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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, June 18. 2015Thursday morning links
No Child Left Un-assisted: A Day at the Playground Willis Carrier, the father of cool A New Recreation Shows How Ancient Romans Lifted Wild Animals Into the Colosseum Ladies: You Have More Time Than You Think French Government Warns Eating Nutella Causes Global Warming… With bodies sculpted to look like comic-book heroes, today’s muscle men create an impossible template for masculinity New NASA data show how the world is running out of ground water Too many people, living in marginal areas What’s Wrong with Teaching Women to Avoid Rape?
Six decades before Caitlyn Jenner, there was Christine Jorgensen. What would a university do if an applicant self-identified as “black” on an application but showed up looking “white”? How Rachel Dolezal Crossed Line From Solidarity to Slumming The Trans Fat Ban and Labels On Salt And Soda Won't Make Us Healthier
Obama gives free pass to businesses that hire illegals Newest campus microaggression: “I believe the most qualified person should get the job” ‘Trigger Warning’ Professors Aren’t Compassionate; They’re Co-Conspirators in Campus Censorship Flaming feminist inquisition destroys another scientist! Another high-tech lynching Meteorologists Dismantle Bill Nye’s Alarmist Global Warming Claims Kelo v. New London: Central Planning Does Not Work, Ruins Lives Democrats Now the Party of Plutocracy Who’s afraid of America? The military playing field is more even than it has been for many years. That is a big problem for the West No Way To Treat An Ally - First interview: Former Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren has written a devastating insider’s account of White House distancing from Israel. Wednesday, June 17. 2015The FDA and Nanny laws
Indeed: After trans fat ban, what else should be removed from food?
Posted by Dr. Joy Bliss
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More, for Pope FrancisA few suggestions from a reader on what things to promote to reduce material poverty around the world: work ethic All the same, I believe the Pope' s job is to worry about spiritual poverty, not material. St. Francis took a vow of poverty and rejection of secular matters to assist his spiritual development and preaching mission.
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Wednesday morning links Life on the Biggest Ship in the World 4 people taken to hospital after using phone app to identify mushrooms Why You Should Stop Searching for ‘The One’ - Andy Stanley discusses how to become the person the person you are looking for is looking for. Northwestern Risks Academic Freedom (Again) by Censoring Bioethics Journal with ‘Bad Girls’ Theme Trans Fat Consumption Has Declined 80% Since 2003 and Other Reasons the FDA Ban Is Ridiculous College Students Try to Define Sexual Consent Dementia shouldn’t mean the end of sex Deconstructing Magna Carta The Complexity of Being Richard Nixon - Often remembered as a brooding, vengeful, and almost cartoonish figure, his life was far more complicated than its caricature. A Trans-Class Victim Speaks Out BASICALLY EVERYTHING IS A MICROAGGRESSION The lunatic lynching of ‘sexist scientist’ Tim Hunt The left likes to look for the “root causes of poverty”. A better June Is Cheap Foreign Labor Month, Courtesy of Mark Zuckerberg What to Expect When You're Expecting a Pension Garish Tastes, Awful Hair: Donald Trump Is America How Many Windmills Has the Pope? Inside Every Liberal Is a Totalitarian Screaming to Get Out: The Death of the Neighborhood Obama? He’s just too smart for us on the right! Hillary Clinton charged the Boys and Girls Club a Clinton Extolls Her Own Childhood With Mom, But Wants Today's 3-Year-Olds in Child Care More Clinton deceit comes to light A Middle East 'Complete Strategy'? To What End? Tuesday, June 16. 2015Dear PopeWere I to dare to write a note to His Holiness, it would include some phrases like these: ...putting aside your concerns about nature and the weather, which I think the Creator may control in some way which is beyond our comprehension... ...instead of trying to be an amateur meteorologist or amateur economist, why not focus on Christ and His offer of salvation? That's what people need. ...if money is one of your major interests in this transient earthly existence, one constructive path of inquiry would be to focus on and to promote what makes people prosperous instead of blaming others...not that has anything to do with your job or your expertise, but the sources of prosperity and material abundance are well-understood...while the sources of religious abundance always need instruction, guidance, support and help.
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Confusion about sexual assault
Rape is violent, forceful assault with sexual intent. It is a felony. It is not equivalent to hand-holding, to a touch, or to a try for a good-night kiss on the porch. Equating normal social behavior with assault can only trivialize the reality of true assault. Has the federal government ever had sex?
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Is the Western world insane?![]()
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Does the Pope smoke dope?POPE FRANCIS ENCYCLICAL CALLS FOR FORMATION OF GLOBAL POLITICAL BODY Where did I get the idea that his job was to shepherd souls to Christ, regardless of the weather and regardless of their wealth?
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Tuesday morning links Iconic Bach portrait returns to Leipzig I have always wanted to see a picture of The Master without his wig Strawberry Yogurt S'mores?! THANKS OBAMA Cute! New Article Blasts Feds’ ‘Pseudoscientific Methods’ For Establishing Dietary Guidelines The Average American Woman Now Weighs as Much as the Average 1960s Man How Many Academic Studies Can Be Replicated? "Studies show"... The Pecking Disorder: Social Justice Warriors Gone Wild Goose Exterminator of the Netherlands Enrages Animal Rights Activists Pension tidal wave is about to crash down on taxpayers Opposition to Export-Import Bank Has Grown Over Time Food deserts should embarrass residents McDonald’s Announces Its Answer to $15 an Hour Minimum Wage – Touch-Screen Cashiers Vatican Climate Speaker: There Are 6 Billion Too Many of Us Even if that is true, then what? America’s Most Advanced Climate Station Data Shows US In A 10-Year Cooling Trend Pope Blames Wealthy Nations for Plight of the Poor What? Questions for the Pope Why exempt the media from campaign finance laws? Bill Clinton: “You Can’t Have People Walking Around With Guns” Except his bodyguards who we pay for Fiorina: Clinton ‘Actually Took an Interview,’ So ‘We Should Not Underestimate Her’ Global military leaders laud Israel's restraint in Gaza clash ahead of UN report Why Is Obama Abandoning 70 Years of U.S. Nonproliferation Policy? Vatican Climate Speaker: There Are 6 Billion Too Many of Us - See more at: http://moonbattery.com/?p=59554#sthash.AxTYmCLy.dpuf Monday, June 15. 2015Nobel biologist witch burned at stake
He thought he was being cute and ironic. There is no cute and ironic anymore, dude. Thank God, one more witch (on the right) brought to justice. The other person in the photo might be a collaborator requiring similar justice. Monday morning linksStop dressing so tacky for church You aren't dressing for God. You dress out of respect for the time and effort of those who make it all work. The Magna Carta's legacy of liberty Will the Real Alpha Male Please Stand Up? Boeing Prepares the 787-9 Dreamliner for the 2015 Paris Air Show Bird flu takes steep toll on farmers, consumers Farmers Hit Hard by the Estate Tax Americans' views on morality: Fewer taboos, but values seen worsening Welcome to post-gender Europe Name An Activity The Government is Better At Than the Private Actors It Purports to Regulate The War On Cash: Officially Sanctioned Theft Ferguson Riots Were a Coordinated Astroturf Movement – Its Leaders Were Trained in Soros-Funded Agitation The problem is, the only thing Hillary Clinton thinks worth fighting for is herself. America’s foreign policy recovery Sunday, June 14. 2015Back off, health Nazis, and let New York’s doggies dine
I agree. People are dirtier than dogs anyway.
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Saturday, June 13. 2015Disney: People actually pay to go to this hideous place?Why? ‘Happiest Place On Earth’ Is Also One of the Most Expensive - A hundred and twenty-five bucks to get into Disney World? Why would anybody waste precious life time and money to go this completely phony craphole? Real life is free and far more interesting. Heck, Disney movies are pretty darn good though. Celebrate A Dream Come True Parade Magic Kingdom. They do this twice daily.Theater, I suppose, so fine. The recorded music (sounds like modern evangelical church music) comes out of loudspeakers like North Korea. How do they find enough stoner losers to work at this place? Well, it is Florida, and stoner losers with jobs is better than without them however retarded the jobs are. Our lefty friend Carl Hiassen captured the reality of it perfectly. He did not overlook the air-conditioning units inside those suits. To each his own.
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Saturday morning links Why is the hotel room a place of such loneliness and despair? Seven people pass test to become nation's first legal technicians Diagnosed: My back pain is Piriformis Syndrome Painful but harmless When a Bookstore Closes... People love bookstores. Call the Midwife - Why a growing number of U.S. mothers are turning to midwives, rather than physicians, for prenatal care, labor, and delivery OK, natural is better and there are too many C-sections, but human childbirth is dangerous. Every midwife in the US has an OB on instant call. A Giant Squid Giving Birth Is A Crazily Surreal Experience No midwife! The Church of Nice What scientists learned from a brain-eating island tribe Medical marijuana not a healthy solution Stop Pretending Sex Never Hurts Science to Parents: Let Your Kids Run a Little Wild - A new literature review suggests that unsupervised play fosters resilient kids. Duh. Thank God for studies. FL Parents Arrested After Son Was Caught Playing Basketball in Backyard for 90 Minutes Matt Walsh: I'll be praying for you TSA’s New Plan to Make Screening Less Efficient Tour the $367 Million Jet Soon to Be Air Force One Decorated like Tony Soprano's house Dostoevsky’s 6 Nightmare Prophecies That Came True in the 20th Century When the Insane Are Normal, the Normal Are Insane Uh, Oh. Steyn got tired of being “Mann-handled” and is doing some of his own “White privilege” and how to spread it around Related, Trans-Black Related via McCain:
Krauthammer: Handicapping the 2016 Field, Round Two Sen. Rubio's "luxury 3000 sq ft home": Clinton Deploys ‘They Hate You’ Strategy Channeling Eleanor Roosevelt How to defeat the Islamic State Watch this two-minute video to learn about the five minimum requirements for a nuclear agreement with Iran. Friday, June 12. 2015Flashback
Good grief. Has any single model prediction been realized? NYC and San Francisco real estate has never been more insane, so clearly nobody is frightened by water. Al Gore's new San Fran mansion is only a couple of feet above sea level but maybe it's an investment in future valuable ocean bottom. Nobody really believes any of this. Pure fear tactics for the low-information citizens who do not read. Living in the Northeastern US, we pray for globalistical warmening but it never comes. Nice and warm today though, with a coolish breeze. Via Pirate, a fearless human female (a climate model) daring to approach a beach:
ABC's ’08 Prediction: NYC Under Water from Climate Change By June 2015 - See more at: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/scott-whitlock/2015/06/12/flashback-abcs-08-prediction-nyc-under-water-climate-change-june#sthash.rnRtVJyK.dpuf
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Noble crusaders, Crybabies, or Crybullies?Friday morning links A healthy gal More Health and Strength Nonsense From the Mainstream Media - More "studies" that mislead the modern man. Shouldn’t People Be Allowed to Love Who They Want? Of course. Even Atheists Intuitively Believe in a Creator - New research suggests seeing the natural world as purposefully created is our default setting Bye, Bye, American History - Professors and historians urged opposition to the College Board’s new curriculum for teaching AP U.S. History. Purdue’s Mitch Daniels: It’s not hard keeping tuition flat and quality high My Family’s Safety Is More Important than San Francisco’s Crazy Gun Laws Crime spike could throw police reform efforts into doubt ‘White Appreciation Day’ at Colorado barbecue joint makes colorful statement Another Lemonade Stand Busted Sen. Ron Johnson: ‘Political Culture Is Out to Demonize’ Entrepreneurs Another Lemonade Stand Busted CON laws stifle competition and hurt consumers. Why Does Obama Want This Trade Deal So Badly? Elizabeth Warren’s new plan for debt-free college, explained Is More Democracy Dumb? And Is That Even the Right Question? Bill Clinton contradicts Hillary on email claims Carly Fiorina: It’s time for America to redefine feminism, free women from liberal stereotypes Carly Fiorina’s New Ad Dismantles Hillary Clinton’s ‘Accomplishments’ UN peacekeepers forced hundreds of Haitian women to have sex with them in return for food and medicine Isis's dirty bomb: Jihadists have seized 'enough radioactive material to build their first WMD' Undercover Reporter Reveals Irish Businesses Willing to Buy From Iran, North Korea While Refusing Israeli Products Thursday, June 11. 2015Thursday morning links
Why Indie Bookstores Are on the Rise Again - Borders and B&N tried to compete with Amazon, and failed. Independent stores can’t even try—nor do they have to. Are we too selfish to live like hippies? British Nobel Winner Under Fire For Comments on 'Girls' in Labs Haha. He'll say what he wants to say. World’s Biggest “Green” Power Station Apparently Not So Green Putting the ridiculously large $18 trillion US economy into perspective by comparing state GDPs to entire countries Would the Poor Prefer Cash Instead of Medicaid? Too Much Praise Promotes Narcissism - The first longitudinal study in children supports the theory that parents with unrealistically positive views of their kids foster BALTIMORE: Liberal City of the Future Alveda King: Liberal Race Baiting Is Tired, Sagging and Outdated Deep secrets of racial profiling Affirmative Action Applied to Air Traffic Controllers Affordable Care Isn't UC Faculty Training: Saying ‘America Is the Land of Opportunity’ Is a Microaggression Affirmative Action Applied to Air Traffic Controllers - See more at: http://moonbattery.com/?p=59372#sthash.bxhwnYt7.dpuf
Marco Rubio Is The Presumptive Republican Nominee For President In 2016 Highlights From the New York Times’ 2008 Hillary Clinton Endorsement The Average Joe’s Proviso - Surprising numbers of white working-class voters will support the Democratic agenda—if Democrats promise to reform the government that would carry it out. The Gimmes vs. the Freedoms Greece: U.N. Warns That Migrants May Overwhelm Tourist Island of Lesbos Media warn Marco Rubio is dangerously middle-class and not wealthy
Wednesday, June 10. 2015The real truthThe real truth is that Alan Greenspan and his successors turned a whole generation of gamblers into the greatest lottery winners in recorded history. It will not last.
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The Definitive Ranking of Christian T-Shirts
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Wednesday morning links
TS Eliot and Student-Loan Deadbeats: Fashionable Theft Feds Spend $150,000 to Teach Rural Mainers How to Cook Why Does author Ursula K. Le Guin Hate Amazon? Are Evangelicals Winning the World? Why are parts of Germany formerly under the enforced secularism of the Communist party rediscovering charismatic religion? ‘Wounded Warrior’ Charity Fights—To Get Rich Liberal Author And Princeton Professor Laments The Death Of A Dinosaur Why Does Ursula K. Le Guin Hate Amazon? This is where American women find themselves after a century of feminism. The role models for their daughters are lesbians and lunatics, but no one is allowed to mention that these women are lesbians and lunatics. Building the New Dark-Age Mind - America’s descent into the Dark Ages will not end well. It never has in the past. The Hartford Way: Keep Raising Taxes In Connecticut Does Illegal Immigration Explain the Disconnect Between Jobs and Wages? Rubio Pushes Back Against NYT Story Citing Financial Imprudence Nothing More than Feelings: The Liberal’s Policy Yardstick The Right Way and Wrong Way to Win the Presidency - Hillary Clinton appears to be taking the easy path. It would be the wrong one As ISIS brutalizes women, a pathetic feminist silence Time to be honest about Israel's capital Inside Mosul: What's life like under Islamic State? Tuesday, June 9. 2015Tuesday morning links
Made in Brooklyn, Again - The borough’s historic Navy Yard is bringing industrial jobs back to the city. Corning’s Latest Magic: Turning Glass Into Cash It's water season in New England A Crisis at the Edge of Physics Baron von Steuben, father of the US Army Major Medical Journal Retracts Numerous Scientific Papers After Fake Peer-Review Scandal 5 wealthy families who lost their fortunes 5 Things to Do While You Wait on God - Your life may not yet look like you'd hoped, but that doesn’t mean God isn’t still at work. Since the first rule of Asshole™ club is never wondering if you’re an Asshole™, you probably aren’t one. It's always somebody else McArdle: Real New Yorkers Can Say Goodbye to All That Home truths about why English-speaking students are turning away from foreign languages Also, it is challenging Why Communism Killed the American Muse - This is an important one. So I want you to pour yourself a martini, get a nice comfy couch and light up a cigar Global Warming: The Theory that Predicts Nothing and Explains Everything Honest Leftist Admits Desire for Spite-Driven Tax Policy If you aren’t terrified yet, wait until they start applying these lunatic principles to surgeons and airline pilots. Epstein: The "Income Inequality" Warriors One of the groups with whom Romney did worst was female “low-information voters.” If you aren’t terrified yet, wait until they start applying these lunatic principles to surgeons and airline pilots. - See more at: http://moonbattery.com/?p=59338#sthash.xsRYZDnX.dpuf "Hillary Clinton coming to DC tonight for some le$bian love." Hillary Up to Her Old Tricks… “Ordinary Couple” at Campaign Stop Were Democratic Plants ´New York Times´ shows its ´gotcha´ colors Something Marvelous Happened at the Turkey Ballot Box Today: Islamists Lose Parliament Syria: Islamic State Executes 3 Pigeons On “Spying” Charges… Yes, Spy Pigeons… Monday, June 8. 2015I want to change my body too: It's the First 2015 Maggie's Springtime Scientifical Survey
So is that too much to ask for? Am I mentally-disordered? Is it Body Integrity Disorder? Do I need government to fix me? Or is the only thing that is ok now for guys to desire is to be castrated into eunuchs? What do you readers want to make yourself feel just right?
Posted by The Barrister
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Connecticut government goes insaneConnecticut has already been driving business and employers away for years, but government greed never ends until they kill the golden goose which CT has historically had. Until after WW2, Bridgeport, Hartford, Waterbury were wealthy industrial powerhouses. Today, remarkably, even New York is a better tax deal for business. One by one, my prosperous friends who are among the 5-10,000 people in CT who pay the bulk of the state income taxes are establishing residence in Florida. It's not that they want to. It's because they feel it's stupid not to. They come back home for the summer. Now even the huge employer, GE, is considering leaving CT and another big one, Sikorsky Aircraft, is cutting back local jobs. Here's the way to do it: This State Created Jobs and Surpluses Through Tax Cuts
Monday morning links 1908 Sears Motor Buggy: Still in the Original Family and Still Running UK Anglicans are in serious decline, say researchers FAQs re sea turtles Students With Failing Knowledge of U.S. History Miss Significance of Magna Carta For the first time ever a computer has managed to develop a new scientific theory using only its artificial intelligence, and with no help from human beings. No help? Feminism being redefined on the college campus Cheating is part of pro sports LSU is Facing Bankruptcy but Building a Lazy River That Will Cost Millions Watts: My one-on-one meeting with Bill McKibben For the first time ever a computer has managed to develop a new scientific theory using only its artificial intelligence, and with no help from human beings. - See more at: http://marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2015/06/ai-darwin.html#sthash.lhV1gdVX.dpuf Pink Slips at Disney. But First, Training Foreign Replacements. At Sea in an Alien Culture, Where ‘Normal’ Is Defined as ‘Deviant’ Why I defaulted on my student loans Even Obama’s EPA Now Admits Fracking Hasn’t Harmed Water Supplies The Democratic Party’s Growing Radicalism The Incredible Entitlement of the Welfare Lobby 40 Years of Democrats Saying How Much They Want to Get Money Out of Politics Report: Social Security overpaid nearly half on disability Hillary’s Divisive, Reckless Rhetoric on Voting Rights Scandals Only Make the Clintons Stronger Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote FAKE HATE: CAIR Activist Lied – Made Up Diet Coke Abuse Story …Update: It’s Not the First Time
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