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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, August 9. 2008Dr. Merc's Computer Series
To review, or if you missed any of them (plus his "tips" too), just click on Dr. Mercury's Computer Corner. We greatly appreciate his sharing his wealth of info with us, even though much of it was over my head. Friday, August 8. 2008Invasion of the US
We should have shot them. You aren't allowed to aim a weapon at a US border patrol inside the US. It is, indeed, an act of war.
A few Friday evening links
The new McCain ad contrasts regular folks with Obama's Chardonnay-land. Finally proves he's not gay. The final chapter of the Edwards story. Can't trust the MSM to be honest about Dems. Lefties leap to his defence. Who cares? We always knew he was a phony scumbag. A surprise in Turkey. Good news. Americans want more cheap energy. Duh. Throw away those tire gauges. The Brits' shame in Basra "Blight" is in the eye of the beholder. Same as pine "barrens." Your barrens are my fine wilderness. Via Tim Blair
How about reciprocity for concealed carry permits? Enough with our militarized police. I agree. Baha'i Moslems persecuted in Iran Krugman thinks you're stupid Paternalism or fascism? What's the difference? A quote from Anchoress:
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Why do men have nipples?Here's an answer. Are men's nipples "sensitive"? Yes they are. Gals take note, for when in a playful mood. There's a book with that title too: Why Do Men Have Nipples? Hundreds of Questions You'd Only Ask a Doctor After Your Third Martini
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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If only Putin listened to ObamaWhy can't we all just get along? Russian tanks invade Georgia. Where's the UN? Where's love, peace and hope? Guess what? For better or worse, the world is not populated with Oregon hippie-dippie moonbats. We do not live in a fairy tale. McCain already has a comment. More on the Big "O" - I mean the Big ZeroGateway. Amusing.
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Leave Barack alone!
A typical Obama supporter asks everybody to leave Barack alone. h/t, Classical Values. Good grief.
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A Cape Cod MapWith all of our posts about our beloved Cape Cod recently, our readers deserve a decent map to see what we are talking about. You can see that Wellfleet has ocean, harbor, and bay beaches - and plenty of wonderful ponds too. All with entirely different characters. Pop quiz on the map later. The green is JFK's Cape Cod National Seashore. Best thing (and one of the few things) he ever did. What would this Wellfleet road look like this if he hadn't protected it from development? It's not "barren" - it's lovely.
Porn for chicksMore at Dr. Merc.
Posted by Bird Dog
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Moonbats of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your brains.
If these nice folks grew up and quit smoking pot, they might have half a chance to get real. Friday morning links
Beware the Kinder Eggs. If the mechanical monkeys don't kill you, the Kinder Eggs will. Shoreditch Theater finally found. Hillary is playing hardball. As far as I know, that's all she has ever done. No accomplishments I am aware of. Who has done less with their careers: Obama or Hillary? Related: Hillary emerges from the shadows. "Digger" Dowling died. Brave man, great book, wonderful movie. Arctic sea ice won't go away. We're all gonna freeze to death. Funny how CNN edited out half of the story. Good news from Iraq? Then let's focus on Afghanistan instead. Maybe it's a quagmire? I happen to like quagmires: they are good challenges. Random House scared out of their wits by Moslems. Our brave and bold publishers. How come the corporate world doesn't have more assassinations? At first, I thought our friend at Moderate Voice was waxing satirical:
I was wrong. He was being serious. Moderate Voice lost me there. I will not drink that "transformative" Kool Aid. I might be young, but I've been around long enough to see through that kind of BS. Honestly, I used that kind of line on girls when I was in college and it only worked on the dumb ones. "America is no longer what it once was"? What the hell is he talking about? We never do Rush, but just this once (h/t, Hot Air): Photo on top: a fairly big burger from In-N-Out
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Great IslandI have a watercolor of that island, now part of the Cape Cod National Seashore, over our dining room fireplace. A family of Great Horned Owls lives out there. I have seen them. Plenty of squirrels, bunny rabbits, and crows for them to eat (yes, owls like to pick off roosting crows at night - an easy meal if you don't mind eating crow).
Thursday, August 7. 2008An experiment with a Green Dictatorship
Well, historic Marburg, Germany, is giving it a try. One quote:
Read the whole thing, and consider the possible effectiveness of solar panels in Germany. These folks are insane. Truth be told, it's probably more sensible just to pay the fine, and then throw the rascals out. It sounds like the politics of Seattle (h/t, Junk Science), or like the Massachusetts government medical plan. The world is full of sanctimonious jerks who want to tell other people how to live. More Thursday Links
America's fastest dying cities. Creative destruction? The Repub protest continues in the House. The cost of PC academic majors. Mankiw The hedgies are hurting. But it's a great time of opportunity for them too: cheap credits and loans that will pay off in a while. What's a "book town"? Rove: What McCain should do now. Good advice. I want my culturally-appropriate health care too. Is Obama's tire gauge like Jimmy Carter's sweater? Related: First presidential campaign plane in history to have all American flags removed. Related: pundits begin to worry about Obama. One quote:
Nice wrapping paper, but is there anything in the box? Also related, via Belmont, Alinsky's Ten Rules for Radicals and how Obama is breaking the rules:
Get your kicks on Route 6?
Its history is interesting in the ways it was patched together. Bit of trivia: Route 6 was "the road" Jack Kerouac meant to take, but he got caught in a rainstorm on the Bear Mountain Bridge north of NYC, so made other plans. Photo is the Sagamore Bridge built in 1935 over the Cape Cod Canal on US 6.
Posted by The Barrister
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Boat manufacturer du jour: SeawayMaine's Seaway Boats are designed as much as work boats as recreational hulls which means, for one thing, that they are seaworthy in foul weather and seriously bumpy seas. I think there is the soul of a Maine lobster boat inside each one of their handsome designs even though they say they can all get up on a plane.
And, by way of contrast, here's Al Gore's new boat. Looks like a ferry, or a royal barge. Designed for sunbathing, eating and drinking, and definitely not Yankee-style:
Posted by Bird Dog
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Wednesday, August 6. 2008Thurs AM/Weds PM links
The Bush 41 grocery scanner myth Is time an illusion? And what's an illusion anyway? Parody no longer acceptable in academia. It's all so stupid, from supposedly bright people. TigerHawk wants to see this happen. Me too. I hate it when this happens: Cougar comes into house, kills family dog. Can't we all just get along? Parallel lives: Orwell and Waugh. They are two of my favorites. Obama's big donors. But I thought... Related: Jonah Goldberg notes postmodernism on the left Related: The Nation warns Obama about moving to far to the right (!?!?) Russia: "If we had no sexual harassment we would have no children," the judge ruled. Ain't that the truth. Most people can ignore prostate cancer. That's good news. I will. Dogs and cats and Moslems don't mix. It's their loss. Still no recession. Why are people grouchy? Maybe they aren't. The anniversary of Little Boy. Still a moral puzzle. And August 4th was the one good day of the French Revolution Morgan Stanley freezing home equity withdrawals. Ouch. Guns and violent crime in VA Rather amusing: John Edwards with his love child. Yes, it's a dumb story - but what if he were a Repub? Doubling down on dumb. Dino Abuse of the Red Cross symbol in Colombia. They do have a point. On the other hand, all's fair in war... Cops need training in sensitivity to transexuals, or whatever they are. First things first, right? Studying boredom Bill Clinton's plea for African monogamy. Good grief. World's smallest snake discovered, and why snakes can't come any smaller (h/t, YARGB)
From Coyote, one quote:
Where have all the Pangolins gone? No wonder I never see them around here. Beware the mechanical monkeys. Robert Samuelson: A tyranny of true believers. But do most people care all that much about public affairs? I doubt it. I was, maybe unfortunately, taught to care. Citizenship and all that. How our culture keeps kids out of the sciences. Does it, really? Maybe it self-selects...for IQ. A great Bush speech, Sept. 20, 2001. Video Toon from Don Singleton
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How to Tell if You're a Racist
The easy answer, at Moonbattery. By these criteria, you probably are one. I am.
The invention of the teenager
Three videos by James May. Well done, and an excellent topic.
Idiocy UnpluggedWhat sorts of idiots think that plug-in cars are any less CO2-producing than gas cars? (No, I am not calling Insty an idiot.) Where do they think electricity comes from? Unless you have tons of nuke power, of course. No evil, evil CO2 from nukes. nb: I think this is all a tempest in a teapot anyway, and doesn't matter one bit. In a year or two, we'll all be laughing about the AGW scams and frenzies. Mark Helprin on ChinaMark Helprin takes a long look at China, Rich Country, Strong Arms. One quote:
QQQEthics are for people who have no morals - no humility in the face of the good, the true, and the beautiful. David Warren, in a piece on journalism and truth-telling Weds. morning links
Best time in a decade to buy your second home. Go for it! You only live once. Childhood innocence is bourgeois? Mediocracy They have been found: Obama's lost years. Why the death of the daily paper is a bad thing. He is correct. Death.com? I think that Monster and Craig's List were two genius uses of these internets. Why not death notices too? Alaska Gov. Palin's polar bear lawsuit A quote from Obama, Shaman by Beran in City Journal:
Photo by BD: I like the high rake of the bow on this 23'(?) center console skiff with a good bow rail by Seaway Boats. I want this.
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Cumby'sExcellent mini-marts. If you need your morning caffeine fix, and you're in New England but there's no Dunkin' Donuts nearby, there's always Cumby's. Trouble is, they usually don't open 'til 6 and that is way too late for us early-risers. This is the Wellfleet, MA shop on Route 6, next to the liquor store. This one doesn't sell gas. The teen-aged gals who work there are from Bulgaria, while the American teens sleep until noon, when they decide where to surf or windsurf that day.
Posted by Bird Dog
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Tuesday, August 5. 2008QQQAs you may know, not long ago a couple hundred thousand Berliners made a lot of noise for my opponent. I'll take the roar of 50,000 Harleys any day.
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