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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, July 17. 2019Who benefits from illegal immigration?
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Wednesday morning links Moon landing: John Glenn, and planets? From the NY Daily News! Don't Scoff at Influencers. They're Taking Over the World. Reverend Amy Butler Outliberals Her NYC Church A magnificent building, but politics replaced God there decades ago. Whitened sepulchre. We All Wanted to Love the Women’s Soccer Team Few soccer fans care about womens' soccer The ‘Lady of the House’ Who Was Long Entangled With Jeffrey Epstein She is now in hiding in England What Do You Do When Mental Health Professionals Treating Trump Derangement Syndrome Have TDS Themselves? Then it's called a folie a deux. Like some marriages. A Sophomoric Look at Climate Change The Plot against Kavanaugh TRUMP IS MAKING OMAR, CORTEZ AND TLAIB INTO THE PUBLIC FACE OF THE DEMOCRATS Farage: Von der Leyen Wants to Build ‘Updated Form of Communism’, Advance EU Army Tuesday, July 16. 2019Tuesday morning links
Crunches won't give you abs and other fitness myths you need to stop buying into Core work - planks, sit-ups, back lifts, "bicycles," leg lifts, mountain climbers, etc are for strengthening core, not for aesthetics. A strong core is darn important for everything in life Why It's Probably Better for the Planet to Throw Plastic in the Trash AI beats professionals in six-player poker San Francisco's Top Economist Confirms Vape Ban Means More Smoking - The city is banning e-cigarettes while actual cigarettes remain legal. ‘Believe all women’ makes the ‘Pence rule’ just common sense “State education is generally sub-optimal and often shockingly bad. Let’s make sure that’s all there is available.” "... it’s so bizarre to watch the majority of NEA delegates eagerly dive into politically-fraught abortion and race debates, while voting down a clear commitment to prioritize student learning. So please, NEA: Can you explain? Amazon workers in Europe join Prime Day strike Average illegal has lived here 15 years: Pew Angry Young Men Who Came Illegally to America Shout: 'No Shower, No Shower!' Trump Admin Announces Major Crackdown On Asylum Abuse When stereotyping is not just okay but mandatory Red State, Blue Cities - Will the Texas model become a victim of its own success? Trump is not a racist; he’s pushing the Overton window to normal Trump Troll Level: Grand Master Lawsuit Outs Reporter Ellen Ratner as Source for Seth Rich Information Curiouser and curiouser Trump’s Favorite Ambassador Makes a Very Trumpian Splash in Berlin Monday, July 15. 2019Monday morning links
Watching Porn Produces as Much Carbon Dioxide Emissions as Whole Countries Woman Dies After Being Impaled by Reusable Metal Straw NYT: Why we don't lose weight through exercise Beware: ‘Lion King’ Is ‘Fascistic,’ ‘White Supremacist,’ Says WashPost Are you suffering from Climate Despair? Kimball: Don't celebrate Bastille Day Dick’s May Have To Close Stores Due To Anti-Gun Decisions Pelosi’s House of Pain - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez turns the 116th Congress into Thunderdome Protesters Rip Down U.S. Flag, Replace It With Mexican Flag Outside ICE Facility In Colorado Why? Nancy Pelosi Suggests That Jesus Is Not On The Side Of ICE Raids Trump's stupid blunder The media savaged Trump when he claimed Puerto Rico officials were mismanaging disaster aid. But he was right Sunday, July 14. 2019Dog Days of summer
Yes, I think we will have less-frequent posting over the next several weeks when most of us intend to spend our lives outdoors in God's grandeur whether boating, hiking, fishing, gardening, exercising, sunburns and beaching, body -surfing with the sharks, playing sports, sweaty sex in the meadow, whatever. Or, in Roger de Hauteville's case, rebuilding his family outhouse. How many new seats? I'd go for an upscale 4-seater with varnished oak seats. Needs new tile walls too, Roger, and some fresh copies of the Sears catalog. (For the youth, that means tp.) Our pal Gerard (thanks for the image) has linked a thing about famous pop tunes as pulp fiction novel covers. Saturday, July 13. 2019Saturday morning links
What did medieval peasants eat? Senior Runner Disqualified by L.A. Marathon Committed Suicide, Coroner Says NYC’s privileged bicyclists won’t even discuss best way to stop bike deaths Harvard study finds that trigger warnings may actually harm trauma victims A victim identity is a recipe for failure in life ‘Sugar Daddy’ business thrives as more coeds sign up to pay off student debt ‘C’MON MAN’: Biden Criticized Over Use Of ‘Gendered’ Phrase KLAVAN: The Left Uses 'Offense' To Silence Others AOC’s Chief Of Staff: We Don’t Think Of The Green New Deal As A Climate Thing But As A “Change The Entire Economy” Thing Duh Pelosi Rejects U.S. Sovereignty – U.S. Immigration Subject to Laws of “A Global Society”… I ain't never seen no "global society" Elizabeth Warren vows to flood the US with refugees Even the NYT is recognizing Trump's foreign policy genius He "shakes the box" like nobody else has the nerve to do Something’s happening here: Trump reaches all-time high approval in WaPo-ABC News polls Friday, July 12. 2019Mystery: How did Epstein make money?Nobody has a clue. Real Hedge-Fund Managers Have Some Thoughts on What Epstein Was Actually Doing Seems like a sociopath to me, and apparently a charming one despite being a creep. But who knows? Maybe he was a CIA front.
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Friday morning linksCoasties attack a narco sub Ballsy US Fast-Food Drive-Thrus Will Soon Use License Plate And Facial Recognition Technology To Delay Death, Lift Weights - Two new studies remind of us of what we already know but sometimes forget American Psychological Association Pushes Polyamory We Need A Green New Deal To Defeat Fascism Ocasio-Cortez announces bill to make electoral college tuition-free Catfight escalates: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hurls race card at Nancy Pelosi Vanity Fair: You Know Who Should Be Worried About Epstein’s Photographs? A question: This stuff is illegal, but is it really "pedophilia"? House Judiciary Committee Continues Subpoena-fest Of Trump Officials Why Do Democrats Hate Jobs So Much? Lawrence Jones on disdain for Pledge of Allegiance: 'This starts on college campuses' Joe Biden: ‘I Respect No Borders’ Get offa my lawn, Joe Texas Reporter Watches 300 Migrants Cross Border in Six Hours Hillary Posts Instructions IN SPANISH For Illegal Aliens to Evade ICE Agents President Trump should set the refugee cap for 2020 at ZERO Thursday, July 11. 2019For those who find Scott Adams boring latelyHe is most valuable to me for finding phrases to express some of my thoughts for which I have no easy expression. He is a great talker. Try this podcast. Yes, it's a hip thing to dislike America, so join the in-crowd moving to Canada...and China, and Mexico.
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Thursday morning links
That's an image 3 Helpful Tips For The Suffering Feminists Who Are Being Persecuted By Air Conditioning The story of the first factory Volkswagen’s final Beetle is leaving the factory today Mom Arrested For Allegedly Driving With Children Sitting In Inflatable Pool On Top Of Vehicle Sounds to me like a brilliant idea Are People Who Make $200,000 Middle Class? Depends on where you live Massachusetts Looks At Redefining The Age Of Being A “Juvenile” To 21 "Juvenile" has nothing to do with age. Why not go back to adulthood at Bar Mitzvah age? Is Facial Recognition the New Fingerprinting—or Something Much Worse? State DMVs are building a vast national digital identification database for federal law enforcement. Police state Father of Kamala Harris Says Her Ancestors Owned Slaves Williams College rejects free-speech principles to protect ‘dignitary safety’ of students "Dignitary safety"? That's a good one. Have you seen dignity? The Problem with Treating Children as Adults We Need To Dismantle The U.S. Military For ‘Climate Change’ Or Something Democrats Control America’s Most Dangerous Cities. So Why Do They Keep Passing the Buck on Gun Crime? A look at all of Trump's enemies America's First Black Billionaire Gives Trump an 'A+,' Says Dems Are Moving 'Too Far Left' Mark Zuckerberg Brags: We Didn't Allow Pro-Life Groups to Advertise Before Ireland's Abortion Vote Meddling AOC: PELOSI SADDLING ME WITH WORK TO KEEP ME OUT OF SPOTLIGHT No, it's called a "job" CURL: Democrats Care More About Helping Illegal Aliens Than Americans A European War on (Everyone’s) Free Speech Evil Wednesday, July 10. 2019Wednesday morning links Image via the great Titiana McGrath Consider it an ad for Dunkin Justin Verlander Says MLB Is Juicing Baseballs To Goose Up Offense You Don’t Need That SUV (and You Know It) Wrong. We need one. Just one. US Poll: 1 in 4 don’t plan to retire despite realities of aging Cabot Phillips on American exceptionalism: 'You don't see people flooding the shores of Norway' Amazon, Microsoft Vying For Opportunity To Help Pentagon Spy On All Of Us In The Cloud… Tucker Carlson: How Did CNN's Chris Cuomo Get Into Yale? Via Powerline:
The late scholar Gerrit H. Wormhoudt's book "Opting Out" says Americans must choose alternatives to government-managed schools for their children. Government education in Providence NBC Finds Mitch McConnell’s Great-Great Grandfathers Owned Slaves. McConnell Savages Them In Two Sentences. Jeffrey Epstein's Wikipedia Page Stealth-Edited To Remove Ties To Democrats Pilot Logs Reveal ALMOST EVERY TIME Bill Clinton Flew on Epstein’s Lolita Express — UNDERAGE GIRLS WERE ON THE PLANE! New York Gov. Cuomo Signs Law to Allow Congress Access to Trump’s State Tax Returns Russia Russia didn't work, so on to Plan B Elizabeth Warren Says She’ll Push to End Israel’s ‘Occupation’ of Gaza — Israel Left Gaza in 2005 Tuesday, July 9. 2019Gotta laughTrump on the UK ambassador: I don't know the guy...but I am told he is a pompous fool. Very likely so, some upper crust crony. Most amusing, irreverent US president since Andrew Jackson. That ambassador will be packing his bags soon. Time for an ambassador who wants to make friends. That's the job. Anyway, "Old Europe" is far too dependent on the US economically and militarily. Obama knew that, but he disliked the UK, especially Churchill and the queen - who he dissed appallingly.
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Tuesday morning linksImage via Ace Missions Trip Disaster: Students Arrive To Find Tribesmen Already Christians Dalrymple: I Get No Kick From Women’s Soccer Thinking About Libraries The Long-Awaited Apology to Roger Scruton Scruton is one of the smart guys Was Thomas Jefferson on the Duke Lacrosse Team? The Founders Who Opposed the Constitution - The Anti-Federalists gave us the Bill of Rights. Judge Andrew Oldham says they can also give us insight on the modern administrative state. ‘Campus Muzzle Awards’ this year go to exclusively New England colleges California public university threatens to punish students for jokes What a joke Betsy DeVos is right: The NAACP is wrong to oppose charter schools They should be championing them. Why not? Berkeley to consider another environmental first with proposed ordinance banning new natural gas hookups. There's always firewood... NEW YORK TIMES HAS 6250 TON COOLING SYSTEM, TELLS PEOPLE IT'S NOBLE TO SUFFER W/O AIR CONDITIONERS Status Report On New York's Quest For "Climate Leadership" Sunday bombshell: Pool for deportation is up to 1 million illegals who have already had due process The Hate-Crime Epidemic That Never Was: A Seattle Case Study Trump continues fighting slavery Not even Obama took this on Steve Hilton: Proud Americans - That's not who today's Democrats are Are Democrats Ceding the Center to Trump? Um, yes Record 157,005,000 Employed; 19th Record of Trump Era European Union: Toward A European Superstate Finally, heading back to the German Empire Monday, July 8. 2019Monday morning links
Why do the young and healthy sometimes drop dead? Denounced by Feminazi Columnist for Wanting Hug From Granddaughter To end fatphobia, we need to dismantle Western civilization, says Philly therapist Sonalee Rashatwar THIS WHOLE “FEEL SAFE” THING IS BULLSHIT THAT NEEDS TO BE SHUT DOWN US Soccer Player Allie Long Throws US Flag on Grass During World Cup Victory Celebration Why do that? Socialism Is Back, and the Kids Are Loving It Gov’t Dependency Plunges Under Trump — Why Aren’t We Celebrating? Fresh Off Epstein Case Win, Mike Cernovich Launches Fundraiser to Unseal Congressional Sexual Harassment Deals The 2000 US Census Asked Citizenship Question — Obama Deleted it in 2010 — Trump Wants It Back in 2020 Democrat Congresswoman Secretly Sending Staff To Mexico To Coach Migrants How To Beat System, Report Says KAMALA HARRIS WILL BE THE 2020 DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE. WHY NEWT GINGRICH HAS BEEN SAYING THAT ALL YEAR France Has Turned Into One Of The Worldwide Threats To Free Speech The UK: “Its Their Responsibility To Be Looking After And Educating Our Children For Five Days A Week” Saturday, July 6. 2019Saturday morning links
“It Seems Like We Step In A Lot More Poop Than I Thought” Math Teacher Loses Job After Defending Western Civilization Say It Ain’t So, Doc: How Should Martin Luther King Scholars Deal With the Rape Story? Hinderaker: WHAT A CONSERVATIVE LEARNS IN COLLEGE - My youngest daughter graduated from college a few weeks ago. She wrote this piece for The College Fix. I am taking the liberty of posting it in its entirety. Kanye is cool dude No, The Trump Administration Is Not Torturing Migrants - Democrats and the media have jettisoned all sense of reality about the border crisis, and offer nothing now but phony outrage. Obama's DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson: The Democrats' Immigration Rhetoric Is Essentially a Declaration of Open Borders Which Would Cause Mass Illegal Immigration to Explode Democrats Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley Trash Declaration of Independence as Sexist, Racist, Prejudiced on Independence Day Teen Vogue Says Patriotic Anthems Are Racist, Tells Their Young Readers to Think of America’s Crimes on Fourth of July Sheesh The Democrats Aren’t A Left-Wing Party — They Just Play One On TV A NATION OF FREE PEOPLE OR FREE THINGS Dem 2020 task: Convince voters to overlook economy " if President Trump were to personally cure cancer, the NY Times’ headline the next day would be, “Trump Callously Ignores Diabetes Sufferers.” It’s ridiculous that Democrats are debating busing instead of real hopes for improving urban education The real reason why the left was against Donald Trump's July 4 speech They Don’t Hate Donald Trump—They Hate You The Palestinians’ eternal ‘no’ Friday, July 5. 2019Friday morning links Which is the most hayfever-prone city – and is 'botanical sexism' to blame? Sheboygan serial toilet clogger sentenced to 150 days in jail, probation Finally, news from Sheboygan MAD Magazine to Cease Publication They had a great run Costco has become an unlikely $7 billion fast-fashion destination — and other retailers should take note Calls to Normalize Pedophilia on the Rise: New Report Recommends Workshops Instead of Prosecution It's normal in many Muslim countries America in Full - Wilfred McClay’s Land of Hope proves that there is no contradiction between knowing American history and loving America. Poll: Two-Thirds of Voters Say Citizenship Question Should Be Allowed on Census Why not? It's always been a question Now Betsy Ross Is a White Supremacist, Apparently Why the Left hates symbols of patriotism America the ‘just OK’ No, it's worse: Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth–on the Fourth of July Great ad for sneakers No, It’s Not New To Have Tanks In Parades In D.C., Prior Presidents Even Paraded Missiles July 4th: Hate in the Time of Peace and Prosperity 2 Plus 2 Equals Whatever My Truth or Lived Experience Says It Is Just THREE percent of 2019 Dartmouth grads support Trump Not grads, just graduating seniors. That's an Ivy education Something San Francisco This Way Comes - West Coast craziness coming to a community near you. MiniAOC Deletes All Social Media Accounts After Death Threats and Harassment Of Family Dershowitz: Author Michael Wolff fictionalized my dinner with Trump Germany: A Shocking Degree Of Self-Censorship In the US too: Robespierre's America Thursday, July 4. 2019A Skilled LandingOn most holidays, we celebrate 'something', but one thing worth celebrating is the ability to celebrate. So many things can happen which would alter the circumstances of enjoying any holiday. Last week, a fraternity brother sent me some pictures of his brother's plane, which crash-landed in the desert. His brother and sister-in-law were fine, though a team was helicoptered in to check them out. His sister-in-law was asleep during the test flight when the oil pressure dropped and the engine stalled. He woke her and asked her to use the phone cam and record the landing, to keep her mind off the event. The video is pretty intense, but shows what a well-trained pilot is capable of doing. Today, husband and wife are celebrating with family and I'm pleased my fraternity brother gets to enjoy more time with his family members. I like to call today one of 'his' holidays, because after college he joined the Marines and served our country. Wednesday, July 3. 2019Wednesday evening links, cuz having fun tomorrow
If you are completely ignorant and insane, it might. Nice flag. W hy Nike’s Capitulation To Kaepernick Matters They Hate America More Than They Love Their Country: MSNBC Will Not Air President Trump’s DC 4th of July Celebration No sense of fun. Nobody will watch it on TV anyway. The holiday is for outdoor fun, enjoying America's blessings. What does "Dylanesque" mean? Charlottesville Decides to Stop Celebrating Thomas Jefferson’s Birthday Because Politicians Are for Sale, They Think Everyone Else Is Too Psychologists Are Very Concerned About News Of Bad Weather Causing “Eco-Anxiety" Good grief Nothing Is More Expensive Than a Free Government Service But we all need more "services"...don't we? THE SCREAMING OF AOC Pastors stand ground on conditions of border facility after AOC claps back Snopes Admits Obama Built Cages for Immigrant Children “[S]Ome Democrats Are Questioning The Basic Legal Underpinnings Of U.S. Immigration Enforcement” So change the laws Newt Gingrich: Parscale Building 'Machine' to Re-elect Trump No doubt the Russians will help! (kidding) Wednesday morning links Damn, that is sad The games were ridiculous, but MLB's London Series was a huge success Swan kills dog swimming in pond as horrified pet owner helplessly watches from shore Swans are tough critters - and highly-edible Some women have penises. If you won’t sleep with them you’re transphobic Transgender athletes raise difficult questions Really? Just make all sports sex/gender indifferent. All equal. Planned Solar-Panel Facility Threatens Historic Virginia Crazy people Good news: Poor Children Who Excel at Algebra College Enrollment Declines Continue Cuz good economy FIRE relaunches Legal Network, calls on attorneys nationwide to defend student and faculty rights HOW HARVARD CAVED TO STUDENT PROTESTERS AND FIRED ITS FIRST BLACK FACULTY DEAN It is going to be fascinating to see how these folks on the Left thread the Constitutional needle to make it illegal to refuse to bake cakes for gay weddings but legal to refuse service to Republicans. Washington Post Encourages More Attacks on Republicans The Left's hysteria over Trump's victory in 2016 has escalated into something quite beyond mere hysteria. MSNBC: Trump Display of Military Armada On July 4th A "Threat" To Americans In The Resistance American Presidential Elections Are Too Long and Destructive for the Country True Boom: NY Post Editorial Torches AOC Over Her Immigration 'Theatrics' She gets press like nobody else Hickenlooper: Hard to Fundraise When You Don’t Promise Free Stuff Free stuff, plus voting immigrants, is the Dem strategy CNN’s Fareed Zakaria says Trump was right about asylum system, ‘pains me to say’ House Democrat wants to prosecute people who make fun of members of Congress online She is a buffoon Democrats: Love and Aid for Illegal Migrants, Nothing for Americans Beto O’Rourke Forgets Which Country He’s Running For President In, Campaigns In Mexico… Democrats have convinced themselves that they represent the sentiments of a majority of Americans. Watching the recent Democrat presidential debates, one cannot help but conclude the opposite. Chinese border guards put secret surveillance app on tourists' phones - Software extracts emails, texts and contacts and could be used to track movements It's a police state, fearful of its people Finally The U.S. (aka Trump) Has Caught On To What The G20 Is About What is the New York Times’s problem with Brexit Britain? Apparently, ‘a fanatical sect has hijacked British politics’
Tuesday, July 2. 2019No cookouts to save the planet
Typical Barbecue Is Just As Bad As A 90 Mile Fossil Fueled Trip Or Something
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Tuesday morning links
I have noticed that Changing history in Australia Gotta respect aborigine myths Governor Ducey to withdraw AZ Nike plant incentives amid Betsy Ross-Colin Kaepernick controversy 30 Year Anniversary of the UN 1989 “10 years to save the world” Climate Warning Rutgers hosts event focused on ‘dismantling white organizational culture’ Dem New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy Abandons the ‘Millionaires Tax’ Kling: Regarding non-profits Why can't we get rid of old laws? Health Care for Illegal Immigrants: Memo to Democrats Zacharia on asylum Think the rent is too high? Blame immigration laws Hispanic pastors tour border facility lambasted by AOC and say they are ‘shocked by misinformation’ Antifa’s Brutal Assault on Andy Ngo Is a Wake-Up Call—for Authorities and Journalists Alike Why Corporate Leaders Became Progressive Activists But... Billionaire Home Depot Co-Founder Pledges His Fortune To Get Trump Re-Elected… Obama DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson Defends Putting Children In ‘Cages’… Harris, Other 2020 Dems Want to Bring Back Forced School Busing—Parents Want School Choice Former Mayor Who Dated Kamala Harris Says She Can't Beat Trump The Struggle is Real: Crazy, Creepy, Spank-Me and How Position for 2020… SHE’S AS AUTHENTIC AS A CHINESE GUCCI BAG: Kamala Harris Practiced her Orchestrated Attack on Joe Biden for Days Before Debate Obvious - and smart anyway Re the Palis: The Bahrain Conference: What the Experts and the Media Missed Monday, July 1. 2019A handful of political bitsYou Can’t Celebrate Trump’s Policies And Ignore His Poor Behavior Why not? His results are excellent. Who would prefer nice, boring behavior and poor results? JOE BIDEN WAS DISCONNECTED FROM THE PRESENT, BUT SO WERE HIS OPPONENTS Democrats are Officially the Party of Derangement Are there any normal people who support what they are saying? Open borders? CNN Admits 2020 Democrats' "Voters, You're All Wrong" Strategy Is The Dumbest Ever
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Monday morning links
Sad story, sad life Forget the haters: High Line is the best thing to happen to NYC ‘Climate Change’ Is Scaring The Kids And Here’s How To Talk To Them Or Something Hate Crime Hoax: The Book All stories must fit The Narrative Rapinoe Asked At Presser What Exactly She's Protesting Just a hater Relatives say father and daughter in that heartbreaking photo were not fleeing from violence in El Salvador, via the NY Times Salon: Trump remains dominant among white voters — Democrats can't afford to be complacent - Trump retains a built-in electoral advantage, and it's no good denying that. Are the Democrats ready to fight? ‘Trying To Out-Left Each Other’: CNN Panel Goes Off The Rails In Debate Recap Kamala Harris takes on the ‘demolition woman’ role, clearing the Democrats’ field of rivals How do you know you are no longer a Democrat? Democrats have an election truther problem What is Russian President Vladimir Putin’s net worth? NSA Caught Illegally Collecting Americans' Phone Data...Again EU moving away from democratic structure German empire is all it is Sunday, June 30. 2019The Blockchain Bubbles Yet AgainAbout a year and a half ago, in the midst of the last Bitcoin bubble, I wrote about how cryptocurrency will eventually become meaningful. You probably haven't noticed it yet, and over the last year and a half, you've probably felt that article was a one-off. But what you haven't seen is how blockchain is slowly entering your life. Not visibly, but managing things you may purchase and providing a store of value while others are less available. To be 'money', a product needs to be many things. First, it needs to be a Unit of Value - meaning it needs to be generally acceptable for use in purchases and exchange. For this reason, primarily, people have commonly said items like gold, silver, or even cryptocurrency are not 'money'. But they are. Each one is accepted, maybe not widely, but generally enough to qualify. Some examples of cryptocurrencies being accepted have popped up frequently enough over the last year and a half for this one item to apply. Another quality is portability. It goes without saying cryptocurrencies are portable. Their digital nature assures this. As long as you have access to your digital wallet, you can make a payment using cryptos. They are also, by definition, less expensive to create than standard currencies. All currencies (paper, coin, check, bonds, etc.) carry a price of creation. They can also be destroyed (and replaced). But because they can be created, hard currencies can suffer from Gresham's Law. Unlike hard currencies, cryptos can't be counterfeited. Cryptos are also indestructible. Most hard currencies are "indestructible" because a government, somewhere, backs its value. But governments fall, and central banks print more than should be printed, and in the process destroy the currency. A visit to Venezuela, or even revisiting Zimbabwe (which seems to be reigniting its inflation) are recent example.
Continue reading "The Blockchain Bubbles Yet Again" Saturday, June 29. 2019Saturday morning links
Tampons for men: Numerous schools have installed menstrual products in men’s restrooms Down With Yoga, Up With Baseball Dalrymple on denial of personal agency Jimmy Carter Says Trump Is an Illegitimate President Put in Office by Russia NYT Editor Made A Graph Showing The Democrats Pivoted Far-Left. He Used It To Call Republicans Far-Right MSDNC – THE MERGER OF MSNBC AND THE DEMOCRATS - What real State TV looks like. Byron York: In debates, Democrats move toward open borders Say Goodbye to Texas Want to Reduce Your Intelligence? Watch a Spectacle Commonly Called a Political “Debate” Via ZH:
What Trump Really Just Told The Iranians: He’s Out Of Ideas What Kind of State Is Vladimir Putin Building?
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