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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, August 5. 2008Why Obama cannot win the electionFrom a stunning post at HuffPo:
Read the whole thing. The point is that Obama is not a man - he's a boy. He's an Icarus who bought his own hype. Thus his polling is weakening as the realities become clearer. Even the greedy sanctimonious Lefties are upset, even though they think they know he is really one of them. He is exploiting their innocent, childish mentalities.
Rick Moran considers these ideas at some length. And, as Moderate Voice sadly notes, John McCain has just begun to campaign, and he has some real pros working with him now.
Posted by The Barrister
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"I am, therefore I pollute."
Jonah responds to mail on "The Meaning of Capitalism"
At The Corner. Ditto, Jonah.
Tuesday noon linksThat's a Theo gal, but looky here for the coolest machine ever, with photo. Within ten years, everybody might have their own home energy source. Martian soil is polluted. Obama wants "economic justice." My idea of economic justice is for me to keep my money and the money I inherit. Not that I ever will inherit any, though. On the other hand, perhaps economic justice might permit me to travel like this. Related: Sissy calls Obamamania what it is - another Children's Crusade. Related: Scarecrows and Bogeymen. Related: Is Obama's oil flip-flop too late? Related, a quote from the NYT:
Is that self-satire, or for real? Related, Hollywood takes on the Left. Related, a plea to closeted California Repubs to come out. Lots of gorillas out there in the jungle. The Royal Navy is sinking junk science. Related: Somebody wants to regulate blog speech about the AGW debate. Unbelievable. On the internets, it's still the Depression. Jihad takes on China. Bad idea. China has no ACLU. Dumped lesbian charges bigamy. Life in the monoculture. Driscoll. Outside the urban monoculture, however, old folks and bikers vote too. Also, old bikers. The messages in Merrill's misfortunes. A reader likes the sound of this new Nikon D90.
Posted by The News Junkie
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Solzhenitsyn, 1918-2008The Opinion Journal's piece on Solzhenitsyn begins like this:
And as quoted by Vanderleun,
Posted by Bird Dog
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Pines, hot sand, and chilly salt waterBack from my annual trip to family-friendly, glitz-free�Wellfleet on Cape Cod, whence no opportunities for fresh posting. You talk about Obama stickers - good grief. Never saw so many of 'em. Just a solitary NOBAMA bumper sticker, and�one Ron Paul sticker on a plumber's old F-150: the self-employed are an independent lot. Only regret: no time to stop by and visit with our friend�Sipp on the way. With the vacation traffic, the drive took us 7 migraine-inducing stop-and-go traffic�hours. Despite the drive, the Cape is where I need to go to clean my brain with (all-organic)�cold salt water and to refresh my innards with fresh Wellfleet oysters.�Here's where we stay:
�Here's the view of the harbor and our�home beach�from our deck, with its tiny boardwalk across the little�salt marsh: More photos of the place on continuation page below - Continue reading "Pines, hot sand, and chilly salt water"
Posted by Bird Dog
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Monday, August 4. 2008"How birth control brings us down"
Posted by The Barrister
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A few Monday afternoon links, with the Maggie's Farm shop hours
The raw cheese protest. Reason I'm conservative, but don't tell anybody. Am. Thinker Babies don't do better in countries with socialized medicine. Pajamas John Voight: We were used and manipulated during Vietnam The Utopia of Relativism. Dr. Bob Bill Clinton says he isn't a racist. Inside Obama's OODA Loop, via Insty, at Classical, a quote:
Related: Obama is a jet crash Image: I guess we were down for quite a while yesterday, and nobody let our Blogmeister know. And I can assume that he was sailing, and had no clue. Subaru
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"The motives that ought to encourage us to the sciences"by Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de La Brede et de Montesquieu, 1725. It begins:
His whole piece at New Atlantis. A billion in aid to PakistanWhat did it do? A quote from Pakistan Picaresque in The Wilson Quarterly:
It's a good case study of what really happens in the real world, despite the best of intentions. What's the cost?Ronald Bailey at Reason calculates the cost of "re-powering America." Cost is one thing, but I don't see the purpose anyway. We have centuries of good fossil fuel here, and VA, oddly enough, is full of uranium. Thomas ColeThe Voyage of Life, Childhood, 1842. National Gallery of Art, Washington.
Posted by The Barrister
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Sunday, August 3. 2008And another piece on "The Cold War at Home"By Herb London at TCS. It begins:
Posted by The Barrister
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One flesh?What is marriage? Some provocative thoughts at Chronicle, concluding:
Is it really a mess? It's been a sacrament for a long time. Sunday linksVegetarian sausages? How subjective is taste? Very. Look at Berlin. It's a mess. African infantryman of the year. Mr. Free Market. Good grief. If Obama loses, it proves America is racist.
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"The Vindication of Humanae Vitae"From Mary Eberstadt, at First Things. It begins:
Modern contraceptive practices had a huge impact, and yet sex was not invented in the 1960s, and the ancient Egyptians and Greeks used contraceptives. Does sexuality have anything to do with Judeo-Christian morality? Read the whole thing. How long is your Cucuzzi?
Vigorous doesn't describe it. These things are like Jack's beanstalk, and bugs leave them alone. You're supposed to pick them before they get much over a foot long. Americans may consider them to be an Italian heirloom vegetable, but they are grown all over Asia. You peel them and cook like summer squash. Sometimes people fry them, too. Photo: A cucuzzi, with an overgrown cucumber for comparison.
Posted by The Barrister
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Saturday, August 2. 2008"Proposals like these published in supposedly serious forums give credence to the concerns of the rest of us that climate change hysteria is just the latest justification for socialism."
Read it, at Tiger.
"Party of Defeat"David Horowitz discusses his book: Friday, August 1. 2008ProsperityOur friend Jonah Goldberg on Prosperity and It's Discontents. Poverty and trouble is, indeed, man's default condition. One quote:
He nails it. Read the whole fine thing. Sarcophagus?Nope. It's a bathtub. Good grief. More here.
Posted by Bird Dog
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What is glass?
I was taught that glass is technically a liquid. However, now it seems that there is no consensus on what it is.
Posted by Bird Dog
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Friday afternoon links
Dems say they're OK with $10 gas. Hey, John! You can be a celeb too. Moderate Voice Why the growing Gulf dead zone? What if Iraq works out? VDH Monitoring the enemy's broadcasts. No Pasaran Some real numbers on PC in education. h/t, David Thompson Dog owners prefer McCainPolitics is so complex, isn't it? No joke - apparently Obama promises his kids a puppy if he's elected. It's all about hope, kids. The News Junkie believes that Obama will give him a pony and a new, hopeful outlook on the communal paradise to come.
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