat Utopia of North Korea Population control: let people over 50 die Why kill Perspective: Are firearm murders a significant statistic? Steyn: I am bothered that Romney’s insipid message does not rise to the challenge this nation faces. The Killing - The battle to define Mitt Romney is over—and Romney lost Too genteel to punch back? Should call them out as liars and as degrading politics. "Your campaign is disgusting and beneath the dignity of American politics. Shame on you." Quick: Obama Campaign Lies About Ryan Medicare Reform - Will the press let them get away with it? Media First ROFL Spin On a Paul Ryan Veep Pick: Too Inexperienced to Be President? Rahe: Romney's Declaration of War WOLF: Desperate Democrats reek of fear - Winning campaigns don’t behave like this Wrong. It's just the Chicago Way. Bare knuckles, no rules. Yes, More Solyndras for Clean Energy - The solar company failed, but the decision to invest in it was the right one Huh? Failure is success? NYT Hosts Media Fire Sale Back-To-School Spending Is In Detention From today's Lectionary: I am the bread of lifeJohn 6:35, 41-51
Duck Harbor, Wellfleet, at sunset Saturday, August 11. 2012Bowhunter, triathlete, policy wonk, small-town kid with small-town valuesWorks for me. They will try to kill him, metaphorically speaking. The first race card has been played against Paul Ryan
Whole Foods CEO John Mackey on the Moral Case for CapitalismI don't go to Whole Foods but I like Mackey:
Free ad for Obama
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"We face a record of failure"
That's Paul Ryan today.
Romney Sets Up Stark ChoiceMitt Romney's selection of Paul Ryan as his Vice-Presidential running mate sets up a stark choice for the voters come November. Many of us would have liked to have a running mate who would bring fire-and-brimstone along with humor to puncture the Obamaists' pretensions and lies. On the other hand, especially with the legacy media so in the tank for Obama and with Obama's V-P Biden already so widely seen as a clown, that would have played on Obama's field of seeming buffoonery. Romney, instead, has chosen to appeal to the thinking electorate who realize that we're in deep trouble and to offer them solutions that are drenched in facts. Romney knows that Obama will appeal to his base of know-nothings and gimmee-mores. Romney's choice appeals to the rest of us. That isn't to say that Paul Ryan will be boring. Just remember how Ryan confronted Obama to his face and dismantled him on Obamacare. And, have no doubt that the outside PACs and commentators who have exposed the recent and ongoing Obama smears will continue to raise them to ridicule that even the legacy media can't ignore. The stark choice will become more and more evident, between continuing the policies that haven't worked and sink us deeper and insult decency and common-sense versus policies that with dignity further our initiative and freedom to excel. Saturday morning linksVia Insty, Are You Ready To Be Friends ... With Benefits? Steven Shapin on An Intellectual History of Cannibalism Disorganized collection growth Crime and high school graduation requirements Senior Sex: Why Seniors Are Getting It On How a Single Oxycontin Pill Nearly Ruined One Man's Life No Conservatives, Please--We're Colleges Time, CNN suspend Fareed Zakaria for apparent plagiarism Penn Is Cutting Back on White Male Faculty It’s Not Just the Students; Colleges Are Going Broke Too I'd exclude these fascist idiots Unreal… Now the Far Left Is Trying to Tie Mitt Romney to El Salvador Death Squads It’s Ryan! The post offers this Ryan quote:
Should Economists Get Government Subsidies? Krauthammer: The Case Against Reelection More Leftists Let Their Masks Slip, Admit They Want Big Tax Hikes on the Middle Class Teachers' Unions in Action President Obama’s claim that insurance premiums ‘will go down’ Impossible, because Obamacare requires coverage of everything. Designed to fail. Obama the Uniter Has Diminished Himself "Uniter"? Cancer Ad Just the Beginning: Obama Super PAC Ready to Launch More 'Incendiary' Ads Most licensing is just a form of taxation Why Is Israel More Prosperous than the Palestinians? EDITORIAL: Obama: Pay my wife, please - President wants taxpayers to pick up larger family tab Intelligent, autonomous robots set to change combat landscape Machine vs. machine, just like the financial markets Gerson: Ignoring foreign policy won’t make it go away Obama's Campaign One Of The Dirtiest In Modern Times That was to be expected
Saturday Verse: Seamus HeaneyBlackberry Picking Late August, given heavy rain and sun
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