That's a Theo gal, but looky here for the coolest machine ever, with photo.
Within ten years, everybody might have their own home energy source.
Martian soil is polluted.
Obama wants "economic justice." My idea of economic justice is for me to keep my money and the money I inherit. Not that I ever will inherit any, though. On the other hand, perhaps economic justice might permit me to travel like this.
Related: Sissy calls Obamamania what it is - another Children's Crusade. Related: Scarecrows and Bogeymen. Related: Is Obama's oil flip-flop too late?
Related, a quote from the NYT:
"We have to take health care out of the hands of insurance companies, BigPharma and overpaid doctors. We need to set a goal of building a social welfare system similar to the more civilized countries in Europe, like France and Germany."
Is that self-satire, or for real?
Related, Hollywood takes on the Left. Related, a plea to closeted California Repubs to come out.
Lots of gorillas out there in the jungle.
The Royal Navy is sinking junk science. Related: Somebody wants to regulate blog speech about the AGW debate. Unbelievable.
On the internets, it's still the Depression.
Jihad takes on China. Bad idea. China has no ACLU.
Dumped lesbian charges bigamy.
Life in the monoculture. Driscoll. Outside the urban monoculture, however, old folks and bikers vote too. Also, old bikers.
The messages in Merrill's misfortunes.
A reader likes the sound of this new Nikon D90.
Please your honours, said he, I'm able,By means of a secret charm, to drawAll creatures living beneath the sun,That creep or swim or fly or run,After me so as you never saw! Out came the children running.All the little boys
Tracked: Aug 05, 14:13
One of the arguments made on either side of the anthropogenic global warming debate is there are not enough definitive records about daily, monthly, and annual weather that go back more than a century or two. Beyond that scientists...
Tracked: Aug 05, 23:12