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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, August 12. 2008"I never really cared for Isaac Hayes"An obit from Sipp, who knows whereof he speaks (unlike most of us). His piece led me to this oldie (Isn't that Steve Cropper playing? And how did they book Booker T and the MGs for that aerobics class?) which is not by Hayes but was from Stax records:
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Monday, August 11. 2008Tuesday morning links
"Organic" foods nothing more than a "lifestyle choice." Duh. The terrible Calvo case and the dopey war on drugs. Bainbridge. Marching boldly into the past: Chavez sees Cuba as a model. Morales is big on "change" too. "Change" means government running the businesses. Good luck, morons. Accountability America is nuts. This is beyond hardball: It's like ACORN. When the economy slows, retail pulls back. When the economy expands, they always overbuild. Greenspan, via Mankiw: It has become hard for democratic societies accustomed to prosperity to see it as anything other than the result of their deft political management. In reality, the past decade has seen mounting global forces (the international version of Adam Smith’s invisible hand) quietly displacing government control of economic affairs.... The danger is that some governments, bedevilled by emerging inflationary forces, will endeavour to reassert their grip on economic affairs. If that becomes widespread, globalisation could reverse – at awesome cost. It's not all Russia's fault. CSM. Maybe not, but I underestimated their goals. They are taking over the country. Not trustworthy people, the Russians. Georgia headed back to Russian domination. Wolfson: Edwards made Hillary lose. Probably true. What a strange world. Mark Penn had the best, if dishonest, strategy for Hillary: roots and values. Worrisome signs for Obama. Politico. Related: Who wrote this for him? No doubt intended to make him look substantial. Related: It's OK to make jokes about Obama now. Related: slobbering acolyte says Obama is a movie star, not a rock star. Related: Dreams of a Denver nightmare. A quote from the latter:
Related, from Why isn't Obama winning?
Related: More Obama problems: His definition of sin. It's not my definition. Which "values" is he referring to? Another problem: List Obama's accomplishments. Brits in Basra now say: "While we had a strategy of evasion, the Americans just went in and addressed the problem.” Iraq The Model terms it a betrayal. From Junk Science:
Nevertheless, these bozos are already planning for big sea level rises. Better yet, just plan for extinction. Plan how? Photo on top: Union Station, 1921, via Shorpy. It's a lot more fun now.
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Your Shakespeare Quiz
Here. I want to see how the Bird Dogette, back from England, does on this.
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Will SCRUBEX be obsolete?
Photo is a Scrubex on the USS Theodore Roosevelt in 2005. That is a good work-out.
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3 AMHow the surge worked
It wasn't just the reinforcements - it was the tactics. By Gen. Petraeus' Executive officer Peter Mansoor in the WaPo.
Another online diary
I think it's great to read diaries in snippets. The new one is George Orwell's diaries. This entry from Aug 9, 1938 (Marx is Orwell's dog):
Best Essays of the Year: The Politics of the Safety NetFrom Chantrill in American Thinker, one of the best short essays of the year: The Politics of the Social Safety Net. One quote:
Read the whole thing.
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The Law of Unintended Consequences
Excellent example of that law re buybacks of old cars, at Marginal Revolution.
A few more Monday morning links
Why Obama will not win. Am. Thinker. Also, the big fund-raiser in Switzerland. How about George Clooney for Secretary of State? He seems to have all the answers. Slow-mo lightning video. h/t, Flares Party-poopers. Don't pass the popcorn Sovereign funds buying up distressed US real estate Let's fill our tires with greenhouse gasses Roger Kimball: Remembering Hiroshima, and the ongoing debate
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Invasion updateMassive artillery and air strikes, and maybe a naval blockade. Belmont: Cheney talks tough, but Russia wants regime change in Georgia now that they have taken South Ossetia. It's half-amusing to hear the Russians speak of Georgian attacks on the Russian "peacekeeping forces." Georgians ask: “Why won’t America and Nato help us? If they won’t help us now, why did we help them in Iraq?” Seems to me to be a complicated puzzle composed of South Ossetia's separatism, oil pipelines - "the West's jugular", and geopolitics. Related: Bobby Jindal on Georgia (h/t, Insty). Jindal basically says that Obama doesn't know what he is talking about. And a quote from EU Referendum:
And Strategy Page puts the whole mess in perspective.
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Sunday, August 10. 2008Newcomb HollowNewcomb Hollow beach in Wellfleet, last week.
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Russia Bombs Georgia Capital
It's not part of the Olympics - it's all about oil - and Russki domination. Belmont Club is on the job. Where's the outrage from the peaceniks? Where are the protests, except from McCain? John at Powerline ripped Obama's reaction, concluding with:
As am I. Good point, John, but you spoke too soon. Obama has already changed his tune. I guess he changed his mind in 24 hours after hearing the reactions of others. He had said everybody should sit down and talk. About what? About Ludacris' talent? When nations and powers have strong interests at stake, they don't mess around. It's rough out there. Too rough for metrosexuals.
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Permit me to address you as dying personsFrom a Charles Simeon sermon, as quoted in a piece at Scriptorium:
Life itself is a School of Humility. At some point, we all will need to get out of our own boats, and He will be there, waiting for us with open arms. By coincidence, A Slower Pace posted this from Max Lucado on death and rebirth. Back from fishin' links
Which is worse? An Insty poll. Do you want a "hospitalist" when you get sick? I want my own Doc. Or my Veterinarian. McCain's last frontier. Alaska More fun with pomo prose: David Thompson Invasion of Georgia was a "3 AM moment. " Also, Is Russia returning to imperialism? Roger. Also, from Rick Moran, A Splendid Little War Mrs. Edwards was part of the cabal. Just like the Clintons. An effort to scare Repub donors. Michelle Do urban congestion taxes do any good? CSM
Why the poor are often happy. George McGovern wants to save the union secret ballot. Unions hate that secret ballot. Prof B: Hijacking Scholarly Organizations to Advance Left-Liberal Agendas What would FDR think of today's Social Security? LA: The most puritanical city on earth Lieberman on McCain short list Love and sex in Denmark. Dr. Helen From Tammy Bruce:
Lower photo: Bush with Kerri Walsh. Where do you innocently touch a beautiful girl wearing underwear?
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From today's Lectionary: Get out of your boat and come to me
22Immediately he made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead to the other side, while he dismissed the crowds. 23And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone, 24but by this time the boat, battered by the waves, was far from the land, for the wind was against them. 25And early in the morning he came walking toward them on the sea. 26But when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were terrified, saying, “It is a ghost!” And they cried out in fear. 27But immediately Jesus spoke to them and said, “Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid.” 28Peter answered him, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” 29He said, “Come.” So Peter got out of the boat, started walking on the water, and came toward Jesus. 30But when he noticed the strong wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” 31Jesus immediately reached out his hand and caught him, saying to him, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” 32When they got into the boat, the wind ceased. 33And those in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.” Saturday, August 9. 2008Strangest News du JourObama has Kenyan citizenship. OK. That clinches it. Now I am definitely voting for the guy. After all, we're enlightened and sophisticated internationalists, and it's about time for a Kenyan, right? An insider Chicago Machine pol community activist left-wing Kenyan with special real estate deals from now-indicted Rezko, of course. The kind of Kenyan that wants Crony Capitalism for himself, and Socialism for me. Same as all the limo Dems like Kennedy, who keeps his investments offshore unlike us regular folks who invest normally. Now back to my gardens if I can walk at all after my grueling tennis match in which I served far too many serves, on the most beautiful day of the year. We did win. We do not believe in losing, even if we have to win ugly with backspin drop shots and nasty angles. We could have easily beaten Mr. and Mrs. Obama with our tricksy ball control and our deep topspin slammers that bounce like crazy fiends. DrummersI am no big fan of the Olympics and no big fan of China, but I did see some of the opening in a pub last night. This is drummers from the Boston Globe's collection of remarkable photos from the opening (h/t, Flopping):
That could almost be a well-regulated warehouse. Asia never had that individualistic ethos that we value so highly and which fuels our pathetic self-importance. However, I thought this photo of musicians could be a pic of competitive blogging - or maybe unison blogging, like the Vast Right Wing Echo Chamber:
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Your internet DNAMine came out 100% male. Does that make me a stereotype? I wouldn't have predicted 100%. I have a soft and gentle side. The link for the thing is here. Roughest Neck Around
Bringing power to the people. This is Corb Lund (h/t, Reader, who thinks this should be a 2008 theme song):
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Religion in college studentsA re-post from the archives Before we hear about the depressed and suicidal freshman entering class of 2005 in the New York Post, this report examines and collates the spiritual and religious patterns exhibited by the college freshman class of 2004. It reveals kids with a lot more going on than mere existential angst. Yet, they still need to be told that the journey they are on will never come to a finish, they will never be sure that this is "it" and in the end, it will not have been how they spent their time while on the journey nor who they befriended or where they sought solace. In the end, no matter what their age, they will always just remain "babes in the woods." A quote:
"Why hip-hop can't save black America"
Read the whole thing.
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The Democrat plan for losingYou've been a good old wagonListen here pretty papa Please get out of my sight I'm calling it quits now Right from this very night You know, you've had your day You'd better go down to the blacksmith shop When you were in your prime When the sun is shining Nobody wants a baby Ain't no use in cryin Well he is the king of lovin Here's the late, great Dave Van Ronk reminiscing, and playing the song:
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Mrs. Bird DogWe try to veer away from the overly-personal here, but I thought a photo of Mrs. Bird Dog doing her farm chores might be pleasing to our readers.
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