Friday, September 10. 2021
Thursday, September 9. 2021
Wednesday, September 8. 2021
Tuesday, September 7. 2021
Bari Weiss on back to school
Suzy Weiss on home schooling
Sunday, September 5. 2021
China's Marxist "Profound Revolution" Is Here, And Nobody In The West Is Ready
Saturday, September 4. 2021
Reposting in case anybody missed it: The Social Science Monoculture Doubles Down
WSJ: What 9/11 Taught Us About Trauma and Resilience. Distress is a normal reaction to mass tragedy, but so is a relatively prompt climb back to good mental health.
MC: The topic of the moment here at Manhattan Contrarian has been how judges with a religious zeal to perfect the world (according to their own woke vision) can go completely off the rails with sweeping orders to transform the entire country.
China Rebuffs Kerry In Climate Talks: 'We'll Follow Our Own Roadmap"
Joe Manchin Is Singlehandedly Destroying Biden's Presidency.
Friday, September 3. 2021
Wednesday, September 1. 2021
Friday, August 27. 2021
A high school in Kentucky is having a "furry" problem
Only in America
As Scott Adams says, "being yourself" is idiotic and infantile. Be your best, most adaptive self if you want to.
Do facts matter? Re-linking from Undoing the Enlightenment:
Several Disenlightenment urges reinforced one another in the case of James Damore, the Google engineer fired in 2017 for writing a memo discussing sex differences in his field. The National Labor Relations Board declared that Damore’s “statements about immutable traits linked to sex — such as women’s heightened neuroticism and men’s prevalence at the top of the IQ distribution — were discriminatory and constituted sexual harassment notwithstanding efforts to cloak comments with ‘scientific references’ and analysis.” The scare quotes around references to science tell us that science must be ignored whenever it conflicts with Disenlightenment dogma. In the Enlightenment, science was often referred to as a process of unveiling — the frontispiece to Diderot’s Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers depicts the figures of Reason and Philosophy unveiling the figure of Truth. According to the National Labor Relations Board, though, science is more of a cloak.
The new chief chaplain at Harvard? An atheist
New York magazine’s shocking revelation: The liberal media are biased!
Americans Are 'More & More Dependent' On Big Govt - Things Are Never Going Back To 'Normal'
Cutting to the Chase: Why Trump Was Driven from Office
Quote via Powerline:
“Ladies and gentlemen, they gave me a list here. The first person I was instructed to call on was Kelly O’Donnell of NBC.” Biden’s minders in the daycare operation at the White House have failed to impress on him that he is to omit their instructions from his remarks.
CNN Shocked to Discover Democrat Voters ‘Frustrated,’ Want to Recall Newsom Too
Thursday, August 26. 2021
Wednesday, August 25. 2021
Saturday, August 21. 2021
Friday, August 20. 2021
Given its decadent state, is meritocracy, like the ancien regime in the eighteenth century, heading for the guillotine? It sometimes seems that way. The education establishment is losing confidence in its meritocratic mission. “We reject ideas of natural gifts and talents,” declares the current draft of the California Math Framework. Gifted programs and selective-exam schools are being hunted down like big game. Higher education wobbles between its established purpose of finding and growing young talent and the conflicting goal of advancing social-justice egalitarianism. Wooldridge holds out hope that a “wiser,” “remoralized” meritocracy, cleansed of nepotism and elite hoarding, is still possible. He points to the success of Asian countries like China and Singapore newly committed to their own forms of merit-based hierarchies.