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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, August 25. 2021A few Weds morning linksThe Good News—A COVID-19 Update By Thomas T. Siler, M.D. A Famous Honesty Researcher Is Retracting A Study Over Fake Data. Renowned psychologist Dan Ariely literally wrote the book on dishonesty. Now some are questioning whether the scientist himself is being dishonest. Illinois sex ed classes to teach gender expression as early as K-2 starting next school year ANDREW CUOMO’S PARTING SHOTS Progressives have ruined California. Governor Gavin Newsom's hapless reign exposes the rot at the heart of America's liberal elite.
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There used to be an older Hispanic woman from Chile that I would regularly run into, working in a restaurant in the Miami airport as I returned from my overseas hitches. We became acquaintances, friends. She had immigrated legally, and worked hard to support her family, all of whom worked. She would take a break when I came to the restaurant and sit and gab. A very lively lady.
She maintained to me that Hispanics are dominantly conservative, by nature - traditional Catholics, many of them. They have seen the failures of both socialist/communist governments and autocracies/dictatorships, leftist and rightist both. On balance - they find the former more insidious, because it appeals to the poor for political power and harvests the spoils from the middle and upper classes. The rich get richer in both cases, but more people prosper when there is a strong sense of order. She also told me that Hispanics take a while to figure out our political system once they arrive here. 'Democratic' political parties are often rightist in South America; 'Republican' political parties are often the leftist ones. Don't know if this is true or not. But she said she had been profoundly shocked when the penny finally dropped. She was Republican, here. The people who come to the US are poor by our standards - but not necessarily by theirs. Like it or not, these are people with work ethic, determination, gumption - and funds to pay the coyotes. As with Venezuela, in populations that are in desperate circumstances, the ones who leave are the ones who can - the ones who have the means. The same thing is happening, in a slightly different way, in California and New York right now. Wouldn't it be uproariously funny if the Democrats spent all this political capitol, corruptly importing new voters, only to find out they're naturally conservative? Regarding the dishonesty study ... Another explanation is that both tests were correct and the reason the second test results did not match the first test results is because society overall is becoming increasingly amoral.
In recent years, the Judeo-Christian system of values has been increasingly dismantled and replaced with systems of personal morality. In other words, lying is no longer considered a universal evil. Rather, lying is evaluated vis-a-vis the self-interests of the individual. It doesn't take too many Tik-Tok videos for you to realize that if the yutes believe it, to them it is Truth. If we were living in the time of the scriptural time of the Judges, we would be described as "and every man did that which was right in his own eyes." While your premise about a deterioration in honesty may be correct, it doesn't really answer the objections to the study. The numbers were cooked, as they showed evidence of being created by a random number generator.
QUOTE: The Good News—A COVID-19 Update By Thomas T. Siler, M.D: "1) Globally, the survival rate for COVID-19 is 99.8%." That is not consistent with the evidence. The population death rate in the U.S., a highly developed country, is 0.2% and people are still dying at the rate of nearly 1000 a day. Consequently, the infection death rate is higher than 0.2%. The case death rate in the U.S. is 1.6%. Also, those who are vaccinated and have not already had COVID (about half the population) should be excluded from the calculation. Country, population death rate Peru, 0.6% Hungary, 0.3% Brazil, 0.27% Your "evidence" is not consistent with Silers evidence.
indyjonesouthere: Your "evidence" is not consistent with Silers evidence.
You can find the population death rates here (deaths per million population): https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus You're welcome. The vaccinated are still dying from Covid and should not be excluded. Israel statistics from an ever mutating virus show that vaccinated vs unvaccinated will likely produce no vaccine in the future that treats Covid any better than vaccines treat the flu.
indyjonesouthere: The vaccinated are still dying from Covid and should not be excluded.
Depends on what question you want answered. Most of the world is yet to be vaccinated. But let's look at the difference. About half the U.S. population is vaccinated. There have been a total of 1,829 deaths from COVID among those who have been vaccinated out of a total 649,680 deaths, or 0.3% of the total. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/health-departments/breakthrough-cases.html Just yesterday, 1,287 people in the U.S. died of COVID. That means nearly as many unvaccinated people died in just the last day or so than vaccinated people have died since the vaccine became available.
2021-08-26 06:33
You KiddieZ really don't know the number of people who died because of Covid or died with Covid as a secondary or tertiary cause.
Same with the vaccines. https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/estimating-vaccine-induced-mortality
2021-08-26 19:17
I THINK EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE TO PAY SOME INCOME TAX, AND IT SHOULD RISE AND FALL WITH FEDERAL SPENDING: 61% Of Americans Paid No Federal Income Tax In 2020 (Up From 44% In 2019).: Hey, gang! Howzabout having the federal spending go DOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWN first?
Progressives have ruined California: The word "progressive" ALWAYS reminds me of CANCER. Which killed my wife. The manufacturing of a hate-crime epidemic: There's so LITTLE that it HAS to be manufactured. Sam L: I THINK EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE TO PAY SOME INCOME TAX, AND IT SHOULD RISE AND FALL WITH FEDERAL SPENDING:
If you tagged taxes to the standard budget items including entitlements, that might make sense, but the government has to be able to run deficits during lean times and surpluses during fat times. Otherwise, the procyclical tax policy you suggest would exacerbate the market cycle, leading to boom and bust cycles with long recovery periods. QUOTE: Genesis 41: Pharaoh had a dream; and behold, he stood by the river. Suddenly there came up out of the river seven cows, fine looking and fat; and they fed in the meadow. Then behold, seven other cows came up after them out of the river, ugly and gaunt, and stood by the other cows on the bank of the river. And the ugly and gaunt cows ate up the seven fine looking and fat cows. So Pharaoh awoke. Sam L: 61% Of Americans Paid No Federal Income Tax In 2020 You're ignoring federal payroll and excise taxes, which can be considerable. What would those “all in” numbers be?
Should we estimate % of all tax dollars collected that come from each FIT paying/non paying group? I’m not sure that would shift the picture much. Louis Miller: What would those “all in” numbers be?
Sources of Federal Tax Revenue, 2019 Louis Miller: [i]Should we estimate % of all tax dollars collected that come from each FIT paying/non paying group? [/url] You would want to adjust lifetime tax and benefits by age cohort, as many retirees have current low income and receive net benefits, but contributed significantly over decades. >but the government has to be able to run deficits during lean times and surpluses during fat times.
Government can still run deficits even if everyone pays some income taxes. The better counter argument would be that they'll still be net recipients (and often overwhelming so). Therefore, skin-in-the-game benefits/rationale is mostly illusory. Anyone with enough sense to save up reserve funds can run a deficit in lean times and a surplus in fat times. That's not what our government is doing.
OldCurmudgeon: Government can still run deficits even if everyone pays some income taxes.
Sure, but the original claim was that income taxes "SHOULD RISE AND FALL WITH FEDERAL SPENDING," suggesting a deficit neutral fiscal policy. Notably, many of America's rich accumulate tens of billions of dollars in assets without incurring substantial income taxes. Texan99: Anyone with enough sense to save up reserve funds can run a deficit in lean times and a surplus in fat times. That's not what our government is doing. You're right! The last time it was tried was during the Clinton era, but that was quickly ended by the following administration. It really comes down to this: A majority of Americans want social security programs, and a majority of Americans want low taxes. We'd all like to have good news on Covid, but Siler's article has some holes in it.
Rule of thumb: When anyone is writing about national responses and results and includes Sweden, but not Norway, Finland, and Denmark, they are hiding stuff. Scandinavians are an obedient, socially-cooperative people, and voluntary masking, closing, and distancing in Swedish cities exceeds what some American cities do under mandate. It is therefore not a helpful comparison to the US in terms of mandates. Even with that level of voluntary cooperation, its neighbors that intensified compliance by making it mandatory have had far fewer deaths. Sweden doesn't look great compared to its true comps. Secondly, Dr. siler has earlier suggested that we have counted Covid deaths wrongly, going so far as to suggest that 40-60% might actually be influenza. This would mean he believes we had a flu season 10-20 times worse than average for no known reason, at the same time as we had a new disease that killed 200-300K of us, and both of these responded to a vaccine designed only for one of them. That's not just a stretch - it's completely unreasonable. Thirdly, worldwide survival rate is not helpful, as the most populous nations in the world have completely unreliable reporting. They don't much care about their citizens, thanks. I won't be reading anything by Siler again. Fine with Reynolds' proposal as long as all federal employees are taxed at 2x the rate of everyone else and all legislators at 5x. No exceptions. No loopholes.
"UK Serious About Hate-Crime [first cousin of thought-crime]" Nothing says serious like riding in a clown car.